ii'Jsrii VOL. XII TlilM AM) THAT (lly OLD TIMER) riu tae Editor: la*gialutioli hus been introduced lln Uuiigreaa to peiin.t 105 Chinese llu enter the U 8. every year und become citizens 'Ibis la a X'X'U will geatuie, aluce American mis­ sionaries are lulxning a<> zealously to get the Celestials into heaven. ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, October 21, 1913 Fortnightly Study Club Has Meeting Leatherneck Scouts Number 39 TALENT NEWS Emigrants Head On To The Willamette Mr. and Mrs Lz»yal Bates spent the week end at Klamath Falls visiting their daughter, Mrs. Dav­ id McComb and family. The Fortnightly Study Club mat Fort Hall was a busy place dur­ Mis. George Pheifer made a ing the brief stay of the emi­ at the home of Mrs. G. W. Bruce, business trip to Grants Pass Mon­ grants. This was the largest 117 Laurel St. on Monday Oct 17. day. Beautiful full Chrysanthemums crowd it had ever entertained. C. L. Skeeters’ logging crew, were placed about the rooms, and The Hudson’s Bay Company of­ who have been operating in the a pretty lace covered table, cen­ ficial in charge of the fort tried 111 Wagner Creek Gap district, will Don’t grumble about falling tered with a unique centerpiece of to discourage the emigrants from move shortly to a large tract of going to the Willamette Valley. leaves littering your lawn Thunk branches of acorns placed on a timber near Union Creek for win­ your lucky atara that you are not large yellow bowl, surrounded by He said it would be impossible to ter logging living In Euiope where bomba are mlnature squirrels und oak leaves take the wagons over the rough Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Goin and dropping from the skies made the setting one of beauty. country between the Snake and son and Mr. and Mrs. Don Hun- Duinty cakes and tea were served the Willamette. 1 1 1 gate and baby of Prospect spent The route to California was The Pioneer atatue on the Plugs at 1 .'.0 Mix John Billings Md the week end with relatives here. shorter and easier, he declared. has assumed a rusty appearance Mrs Muy M>> m . who were special Mr. and Mrs. Paige Stauffer of guests for the afternoon, flouring There was much discussion on this mid ought to b«* dolled up. Medford were business callers Reu|x>nse was given to roll call important subject. The women of here Thursday evening. . * * * after which the regular business the train were in favor of contin­ It la said thut u mockingbird Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodapp of session was In charge of the pres­ uing on to the Willamette Valley hns been noted to change Its tune Central Point called on friends b with the wagons. They had start­ 87 times in seven minutes, but It ident, Mrs Ruth King. The short Talent Sunday afternoon. topic whs given by Mrs. Hatlie ed to make new homes, and wag­ would be unfair to the lovely bird Mr and Mrs. Wayne Cowdrey Litwlller, who had chosen an art­ ons would be needed to carry their to compare it with n Berlin prop­ and family went to Prospect Sun ­ icle from the September Geogra­ household effects, and to work on agandist whose armies are losing day. phic. "Wartime and Washington," the farms. Chiles and Martin an­ on all sides. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. by William H Nicholas, who told nounced that they wer« going to Morris of Prospect were Talent 111 of the great chinges In Washing­ take the trail to California, and a Cornelius C. Mcrshon, a fur­ viators. Monday. ton since the pre-war days, chang­ number of others said they had nace rate manufacturer of Phila­ Tne Talent Extension Unit met es in housing, buildings, people, made that decision also. At this delphia haw solved gaa rationing in the City Hall, Wednesday at s|M-ed Much emphasis whs given crucial period Dr. Marcus Whit­ lie procured u 1922-model Stan­ 10 a.m. all day meeting. Program to the immensity of the Pentagon man was appealed to. He declared ley Steamer, equipped with a Bu­ for thk, "The Rock and the Wind." Mrs. Ben Clark was a business teered to lead the way. It would These Marines add finishing touches to their camouflage prior to 111 by Vivian R Brelherton Rarely be better, he said, to leave the participating In a scouting and landing problem on a small island caller in Medford Thursday. Here la a pertinent observation has a