Thursday, November 11, 1943 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER USE Dll I IT INGS FOR ( (HIKING To save butter and margarine rut.dn points, Westinghouse home economists recommend bacon drip­ pings for muffins, dark breads of nil kinds, corn bread, molasses cookies, gingerbread I and spice cuke; chicken fut for pastries and cookies; suet for pie crust — —<> SOUP GREASYT If soup toons a little on the greasy side, toss a lettuce leaf into the pot. It will absorb the grease and may be removed as soon as it has done its Job. Mrs. Patterson to Attend Meeting Mrs. Alice Patterson, Jackson County War Finance chairman, will be a guest of honor at a tes­ timonial dinner to be held in Port­ land Friday, November 10, accord­ ing to wind received from E. C. Naininons, state chairman. Mrs. Patterson will be a fea­ tured participant in the first OtUtei wide meeting of the Oregon War Finance Committee Million Dollar Club. The meeting will lx* broad­ cast over a statewide network at 8 p m. Friday. The Miner for Quality Printing. While In Portland Mrs Patter- i son will Join with state War Bond an Christmas gifts and for the leaders In drafting a program for Fourth War Loan which la ached* the aale of war bonds and stamps uled to be launched curly In 1044 »... <7 WORLD °/ FOoD rrtrr AyitoRtiNtR ■ 1-_x..„ P rotict tous SHORS BY GKtNO 'SM RIMMAJUY THS '0L SHINOLA REMOVI WMf VITAMINS WHILE DUST AND DTRT REFORE J imi waiting to POLISH«* AND RU» THR POLISH MNU USRD. VlTAMlM t' AUNft IN. IT TfIDS'THf LRATHIR AND KEEPS RAPlPtY. ÖII IN1O TH! Hi MIX IT TOU*H AND Pt IA OH. THIS WM « HABIT OF STORINO YOUR FOOT, SERVE TOUR SHOW,«HP THEM UHltKOOt CLEANING 1HRM ANO N01 AUY- lllv MORI THAN YOU CAN A m A NRW POWDtRtD YiArr IMOHtO OVC« HICK OK Y CO that rr smcui and taçtîs LIMI BACON MAY 84 SPSlLiiU ON TOUR 8R(AKfA41 C&G4 TO sumv VITAMIN B' rxcaufNT - i < a can BE MAPS BY PICKING RASPS! KRY 11 AVE A I AND DRYING ÎWM WELL. A GOOD SUBSTITUTE IF ". - A ORTS SCMCt. r A /S* Mat Mfr. We wf one firm, and said “This is the they are soaked. ittitude of industry.” Another Q How ran the calcium content of meat be Increased? nan whom I have always repected ,1 br his fairness, startled me by L If meat is cooked with the bones in the presence of a small amount his denunciation of all labor after of acid, the amount of calcium from the dish mav be Increased an outlaw strike condemned by as much as 25 to 34 tier cent and labor itself A third man made me an individual serving mav fur­ sick at heart by a virulent dia­ nish from 15 to 25 percent of the dally calcium requirement tribe against minority groups. Those are cracks in the wall, Four-H club work in Oregon • Those are signs of danger. The this year grew much faster than greatest peril, however, will come when the siege halts and the men in the nation as a whole, accord­ ing to preliminary figures com­ are withdrawn from the the walls. piled by H. C. Seymour, state Then If we let it happen, disunity club leader. From 20,405 different will divide us into small self-seek­ ing groups. Then will the breaches boys and girls enroHed last year, widen until a small force can the number Jumped this year to ground 27,000, an increase march in and sieze the state. I more than one third. It has happened before. It can o — - can happen again. And it will Bond Paper Scratch Pads, happen to us unless we use care in preventing it. We must man the sizes — Miner Office. rqmparts in the hour of calm as watchfully as in the heat of bat­ tle. We must stand shoulder to shoulder in the reconstruction of the world, never slackening in our fight against divisive influen­ ces. We must remain on guard to preserve our unity. In the words of the great spokesman of unity. General Smuts - “Let us go forward in peace as we did in our adversity - as united fellow citizens in a free world.” EALTH When wringer roils begin to lose their grip, the