VX* *7* £ay-~/bul £ay¿ 9ti ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, OL. XII November 4, 1943 THIN and that (By OLD TI M Ell I ■ > the Editor. THE TREK ALOHG SHAKE RIVER Educational Meet Allow us to suggest that the M SOCE Set For liuidatlon of radio ballyhoo by >c national regulating bodies November 4 and 5 lould be the fifth freedom. 1 I I Number 41 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Home* and daughter Clarice of Ashland spent Monday evening with To.n Lamb and Mr and Mrs. Roy Es­ The emigrants were now in the tes. Bannack and Shoshone Indian Last week’s item about the new country. Ahead lay a long tedious The Southern Oregon Regional storage plant shouJd have read journey through a region of sand 1 1 1 Four years ago German armies Educational Conference and 450 lockers instead of 145. and sage. The grass was thin and liiirchrd into Poland By a strlk- Teachers Institute will be held The community was saddened dry, food supplies low »nd the ani­ ng coincidence they are now the Southern Oregon College of over the trag.c death of Don Hun- mals in bad condition. In that leaded that way again. Education Nov. 4 and 5. gate, 23 years old, who was killed that the women were the bravest 1 1 1 Guest speakers will be Dr. Bru< by a falling snag while working trying period it is safe to say According to Post Office figures R. Baxter, Res dent Bh'iop of th' in the timber near Prospect Wed­ of them all, encouraging the men ic uverage man gets ll2 letters Methodist Chuiih Portland area nesday morning. Mr. Hungate by their faith, courage, and pa­ year. Not if he pays his bills. former president of Wiilsmett- grew up at Talent and attended tience. University: ' 1 ■' In is as J Dr. Whitman, with a few com­ the schools here, graduating from 1 1 1 British people are not bothered of tin- I' the Talent High in 1939 He and panions, rode ahead, blazing the ith ballyhoo during radio broad­ First Lilly of t V. ' i his wife and 21 months old baby way for the wagons. After leaving casts They |> iv tw<. dollHiH | h : !, strand, 1 . lived near Prospect. The funeral Fort Hal), the company became year for a "listeners’ permit” College "Trie AnaW'iS Are was held at the Litwiller Funeral more or less disorganized, split­ which goes toward supporting the the Back of the B> ■ Dr C-’i Home Saturday. Interment was ting into small groups, some of broadcasting activities , but not Reid, Extension D ; .orp» |>cr»onne|: Cajrt. J. A. Blakeley, season on Wagner Creek. The try. It was first called the Lewis r / r Unclg Zeke says he'a working of Curriculum State Department Portland; Sgts. Ruth Bachman, Salem; Eileen Green, Albany and crew will soon move to the Pros­ River by Captain William Clark in honor of Captain Meriweather on the greatest invention in nls of Education: "The War and the Corvallis, and Adeline Frank» of Eugene. pect area for the winter. Lewis, who first explored its high career. If it works it will be an Curriculum"; Dr. Slemans, Uni­ Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hamilton alarm clock that will not only versity of California: "Pre-induc­ II MOK HOSTESSES FUN NIGHT EN JOYED stopped over for a couple of days sources. Later it was known as sound off but also emit the odors tion Science”; Lucille O’Neil) Eng­ in their trailer house, They were the “Pahogava” os Sagebrush AT SOCE RECENTLY River. Authorities differ on the of frying bacon and percola ling lish Dept Klamath Union High NOMINATE OFFICERS School: "High School English Es­ Student Body Fun Night, one enroute from Wagner Gap where source of its present name. Some coffee. Ashland USO junior hostesses they spent the past couple of sentials"; George J Rony, lectur­ of the first-term activities at the declaring that it was named tor < < < er, traveler, commentator: "The met October 26 at the clubhouse,. Southern Oregon College of Edu- I months, to Prospect where Mr. the Indians who inhabited its with about 40 members present. I cation, was held October 20 in Hamilton will be engaged in the Another thing that ougfit to be World after the War." banks: others because of its Iranly rationed in this country is In addition to speukers heard in President Mary Gean Hendricks the gym, where the groups played logging industry. twisted course; still others be- and advisor Virginia Hales led in sugar-coating on war news Mrs. Velma Colwell of St. Hel- general sessions, there will be sec­ volley ball and badminton. Fol­ cause of the snakes encountered a discussion reviewing standing 1 1 1 tional meetings featuring among lowing the games Sue Parkinson lena, California, is making an ex­ The honor roll of inductees other discussions: "Primary Arith­ rules and considering additional led the group in singing, accompa­ tended visit with her parents, Mr. along its banks. The Old Oregon Trail crossed could be given a patriotic setting metic' ’and "Language in Ele­ regulations needed nied by Mary Alice Wolford at and Mrs. George