novelist-created such a sus­ wagons on the Trail, if they had "somewhere In the South Pacific." The Marines are Pfe. Gene Mr. and Mrs Charles Blake of by Mayor 1-a Guardia of New pense and brilliance as Miss Breth- to, than to leave them at Fort Mldljour of Sheldon. III., and Pfc. Robert G. Venigh of lodi, Wis. the Talent Camp ground were York. "Our armed forces are ham­ erton told how the wind-swept Hall, thus accepting defeat with­ shopping and calling on friends in merlng the enemy Our home rocky roasts of Cornwall and the out a struggle. Ashland Wednesday. forces are hammering each masonic portals of ancient Pen- The Applegates and Peter Bur­ Mrs. Eva Wedge visited friends other Our armed forces are play-! genna Home could no longer hold nett backed Whitman, and so the in Ashland Wednesday. ing the game Our civilian author­ the Tresellian family In England great decision was made which The Methodist Church had as The Talent High School Student ities are playing politics. The They came to America in 1860 helped materially to push the . its guests of honor at a dinner Body will sponsor its annual carn­ quicker we tighten the lines and and settled in Iawrence. Kansas western boundary of the United party on Monday evening the start to pull together .the better More than 1,000,000 American ival Friday night, October 22 be­ States from the Rockies to the Trudy, the heroine of the story Methodist members of the faculty It will be" children will attend weekday ginning at 8:00 p.m. in the school Pacific. grew up to an aware and bewitch­ and the students of the SOCK, ing peraont!'»y of the middle west j and the Methodist teachers of the church schools on "released" time gymnasium. Candidates for the Before leaving Fort Hall funeral * / * Now la the time to plant your finally coming west to make her from public schools during the Carnival Queen sponsored by the services were held for Daniel sweet peas and lay in your winter home in Portland. Oregon, She Ashland l’ublic schools, with Supt present educational year, it is classes are Freshman. Margaret Richardson, who died of fever and Ted Norby and three Methodist estimated by Dr. Erwin L.Shaver, Strahan; sophomore, Merrilee stock of rheumatiam. married a man who was a rail­ >ard, Ger- members of the school board, G« mt - director of Weekday Religious Ed­ Thorson, Juniors, Delores Hawley; the hardships of the Trail. His roader tn the days of slavery, and ald Wenner. Mrs H. M. Schllliiflt worries and labors were over; 111 Schillirflr. The lowly pumpkin is taking on ! they did their f»nrt in the building ucation for the International seniors, Maxine Redman. Each ad­ their’s had just begun. He had and Frank Van Dyke The Wo­ Council of Religious Education. mission ticket sold counts 100 a golden hue and Uncle Zeke, a of this great western empire reached the End of the Trail and of Christian Ser- men ’ s Society votes for the candidate. A varied strict teetotaler. Is beginning to The next meeting will be in the Weekday church schools pro ­ entered the Promised Land; for by the Wesleyan look pie-eyed. home of Mrs Ruth King, 364 Har- vice, assisted served the dinner vide a plan whereby public school program of music and skits will them the Trail stretched far ahead Service Guild, gsdine St A > > children, whose parents make a precede the crowning of the before they could seek rest. and arranged the program. The Queen. Immediately following the Beefing about gas and gassing — o----------- Youth Fellowship groups did the written request for it. are released crowning of the Queen the booths bout the beef neither fills the Miss Allen Charter or dismissed from their usual pub­ Ed. Note- This Is one in a series decorating of the rooms and ta­ tank nor the larder. lic school programs to study re­ will open. The games will be of stories commmorating the Old bles in autumn leaves and flowers. Beano, Hoop-la. Duck and Smack Desk HoateNN at I SO Dr G. W. Bruce was toastmast­ ligion one or more hours a week the Axis, Spill the Milk, Basket Oregon Trail Centennial. Miss Florence Allen la one of u Dr (I W. Bruce spent Wednes­ in classes sponsored by the church ­ ------------o------------ day In Grants Paas In the inter­ number of voluntary USO work­ er and announced each number on es singly Or cooperatively," Dr. Throw and turkey raffle and var­ Don