« »1 I ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, VOL. Xll THIN ANI> THAT (lly OLD TIMER) To the Editor: ' In the Third War Loan Drive various stunts urc being used to raise the community's quota. A AT THE CHURCHES Hoover Endorses Religious Week September 30, 1943 Number 36 NEWS TO CLOSE RENT iALENT A party of local sportmen jour­ neyed to northern California deer hunting over the week end. Re­ CONTROL OFFICE sults: one four-point buck NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH, CONGREGATIONAL Corner of Blvd, and Morton Rent control headquarter» of CHICAGO Citing the rising 9:45 Oiuroh Schl; Mrs. Glenn The Trail lead across an ima- Mr. and Mrs. Norval Stockstill tide of juvenile crime as a prob­ the Office of Price Administration are visiting relatives in Ashland ginary line into what is now the Prescott, superintendent. 1 1 1 lem for church worker« to help in Medford Center Building are and Talent this week Mr. Stock­ State of Idaho. In Portland seven men are vol-1 11.00 Morning Worship. solve, J. Edgar Hoover, director to be moved to the local war price still is in the navy. untarily "shipwrecked" on u life Bear River was forded near the of the Federal Bureau of inves­ and rationing board, it was an­ FIRST PRE8BVTERIAN raft rio.itmg mi tin- Wll.i.iim t L Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parr ond R mouth of Thomas Fork, A range tigation, endorses the nation-wide nouncer! today by Richard Mont­ F. Parks were among those at­ of hills was climbed, and the emi- CHURCH River. Flirting with colic, mos­ community observance of Religious gomery, District Director of the tending the Foot Ball game quitoes and what not, their "res­ North Main at Helman grants made camp on the site of cue" 1» contingent on thr attain­ Rev. Howard G. Eddy, Minister Education Week, September 26 to 0 I’. A. the present Montpelier, Idaho. Ashland Saturday night. The change, October 3, In a statement made „ . effective Septem- ment of Portland » quota of *10,• 9:45 - Bible School Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Biondell Thence the way lead to the north­ 11:00 - Morning Worship and public today by Philip C. Landers, ‘ ber 30, 1913, was necissitated by and family moved to K lama th west, and across a fairly level ooo 000 director of public relations tpi*Wa bond «ales and methods of operation did not Misses Eddy, Freeman, and Ren­ W. C. T. U. HOLDS Mussolini is reported on the There will be an installation serv- approximately *45,000 nearer to signify any relaxation of rent zema were acompanied by Mrs loose again. ice for all newly elected officers their goal Besides it afforded a control in this area, but that it H. G. Eddy and Mrs. Bert Free­ BI-COUNTY MEET man, who will help them to get The Women's Christian Temp­ and teachers for the entire church stimulating effect, on those pres­ would go on just the same. settled for the school year which erance Union held its bi-county and school The message will be ent to continue buying. According ------------ o------------ on "Brotheihnod Through Christ '' to Sid Reed, local chairman of WOMEN'S SOCIETY TO MEET begins September 30th The col­ convention at the First Baptist lege .formerly known as Albany Church last Thursday. During the With the Third Bond Drive Offering for Christian Education the committee, the big. gratifying FRIDAY AT CHURCH College , owns the well-known morning session Mrr Fred Tooze. drawing to a close we have prob-1 —V— Monday night sale was followed On October 1st, the Women's Lloyd Frank estate of 60 acres state president, installed the new ably achieved the distinction of i FIRST METHODIST CHURCH on Tuesday with record sales. Society of Christian Service of having carried More paid Bond Corner No Main and I-aurel Sts Mr. Reed states that "Individ­ the Methodist Church will cele- with unusually attractive quarters county oficers who are: president, and magnificently landscaped Mrs. Minnie Bryant of Medford; advertising and contributed niorr Dr. George W Bruee, Minister ual Sales" in Ashland have been grate the third anniversary of grounds The outdoor tiled swim- vice-president, Mrs. Ellen Thrash- »{race |M-nentuge- than any other 9:45- Sunday Church School. exceptionally good but due to our the organization. All