KEEP ON J with ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, VOL. XII Illis AM) HIM (Bj OLD TIMER) T<» Ike Editor: Use of red and blue rution. tok­ en* Miuits Febtuary 27 They will be v did as change for ration stamps and lor general ration UM. I he tokens w.ll be manufac­ tured from special tough vulcan­ ized fiber. Tiicy are expected to saw the government $4,500,000. which would lx- spent fol printing new No 5 ration books, > > z (AVI announces It will campaign literature to diets, With this urmy more sumptuously than any other in history, the baloney seems Ull- culled for. says Uncle Zeke. > > > Prior to the infliction of the death penalty on Hitler, Mussolini ami Hirohito, aome one *ugge*t* the arch criminals should be caged and exhibited for the bene- one fit of the war debt. However, i country will have to be passed up • Soviet Russia prohibits the exhibition of human freaks > > > Tile Japanese are pretty smart at that they’ve plfked the big­ gest ocean in the world in which to successfully hide their fleet > > > We don't know who is calling the signals for that Nazi team on the Russian front, but the outfit seems to have plenty of fullbacks. > > > Young man. don't quarrel with your father-in-liw See what hap- pened to Count Ciano « > s Woodrow Wilson's dream of a united world did not dir with him > > > President Rnevelt again has a cantankerous Congress on his hands. .« > a Economy is no disgrace, but It is mighty inconvenient. JANUARY 13, 1944 by Mat Fortnightly Club roÜR DEMOCRACY Has Fine Meeting MillllERSNOWNOR RAIXX'URÌ II :ATA'OR Mi* lluzi I Lrusuy 1’iialu,. •. the memoir* oi toe roitmguuy oiudy c>ub on Monday ummoon Women’s Association Holds All Day Meet The Women's Assort ition met in an all-day session Thursday of last week at the Presbyterian Church. Morning devotions were led by Mrs J. C. Whitsett. After an attractive luncheon at noon Mrs Jean Quinn opened the meeting with the afternoon devo­ tions. Mrs. T. J. Norby presented an interesting and Informative report of the work among the lepers. Mrs. Alex Smith gave the bene- diction . WAR BONDS Number 51 President’s Ball to be January 29 The local committee for the annual President's Birthday Ball, with Vern Smith, chairman, and dt lie I iloillS Ut J.H) i.Ui.10 dirtiui Alice Patterson, finance chairman, -QUOTATION wiln u 1:30 GW* Ml TOTHAN President s Ball Saturday, night, HCAUPOTUt- Muyine Cury and Mui’tlni Eibau January 29 at the Elk's Tem­ U*,fp A9 A Mi* Ruth King selected tor her ple. varrò roe tn £ *iiorl topic, "Did.uns ot riie Pa­ 0.9 POTTOFPKC. For those who do not care to V. cific Northwest Fifty Ycais Ago." dance, the tickets will be honored Sim told of their different dia­ at either of the theatres that eve­ I /r ’ < lects. religion* and outdoor Die ning. In order that High School ít- ’ . ’ í •. j/. ¿J - r anil customs. She told the Indian students may attend the dance, 5J i Wah-Wah-Hoo, . tali', “ "W.ili Wan HOO the I In- riu¿, I' I ——O- satisfactory arrangements have », taken from the lx>ok of Indian been made with the local police J Fairy Tales by W. S Phillip* for curfew violations. Mrs. Enna Smith lavoied the Wishing Wells will be displayed group with two solos, "Prayer," at the local business houses, by Duvld W Guinn, and 'bay a where people may contribute as A Prayer for the Boys Over There," they wish. Also the March of V ‘ Tuesday night in Medford the Dimes folders are being mailed by Herbert Mogidson. Mrs. Na- ■ ' *4 Ashlind Junior High Varsity to Civic organizations. >ini Mlrick presented the book re­ iiasketball team nosed out the view. "Get Thee Behind Me" The Ticket Sales Breakfast un­ Medford Juniors 19 to 18 in a der the direction of Alice Pat­ ("My IJfe as a Preacher's Son"), I, I ' I well played game. The Ashland terson will be held at the Plaza by Hartzel Spence, author of "One eighth grade team was successful Cafe tomorrow morning (Friday) y Foot in Heaven." The author was Ik V* t I in the prelminary fracas and won for the girls selling advance born in Clarion, la., a town of f ki r r* easily 13 to 4. 