Thursday, January 20, 1944 AT THE CHURCHES SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Oor. 4th and C. Sts. Sabbath School 9:30 Saturday Worship, 11 a. m. Sunday evening song service at 7:45 Sermon at 8:00. Topic. "In every dispensation and in every crisis, God has had a man and a message." Evangelist J. G. Walker has charge of the evening service. The public is cordially invited. —V— CATHOLIC CHURCH SixUi and C Streets Rev W. J. Meagher. Pastor. Maas Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, Sunday Schsol after Maas cot>- ducted by the ladies of the church. —V— FREE METHODIST CHURCH Charles E. Brawn, Pastor 9:45 • Sunday School. 11:00 • Morning Worship. 6:45 • Young People. 7:30 • Evangelistic Service. 7:30 - Tuesday. Cottage Pray­ er meeUng. 7:30 • Thursday, Prayer Meet- 1»< — V— post les Read Chapter two. Adults are invited. 8:00: Evening worship. "A Mother Who Believed in God." Members and friends of the church who live in and near Ash­ land are invited to a Fellowship Dinner at the pastor’s home Sun­ day, January 23d, immediately following church. Bring your din- ner and table service Medfrod members are invited the following Sunday. SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Report of Traffic Accidents Released Oregon traffic accidents claimed a toll of 222 lives, and 4850 per­ sons injured during the year 1943 There were 30.750 accidents dur­ ing the year. These figures are subject to revision in view of pos­ sible late reports, Farrell said The 1943 pedestrian toll was —V— considerably higher than in 1942. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. Pedestrian fatalities totaled 80, an SCIENTIST increase of 21 per cent over the toll of 66 in 1942. Pioneer Ave., South The fatality toll of 222 lives lost Sunday morning service at 11 in 1943 was a decrease of 18 per o’clock. cent from the death toll of 273 Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Wednesday evening meeting, lives in 1942 Injuries showed a which includes testimonies of 5 per cent decrease from the pre­ Christian Science healing, is held vious year when 5141 persons were injured. at 8 o'clock. Tbtal accidents dropped 18 per Reading Room open daily from 2 to 5 p. m. except Sundays and cent. There were 37,930 in 1942. Of the 222 persons killed in holidays. The public is cordially invited accidents. 150 or 70 per cent died to attend these services, and to in accidents that occurred in rural areas l^ast year rural ac­ use the Reading Room. cidents accounted for 65 per cent —V— of the total fatalities. TALENT METHODIST CHURCH "The traffic toll constitutes a tragic blow at the war effort of Dr. George W. Bruce. Minister this state,” Farrell said, in com­ 9:30 - Worship service. *f menting on the accident experi­ Subject: ”Thy Kingdom Come.” ence for 1943 ” Accidents strike 10:30 - Sunday School with. at two important factors in the Clarence Holdridge. Supt. war economy of the nation, Midweek Bible study and pray­ transportation and manpower By ’ er service, Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. avoiding accidents- and most of | them can be avoided through the o----------- FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Corner No. Main and Laurel Sts. Dr. George W. Brute, Minister 9:45- Sunday Church School. God's Word planted in the heart of a child tends to prevent the much talked of child-delinquency. The Sunday Church School has a class for every age group. A Thought on the Old Year 11:00- Morning Worship. By Ruth Taylor Subject: “TTiy Kingdom Come" The choir will lead the congre­ "What Is Past Is Prologue” is gational singing and offer an an­ carved in the I enduring stone of them. that great marble building which 6:15 - The Intermediate and houses the archives of the United Senior Youth Fellowship Groups States. will meet for worship. "Past is Prologue.” The dicta­ 7:30 • Evening Service. tors whose insane lust tor power Subject: “Set Apart for God.” laid waste one contaient and The Presbyterian congregation whose mad dreams reached across will worship in the Methodist oceans to engulf us should have Church at this evening hour. paused at these words and con­ Bible Class. Thursday at 7:30. sidered their meaning—before the —V— onslaught of our aroused armies NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH. swept them into oblivion. "Past is Prologue." What is our CONGREGATIONAL past but a struggle for freedom Corner of Blvd, and Morton 9:45 - Bible Scohol with Mrs. for all oppressed and disheart­ Glen Prescott. Superintendent. ened people — religious freedom, political freedom, economic free­ 11:00- Worship Service dom ’ The founding fathers, be­ Sermon by Mr. C. F. McCall. loved of every patriotic orator, —V— incorporated this urge for free­ FIRST PRESBYTERIAN dom in the classic phrases of the CHURCH preamble to the Constitution and North Main at Helman I in the Bill of Rights. which is Rev. Howard G. Eddy, Minister the M&gna Charta of our free- dom. Sunday services: I "Past is Prologue.” The