ASHLAND, OREGON, THUR a SDAY, JAIWARY 27, 1944 VOL. XIII Number 1 President’s Birthday Ball Elks Temple Sat. Night Jan. 29 Illis AMI THAT lily OLD U.MER) AU l#.e tMiilur. ,, u lead nul one of tiie uni* iviiuiu sei vices n>r women nus i.ncu toe quota. .\oi one lias come ...u< ii.ling it. Oliata me matter girls! Your o.U micie is in dinicuiucs lie nus wui.k loi ms nieces us well us tor uis nephews. > A A It is said that the Democratic parly's slogan eventually will evolve into "Win th.- War in '44 " Republicans in some sections ot the country have luunched their slogan - "Let's Win Sooner." s A > lie noble! and the nobleness that Ill'S In ouiei men, ■Iccping, but never dead, Will rise in majesty tu meet thUic own. Lowell. A > A Herr Doktor Goebbels, must ta­ having a swell time explaining to the Germans how the Russian front happens to tic In Poland. A A A Ttie Finns alwuys pay their war debt installments on < time But they’d be even smarter if they got out of this war in time. > > > Nobody would have kicked, nays Uncle Zeke, if the U S mint had turned out a penny that went as far instead of Just looked like a dime. A puny Heid uuluiuiy uigiit oj tile young poopie ol the hi lends Cnuich wus well attended, aim the evening wus spent in lun and a progia/n provided by the coni- mitlv«*’ in charge At the ciose <>1 the program, refreshments weri served. The adult members at the suine time met at the church to discuss plans for on th« hurch, which wus built in 1870- 1871, but at the present time is greutly in need of repair Im provements are planned to paint the ext< rior, build m-w porch, wal and I landscaping as the fund, ome in A new chimney .uilt I lust week. tielethern und so,, I 11 i. «Mime jf rteruy iveroy visited Mrs. 'lielcth ern's sister. sister, Mis. Cnarley Skec .eis, last lost murauay lue sou .. ui uie «Navy and has a short fur- tougii Home. Mis. Ben Anderson returnee, rnuuy from a month's visit in »> asaiiigiun With relatives • e rvu Uumbcst ot Jacksonville spent last week with his mother and a urulnei and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mis. Hugo Com ties t, who a«e here visiting from Fort Orch­ ard, Wash. rue ¡uieiit girls' volleyball team played tne i'nocnix glils lean, «■inlay afternoon at Phoenix and wun wiln a stole uf 50-32. 'Mr. and Mrs William Sommers and twu children of Prospect »pent the week-end with Mrs Sommers' parents, Mr. and Mrs A > > To put the civilian front on the Art Estes. Mrs. Belle Skeeters made the same all-out basis for war as business trip to Medford Monday the fighting front, the enactment of n national service law Is pro­ morning Mi and Mrs Harold Sloper and posed Tlie need of such a Inw to children of Medford visited Mr stop strikes is questioned and Mrs Bob Logan last Friday A > > Mr and Mrs Roy Estes re­ Bolivia and Argentina mav be classed as the "Balkans" of Isatin turned home from Crescent City, Saturday after spending a few America. days last week with Mr and Mrs A > > ELKS RALLY HELI) Camp White LSD’s These are gloomy days for Hit- Clark Estes there. Mr and Mrs Roy Unruh of ler and Hirohito. WEDNESDAY EVE Prospect were transacting busi­ Celebrate Birthday n ——- me r.ikb uig oouu lany * uiiguiauy ■ -.... o Waller Kcdiord, tne Foatwai Camp White area met last week ' planned. HOWARD G. EDDY A line plugiam wag given, with Flam ting Ciuna sponsored by the T he community wus saddened to in Medford to start plans for cel­ | many intereauug features troni Chamber of Commerce is going ebrating functions at four centers, hear Tuesday of the passing oi Camp \vmte. Next weeks issue strong A largo number ot local the Rev. Mr Howard G. Eddy, the Ashland USO, the Grants Pass •of Tne Miner will give a more business men have enrolled ami pastor of tne First Presbyterian USO and the West Main USO detailed account, including a re- arc taking an active part in this Church of