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The acc«-ptance by the principal f m ECONOMY .enough from the bank» but to system of going to school by mail high school in Oregon for gradua­ could serve the nation, he says, PHOTO FINISHERS siphon off the »t«*adily expanding offers an inducement to the stud­ tion crwlit. It is anticipateel that not only by providing efficient Box 1576. Station D excess buying power of the aver­ ent, whether of college or high many schoools will take advant­ and economical mans transporta­ LOB ANGELES 7, CALIF. age American family, and to see school rznk, to complete work age of the program because of tion, which is a first essential of business and industry, but also by that It 1» set a»li iwhohl M«»g. Ib. 1 lr„r Cm.. Ill *“ * •»’ •"'» Cg Áfl < ritnn Poulffv 1 Yr. U 1 f aun J'i.irnal A J Thursday, September 2, 1943 —------ ---------------------- —'A M. T. BURNS T DO IT NO W Hhc«i temible come» to you —and it wlll, in Mime fortn —»re thnt U I» llghtened by th«i liencfit» of udequate In­ surance. leí u» be your coumador». Insurance REAL ESTATE and MEAI. IN MU RANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main S M onitor Christian Science Reading Room Pioneer Avenue Ashland, Oregon TRAIN-BUS SCHEDULE CHANGES ■ -o Billings Agency C Lt. O. B. Hull is now located at Santa Anita, California. Before transferring to the new location, he visited in Ashland several [ iVS. ---------------- o---------------- Effective Sopt«»mber 1st. schedules of busses oper­ ating between Southern Oregon and Dunsmuir, California, where connect ons are made with South­ ern Pacific trains, will be adjusted to operate as follows: Sr<> ti» now for A u t n in » b 11 f Liability Insurance. >.Mr». M. T. Burn»-—on the Plaza. WHEN IN NEED OF Heavy Towing or SOUTHBOUND 6:35 P. M. 5:10 /I (1:10 P. M. 6:15 6:58 P. M. 6:38 7:35 P. M. 6:55 10:83 P. M. 10:08 ■ CAKE M. Lv'. Grunts Pas» A. M. Ar. Mwlford A. M. Lv. Medford A. M. Lv. Ashland A. M. Ar. Dunsmuir NORTHBOUND Ar. Grants Pa»» 12:41 P. M. 11:29 P. M. Lv. Medford 11:1.5 A. M. 10:30 P. M. Ar. Medford 10:5« A. M. 11:28 A. M. 10:13 P. M. Lv. Awhland 10:33 A. M. 11:10 A. M. 9:55 P. M. Lv. Dunsmuir 7:30 A. M. 8.00 A. M. 6:45 P. M. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY S. J. BAZLEY, Agent Phone 7501 Wrecker Service PHOHE 5311 CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street)