women of I weekly newspaper in the State of few large companies, “Corpora­ the church are urged to be pres­ ming pool is equipped with under- er ot Grants Pass; Corresponding 11:00- Morning Worship Oregon; and as far a» we know World-wide Communion Service tion Sales" are comparatively low. ent at the luncheon which will be water illumination and an artis- secretary, Mrs. Edith Cox of Med­ at this time, of any weekly news­ 6:15 - The Methodist Youth Fel­ We individuals will have to dig served at noon, featuring a birth­ t i c bathhouse adjoining t h e ford ¡treasurer, Mrs. Paul Byers of Ashland: and recording secre­ paper in the United States lowship will meet for worship. into the other sock to meet Ash­ day celebration honoring the first plunge. I tary, Mrs. Julia Gregory of Med­ Outstanding credit la due C. R land's quota before the end of officers and charter members. 7:30 • Evening Service Bom to Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hel- ford. At this time local officers Ramsey, who sponsored five full Bible Class, Thursday at 7:30. the Drive October 2. Afternoon program will follow. beri on September 24. a son. pages, one each week from offi­ were re-elected and installed. They are: president, Mrs. Mebel cial start to close (Sept. 30I; j Russell Lowther: vice-president, Henry Metz, Metz Store, one i Mrs. Delbert Loree; Correspond­ page; W. D. Jackson, Palace Cafe, ing secretary, and treasurer, Mrs. one page; the Ashland Laundry, Maud Marske; and recording sec­ Clyde Caton's Garage, Ashland retary, Mrs. Mayme Cary. Lumber Co., Fluhrer'» Bakery. In the afternoon Dr. Susie Stan­ First National Bank of Portland, dard conducted an impressive me- Greyhound Bus, Western Auto • morial service. The regular busi- Supply and others j ness was conducted with the var­ We wish to extend to the patri­ ious officers and committees giv­ otic sponsors our appreciation for ing their yearly reports. It was their willing cooperation in mak­ ing the Southern Oregon Miner announced that because of limited transportation facilities this year First in "Back the Attack” per­ there would be no state conven­ centage. tion. However the state officers (.’has. and Ruth Giffen will convene in executive meeting » this week at Portland. Mrs. Minnie 80CE Registration Bryant of Medford, bi-county president will represent southern Schedule Announced Oregon. All preparations have been com-; A motion picture. "It Is the pleted for the fall quarter regis- , Brain that Counts", was presented tratlon at the Southern Oregon | at the evening session. Mrs. Tooze College of Education. The regie-! i also gave a stirring address. tratlon schedule is as follows: White Ribbon recruits were Registration of freshman students Karen and Judith Pratt, daught­ Thursday, September 30 Psychol­ ers of Rev. and Mrs. Ward Pratt, ogy test for all freshmen and and Dennis Marshall Simmons. transfer students Friday, October The local union has shown a 1. Registration of sophomore,' gratifying Increase in member­ junior and senior students Mon­ ship for the year. day, October 4. Stanford test to BOND AUCTION BIG SUCCESS fi A CHALLENGE! 4 $ he looks to the J FimLJIlFIIIIII! all freshman and transfer stu­ dents Tuesday, October 0. Regu­ lar classes begin Wednesday, Oc­ tober 6. To Show Motion Picture at Presbyterian Church "The Gateway to America”, a col­ ored motion picture with sound will be presented in the First Presbyterian Church at 7:30 p.m. Friday, October 1st, This will show the Presbyterian Church at work in one of America's defense outposts - the area of which Rex Tugwell speaks in his recent re- port to Congress in which be states that Puerto Rico has made no progress under U. S. direction since 1898 .The public is invited. LEE WISE and Companion < Are Invited to Bo Guests of the SOUTHERN OREGON MINER to see at the VARSITY THEATRE (Friday and Saturday) “FLIGHT FOR FREEDOM” (Sanday, or Monday, ------------ o------------ Tuesday) “KEEPER OF THE FLAME" Please call at the Miner Offict for Your Guest Tickets FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Emmett of Los Angeles are visiting the lat­ ter's brother, J. F. Emmett. They plan to stay several weeks hoping that the Lithia water here will be i beneficial to Mr. Emmett’s health.