Ashland. Death oc­ and Riverside USO in Medford. class, winch meets every Wednes- Acting us planning committee port of bun® sales. curred early Tuesday morning at The Bond Drive is still on and oclock. Judging from what these the Veteran's Hospital in Port­ are members from these organi­ will conlmue until February 15. day in the City Hall at 8:00 sations: Mrs. Will Dodge, Ash ­ land. where he had been receiving men say they are having the land, council chairman; Mrs. Har­ Ashland s quota is (532,000. treatment several weeks. time uf their lives "going to old Aikins. Ashland, chairman for Funeral services are being held school” again. birthday activities; Mrs. C. J. i JUNIOR HOSTESSES this afternoon in Portland. Me­ The class is conducted in a for- Paske, Mr. Ernest DeVos. Mrs ASSIST AT WEDDING morial services will be held at the urn manner and I all progressive H F. Nordwic of Medford; Mrs. Three Asmand USO junior business men of ot Ashland are local Presbyterian Church Sunday Bayonne Glenn. Ashland USO di­ hostesses assisted at the Camp afternoon at 3:00 urged to participate in these time­ rector; Miss Elizabeth Caulkins, White wedding of Sgt. Thomas Mr. Eddy was bom in Hamil­ ly and enlightening discussions assistant director of the Riverside Egness of the 96th Division re­ ton, New York on February 23. Even though the class has already USO. Tills committee will act as cently. Sgt. Egness and the fu­ started, new registrations will be 1894. He was married to Miss a co-ordinating group to devise ture Mrs. Egness, being strangers Mildred Owen at Key West, Flor­ accepted if turned tn this week. over-all plans for celebration in in the region, besought the aid of ida in 1918. He is survived by h.s (Chamber of Commerce Bulletin) the three towns. the obliging USO hostesses. Jun- wife and one daughter, Virginia, ------------- o - Since plans are still in a form­ ior Hostess Marie Pochelu was i who is a student at Lewis and (T'RTLS MINNING LN ACTION ative stage, announcements of def­ bridesmaid and Junior Hostess It has been reported that First Clark College in Portland. inite activities cannot be released Verna Dean Meggs was maid of He has served 20 years in the Lieutenant James E. Curtis, pilot before the middle of the week. I honor; hence, the bride, though a with the 8th U. S. Air Force in ministry of the church, having ----- -—o----------- •stranger distant from home, was come to Ashland two years ago. England, is missing in action over CHAMBER OF (MIMMERUE ' able to have a formal wedding so ------------ o------------ Germany. ASKS PUBLIC SUPPORT EOK dear to the heart of a bride. VISITING AT HURST HOME He was graduated from the lo­ I RAILWAY MEASURE Flowers were supplied by the Visiting at the Hairy Hurst cal high school and attended the The Ashland Chamber of Com­ • Rosemary flower shop operated by Southern Oregon College of Edu­ home is Mrs. Hurst's parents, Mr. merce Board of Directors met Junior Hostess Rosemary Wilson. cation. He has been in the service and Mrs. E. Anderson of near Tuesday for a luncheon meeting The wedding, which occurred at i sine September 1940. Portland. Added to the pleasure at the Plaza Cafe. I 4 o'clock Saturday, January 15, He is survived by his parents, of having her parents in her Definite action was taken in at a Camp White chapel, was re­ Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Curtis, his home, Mrs. Hurst says they backing the movement to obtain ported a very beautiful function. wife, a brother, William Curtis. brought along from the farm railway transportation from Port­ Jr., two sisters, Mrs. J. Bergstrom many good things to eat, and land to San Francisco through ATTEND PORTLAND MEET and Mary Curtis, and a half­ childhood memories are renewed Ashland. Alice Patterson, secre­ Dr. and Mrs. George W. Bruce brother, Ralph McCormick, and a when mother cooks a meal as only