2000 population, With his par- tickets. ent* he moved from place to In the main game Ashland dom­ In 1942 Ashland cleared $238.17 place as Methodist ministers' fam- inated play in the first half and and in 1943, $348.30. Tn both cases dies do. As a minister's son he had a comfortable 11 to 6 lead. Ashland led the entire county. It Haynie, Ashland guard, was defi­ is expected that Ashland will was benefitted by association I» with bishops and other church nitely “ on” with his shots and again lead the county in this dignitaries. H im fathers ambition accumulated 8 counters in this worthy cause. period. was that he would become a min- O n NOVEMBER. 28.1871, THE FIRST UNITE0 STATES 1^ /St later. He graduated from the POSTOFFICE IN THE COUNTRY WAS OPENEO IN Medford came back strong af­ FIVE AHS BOYS NEW YORK CITY ANP POSTMEN ON HORSEBACK University of Iowa in 1930, hav- ter the rest period and soon tied ANO BY COACH BEGAN SERVING THEIR. Ing majored in journalism. the score. For the balance of the AIR CADETS FELLOW COUNTRYMEN. In response to a government ine book I m written in the same game first one team was ahead TOOAY, FROM POSTOFFICES IN EVERY CITY, TOWN communication, eleven AHS boys light humor as is "One Foot in then the other would take the ANO VILLAGE IN THE NATION, POSTMEN BRING went to Portland at federal ex­ Heaven." 1 he author tells why . 4 lead Medford attempted a stall OUR MAIL BY FOOT, BY HORSE AND CAR, BY RAIL Satan tugs iiurdest ut tbe coat- with 45 seconds to play and a one pense to take mental and physi­ ANO SHIP AND PLANE TO OUR HOMES. tails of a preacher's progeny. It point lead. The locals broke up cal examinations for enlistment in /4/VP 7wr 4//V/YX12 states ma / l fS ALWAYS it is nut Satan wiio gels them the stall with Colvin scoring a the Army Air Corps Cadet Train- HEADY TO CAHHY MOHE ANO MOHE OE THOSE into trouble it's the head ushei field goal just 4 seconds before .ng program. CHEKNEUL LETTONS THAT OOH BOYS Jack Newton, Rolland Baugh­ or the Scoutmaster. The book is the final gun ended the game. ALL OYEH THE WOHLO AKE EXACTING. man, Paul Cushman, Ed Beming- full of humor, with plenty of tug ASHLAND MEDFORD housen and Lorin Bailey passed gings at the heart. their mental and physical exam­ Wade 2 F McNeil The next meeting of the club inations and will be sworn in on Colvin 6 F Werner will be in at the home of Mrs Women’s Society Has the sixteenth of January as Air Litwiller C Stelle 6 Callie Briscoe, 108 Nursery street, YOUNG ADULTS ENJOY Cadets. G Jones Seaver on January 24. 'The short topic its Regular Meeting PARTY AT CHURCH A second chance will be given Haynie 11 G Lindley 1 The Women's Society of tbe will be given by Mayme Cary, ano those who didn’t complete the ex­ On last Saturday evening the I the book review by Hazel W'eren dethodist Church met last Fri- Reserves: (Ashland) Krueger and The Ashland USO Council met lay in the church parlors for the at nooi» luncheon Saturday in the Bennett; (Medford) Dow, Watson, aminations the first time, thirty Young Adult Fellowship group of days from the time they took it egular monthly meeting. In the clubhouse to hear Mrs. Clara and Coghill. the Methodist Church met In the ! the first time. • umimi * ul tile president. Ml*. Alcroft, Regional Supervisor of ----------- o----- .— church parlors for a covered dish, Major Cody indicated that there Jeorge Mason, Mrs. J R. Mc­ the 1‘acific Coast area. dinner-program Twenty - three i is a great need for seventeen­ Cracken presided. The treasurer, I Mrs. Aicroft's report was con­ Report Kent Ashcroft young married people sat down at year-olds who can qualify for avi- Mrs L. R. Coder, made .the an­ cerned with a study that has been Among the Missing the dinner table which was dec­ | ation cadet trailing as either nual report and stated that after orated with holly and other win­ It has been reported that Kent made to determine the greatest The Fourth War Ixjan Drive ter greenery. Following the din­ officially starts next Tuesday, the apportionment and all other service obtainable under a given Ashcraft is missing ill action in i pilots, navigators or bombardiers. ¡ Accepted applications will be en­ ner the tables were removed and January 18th and closes February bills were paid that there was a budget. She stated that the cen­ the Pacific War area. rolled in the Air Corps Enlisted the party engaged in games which 15th. Various