Thursday, December 23, 1943 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER WINDSHIELD NTK'KERM VALID IN OREGON SOW Windshield stickers validating the 1944 registration of motor veii.cles In Oregon now may be used They became valid yester­ day (Dec. 15) . Wiieti the new 1944 stickers are attached to windshields, the old 1943 stickers must I m - removed, Futrell said No stickers, except authorized ones, may I m - displayed on windshields In this stale and the 1943 sticker will not lu- nu- thorized after the new one Is In place The owner whose car was not registered In this state In 1943 and who has been ofierating in Miss Erlern- Norberg, who is employed In Sun Francisco, hitH Visited the past week with rela­ tives ami friends in Ashland While heir she paid i visit to the Miner Office, recalling het exprr- tenera as a member of the Rogue N< ws staff of last year. SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Published every Thursday at lb7 East Main S', Ashland. Oregon by Charles and Ruth Giffen. Office Phone 8561 Subscription rates: $2.00 |Mi year Entered as second-class matter is the post office at Ashland, Oregon February 15. 1035 under the act >t March 3 187». Ugtl ‘ tills stuii- under rec menta with udjolning states, must now take out an Oregon registr i lion lit- will receive, in addition to the sticker, a set of 1942 li­ cense plates Titles of these ears also must he transferred from the state of registration in 1943 to Oregon Out of the mighty WcU com« the fightin’cM action hit in year» “Frontier Badman," with Robert I’aigc. buna Barrymore. Leo Carrillo Plans Made for Speech Tournament 11 x Waste Paper Finds Place in War Effort Hsi3-5iíSi3-3<35r>¿! KEEP ON............ WITH WAR BONDS • Wardrobe Cleaners Phone 3281 On the Plaza MT. ASHLAND ★ « J 4 ★ AT YOUR GROCERY OR MARKET Yuletide is a most proper time for us teg »¡express our sincere appreciation for yourg ^friendship, and to wish you an abundance* •3 of Christmas joy ASHLAND CREAMERY CROSBY TEXACO SERVICE Butter & Creamed Cottage Cheese "What is made in Ashland makes Ashland” r-j IN MEDFORD LN THE MIDDLE 01 TEE BUSIEST BLOC K YOUR FAVORITE CUT-RATE PRESCRIPTIONS DRUGS VITAMINS SUNDRIES TOBACCOS CIGARETTES STATIONERY TOILETRIES WESTERN THRIFT STORE 30 North Central Phone Medford 3874 Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL IXSI-RAM B From the day a soldier goes A speech tournament sponsored Phone 8781 41 East .Main by the Oregon High School Speech to war he is dependent on paper orable discharge, his records are x-ague will be held on the Uni- •erMty of Oregon campus, Eu- From his draft card to his hon- :< ne, March 30. 31 anl IJ THESE JLAD TILINGS COME? NOT FROM ATHENS, NOR YET ■ i < om ROME. AT THAT TIME I HE HEART OF WORLD ■OWER THEY CAME OUT w a uttue country , 'ALESTINE AGAIN THE M.AD TIDINGS RING OUT NEED WE SAY THAT WE WISH YOU THE FULL JOY OF THIS HOLY SEASON ? CAKE / % FOR SALE GIFT BOXES OF FRI'IT HERBERTS FRUIT A PRODI ( E Phone 4761 FOR SALP.,—Baled or loose hay. Write or see A. J. Haye*, Wagner Creek, Talent, Oregon. AJI kinds of Signs for sale at at the Miner Office. PHONE 5751 GUNTER FUEL CO