tary of the Chamber of Com­ and Ralph Billings attended the a mother can. half-sister. Mrs. Marvin Tiddler, merce, urges individuals and busi­ I Bishops' Crusade in Portland --------—o------------ I Yesterday, January 26, Mr An­ ness organizations to back this Wednesday of last week. Some Born to Firat Sgt. and Mrs. derson celebrated his 79th birth­ proposal, It is suggested that fine speakers were present and Laurence I. Rude at Ashland, Ore., day _______ and ______ today, Jan 27, finds his each one write V. V. Boatner, di­ [gave inspiring addresses Mr Bill- on Januiiry 24,^ 1944, a daughter wife but a year younger. rector of Railway transportation, I ings returned by bus Thursday, ‘ - ------------- ---- ZV- _______ o------------- z ___ _ ___ Medford, asking his support of and Dr. Bruce returned by train EXECUTIVE .SECRETARY HARRY TRAVIS this measure which will mean so Friday. Mrs. Bruce got off the TO VISIT HERE much to this section of Oregon. j train at Salem and went to Dallas and Companion ------------- o------------- Dr. Vleit, executive secretary of Are Invited to Be Guests of the for a short visit with relatives, Dr. Bruce and Mr Billings will SOUTHERN OREGON MINER the Board of Home Missions of G. S. BUTLER ENJOYS ! the Methodist Church, will speak BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY 1 give reports of the conference at to see at the local Methodist Church G. S. Butler celebrated his 90th the morning service at the Meth- at the VARSITY THEATRE Sunday morning, February 6. He birthday anniversary at his win­ odist Church Sunday. (Friday and Saturday) ------------- o------ J is a world traveler and a stirring ter home in southern California, “SWINGS IT” speaker, and no doubt will give January 19. A delicious birthday Ambrose Mr and Mrs. J. G. ( PLUS | a message of interest to all. His dinner was served to a number recently learned of the death of “HITLERS MADMAN” head office is in New York City. of guests, including Attorney W. 2nd Lt. Peter L. Paget, their or --O--- 7-------- M. Briggs, who went down there grandson, who crashed near Mar- WCTU MEETS TODAY tin. S. Dak. (Sanday, Mondav. Tuesday) especially for the occasion. The local WCTU is meeting this “LASSIE” Mrs. Ted I rt Mrs. J H. Walker of 419 Lib­ Please call at the Minei Offici. afternoon (Thursday) at the home I for Your Guest Tickets | | of Mrs. C. V. Cary, 480 Liberty erty Street is improving after a Oakland, Calif Frfdsv «o see her ; Street. long llln«M. 1'nred to Support the Paralysis Fund Drive nemembei tne Pieaideiits Bail .a.w.uay eve«img, January 29, at .no ibilca temple, 'rickets tor the uali will be honored at either of ..e Lueaters ;or uioee not caring ■o dance. zYoltjcAiAtl ted tne county the past /tai» ui mo ley laised for 1UUU. 'ibooe who wish to audiiiouai support to this to am mlantue paialysis vic­ . .ms may leave their contributions ut U.e Cuamuer ot Commerce Of- ilce. Alice Patterson, secretary jl tue Cnambei of Commerce, an­ nounces that conti ¡buttons are coming in siowly Ims year, and she urges that Ashland residents do lhe.r part for this worthy cause. A little oven 11 months ago the fiiat American woman donned the attractive uniform of the Marine Corps Women's Reserve. Today, thousands of girls in Marine for­ est green with scarlet markings are working in control towers and link trainers, dr.ving transport ve­ hicles. rigging parachutes and performing other highly special­ ized duties formerly handled by male Mannes. Every woman Ma­ rine has released a man for the fighting front, and thus has par­ ticipated in glorious American vic­ tories such as those on Bougain- 1 ville, Tarawa and New Britain. X«4 UWV v*«UJU I*k^j«*.***g ! *.