ISiiv ïi^onïiô for tijat White «Lljiiótinaó ASHLAND. OREGON. THURSDAY, VOL. XII THIN AND THAI (U) OLD Tu ms Sailor: to Evidently luk«' uii* .m Sunday December 19 This is down LAdd Canyon into the beau­ ug<* Uhimtmu« practice thut ini« on«- of th«* new Russian Cantatas tiful Grande Ronde Valley, so grown with tin* yeuia It ulao re­ bearing a deep, rich message of named by French -Canadians voy- moves sentiment from a churitn- th«- Christmas-tide The Cantata is ageurs Many of the emigrants de­ ble act and pula It on a strictly in four parts, un«l in detail is ax clared that it was the most beau­ business buniN Points for charity follows: tiful spot on earth. look like a Gernian trick. Camp was made on high ground i'urt One:—The Holy lllrtb * » r near the present city of La Gran­ Prelude, Alto R«*citative, "Now We read thut th«* deal whereby .1« «eph Went up from Galilee,", de. Nearby flowed the Grande Wimhlngton and Oregon aro buy. Mix Wm. Weber. Ronde river which Captain Bonne­ Ing two Kentucky dialilleriee to ville called the "Fouche de Glace", Chorus, "At the Forest's Edge get 31,000 barrels of whisky each on ice river. Cayuse Indian tepees Chorus,"Glory to God in the la nearing completion and thut Highest ” and herds of Indian ponies added Oregon-« abare of the price woulil color to the delightful scene. Chorus of Women’s Voices. "The be about $3,700.000 It'« hard to .■hepherds Ran will Gift of It was then October and the conjecture how !«><•<• lit« in th«’ I-am bs " emigrants were at the base of the program of winning the war. Blue Mountains beyond which lay, Baritone Recita'ive, "But when > > > the land of their dreams. tin* Babe Wax Born" by Allen 111 futra the lund, to hiiatcning Illa Met lee For one in their party, this was u prey. the end of the trail. Mrs Philip Chorus, ”O Fur Away. Beyond Where wealth accumulates, and th«* Smoke and Fire.” Ruby would never see the Willam­ men decay ette Valley, for she succumbed to Part Two:—Mary’s Lullaby Goldsmith the rigors of the trail, and was Tenor Recitative, "But In the > > > laid to rest beside the singing Manner Shed" by Paul Byers Ono hunt! r«*d v-ara ugo thia waters of the river, while the Alto solo, "Cradle Song of the month (Tharlea Dickens wrote hia Star", Mrs Jean Byer« wagons rolled on. immortal Christ mux Carol a It was a steep, rough climb over Alto and Tenor Du« t with hum­ bruvr, bright leaaoii in kindlinraa ming chorus. “Sleep, O Baby, the pine-clad mountains, but the which a world dark with Intoler­ Sleep" by Mr ami Mrs Paul Ry­ axes, picks and shovels in the hands of the men cleared the way, ance bus failed • *> dim era. > > > while the women and boys drove Part Three:—Th«* Adoration ot December 1« derive«! from "dec­ the Kings the teams. Finally the summit ern," meaning ten In the old Ro­ was reached, elevation 4.205 feet. Soprano Solo, “And in Time tile man calendar the year began In Three Wise Kings" by Mrs 1 Wm A little farther on, the wagons March and December wax the O. Reed . stopped and the tired teams came to rest at the present Meacham tenth month Chorus of men’s voices and full > > > on the banks of a creek where the chorus, "The Kings Knelt to the Uncle Zeke opin«-« when th«»««- Babe " emigrants found plenty of wood, Axla war criminal« come to trial water, and grass. Camp was made Soprano ««do, "For unto all the world'« toughcat Job will be People” by Mrs Mayme Cary The Ministerial Association of under the towering pines, a wel­ that of trying to find lawyer« to Ashland entertained 11 army chap­ come change from the dry sage Chorus, "And th«* Hut Was “THE COMING PEACE AND THE PRINCE OF PEACE" take their caae lains and their wives at a dessert covered hills they had traversed Filled with Stars Painted by Howard Chandler Christy as an artistic symbol for the Part Four:—Th«* Bello of Fulfill- luncheon in the Methodist Church for so long. ■*rusade for a New World Order of The Methodist Church, this picture Dining room on Thursday even­ meat Ed. Note- This is one in a series «ill soon be displayed as a poster in color tn all the churches of the Soprano Solo, "And the Bells ing. The rooms were decorated of stories commmorating the Old enomination Post card reproductions will be mailed to service men ab with Christmas candles. Santa Oregon Trail Centennial. of th-« Blossoms", Mrs Lucille ver the world McKay Claus, reindeer, evergreens, Holly, Soprano solo with chorus. "Ring ' and the statue of Mary and the | Holy Child. Games led by the Rev. FTA GIVEN HIGH out False Pride” by Mrs Lucille McKay Mr. Ward E. Pratt and Mrs. How- Final chorus, “O Far Away. Be­ ard G Eddy were enjoyed by all RATING IN BOOK The Bcu’-hern Oregon College of present. yond Smoke and Fire." The Fortnightly Study Club Education chapter of F.T.A. Fut­ Mrs Annabelle Davis is th«* IF.ING A LETTER OF ADVICE At an appointed hour all were held its regular meeting at the ure Teachers of America) has organist and Mrs Wm Weber is r<> non - aih ertiers seated at the table where they en ­ home of Mrs Nelia Rice who been given rank among the 12 the choir director Th«* public is served dainty refreshments at 1:30 joyed the dessert luncheon served highest rated chapters in the Na­ A man may have a car accident given an invitation to hear this by the families of the Ashland ne time, two or three times and ■ on last Monday Mrs Martha El­ lovely cantata Ministerial Association. The fol­ tion, according to the National still not be a criminal. Another hart and Mrs. Hattie Litwiller did lowing Chaplains were in attend Year Book of 1943. — O man will never have an accident , the pouring at the lace covered FTA is a junio** branch of the table centered with Christmas ance, Paulding B. Forrey, Presby­ National Educational Association. and yet should be in jail. terian; Eugene Skelton. Baptist A short time ago we read a vi­ holly. Mrs Ruth King, the presi- Notifying the chapter of this dis­ tuperative harangue in the Occa­ dent, was in charge of the short Walter B. Jerge, Congregational; tinction, "Miss Ethel Blake, secre­ John Fry, Lutheran; Cecil E. Ot ­ sional Daily with the 40 watt business session. Enalgn llurlmru Hailler, who will tary of the National Committee of Seventeen members responded tinger, Methodist; Deans S. Hod­ FTA, stated "Your chapter has windows directed against one Ed­ be In Ashland, Thursday, Decem­ ges .Presbyterian; E. N. Reese. E- ward Wall, a citizen - well at to roll call. The short topic was ber IH, Io aaalat young women In had a fine record for four years The 16th annual Christmas Con­ least he lives here, has his office given by Mrs Martha Elhart liscopal; Leonard DeMoor. Pres­ and lacks only one year of being making a p p I I c at I <» n for th«* byterian; Guy C. Tetirick. Meth- Col- here, spends his money here and using as her subject "Prison WAVEN In the lobby of the IJthln cert of the Southern Oregon the oldest chapter in the country.” Dec sells about as many homes to po­ Camps in the United States." She >dist; D. S. Lacquement, Method- >