*1k* Pap** ^kat Jlai, £>**t*tki*y *Z» VOL. XIII ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1944 THIN ANI) THAT I I I Illy OI.D TIMEN) To the Editor; Republican Chairman Spangler la > > And how that fellow Schicksl- gruber must regret he ever liad ambitions to climb higher than a paper hunger's ladder could take him! J > > Uncle Zeke wonders if Mussoli­ ni lias mude any plans tor 1944 And if he has, tfhat difference docs it malic ? z > # lo combat ruling prices WU1 Cnaiimun Davis urges women tu ' snup mure and buy less." It a a good lilck U Mr Duvis can gel it to woik. > i > > And this is the I task before us A tusk we may never shirk; Ln the gay tune I and the sorrowful time, We must work, I and do our work M E. Bangster. > > > We read lhal Germans are to bo allotted mure vitamin pills Ì liai sounds like the tip-off on leas fued. > > > A hint to name-calling cong- icMunen: People live longer, who keep their mouths ■hut, says a medico. > > > February starts off with 57 varieties of weather in as many minute« ------- . o 1 ■ Memorial Services Held for Rev. Eddy Memorial services were held Sunday afternoon at the First i resbylcrlan Church for the Rev Mr. Howard G. Eddy, who passed away Ln the Veteran's Hospital in Portland, January 25. The fun­ eial was held in Portland, jan- uary 27. Those participating in the ser- vice included the choir under the direction of Miss Florence Allen, with Mrs. J. W. McCoy at the organ, the Rev. Harry W. Hansen of Medford, Dr. George W. Bruce, G. M. F'rost, Homer Billings and the Rev. Mr. James H. Edgar. • -- 4*7/«/ j?a^4 9il O ' - Crosby-Krause Miss Shirley Eileen Crosby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Crosby and Cpl. Norbert William Krause of Bloomington, Illinois were united in marriage at the First Presbyterian Church in Ash- land Wednesday evening of last week The Rev. Mr. J. H. Edgar read the marriage service. Miss Barbara Cary was brides­ maid and Pfc. Paul E. Sater, best man. Phyllis Walker was flower girl and Blair Crosby and David Hile, ushers. Mrs J. W. McCoy was at the organ Mtss Betty Jo Bums sang, "I I*ove You Truly.-’ Following the ceremony, a re- ception was held at the home of the bride's parents. ----------- -o------------ Bom to Mr. and Mrs A. F. Muse on January 24, a son. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCarthy on January 25, a son. A. A. SNIDER and Companion Are Invited to Be Guests of the 4OUTHWRN OREGON MINER to see at the VARSITY THEATRE (Friday and Saturday) “ADVENT« RES OF TARTU” rtva "REI> RIVER ROBIN HOOD” or (Senday, Monday, Tuesday) “ABOVE SUSPICION” AND . “ALASKA HIGHWAY” Please call at the Miner Offlct for Your Guest Tickets Special Speaker at aietiiodist Church POUR DEMOCRACY Number 2 Ashland USO to Have Open House by Mat '1 ue Mi-tliodist CilUl'cn of Ash­ land is ol tiring to this commun­ ity a very rate treut at 11 o’clock next Sunday morning. Dr. C. K Vdel, excoutlve . seel ulary ail tlw Buuid of II iiiii I' Missions of the Methodist Church, w,th offices in Philadelphia, is to be the speaker Dr. Vliel for many yi-ais was a pastor of outstanding success in some of the largest Methodist Churches in America. He was -ailed to his present position be- cause of his wide ex|*erience and Ids deep undi-t standing of people Hie re Is no man In America tu­ day who is more widely awake to the issues which all of us are facing in education, in politics, in world relationships and in relig­ ion He always stirs his audience with rich human Interest stories llustrative of the point he is mak. ng To hear him once is only to have a craving to hear him again Dr, Vllet will bi- here for the >nr appearance only The public In general is invited to hear this treat man discuss the problems >f America o — - Her Inspiration Her Democracy r es.iviues celebrating the third anmveisary of United Service Or- g^mzui.on al the Ashland club Cairying foiward the tradition ■vih begin with a tea Friday alt- whereuy an assistant picks up the eiuoon, February 4, 2:30-4:00, .lononng volunteers who have loy­ tmeads of a me of useful serv­ alty stood by the work. A speak­ ice, Miss KuU Taylor, tor years er will be chosen from the Spe­ editorial aide to the late Dr. cial Service Office of the 96th Di- Uuaries Steize, the workingman s i/mion