past Bible School, 9:45 a. m. is useful .in determining what the Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. i future shall be. With the past (Junior Church meets at the same this nation possesses we could not hour.) have turned aside from the cries Youth Meeting, 6:30 p. m. for help rising from the victims Wednesday: Prayer and Bible Study, 7:30 of the new oppression, those help­ less people whose only fault was p. m. A warm invitation is extended that their ways were the wiys of peace, and that they had posses- to all. i sions the gangster overlords of — V- TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCM ; Europe and Asia coveted With Rev. a N. MacDonnell, Vicar our past record we could not have turned away like the Pharisee 8:00:Holy Communion from the wounded traveler. For 9:30- Church School us—with our heritage of action ll:00:Service and Sermon for freedom—binding up the in­ —V— jured as did the Good Samaritan CHURCH OF CHRIST was not enough. The fight was Second and B Streets ours. The task was plain. We Earl F. Downing, Minister had to help drive the I robbers from « 9:45 - Bible School with E. H. the Jericho Road. McGee. Supt. "Past is Prologue.” But the past 11:00 - Morning Service. is fulfilled only as the desire for Sermon: “Eating Soup with an a better future which it had in­ , Ax.” culcated into our hearts and Junior Church at 11:00. A ser- minds bears fruit, The past is vice for the children 12 years of but the prologue to the future age and under. and we must make the future 6:30 - Christian Endeavor for better. Juniors and High School age. “Past is Prologue." To keep 7:30 - Evening Servlet the promise of the past we must Second service in the series, stand firm now and fight to pre­ "Ten Nights in God’s House.” serve the right. We must not Bible Quiz, Men vs. Women. Ser­ compromise with evil. We must mon, “God’s First Question to put into practice the truth by Man.'* which we hold sovereignty over Midweek Service Wed. 7:30 p.m. this nation: "That all men are created equal and are endowed —V— by their Creator with certain in­ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH alienable rights- life, liberty the pursuit of happiness.” Gordon C. Griffin-Pastor 9:45- Bible School, C. E. Corry, task is great, but the past trained us for the needs of Superintendent. present, We CAN and WILL do 11:00- Morning Worship. 6:30 - Young People's Meeting all that is demanded of us in the new year ahead. 7:30 - Evening Service ------------ o------------ 7:30, Wednesday- Mid-week fel- lowahlp hour. Court Okeys Oregon AT THE I.1THIA THEATRE Sunday - Monday • Tueatdiiy i Mrs Vent Hastings Is visiting in Portland, making the acquaint- ante of a new grandson. Gerald, Infant son of Mt and Mrs Ortl Mn|er —V— THE CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN MARCH EKITE CIIAI’MW l\ “APPOINTMENT lx BERLIN" MLHS FKlIHUiFR HE \I»S W \R BONI) CONTEST In co-operation with the nution- i al Fourth War Loan Drive, the campus War Board at the Uni­ versity of Oregon is sponsoring u contest beginning January 15 to help boost the sale of bonds on the campus. Jean Frldeger. Ash­ land, chairman, announced late last week Candidates for a "Bonds Away" girl will be selected from each women s organization The Bonds girl will be chosen according to the number of receipts for bonds turned in for her name Sh" will be Introduced at the half-time of the Oregon - Washington basket­ ball game January 22 Milk Pails, Largo Galvanized Pails, No. 10 Floor Mata All Sizes Stair Treds (long wearing) Ashland and Medford Ward E. Pratt, Pastor 10:00 - The Church School. Theme: "Parables of Christian Growth” Graded lessons fcr the children. 11:00 - Worship Service Message: "The Joy of Repen­ tance” Plan to worship with us this Sunday. , Evening Services in Medford at 20 W. Jackson St. 7:00 P. M. BYP D. Studying the ACTS of the A- 10c, ?0c 85c 25c each $1.19 VarioiUi Sizes of House wiring nod Loom Large Heavy Cannon Towels Cannon Wash Cloths Bleached Muslin Unbleached Muslin your financia.! problems with this bank and save money by borrowing the economical First National Bank way. Repayments made monthly See any branch. Loans First national Bank MIMIK 7lk’ Pointed Shovels exercise of ordinary care and common sense we can speed the day when victory will be ours ” Freight Right Grant Circuit Judge George R. Dun­ can Friday sustained Public Utili­ ties Commissioner George H. Flagg in granting the Oregon- Nevada-Californi'a Freight Lines the right to operate between Ash­ land and Portland. Judge Duncan held it was in the public Interest to let the com­ pany, which has headquarters in San Francisco, operate in Oregon. Flagg predicted that the order would end a controversy in which freight operators have sought to prevent competition in the field. , Mr and Mm Walter Herndon of Klamath Fulls, former Ash .uul residents, visited from l-’rld iv tin HI Monday with the Henry New ton md Will Norris families BARGAINS!! “Past Is Prologue / I 98r 2 15c - - 15c 25c y