J i ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, October 7, 1913 VOL. XII THIS AND THAT (By OLD TIMER) To the Editor: This is National Fire Prevention Week, commemorating the Chi­ Classes beginning at the South­ cago Fire of 1871 and dedicated ern Oregon College of Educations to increased fire prevention ac­ Wednesday. Oct 6. were preceded ti vi ties by Freshman Week which includ­ 1 1 1 ed registration day for incoming Popular legend has It that Mrs freshmen Thursday, Hept. 30, a O'Leary's cow let go with a faculty-student lea Friday after­ $197.(8X1,000 kick that knocked noon, October I, for just-entering over u lantern luid started the freshmen The Big Mister organi­ fire This is disputed. zation of the college held a picnic In Lithia Park Monday afternoon 111 At the I IM 2 reunion of the Re­ with incoming Utile Misters at­ tired Firemen's Association of tending Tuesday. October ri fac- Chicago, President John Dooley ulty and students held a supper declared that "the fire was start­ party on the campus with a pro- ed by bums in the barn, drinking gram of entertainment and smoking and 'rushing the _ School opens SOCE's Training growleri not by the cow Dool-'wph tw„ ll(.w critic teachers, M ihm ey was a boy of about 10 at the Lurline Brady, Sth and 6th grade time Dennis Ryan, another mem­ teacher critic; and Miss Jerrlne ber agreed and said he got It Mote, 2nd and 3rd grade teacher straight from "Peg-leg" Sullivan, critic Miss Brady, with degrees of who was right on the scene A B and M A from thr Univer­ 1 1 1 sity of Texas, has been Instructor It's an old belief that the team In Education at Baylor College winning the second game in the Texas, and during the past two World's series cops the pennant years wax o.i the summer school St. Ixiuis was the .second game faculty of the University of Texas winner last year and trimmed New as su|x'rvisor of student teachers York Yanks four games to one. In the University elementary How about this year? 1 school. Miss Mote, B A degree from 1 1 1 Perhaps it's a good stunt to the Nebraska State Teachers Col­ send baseball players overseas to lege at Wayne and the M A de­ entertain soldiers in army camps gree from the University of Iowa However, It's dollars to doughnuts wax two years at the Maryville, that Gen Clark would welcome a N. Dakota Teachers College and contingent of football players to for a time graduate axxixtant at be held right after a covered dish at 9:45 am.; Old-Fashioned Love arises. man's town should be given the or a radio set until very recently. Feast at 10:45; Sermon. Rev. Da­ They should know something the river to make history for A- dinner served at the Free Method ­ His neighbor called before his de­ torch. vid L. Fenwick. C.S. at 11:15, the about the gasoline and oil, the merica. It was not a peaceful parture Tuesday and admonished ist Parsonage at 12:15 on Friday. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper I various grades and their compara­ ----------- o . . meeting, but through the efforts NATIONAL LETTER WRITING him to take care of himself and I We wish to invite friends of the following preaching; General Mis­ i tive values. In other words so of Joe Meek, an organization was church and those interested in the that she would call and see him. sionary Service at 2:30; Song far as the girls are concerned, the formed and a vote was taken WEEK OBSERVED AT USO "Why goldarn it. I want you to” Sunday School and its functions Service at 7:30 p.m.; Sermon by i course amounts to an intensive which led to the organization of a The Ashland USO is parUcici- wax his response. from all the other churches in the Rev. C. “ W. Green of Santa Cruz course in care and maintenance provisional govemment. On July patlng in National Letter Writ­ community to be with us for the at 8:00. and intelligent driving of the au­ 5 another meeting was held at ing Week which began Sunday, whole day. Everyone will bring a The invitation to the whole tomobile.” I Champoeg to perfect the political Oct. 3, according to Mrs. JewelP covered dish or sandwiches, and community is: “Come and worship These classes meet in the out­ machinery. This event has been Lockhart, assistant director. A table service for those of their number of senior hostesses have The Women's Society of Chris-1 own party, and will all eat togeth­ with us in the beauty of Holiness” side garage, while they are using recreated in the rotunda of the "If you do not have a church