al Camp White. The pub­ pastor, founder of the Labor lem- pie, and nationally known writer lic is Invited lo thia event. Saturday evening, February 5, on map.rational and social sub­ the second day of celebration will jects, is continuing the work aonor the servicemen with a .aunched by her mentor. A vigorous peisuuaiiLy, Mias oirth day ball, 8:00-11:00. Miss .ca.rlce Krueger, president of the layior uerselt nas acme veil un­ junior hostess group, will cut tne usual recognition tor ner writings uig birthday cake decorated with ui me cause of democracy intougnout me United States. Her .mee huge candles. Sunday, February 6, the third mice weekly editorials to me la­ day of the celebration, the Ash- bor press, me rural weekly press tand USO will be tuned to a spe and tne Negro press appear in .iai broadcast from the auditor over 1100 publications. These edi­ um of the Riverside USO in Med­ torials together with her radio ord, 1:30 to 2:00, a program arid lecture work give her an au­ sponsored by all four USO clubs dience as large as that of any n the Camp White area. Mrs. publicist in America today. Aid Dodge, Ashland USO Coun- ' Miss Taylor's broad knowledge 41 chairman, will represent the of social, economic and political Ashland club an the program, trends comes partially from ex­ \4.1,000. in bclsmess ad minisi ta ­ attitudes of working people. .aiwther presided over the meet­ was presented. given on the job, or in institutions ing. "My purpose in all of my work The purchase of $165,000 in of training. It is in the latter L.oa, jean * piaos to _ go into retail airs Leonard led the devotions War Bonds was reported. This ueid that U m state colleges will mciciianaising loiiowing gradua­ and writing is to express the ideal using lor uer tup.c, “Faith''. Mis far exceeded the amount of bond become igenU for training, “vo­ tion, wnue ner ¡aster, Dorothy, i of democracy as it should be,” Delbert Loire had charge of 1 the aiiha.ies at the Elk's Rally 1 for cation" :>eLng interpreted to in­ supbomure tn uberai arcs, wants to says Miss Taylor, “a democracy program. aviciid me university ol Mexico I free from prejudice against any the Third War l*oan. clude "prutCMion.'’ summer session lor courses in pot­ group, race, religion or class; a -------- o In «.i.iitinn to liberal arts COVBT N ■ W■ _____ ___ ... free _________ democracy from _________ discrimina- training, i*a Southern Oregon tery, ceramics and weaving. Clarence Langan was cited in for FT A ADMITS NEW Last year Jean was a member i tion; a democracy in which the College education trams di ­ ■veiload (axle). Al EMBERS TO GROUP rectly for two vocations, teaching of Phi Theta Upsiion, junior good of the majority is the wish Jesse Forachler was arrested At a recent meeting of the F u- and clerical and offers two yeais women s service honorary, and of all and where the majority .or obtaining money by false pre- ture Teachers of America, junior of coiiege applicable to beginning wnen a freshman she was on the respects the rights cf the minor­ . crises. organization of the National Edu- work tor several other profes­ committee wn.cn brought Kay ity; a democracy where there is Stephen Arthur Williams of auon Association, held at the nyser and his "College of Musi­ liberty without license, freedom Jranls Pass was cited in for dnv- Southern Oregon College of Edu- sions. Dr. Grant stated that the cal Knowledge ' to tne campus. without selfishness, charity with­ work of •reaaoilitation is already ng without s 1944 motor vehicle atlon, there were admitted to the She has served on most of the out patronage, sympathy without license. Fined >1 00 plus $4.50 group Verna Dean Meggs and underway, serving men now in­ important college committees, mawkishness, religion without big­ valided trom service. coats. Bcrthiel Nelson of Klamath Falls, Earlier aunng the day. Dr. boosting Junior Week-ends, Dad's otry.” Wallace Weston Mebane of Mar.e I’ochelu of Paisley and Ge­ Bom in Grand Rapids, educated Grant spoke to assembled stu­ Day, and acting as rushing and Klamath Fails was arrested for neva Coulter of Ashland. dents, d.scussing impressions of publicity chairman for her social in Boston and now living in New reckless driving and fined >25 00 Gloria Cadman, president of the Europe and