Spencer Becomes the program Each honored guest ious other attractions for young J ests of Religious Education and ers of long service, the records was introduced and made a few i Shaver stated. and old. show Several have been In ser ­ ; Assistant Postmaster of the Methodist Youth Fellow­ One-third of the one-half of remarks Mrs Ruby Mason, presi­ ------------ o------------ ship Institutes. Several other vice since the center opened. Miss Recently Don Spencer received dent of the W.S.C.S., Allen McGee, American school children who re- WOMEN’S CLUBS LAUNCH Methodist ministers attended this Allen, on duty at the information ceive no other religious education his appointment as assistant-post- Superintendent of the Sunday "BUY A BOMBER" CAMPAIGN meeting and went to view pros­ desk Sunday from 2 to 5, has master in Ashland. He has been School. Voda Brower, President of will attend weekday church pective sights for a new Institute served here regularly since the To sell enough war bonds - - connected with the local postoffice schools thia year. Dr. Shaver de ­ the Wesleyan Service Guild; Ida grounds. USO was opened, beginqjng before dares in citing the fact that approximately $300.000 worth - - for 34 years. the center was officially a part of Willard, president of the Metho­ "many unchurched children come to pay for a heavy bomber for the Since the illness of Postmaster dist Youth Fellowship, and the the National USO. Asked what to this new kind of church school armed forces, members of the Ore­ Millard Grubb in August, he has pastor for the entire CTiurch. gave were her duties, she said, "Oh, I because it allows them to dress gon Federation of Women’s clubs been serving in the capacity of don’t do much. I check the attend- brief addresses of welcome Mrs. as they do when in public school. will launch a state-wide “Buy-a- i acting postmaster. Alice Willits and Mrs Leona Or ­ A warning for persona who are ance as the men enter, sign in the mond favored with two selections Bomber” campaign November 1 in o------------ "This has more import than the interested In the navy’s construc­ junior hostesses,, keep a record of at the piano and by voice, and practical fact indicates. It means cooperation with the women's di- 1 Mrs. R. A. Barker has returned gifts to the USO, make change tion battalions (Seabees) to take Mrs May Moss favored with a that religion has become identi­ vision of the Oregon war finance from a visit with her husband in action as soon as possible has for the coke boxes, direct new­ group of readings. As each guest fied with their weekday as well committee. Seattle, Washington. been issued by Recruiting Special­ comers sbout the building, sell came into the parlors they were as their Sunday life. It means ist H. W. Crain, in charge of the postage stamps, mail letters for given a corsage This is one of the that religion is no longer in a sep- I Medford navy recruiting station. the soldiers, check out the equip­ annual social events of this a r a t e compartment for these Although the Seabees are still ment such as sports goods and church. children. I accepting voluntary enlistments, toilet articles, phone about town "In the weekday church school," H the nation during the past few for available rooms for those >* «•> ♦' ♦' ♦’ *♦* *>: *♦:>: ’♦“«?« ’♦* Dr. Shaver concludes, “religion is wanting them, direct soldier fami- I months ” has contributed so many AHS FOOTBALL S(X)RE being taught in terms of its prac­ I recruits that the quotas are be- lies to houses ar.d apartments for tical application to life problems. ASHLAND N ■ coming exhausted and it may be rent, sometimes console children, Here the Bible has ’become flesh’ I that all the openings soon will be look after bags, caps and the like in the everyday lives of boys and that the men check at this desk, GRANTS PASS I gone. 13 girls." 