the inside shop for wood working. State Capitol in a mural by Berry to come to the Ashland agreed tian Service of the Methodist er. Center tn do the weekly letter Church observed its third gnniver-! Following is the program for home, we wish to urge you to 1 At present the students are look­ Faulker, and is again being com­ visit with us.” invites 1................... the host, ing for cars to repair, repaint or memorated by the Kaiser Co., Inc. writing this week. Service men sary at a special program last the meeting: Rev. Chas. E. Brown. - adjust. The only charge to the Swan Island Yard, in Portland are encouraged to w^ite families Friday. After the morning busi- Thursday evening. Oct. 7. Song Beginning on Monday, October owners is a $1 00 service fee plus with the launching of the S.S. and friends during this period. , nexs session conducted by Mrs. Service at 7:30 and Sermon at 11. Rev. Mrs. P. J. Griffiths of the cost of any new parts. Champoeg. All persons of th<| community George Mason, a delicious lunch- afe invited to visit the Ashland eon was served at which time the 8:00 by the Rev. Tillman Houser. Salem will be with us for at least three weeks. There will be regular USO during the week to use its first officers and charter mem­ Roseburg.. Friday, Oct. 8. Sunday School Evangelistic Services each even- comfortable writing desks and the bers were honored. Institute with Rev. C W Greene, ing at 7:45. Also Children's meet- stationery provided there, whether The afternoon began with Mrs. writing to persons in military ser­ E T. Newbry’ leading the Prayer presiding. Devotions at 9:45 a m ; ing each day at 4:30 p.m All the "Methods vice or otherwise engaged. Circle. Devotions were in charge ance", the of Increasing Attend- children are invited to attend these Rev. Charles E. Brown, services on their way home from A record is kept of those send­ of Mrs. Loren Messenger. pastor at Ashland at 10:00; "The school. Watch for further an- ing out letters from the Ashland A beautiful Memorial Service USO and at the end of the week followed in charge of Mrs. Will Pastor and the Sunday School” by nouncements. four prizes will be awarded. One Dodge assisted by Mrs. Lucille CITY, COUNTY, STATE I’SO Director Leaves for = PHILANDER CHASE of these prizes will be a free long McKay. Mrs. George W. Bruce distance call home Winners of and Mrs. Eubanks. Those on the OVER THE TOP V acation Trip South PIONEERING BISHOP When the Oregon boys on the these prizes will be announced nt list of departed members included Mrs Bayonne Glenn, director of ■OF THE MID WEST the dance to be held Oct. 9. Mrs. Luella Stearns, Mrs. Ada battlefronts of the world learn the Ashland USO, left Friday, for Clark, Mrs Alice Jillson, Mrs. how their state has backed them a month's vacation. She will spend Minta Weren, Mrs. Mary Bruner, up on the 3rd war loan, they will the first week in San Francisco | T. H. SIMPSON Mrs. Edith Sloan. Mrs. Clara Pal­ doubtless feel some of the pride with her mother. The remainder and Companion mer, Mrs. Anna Mason, and Mrs. for it that the home state feels of the time she will visit friends Are Invited to Be Guests of the Jennie Mathes. for them. in Los Angeles. SOUTHERN OREGON MINER The ---- last official report shows Mrs. Jewell Lockhart, assistant Mrs. Etta Schilling presented to see the lesson study which was fol- 'Ashland, whose quota was director, has charge of the Ash­ at the VARSITY THEATRE lowed by a report on Sue Bennett $<’00,000 00.000 with $6(57.000 to her land USO during the absecne of (Friday and Saturday) College at London, Kentucky by ‘ crea' Diocese of Ohio, on his horse, Cineinnatiis. In former resident of Ashland. who is on a 15-dav leave, is en­ F Emmett home, are leaving to­ Bishop Chase's period, 1819-1831, he traveled constantly on horv- ------------ o------------ "The Pride of the Yankees" Homer Billings was away over joying a visit with friends in Ash­ day to visit with Mr. Emmett’s back, usually reading as he rode. Contemporary accounts record Please call at the Miner Offict the week end on a business and land for several days. He is sta­ brother, E W. Emmett near Sal­ numerous injuries suffered by falls, "because his mind was more on for Your Guest Tickets em. I the book than on the road" pleasure trip. 1 tioned at Farragut, .Idaho. 1 1 1 Granite Street Gentleman Goes North for the Winter SUNDAY SCHOOL INSTITUTE 7-10TH S. S. CHAMPOEG TO BE LAUNCHED WSCS OBSERVES ANNIVERSARY I