the Orient, where he sorority. She worked on the edi­ York, Miss Taylor champions the ,»ius $4 5b costs. group, led a discussion of plans had served many years in diplo­ torial staff of the Oregana from cause of democracy as a typical Henry Metz was cited in for 1940 to 1942 and reported on the American. Here is her own quaint to join with the Association of matic offices. driving without a 1044 motor Oregon Daily Emerald from 1940 description of her ancestry: Childhood Education in making ----------- o ------------ vehicle license. Posted >5.50 bail. to W41 “My father’s father's people had Eugene Charles Dorough of effort to direct high school sen­ FOK.MEK CO-PI Bl.ISHF.R NOW In addition to all this, she has one of the earliest of the Penn­ iors toward the teaching profes ­ IN W ASIIIM.TOX. I). C Medford was fined >100 plus Lt. William Savin, former co­ found time to work part, of her sylvania grants, shortly after $4.50 costs for driving without a sion. Plans included a program of contacts, with radio broadcast, publisher of the Southern Oregon way through school, having in her Penn. My mother's mother’s peo­ 1944 motor vehicle license. posters and a aAiedule of member­ Miner reported at’Washington, D. freshman year seven paying jobs. ple were parly settlers in the ---------- —Q----- ------- Thomas Pyle of Wilmington, speakers before high school sen­ C., February 1 for his new assign­ She likes to speed-boat, ski, ar­ Shenandoah ValTey when that was Delaware arrived last Thursday iors, to discuss the opportunities ment in the Army Map Service. range flowert and collect records the farthest outpost, devastated for a visit with his sister, Mrs in the teaching profession. Before going there from Ft Bel­ The clothes she jikes have good regularly by the Indians. ’ My —- - ■ o — mother's father's people were Iteba P Kelsey. voir, Virginia, where he had been lines and striking colors. ------------ o------------ Monday, February 7. the Fort- stationed, he enjoyed a week's sturdy Scotch Presbyterians who Miss Elma Simmons, SOCE crossed the seas to Canada in the Sunday dinner guest» of Mr. nightly Study Club will hold its visit with his parents. Mr. and and Mrs. Charle» M. Giffen were regular meeting at the home of Mrs. H. W. Savin at Cozad. Ne- student, spent the week end with trek for liberty of conscience. My ■it and Mrs Walter Allshotise Mrs. Mabel White. 107 Second brtska. Lt. Savin has been in the I i her home folk at Junction City. father's mother's people came * • - ■ - - and Corporal Ottis Snider. Street, at 1:30 p. m. Mrs. Cora army almost two years. from Germany long before '48, Bruce will give the short topic I Born to Captain and Mrs. Mar- after a political upheaval " o Born to Mr. and Mrs Wilbur and Mrs Nella Rice will give the Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. L. cus B. Woods on January 30, a (Editor's Note: Articles by Ruth daughter. Bushnell on January 25, a son. Austin on January 26, a son. book review. Taylor appear regularly in the columns of the Southern Oregon Miner. Her article, entitled, “On ★ ★ ★ ★ Being Well Bred", appears in this issue of the Miner on page 2.) YOU MAY GET IT..* AS A SHIP REPAIR IF I 'i’M A GOO d X JUST THE KIND A WHAT \ WITH YOUR EXPERIENCE ) WOULD -----o------------- zI DO MY \ MAN YOU'LL BE BUT SRU'S ARE .JOIN OF MAN THE NAVY / ARE MY L •.YOU OUGHT TO CARPENTER? \ QUALIFY AS A \ OWN KINO OF ' DOING ESSENTIALLY) I ‘ Who Do ’ Class Meets PRIMARILY SHIP-FIXERS. BEEN IN < SRU'S NEED' /CHANCES OF Local Girl Achieves Record in Bond Drive Elk’s Rally Meets With Big Success Colleges to Assist With Rehabilitation SRU DAN WORK? THEY J THE SAME KIND 'WANT \SOME ARE ON REPAIR PETTY OFFICFR. CONSTRUCTION \ CARPENTERS & \BECOMING , ' \ THERE’S AN / WOULDN'T 4 i OF WORK AS IN ACTION?) SHIPS OR COMBATANT WORK ABOUT OTHER MECHANICS] A PETTY ) CIVILIAN LIFE !? ) OFFICER HERE \ -^SHIPG ANO SOME ARE J OFFICER • •• MAKE A CCOK 10 YEARS . WHO HAVE THE V/ at ADVANCE NAVAL BASES, -iK WHO CAN I OUT OF ME, < USING NAVY KNOW HOW WITH CHECK YOUR s \ WOULD THEY? )TECHNIQUES »v YOUR MAIN JOB WILL tr TOOLS.” NAVY S an M BE FIXIN' RATHER *9- of course : QUALIFICATIONS? KflMJIll’« A THAN FIGHTIN'f XV «•I . MAHON z / fonei risili the Nary Recruit­ ing Slatto» for SRU information. » I -r (