Thursday, October 7, 1943 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ELEC T Itili ( HOSS OFFICERS I SO MINISTERS TO BOYS OVERSEAS ¿It th«« Lllhla Theatre Mumlay. Monday und Tu«'«tiny- ties to oung |i>hnny Bull ui th* U S A' 10:30 -Sunday School week for Corvallis where sh«> will friends stationed in Western Hem­ Rev. Howard G. Eddy. Minister be a student at Oregon Sta'e The midweek Bible study and ¡sphere bases mey find comfort 9:45 - Bible School prayer service is each Wednesday ami Ttoublr miilt.pHrs fot tb<< Axi* in the knowledge that USO is Buy mure Wai Bonds 11:00 • Morning Worship and evening at 8 o'clock. Yodr best investment hi a Cen- each timo you buy u Wiir Homi! we'll lose fewer boys! providing our men with oportuni- tury a $100 War Bond! Junior Church. Topic:"The’ Sovereignty i of God 6:30 - Y’outh Program 7:30 - Evening Service Wednesday - Midweek Bible Study and Prayer at 7:30 AT THE CHURCHES —V— TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCM Rev. a . N. MacDonnell, Vicar 8:00:Holy Communion 9:30- Church School ll:00:Service and Sermon —V— FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Gordon C. Griffin-Pastor 9:45- Bible School, C. E. Corry, Superintendent. 11:00- Morning Worship. 6:30 - Young Peoples Meeting 7:30 - Evening Service 7:30, Wednesday- Mid-week fel­ lowship hour. CHURCH OF CHRIST Second and B Streets Rar! F. Downing, Minister 9:45 - Bible School, E. H. Mc­ Gee, Supt. Rally Day with a special pro­ gram and an attendance goal of 201 11:00 - Morning Service. Sermon: “Christ Wants You for a Soldier" 11:00 - Junior Church Service Mrs. Frank Fuller in charge of Beginner-Pr.mary group and Mrs. Earl Rogers and Mrs Everett Mc­ Gee of the Juniors 9:45-12:15 - Nursery Department for children three and under w’ith Mrs. Paul T: escott in charge. 6:45 - Christian Endeavor for Juniors and High School age. 7:45 - Evening Service. Rev. D. D. Randall, missionary of the American S. S. Union will speak and show pictures. Midweek Service, Wed. at 7:45. —V— ’ THE CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Ashland and Medford Ward E. Pratt. Pastor 10:00 - The Church School. Adult topie:’Reverence for God' 11:00 - Worship Service. Children's Story, “Johnny Ap­ pleseed”. Worship message: “How God Watches over the Nation” Evening Services in Medford at 608 S. Oakdale St. BYPD at 7:00. “How Can We' Reach Ten Million Youth.” with Geraldine Lininger, leader. Evening Meditations at 8:00. Message on “Down in the Valley” —V— FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Pioneer Ave., South Sunday morning service at 11 o’clock. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Wednesday evening meeting, I wnich includes testimonies of Christian Science healing, is held | at 8 o’clock. 'Reading Room open daily from 2 to 5 p. m. except Sundays and holidays. The public is cordially invited to attend these services, and to use the Reading Room. 4 a You Can Buy * Say Nutrition Experts * “Eat Enriched bread at every meal!” “Be sure children get enough!” So say specialists who know food values the first time in any standard enriched bread, a generous helping of Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Now—Fluhrer’s Enriched Bread is in- creased in vitamin content over former enriched standards. Bread Fluhrer’s Enriched Bread now assumes a new and more important role in nutrition. Don’t overlook the fact that here is a food bargain, for there is NO Every slice gives your family DOUBLE the former content of Iron, and more than DOUBLE the former content of Niacin (a B Vitamin). Vitamin Bl (Thiamin) is increased 10%—and, for ✓ INCREASE IN PRICE! Where else can you get so much health­ sustaining nourishment for the price of a loaf of bread? Guaranteed to conform with the new gov­ ernment standards for enrichment, effective October I. You now get more vitamins and minerals in each slice of FLUHKEK’S BICEAI). « t -V- CATHOLIC CHURCH Sixth ana C streets Rev. W, J. Meagher, Psstor. Mass Sunday morning a: 9 o'clock, Sunday School after Mass con­ ducted by the ladies of the church. VJHWE. I —V— FREE METHODIST CHURCH Charles E. Brown, Pastor 9:45 - Sunday School. 11:00 - Morning Worship. 6;45 - Young Peoph 7:30 - Evangelistic Service. Cottage Prayer meeting Tues­ day evening 7:30. Midweek prayer and praise service at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. Rogue River District Quarterly Meeting and Conference will be held here Oct. 7-10. Rev C. W. Green of Santa Cruz. Calif, will be with us in a S.S. Institute. Friday, October 8, the Rogue River Valley Holiness Asociation meets at the Local Free Methodist Church for the all-day Holiness I Enrichi BUY WAR BONDS