SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Thursday, November 25, 1943 11 00 - Morning Service. Subject: “Christian Courtesy” 6:30 • Christian Endeavor for FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Juniors and High School age. 7:30 - Evening Service Gordon C. Griff in-Past or Chaplain Virgil W. Jackson. 9:45- Bible School, C. E. Corry, 96th Division Headquarters. Camp Superintendent. White, will preach 11:00- Morning Worship. Midweek Service Wed. 7:30 p in 6:30 - Young People's Meeting —V— 7:30 - Evening Service 7:30. Wednesday- Mid-week fel­ TALENT METHODIST CHURCH lowship hour. Dr. George W Bruce, Minister APPEARING AT THE IJTIÍIA THEATRE. MUX., MON , I I »'S. AT THE CHURCHES THE CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Ashland and Medford Ward E. Pratt, Pastor 10:00 - The CTiarch School. Graded lessons for the children. l\»pic: "Truthfulness at all Tinies” 11:00 - Worship Service The message will be given by Elder E W. Pratt, father of the Rev. Ward E. Pratt. Elder Pratt is from Wenatchee. Washington. Evening service in Medford at 8:0.) —V— FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST Pioneer A ve., South morning service at 11 o’clock.. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Wednesday evening meeting, wnich includes testimonies of Christian Science healing, is held at 8 o’clock. Reading Room open daily from 2 to 5 p. m. except Sundays and holidays. . The public is cordially invited to attend these ’services, and to use the Reading Room. RECIPES IN THE KITCHEN 9:30 • Worship service Subject: "Bread and Water” 10:30 - Sunday School with Clarence Holdridge. Supt. Midweek Bible study and pray­ er service. Wednesday. 8:00 p in ------------ n------------- FT A HOLDS NOON LUNCHEON RECENTLY j Members of FTA (Future Teachers of America) Chaptei at the Southern Oregon Collegi of Education met at noon lunch­ eon last week at the Lincoln School Cafeteria, with Dr. Wai ter Redford as speaker. Dr. Redford’s address dealt with the history and aims of the organization, which is a junior brunch of the National Educa­ tional Association. The FTA Chapter at SOCE being one of the first to organize after the na­ tional junior branch was estab­ lished. it has received recognition from the national office for its early and continued activity, ac­ cording to Dr. Redford Bernice McMartin of Red Bluff. Calif., president of the chapter, presided at a business meeting at which officers for the year were nominated. About 15 member.' were present, including as guest1 Misses Florence Allen. Lurline Brady and Ida O'Brien, members of the Lincoln Training Schoo) faculty. CRIME DOESN 'T PAY. No» even in th. kitchen. Are you guilty of thing. Id« thii? “Hamburgers with” is an all- American favorite. The following recipe is nutritionally enriched with vitaminized margarine: STIFFED HAMBURGERS ON She iliil the Evidence in the » Giirbage ("nn If you’re the kind of housewife who throws away outside lettuce leaves, you only have one alibi: they’re nice to hold old coffee grounds. "Lettuce leaves, cabbage leaves and the outer greens from most vegetables arc full of good nutri­ tional elements" say home econo­ mists at Revere’* Experimental Kitchen. “Use them for soups, sauces and gravies." Don’t hide the evidence in the garbage cun. You’ll have a guilty, uneasy look when the garbage col­ lector conies around. Judy Canov« struggles to pin Iknni» Do down to a definiti propoli ol marriage in "Sleepy l-agoon," with Huth Donnells U LL A MARINE BY WAV OF RADIO Tell it to the Marines! Better yet, tell it to you I Ma­ rl te overseas by radio. Six .lays a week a 10 minute program is broadcast from San Francisco to Marines in the Pa­ cific It consists of messages from relatives and friends of Marines, each message being limlt*► riages of refill Ives and friends. news of how the local f< xitb.ill te. . is faring, comments on the Marine’s latest letters, and chei-rv wishes from home The 100-wo rd limit applies only to the text of the mess t gr Messages may I m - sent for tnins- mittal to the Public Relations Of­ ficer. U S Marine Corps. 1 Montgomery Street. San Fran­ cises* Full name, rank and the address of the Marine, together wl»h the name anil address of the sender, must be printeil on the message Youth Fellowship lias Tliunksgivhig Party The Methodist Youth Fellowship group met in th« purltti * ol Hie church Monday evening for a Thanksgiving season party Mr ami Mrs John llllll >gs the •>ou- sors. had plan.led the nioai .ntcr- rating program of quiet .