Thursday, September 30, 1943 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER “This War Will Become Bigger and Tougher ... t During the Long Months to Come” Franklin 1). Roosevelt ---- -Ar------ --- --------- - T Ataly has fallen —but the war is not over and you know it! Think of Berlin and Tokyo— think of the men dying at this moment. • ' Can we, you and I, afford to let them down- to turn their battlefront victory into a home­ front defeat? Let’s buy more War Bonds than ever... let’s back up their victory with ours— the success of the 3rd War Loan! There are battles coming—tough, bloody, hard-to-win battles—before this war is over. And it’s the last battle that counts. We’ve got to back up our fighting men . . . we’ve got to buy War Bonds with every dollar, every dime we can scrape up. P resident R oosevelt said it, asCommander- in-Chief: - ---- ■ ----- = the enemy with equipment only equal to that of the enemy. We are determined to provide our troops with overpowering superiority of quality and quantity of arms and armaments... ” Our fighting men will do • their job—it’s up to • • you, personally, to keep their victories safe by buying War Bonds NOW with every dollar you can—not with what you’d ordinarily save or in­ vest, but more-every bit more you can manage. World’s Safest Investments United States War Savings Bonds —Series E: give you back $i for every $3 when the bond matures. Inter c.t: 2.9% a year, compounded •cmiiinnually, if held Io maturity. Denomination.: $25, $50, $100. $500. $1,000. Hcdcmptlon : .nix time 60 day. after issue date. Price : 75% of maturity value. 2V >*/• Treasury Bonds of 1964- 1969: readilv marketable, accept­ able a. bank collateral, redeem­ able par and accrued interest for the purpose of .ati.fying Fed­ eral estate I uscm . Dated September 15. 1943; due December 15, 1969. Denominations: $500, $1,000. $5,000, $10,000. $100400 and $1,000,000. Price: par ami accrued interest. Othar Securities: Series “C” Saving. Notes; ”z#% Certificates of Indebtedness; 2' < Treu.ury Bond, of 1951-1953; United States Saving. Bond. Serie. “F”; United Slate. Saving. Bond. Serie« “G.** “I say that we Americans will not be sat­ isfied to send our troops into the fire of * ’ • * ■—------------------------- ------------------ —------------------------------------------------------ N omp I s When It Counts r~ --------------- ------------------ r ------ —---------------------- 1 ★ ★ ★ This page sponsored by ^WAR ✓ LOAN BACK THE ATTACK! it it it The Ramsey Jewelry Store