Newlun. the Port TTeuf River and Bannock by the display of Old Glory. A nominationg committee was The annual Rally of the Talent mentary Grades" led by Miss Lil­ the piano. A buffet dinner was Creek, thence southwest to Amer­ 1 1 1 lian C. Downey; "Primary Read­ appointed to name officers for the served by the Women's Athletic Methodist Sunday School was ican Falls, where the river took current year. Plans were made held Sunday morning. Inspiration ­ It looks as though the Uttle ing" and "Elementary Science" Association. a plunge of fifty feet. At Raft King of Italy was on his way out led by Miss Tillie Schlumberger; for a waffle breakfast at the club- ’ Committee in charge of Fun al singing and special accordian River, near the present Yale, Ida­ house in November, tor old and — ■■- ■<> ' Report of the Jackson County Nnght were Lottie Burger, Ash­ music was included on the pro­ ho, one of the trails to California gram with the congregation par ­ English Committee." Mrs. Ethel new members land; Lura Osborns, Tule Lake; branched off the trail to Oregon. The business meeting was fol­ Berthiel Nelson. Klamath Falls: ticipating Gifts were given to the There the Martin and Chiles wag­ Kraus, Rogue River High School, and group discussion led by Miss lowed by a social hour with coffee and Dean of Women Virginia youngest and oldest and the larg­ ons. 15 in number, left the Oregon est family in attendance I aura Phillips, Medford High and doughnuts served. Hales. bound wegons Beavers had built The ladies of the Methodist a dam across the river, causing I School; "Social Studies Grades 1 Church meet each Thursday at the emigrants to ferry across on The Fortnightly Study Club met I to 12" led by Mias Joy Hills; the church sewing and getting raft, hence the name, Raft River. with Mrs Ruth King at her home 1 "High School English Literature" ready for a bazaar to be held on Hargadine Street at l:30 on I led by Miss Lucille O'Neil. later. The General Committee in 3'onday, Novel.'her l. Dainty re­ Mrs. Jessie Lewis and Ruth freshments wen served from a ' charge of the Conference are Dr ‘Purdue returned home from San pretty table centered in keeping Walter Redford, president SOCE: MORNING I "How to Develop Christian Family Francisco Sunday where they vis- with the Halloween season. Myr­ Mr. Dale F Ginn, County Superin­ SUNDAY PROGRAM '------ -------- — Life.” Speaker: Mrs. Grace Bru- ited Mrs Lewis’ son, Pvt. Bill and The annual membership tea of tle Billings and Edna Smith tendent Josephine County, 10 A Si : The Church School. baker - Grants Paas. Slack, who is stationed there in . the Ashland branch of the Ameri- poured The members responded Mr C R Bowman, County Sup­ Topic for discussion. “The Sacred-^ Perio Guire. organization. She was assisted in • 3:30 to 4 P. M.: Address by greatest industrial achievements meeting with greetings from the I 12:30 P. M.: Basket Dinner receiving by Mrs. Robert Dodge, MRS. SARAH BEELER of today. America has learned Oregon State Teachers' Assocla- planned by Ashland Women’s Grant T. McGuire. Offering for president of the branch. Mi^ Brethren Service: Relief and Ref­ and accomplished more with syn­ tion. Funeral services were held Patricia Geiser, branch treasure«, Work. (See Blanche Lininger for ugee Work. Brother R. C. Flory thetic rubber during the last 30 The Lincoln Training School of suggestions as to what to bring ) Tuesday afternoon at the J P also assisted in receiving old mem­ in charge of offering. months than she has in all the SOCE will be open to visitors AFTERNOON CONFERENCE Dodge and Sons Chapel for Mrs bers and welcoming new members 4 P. M.—Adjournment to pre­ last 30 previous years. at twelve o'clock .Friday, Nov. 5. PROGRAM Mrs. Dodge, president, stated pare for Communion. Feflowship! Sarah Gertrude Beeler 75, mother "Supper at the Maxwell House” of Mrs. Walter Redford. Services during the afternoon that an early 2 to 2:20 P. M : Worship. Grants 5 P. M.: Supper Hour. (Bring were under the auspices of the by Alfred Leland Crabb was the project of the Ashland AAUW is Pass Young People. extra sandwiches.) book chosen for review by Mrs Eastern Star with Rev. James H. to promote an art exhibit sent 2:20 to 3:05 P. M.: Forum, 6 P. M: The BYPD—for all Mabel Bailey. The story is an "United Action to Reach Every Young People. "Otuj, World—How Edgar bringing the message. In­ from Portland by the State direct­ authentic historical novel. The terment will be in Pawnee City. or of art. In this enterprise the Person With Christian Teaching ” to Get It." author is a Southerner, and his Nebraska. Ashland branch will have the coop­ (Three ten-minute talks as as ­ 7 P. M.: Fifteen Minutes of story is of the South at the time Surviors include her daughter. eration of the Medford branch and Although festive in appearance, signed.) Meditation in the Church. immediately following the Civil there will be a somber note at­ Mrs. Walter Redford of Ashland, the Southern