«ml lively games so that there was not a dull moment from tin- time i hey entered the loom until I he time for the putty t*> break up t le There was at the «ent*-, 1- room a huge botiqin ol it them unis ss Miss Laura Billing ' Betty Sue Reed, th. refresh committee, served chocolate doughnuts T1»e young folk t*> their homes saying, *'l*el’s another patty like this itwti ONION SLICES 1 pound hamburger 1 tablespoon melted marga­ rine 1 tablespoon ketchup 4 slices bread 1 egg beaten 1 tablespoon milk Divide hamburger into six equal lervings. Roll or pat out as thin ss possible. Sprinkle with salt und pepper. Make dressing by com­ bining bread, egg, milk, ketchup with 1 tablespoon melted mar­ garine. Place a spoonful on .*aeh square. Bring edges of I SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST M d\q ktal rrulkod ^e\ toidex coli neat up over the dressing, pat I CHURCH nto shape, being sure all dressing For Steaks. Chops i Patties Is covered. Kry in hot margarine Cor. 4th and C. Sts. Since pat riot ism forbids using in skillet. When brown on both 9:30 Saturday: Sabbath School. quantities of fat simply to indulge sides, add *-3 cup water, cover and I. Place meal in Worship at 11:00. Saturday cook over low heat 8 to 10 min­ in a fondness for frii r this ensemble called "coun­ 2 Brown meat ’ Sundown in Sodom.” An example Enjoy Potluck Supper at are found in a 32-page cookbook try omelet " Put two diced po­ of what shall befall the unrepent­ •Ration-Time Recipes.” Free copy on both sides tatoes iwhich were cooked with Church of Christ Monday may be obtained from National ant Sinner.” by J. Z. Walker. jteke's mil and three slices cubed ------------ o------------ Monday night 30 men and boys I Cotton Council, Box 18, Memphis 3 Season with sail and pepper bread in a skill* t containing one (1) TCI : • M gathered in the dining room of the —V— tablespoon drippings When brown 4 Do not cover. Do not add Church of Christ for a Potluck CATHOLIC CHURCH old two well-beaten eggs plus one supper. After a bountiful meal Sixth ana C streets fat or water tablespoon milk for each egg. and the men sang “ Old Black Joe" Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor. | stir mixture just as for scram- 5 Reduce temperature Mass Sunday morning a: 9 o’clock, and "What a Friend We Have bled eggs Serves five and "ups” in Jesus ” Dale Dieckman. accom ­ Sunday Schsol after Mass con­ and turn occasionally the first-class protein quality of The American Legion in Oregon. ducted by the ladies of the church. panied by his sister. Maxine, • ••••••••• • • • the diet. played two numbers on the violin. 1 in co-operation with the Office of 6. Pour off fal as it —V — ■« • v w -e w -e ■« w W w FREE METHODIST CHURCH Lowell Hall also played two num­ Price Administration, has launched accumulates in pan -Jr bers on the accordian. Both boys la mileage conservation program Charles E. Brswn, Pastor - » The World’s Netvs Seen Through were enthusiastically received. Mr as one of its major undertakings j 9:45 - Sunday School. > What Alwtut Our Scrap? Baxter had charge of two very of the year, according to an­ 11:00 - Morning 'Worship. > he hristian cience onüor interesting games Elto Petri read nouncement by W. W. Fordyce 6:45 - Young People. > An International Neu i / m ¡>er . We need scrap, the brass hats a "Tall Hunting Story” and Mr of Portland, atate chairman. 7:30 - Evangelistic Service. > »» tut * itai iicx ii \< i ft bi i-in *. ikm said. Organized in the form of a ”4 7:30 - Tuesday, Cottage Pray­ Downing read * letter from Chap­ Norway Slrrrt. b>«lun. M.-* h twil­ ' And we worked like the devil un ­ < lain Howard Stansbery, a brother- in 1 War Club," the Legion's pro­ er meeting. it Truthful—Constructive—I'nbt i»«-,l — l r»r fro 1 S, n> * ■ nil * til we were dead. < ism — Editorial« Are Timely md I nitro, uo, und II. I l.oly 7:30 - Thursday, Prayer Meet­ in-law of Mrs. Downing, who is gram emphasizes the importance And now it liea wallowing in the Features, Together with th« tX .-vkly MagS ’tn« Section, Me'« now somewhere in Italy. > of car sharing among motorists ing. .mud. the Monitor in Ideal Nrwapaprr fur the I Ion*«. ■ ----------- -o------------- — V- in order to conserve gasoline, rub­ The rusty scrap that »tapped our Price A1 1 00 Yearly, or III 00 a Month < FIRST METHODIST CHURCH GUIDE TO RABBIT ber and motor vehicles "until Saturday I muc , including Msgartne Section, 60 a Year. bl