Thursday, December 10. 1943 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER iSOC'E Students Give Christinas Party NOH PLAYING! H » I LI « I iirfW Friday and Saturday A JAMtS A THROW OF A THE DICE A SPIN OF THE WHEEL», PATRICIA WILLIAM K CRAIG • DANE - LUNDIGAM ■ plus Look What’s Buzzin'! LAUREL &HARDY VIVIAN BLAINE Sun. Mon. Tues THEY FKJHT TO KILL....* These romantic Americans! TALENT NEWS RAG DOLLS ADD TO CHRISTMAS FUN Students of the Southern Ore- gun College of Education gave a final Christmas party th«> even­ ing of December 10 .guests in ad­ dition to students amt faculty be­ ing a convoy from the 383d in­ fantry at Camp White The auditorium was decorated with greenery, Christmas tree, murals depicting Ch rist mas ------------ F.HH I »1ST < JIITK 11 II I INNER \NI> I’ROI'ILVM 'lb L 1 The Talent Method 1. ul u co» cred dish program X.cdiuaday n 4r people nai down ui 5‘is Cn tries Holilrldj t Ik on th«' construct a urch which was bi /«ar 190» Mi 11 T remarks tokl of the early days wl I I his 1.ll lily weir active liu'tll- > re of the church Mrs Cl’.i« ice Ilolilllii■ sang a st ’ll entitled. "MV Church of .My Chl'dhood Days' I o I ■' Ann Thompson gave an Interesting ; .Ik on " the Chun ¡1 ? • Me" Ague ■ Lacy alm to' l.wood oi Aberdeen, W ixhinglon spent a few days with their parents. Mi and Mrs. George Schuler and Mi and Mrs II Lock wood mid other relatives Mrs. Isiuisla Com beet, Mrs Me­ lissa Came ran and Tiny Conibest sjient Saturday with Fred Cotn- be«t in Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs Jack Boatr xht an«l family moved from Mrs Keith's pr«i|x-rty down on the old highway one mile north of Talent Mr. and Mrs Will laimb of Medford visited relatives here Wednesday. Tiny Combcat of the Scabvrs is spending a two weeks furlough with his mother and other rela­ tives. He has been in Mississippi for th<* past two months and was transferred to San Francisco re­ cently Mr and Mrs Neil Tr.p and fumily moved from Talent to Phoenix where Mr Trip is em- ployed Mrs Gordon L Talbot is v.slt- Ing with her parents at Morenci. A rizona 11 I IIPS. ( ontinuous Sunday I Year Hjar< W» ”• z T wol T ickeis C A Uw« y CURTIS ■ MOROAN • SMITH Ensign George McCracken spent Friday with his parents, Mr and Mrs J P. McCracken He wax enroute to Tuxcon. Arizonu En- nign McCracken enlisted in Au- gust and received his commission Nov 24 His home lx In Eugene, family plans to remain anil hia ' there »4 Urge Two-job Women io Streamline Tasks Daring AH to Save Freedom for All! . A large number of women these days are faced with the double or even triple task of working outside, handling their usual home work, and then having to do the handy-man jobs that a now absent husband used to do. This situation calls for some high powered streamlining of household work ,says Iy>is A Lutz extension specialist in home man­ agement at Oregon State College "With everyone working extra hard, 24 hours just don’t maize as long a day as they did before 'he war," says Miss Lutz. "One answer is for these two-job wom­ en to gear their home work to SEE US FOR YOU I INSURANCE WlUlAM (in, K, I ,« tí MATINEE SATURDAY Continuous Shows SUNDAY FARM & DWELLING AUTO AND TRUCK BURGLARY LIABILITY HEALTH, ACCIDENT AND LIFE J. F. EMMETT MINER BUILDING 167 EAST MAIN STREET Phone 8561 ß>0AM©IiwS NEW SHIPMENT J!f$T ARRIVED OF l©<2IŒrS % CROSSES S BRACELETS Supply Limited. Get Yours Now! RAMSEY JEWELRY CO I £