Oregon College of 1. United Action in the Local 7:15 P. M: The 1 Brethren. War days. The reviewer dwelt tached to the arrival of the WAC a son, Colonel D. T. Beeler of Wil­ Education. principally on the Overton family. Carnival Caravan in Medford for Church: “Ways of Improving the “Communion and Love Feast.” mington, North Carolina; three A large number of regular mem­ Total Program of the Church. ” This service is the most sacred The story proceeds by telling how its mission will be the vengeance bers and several new members grandchildren, Robert Beel.er the lives’ of the Southerners be­ of some IS Jackson County men Speaker: Miss Shirley Shade, of all brethren meetings. Attend Donald Beeler, Jr., and Miss Lois called during the afternoon. Cakes Grants Pass. and gain spiritual insight. Have came intermingled with the lives who have died in battle. Redford: three sisters. Mrs. M. E and coffee were served from- a 2. United Action in the Com­ the gates of Heaven opened. of those of the North. The re-1 The carnival unit will be lo­ munity: “ How to Reach and In ­ "This do in rermembrance of Marsh of Wheeling, W. Va., Mrs. table decorated with flowers and view was well given. The next cated at the County Courthouse terest the Unreached." Speaker: Me." "Drink ye all of it; this is J. E. Liebendorfer, Pawnee City, Halloween-yellow candles. Other meeting Is to be held November for two days, November 5 and 6. Miss Margaret Lininger, Medford. My blood which is poured out for Nebraska, and Mrs. R. H Goddard decorations of the room were sug­ 15 at the home of Mrs. Myrtle WAC recruiters will assist the gestive of Halloween. of Rochester, Washington. 3 .United Action in the Home: many unto remission of sins." Billings on North Main Street. Jackson County Legion Auxil- laries, headed by Mrs. Eva Stauf OREGON SCIENCE ACADEMY AIIS FOOTBALL »CORK I fer, in enrolling a woman to re- HEADED BY PRES. STRAND place each casualty. ASHLAND SI I To give prospective WAC'« an I The Oregon Academy of Science Mrs. Reba Kelsey entertained was organized at the Oregon State LAKEVIEW 6 actual picture of Army life, free movies will be shown at the ex­ the Women’s Christian Temper­ College Charter day with practi­ hibit from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. At ance Union at her home on North Miss Anna M. Hancock, sister 8 p. m Saturday the winners of Main, Thursday of last week with cally all of the colleges and uni­ of Mrs. W. M. Barber, who has the student essay contest will be a goodly number in attendance. versities in the state, as well as been a missionary in the Orient Dr. George W. Bruce of the< federal scientific agencies, joining for many years, is expected home announced and awarded the fol­ First Methodist Church conducted in a move to provide encourage­ lowing prizes which have been do ­ on the "Gripholm" next month. nated by county merchants: One the worship service. Mrs Lucille ment to scientific work in the ■X $50 War Bond and three $25 MeKay sang an appropriate song. state and a clearing house for bonds. A big Army show will he The address of the afternoon new developments. JOAN NEIL Dr. A. L. Strand, president of offered free in the Courthouse 1 was given by Rev. Gordon C. and Companion Theater. Griffin, pastor of the First Bap­ O.S.C. and an entomologist by The drive for non-combntant tist Church, who discussed war profession, was chosen president: Are Invited to Be Guests of the women soldiers does not end un­ using Jer. 6:19 for his text. He Dean Joseph F. McGrath, Port­ SOUTHERN OREGON MINER til December 7, and communities stated that war is the result of land university, president-elect: to see have until that date to fill their man's doings, for God has made Dr. F. A. Gilfillan, dean of science at the VARSITY THEATRE quotas; however, local women are us creatures of choice. Man's at O.S.C., secretary, and Dr. R. (Friday and Saturday) urged to make a sincere effort choices of evil have brought about R. Hnestis, professor of zoology "ACTION IN THE NORTH at the university of Oregon, treas­ toward reaching the goal before such disastrous results as war. ATLANTIC" the caravan leaves Mrs. Lowther presided over the urer. or -------------o------------ business meeting, and Mrs. Henry (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) Rack the attack by upping your Newton acted as secretary. Mrs. active membership of 61, which payroll savings your next payday. I ree read the treasurer’s re- indicates a considerable increase “MY FRIEND FLICKA" Mrs. Ward E. Pratt and M’-s port. Please call at the Miner Offict Henry Newton poured at the Tea The president, Mrs. Mabel Rus- We ’ ve got the Axis on the ran Í for Your Guest Tiokets 1 ! sei Lowther announced a total Table. « * with more War Bonds! Fortnightly Study Club Holds Meeting CHURCH AT WORK CONFERENCE AT CHURCH OF BRETHREN SUNDAY WAC CARAVAN ARRIVES FRIDAY I Regular WCTU Meet Held Last Week AAUW Hold Annual ^®inbd*Ship Tea