committees have balance left in the treasury. He is a graduate of the South- tral office rated the Ashland USO The society was reminded that from the standpoint of its pro- ern Oregon College of Education I Reserve and will not be called were led by John Billings. Dur­ been been at work to make plana the World Day of Prayer would gram as good, and from the and a nephew of Mrs. Eric Weren , until after their eighteenth birth­ ing the business session it was de­ for It. be on the first day of Lent. Feb­ standpoint of volunteer service as and Mrs. James Yeo of this city. days. They may indicate the date cided to adopt the official Meth­ A county meeting was held at on which they desire to be called odist name for such groups, and Medfprd Monday afternoon at ruary 25. A brother, Sgt. Leland Ash- the best, She discussed the at- Request was made for'pictures tendance at the Ashland USO. craft, is recuperating in Sicily for training providing that date »<> this group will hereafter be which time, Alice Patterson, Sid is not more than six months after known as "The Young Adult Reed, and J. G. Anderson of Ash­ for scrapbooks. which maintains an excellent av­ after being wounded in Italy. they become eighteen. on Mrs. John Billings reported Methodist Fellowship.” erage, though the center has one Another brother, Dean Ashcraft land were in attendance. George Upon the completion of the sev­ The next meeting of this class Frey. county chairman of the the Youth Fellowship and ex- or two days a week of low at­ was killed in a plane crash in enteen month course the flyers the pressed the appreciation of will be on Saturday evening, Feb­ Fourth War Loan Drive and tendance owing to distance from Miami, Florida last summer. will become officers in the Air ruary 5, in the parlors of the Henry Zacharlsen, permanent young people to the society for Camp White and to the Camp Force the COURT NEWS church. Mrs Mae Moss Is the county chairman of war loan the improvements made in White schedules for men. From the Rogue News teacher of this Sunday School drives, had charge of the meet- Green Room. Arthur Lloyd Hoadley of Ash­ Council members discussed the A delicious luncheon was served class, and each Sunday ^nondng Ing methods of securing greatest pos­ land was cited for violation of the GRAND JURY INDICTS noon with Mrs. George W. they are discussing many very Monday evening the local com- at sible service for the budget in­ basic rule. Fined $10.00 and costs. DEATH CAR DRIVER important matters as related to mlttee with Sid Reed, chairman, Bruce, chairman of the commit­ volved and made recommenda­ Wm. Davidson of the Green­ A Jackson County grand jury home building and community re­ presiding, met at the Elk's Tem­ tee. springs, was fined $1.50 and costs Monday indicted Gene Marvin tions to the central office. The afternoon meeting was sponsibility In accord with the ple to make plans for Ashland's Council members present were for having no license. Upon pay­ Dawson. 28. Ashland on a charge called to order by Mrs. McCrack- teachings of the Bible. All young participation in the drive. ment of costs, the fine was re­ of negligent homicide in connec­ en. Mrs. Ben Willard led the de- Mrs. Will Dodge, chairman; Mrs.* mitted. married couples who are not at­ tion with an automobile accident The quota for the county is Harold Aikins, Mrs. Earl Leever, votions. tising for. her topic. "The tending Sunday Church School Fred Neathamer was cited to in the Siskiyou Mountains last $2.217,000. of which Ashland’s elsewhere are invited to join thia share is $532,000 The E bonds Lord's Song in a Strange Land.” Dr. Ralph Poston and Mr. Clint appear in court Monday after­ June 16 in which three persons Baughman. Present also were The Rev. C. F McCall, who had class. sales quota is $902,900 for the been a missionary in Japan and staff members Mrs. Bayonne noon for having overloaded truck. were killed. ---------- -o--- -- Dawson was the driver of the county, and it has been pointed the island of Kusal for 28 years, Glenn, director; Mrs. Jewell Lock­ Fined $10.00 and costs. RECORD RETURN MADE car. which plunged over a 200- out that this amount represents gave an interesting address For hart and Miss Ollie Depew. CON NOR—-BROW