1 "Me" who are looking for the answer the phone, administer ------------ o------------ County Treasurer Makes I place in this war effort where aid - once to a fellow who Large Payment on Debt ■ their skill or handiwork can best got into a scrap out on ■ bo utilized, can find it in the Sea- streets - , etc." According to Ralph E. Sweeney, Well, these are some of the county treasurer, a check was ■ bees," declared the recruiter. "But 1 I want to urge them to act now duties that the desk hostess has sent October 8 to the Fiscal Agen­ J. J. (Jack) Lynch, manager ■ before the situation changes ahd to keep her from becoming bored cy of Oregon in New York in the of the Oregon State Pharmaceut­ I they can no longer get into the as she aita self-effacingly behind amount of $50,225 00 in payment ical and Portland Retail Druggists I branch of the service they prefer. a desk in the background at the of the remaining bonds of the Pa­ Associations, has received word cific Highway which was issued from the National Quinine Pool in "Those who are interested In USO o----------- in 1913. With this payment there Washington ,D. C. that Oregon’s lhe Seabees are asked to come to remains only $8.000 00 of County drive for quinine for the armed the recruiting station without de­ OREGON SECOND IN Road Bonds outstanding which forces in the tropics, made under lay in order to take advantage ¡ of the jobs now available," the re­ 1942 CHRISTMAS SEALS were issued in 1921 and 1922 for the sponsorship of the Oregon Oregon rose to second place the construction of the Crater State Pharmaceutical Association, cruiter added. among the states of the Union in Lake and Jacksonville-Ruch high- resulted in a total collection of ------------ o------------ Mr. and Mrs. Scott Reed of Los the per capita sale of 1942 Christ­ way, $4000 00 of which mature 1.096,712 grains or about 2500 ■ Angeles have purchased the H. H. mas seals, according to figures May 1. 1946 and $4,000 00 Jan 1. ounces. This amount 18 sufficient Just released by the National Tu­ 1952 With $8,000.00 on hand in to supply 10,000 service men for ■ Hall home in Bellview. berculosis Association. the Redemption Fund for their re- more than three months with the If Receipts from the sale totaled tirement when due, all of which is normal immunizing dose of ten grains a day. 13 5 cents for each resident of invested in U. S. Bonds, ALBERTA V. REYNOLDS the state which was nearly twice Senator Lynch stated that Ore­ The original issue in 1913 for and Companion J Arc Invited to Be Guests of the the national average of 7.2 for the Pacific Highway was one half gon's record is something of which the continental United States. milion dollars, and the issue of the state mHy well be proud since SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Oregon's total was exceeded only 11(21-1922 for the Crater Lake and ! the collection average for all to see by Delaware, which is the state Jacksonville Road was another states was 2800 ounces. However, at the VARSITY THEATRE in which the sale of the seals ori­ half million, all of which have many of the states have popula­ (Friday and Saturday) ginated in the United States. Del­ been paid and cancelled with the tions running several times that awn re’s figure was 14.1. exception of the $8,000 00 men­ of Oregon. Therefore, on a per "EDGE OF DARKNESS" ------------o----------- capita basis Oregon’s contribution tioned above. or ------------ o.---------- to the National Quinine Pool, Pfc. George Shaffer and Mrs. (Sanday, Monday, Tuesday) Shaffer of Astoria are visiting W. J. Chipman, who underwent which is so essential to the health with Mrs H. G. Wolcott, Mr. and an operation at Sacred Heart Hos- and well being of the boys in the "THE AIR FORC E" Mrs. Henry Shaffer, and their pital in Medford some time ago, service located In malaria infested Pianse call at the Miner Offici daughter Patti, who is staying was released from the hospital areas, leads the nation. Oregon’s í for Your Guest Tickets with her grandmother, Mr«. Wol-| last Thursday and is convalescing i quinine donations average 4.7 ozs i p«r drug «tors. at home. » cott, while attending school. —I Church Entertains Faculty and Students Stress Week Day Church Schools Early Enlistment in Sea bees Urged Ml ASHLAND’S WAR CHEST DRIVE ( Oregon Leads Nation In Quinine Donations 1. Date Starting Thursday morning, October 21, and continuing until goal is reached 2. Goal The sum of 5,500 dollars (less expenses) to be pro- portioned among 24 benefit­ ing agencies, or as you as a donor, may designate. 3. Plan of Drive Direct solicitation and vol­ untary offerings. New. plan this year groups 24 agencies as beneficiaries, with OVER 50% GUARANTEED TO RE­ MAIN LOCALLY for the use of USO and other local wel­ fare agencies. Dr. Walter Redford, General Chairman