glaze can be removed, way Westinghouse home economists, who follow this pro­ cedure: Roughen rolls with coarse sandpaper, then wipe off with a damp cloth. Use sandpaper with discretion, of course. RECIPES Subscription rates: R2.00 per year Entered as second-class matter la the post office at Ashland, Oregon February 15, 1935 under the act >t March 3 1870. INSURANCE ‘"niat you can depend or»” FOUI AUTOMOBILE M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA J • WANT ADS • Left-over mashed potatoes pre­ sent quite a problem to the thrifty housewife who is snxious that no food be wasted in these critical times. Try this recipe the next time there are mashed potatoes from the day before: PIGS IN BLANKETS Wrap thin frankfurters or pre­ cooked link sausages in a coating of left-over mashed potatoes. Roll in flour. Fry until brown in hot skillet in melted margarine (use enough margarine to cover bot­ tom of pan generously). Other favorite low-point recipes are found in a 32-page cookbook “Ration-Time Recipes.” Free copy may be obtained from National Cotton Council, Box 18, Memphis (I) Tennessee. FOB SALE GIFT BOXES OF FRUIT HERBERTS FRUIT A PRODUCE Phone 4781 —WANTED— The Best Horse That »25 Will Buy Hee O. L TALBOTT, Ashland Lumber Co. — FILMS — DEVELOPED A PRINTED * 6 or 8 ex. 15c per roll Double size 25c 5c extra of Panchromatic. All fine grain developed. Reprints 2c each. Double size 3c each.; Deckle or plain edge, Guaran-1 teed work. Enlarging, coloring,; copying- Low prices. Send to— ECONOMY PHOTO FINISHERS Box 1578, Station D LOS ANGELES 7, CALIF. FOB Immediate PHONE 5751 GUNTER FUEL CO. «X3CdK300COMM3COaOQCaCOOM MEAT STRETCHER To stretch one pound of ham- burger from six patties to eight, mix the meat with one egg and one-half cup leftover oatmeal. breadcrumbs, or soya flour. Ì Phone .3281 DO IT NOW MUCH EASIER When using both rind Juice of lemons or oranges, West- Inghouse home economists grate rind before squeezing. It’s much easier that way. MT. ASHLAND * It's always a big crowd in these days. But the Long Distance operator keeps the calls moving quick­ ly unless they just get too many for the circuits. ★ Butter & Creamed Cottage Cheese a AT YOUR GROCERY OR MARKET. I FIX UP • If she says the circuits are busy, you can help by YOUR KITCHEN AND ROOMS if you can’t cancel, the operator will request —'Please canceling your call if it isn’t really important. But ASHLAND CREAMERY for Victory-Boy Unitoci States War Bonds Ashland'* THI PACIFIC TKLIPHONI AND TKLKGRAPH COMPANY iwnmuÉwúira IN MEDFORD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BUSIEST BLOCK YOUR FAVORITE CUT-RATE PRESCRIPTION^ DRUGS VITAMINS SUNDRIES TOBACCOS CIGARETTES STATIONERY TOILETRIES WESTERN THRIFT STORE 30 North Central Phone Medford 3874 Materials are Available Paint protect» walls—makes them look better, last longer. Materials are available for nuking your kitchen and rooms more attractive and eftcient. Cupboards and addition«! work spaces are impor­ tant now. HOMI RIPAIRS..,MAINTENANCE Consider the advantages of: . 1. Insulation 2. Paint 3. New walk 4. New floors 5. Fuel conservation ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY HEADQUARTERS FOR FULLER PAINTS When trouble comes to you —and it will, in sonae form —sec that it is lightened by the benefits of adequate in­ surance. Let us œ your Insurance counselors. limit your call to j minutes," It’s the work of war we are trying to speed over the wires. “What is made in Ashland makes ; DRY OR GREEN SLABS Wardrobe Cleaners On the Plaza Office Phone 8561 HEALTH A ACCIDENT PRODUC! sso CONSERVI SAME GOOD WORKMANSHIP SAME GOOD SERVICE! SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Published every Thursday at 167 East Main St,, Ashland, Oregon by Charles and Ruth Giffen » I Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and BEAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main