«««, r^.. ■ ,—-■■■-*'-■-«« UU1 4««g 4«I*>U Keep Oregon Green” i u«un, U. &. jia- CwUUUBCU HUkT. txeiu crey, rveep rmc vui pa, suaacu uial an im- A MsA V_rx tvll county cuarrmau. pvruun uouuiiuuuun to Uie suc- 1ZV44 V DuTil AC AAA, because reins uuas ox uie tvouAen «uxAimes re- are row aeaa, ana tney ary into cruiung program nas been tne a AAi^AAiy uuuiiJiacne iuei under spiendid co-operauon of newspa­ • two ur inree aays ot sun, and pers and auveitAsers. An exam- itrn xires once set oft burn • pie ox this co-operation is seen «ast and not." in this issue of Tne Soutnem Ore­ "Last year more than 22,000 gon Miner. The advertisement of acres ol «and, much u it in vai- Pacific Greyhound Lanes is de­ uaoie young forests, went up in voted almost wholly to Marine smoae through carelessness in Corps Womens Reserve recruit­ setting lerq nres,” tne county ing. This message to women is chairman pointed out. "Our citi­ running in more than 500 news­ zens in this county did a good papers throughout California, Ore­ joo in holding down man-caused gon, Nevada, Utah. Arizona, New lorest fires during the regular Mexico and parts of Texas. season, and We must do equally "We greatly appreciate this co­ as good a job during the spring operation,’' CoL Randall said. months." ; "This contribution to our cause is me Keep Oregon Green asso­ particularly appropriate coming ciation is posting all areas in ‘ from Greyhound, as members of western Oregon with placards 1 the Marine Corps Women's Re­ warning against burning fern, Ed­ serve depend greatly on this na- mund Hayes, executive committee ! tionwide travel system for trans­ chairman, advised, and the co­ portation to and from training operation of the cltzens is urged camps and the points throughout because fires during war time 1 the country where they are sta­ take men away from valuable war tioned. Places in the West where work in the lumber and logging Greyhound serves our organiza­ industry, besides doing untold tion include, among many others, damage to young and growing Camp Pendleton at Oceanside, forests which grow in the tern Camp Elliott near San Diego, pnd cover. air bases at El Centro and other State Forester Nelson Rogers locations. At Camp Elliott Grey­ stated that only 5250 acres of hound service is particularly val­ forest land patrolled by state and uable, as a 'large number of private agencies were burned in Women Marines are on duty there man-caused fires during the en­ and Greyhound provides special tire protected season of 1943, and bus -service to this camp. most of this was slash burning, ■ «v but more than five times as much EDNA FEHIGE ENLISTS land was covered in these early IN WAVES RECENTLY spring fern fires. Joining her Droiner in the armed services. Miss Edna Mr. and Mrs. Doren McKee of etiancne Femge, 31 u B St. Asn- Junction City, Oregon, Mr. and land, has ennsied in tl t WAVexS, Mrs. J. F. Emmett, and J. J. it was reported nere yesterday by Putman were guests at the C. F. rtecruitmg Specialist Heibert W. Tilton home Tuesday evening. Mr Crain, in charge of the Medford McKee and Mr. Tilton, accompa­ d was treasurer of Treasury's red. white and blue 4th War Loan Shield proclaim­ the Student Council . ing "We bought Extra War She ■ has been active as a USO Bonds" is not backing the at­ hostess in Ashland and Medford. tack Every Extra War Bond you buy becomes a direct fighter Miss Fehige is the daughter of against Japan and Germany. If Mr and Mrs. Frank Fehige of vou could but see one man die Ashland. on the battlefield, you would not :ii < husband, who la hospitalised there Greyhound Seeks Marine Recruits count the cost of vour slight sac­ rifices to buy Extra War Bonds to make each succeeding assault less costly in the lives of our bovs. You can’t afford NOT to buy Extra Ponds in the 4th War I oan if vou would help these bovs THE EDITOR Mr. and Mrs. Doren McKee of Junction City arrived Mondav evening to visit several days with J. J. Putman and Mr. and Mr® J. F. Emmett. About 25 years ago Mr. Putman taught Mr. Me­ et tn the art of making violins