X foot cliff, killing James H. Mose­ ON SMALL PEAR CROP I $300 apiece for each of the ap­ the closing number on the pro­ o----------- Miss Pauline June Connor and ley, 17: Rose Kerrigan, 14. and A record return of 48,000,000 proximately 3000 Jackson boys gram, Mrs. Lucille McKay san? WESLEYAN SERVICE GUILD Harold Richard Brown were unit­ Claudine Peet, 13, all of Ashland. from an unusually small pear and girls in the service "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer." MET WITH MISS DEPEW ed in marriage January 7 at the Diwson was injured seriously and crop is expected by Rogue River ----------- o I Methodist parsonage with Dr. still walks on dutches. of The Wesleyan service Guild Valley growers. DAD'S DAY JANUARY 22 George W Bruce reading the cere­ 96th Division Band He was released under $1000 the Methodist Church held its They already have sold 85 per mony. Al) Oregon dads are invited to bail. of regular meeting at the home cent of the crop. Although it was To Play at School attend the annual Dad's Day at Misa Ollie Depew, Tuesday eve­ 33 per cent under last year's and The 96th Infantry Division the University of Oregon in Eu­ ning. The vice president, Miss 30 per cent under the 10«; >year average, prices have ranged two Band, directed by Chief Warrant gene January 22. it was an­ i Voua Brower was in charge of the to three times as high as in any Officer William G. Krog, will pre­ nounced by Robert Wemphill, meeting. She also led the devo- sent a program of military and Portland, general chairman. A tions. year since 1929 popular music at the high school luncheon will be held at 1:30 Sat­ Miss Lurllne Brady gave an in- - - o auditorium for the students and urday afternoon honoring the Born to Mr and Mrs. George faculty of the school at 2:50 p. Dads, with Ernest Wavcox, Port­ teresting review of the book. A Basis for the Peace to Come.” (Tiew at the Community Hospital m. on Friday, January 14. land, well-known novelist - and Dainty refreshments were nt 6:05, Tuesday night, January Oregon alumnus, as the guest served by the hostess during the T.iis 60- piece band, which is the 11, 1944 an eight and one-half result of merging the 382nd In- speaker. His topic will bo “Dads social hour. pound son. fantry and Division Artillery Belong to the Human Raee.” Those present were Mesdames - — - o------------ Bands, has established itself as D. M. Brower, Leona Ormand, one of the best military musical MEDFORD ELKS SET Alice Willits, and the Misses Lur- W. M. HERBERT organizations in the Northwest, MORTGAGE BURNING line Brauy, Jeanette Smith. Voda and Companion and has proved immensely popu­ Medford Lodge No. 1168. B P Brower, Cora Mason, Carrie May Are Invited to Be Guests of the lar since the arrival of the 96th O. E., will bum the mortgage" at Smith, Gladys Whitson, and the SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Division at Camp White. ceremonies scheduled for Febru­ hostess, Ollhe Depew to see —------- o---------- -- Assisting in the direction is ary 3. • DEETER—LYNCH Chief Warrant Officer Orville B nt the VARSITY THEATRE The original bond issue of Shetney, who formerly directed $50,000 was for construction of (Friday and Saturday) Miss Ethel Alice Deeter and the Artillery Band. The band the Elks' Club Building. Edward Francis Lynch were unit­ •‘BEST FOOT FORWARD” members, like all other members Dedication ceremonies were held ed in marriage Tuesday evening of the Division, are primarily sol­ September 22, 1915, and the Elks at the Burns residence at 211 Van or diers. and undergo a full program have occupied it since that time. Ness. Judge Nell Burns read the (Ssnday, Monday, Tuesday) of military training. ceremony. ------------ o------------ “GIRL CRAZY” Mr. Lynch is stationed at Camp Parents and friends of the stu- Dr .A. M. Bilyeu and wife of dents are invited to attend this Albany .Oregon called at the White, and the young couple will Please call nt the Miner Offici of military and popular office of J. F Emmett on Mon­ make their home in Medford for for Your Guest Tickets I j hour day. the present. music. IHHK III—UH« » OI-TIIIIR-Al’POINTEDROUNDS I® i», JUNIORS WIN DOUBLEHEADER I Supervisor Visits Ashland USO Club Plans Made for War Loan Drive