I SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Thursday, July 29, 1943 I SO ACKNOWLEDGES [ LOCAL CONTRIBUTIONS I BATTLE NOISES TEST ,\l / // DESTKOIEK GUNNERS GkEGQ* The Tank Destroyer Center in Mrs Bayonne Glenn, director ot the Ashland libo, announces <'amp Hood, Tex., is using model the following local aid received at planes In now ways In its train­ the clubhouse during tin» past ing, Antiaircraft gunners fire at week Coffee, Mrs. G. w. Green; the miniature planes, while other flowers, M in E. F. Roble, M in .gunners fire over their heads at Helen Tilomas, Mrs W D. Jack- i Isilloons. The gunner who quali- son, Mrs. J. Hess, Mrs. Rosemary Hes under this rouring confusion Wilson; vase, Mrs Maunders; cash, ! demonstrates the requisite ability Mrs Carlton Morse, William An- to react calmly under battle con­ KVilnl, Company H, 363rd Infan­ ditions. try; Irooks and magazines, Yvonne MR M*Mg . . dw yovdl Parker, Mrs Evons, Mr H. H RETI BNS I'lHC'H GREETINGS oi our Miff prr*«r»< dw ravage« of for the G1 remark of the year. nock; fresh fruit. Miss Frances Are Ml ow woods. Their fire- •porrirtf *igiJan<* it eh« Aikens; cockles treked or contrib­ Klein was n member of u group pndt of Oregon. Thank uted, Mrs Fred Ingle, Mrs. Ixuih putting on ii command perform­ lharn /<* mm H kmm of boazd Stringer and Mis Gladys Wright, ance of uii Army »how at Hyde feel . . . they »a*rd for representing th« Junior Di Vic PaiJi. When he met the Presi­ victory , E niimmh of /*« dent, Klein nhook hand» and said: league; Mrs. R. R Lytle and «•»•d for /h««r F£ACi! M Hl. McGee, representing the "•You sent me greetings some month« ago when 1 was <1 rafted First Methodist Church, Now I'd like to return them to o . us now for A u t o nr o b I I r you, air." The Commander in Chief got a big laugh. I. i n b 1111 y Insurance. Gov. Earl Snell welcomes .Maj. Eric K. Shil'ing to Oregon on a ■ VERY FIRE IS Mr». M. T. Bum»—on the Plaza.1 Suleo rltM* for 'Hie Miner today. K|>rcial turd urgent recruiting mission for the Army Air Corps. Maj. AN AXIS FIRE! “ P- • ► 1 Shilling (on the left; will Visit Ashland on August 7 in hl* statewide sasarrh for men from 17 to 26 who want to take aviation cadet training. Center is Maj. B. P. Cody, district recruiting public relations WIIX TKADE—.351 rifle shel's or officer. .25 automatic pistol sheHs for 30-30 rifle Shells. Phone 7193, I V KANSANS TO PICNIC AT > Ashland. A.MIIAM) NEXT SUNDAY The Kansas Club from Camp White will hold a picnic at Upper Dittila Park in Ashland Sunday, starting at 1300 All military per-! sonnet and their families who come from the state of Kansas ! are invited. • COLORAIM; Pl( NIC AUG. « SEE OIR WINDOW DISPLAY OF THE WHAT-NOT 10c STORE will > > > ■ be > : > > Air Crew Men for Army Air Corps ☆ THE AIR CORI’S CADET EXAMINING BOARD VISITS . . ASHLAND ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 Interviews and Examinations at CITY HALL Hours: 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M ☆ ☆ * Advertisement Sponsored for Air Corps Cadet Procurement Program By:- ★ ★ ★ Ashland Lumber Co J. P. Dodge and Sons Palace Cafe Metz 5c-10c-$l.00 Store Dulien’s Hardware Icenhower’s Beare Motor Co. Varsity Theater Erwin Insurance J. A, Langtry, Insurance Crosby’s Texaco Station Billings Agency Depot Taxi Harry Chipman Western Auto Supply J. F. Emmett, Ins. The Milk Bar Dr. R. E. Poston Dr. E. H. Woods Immediate Delivery PHONE 5751 GUNTER FUEL CO. lf Hitler wins, the issue for you will be living itself i and not just the post of liv­ ing. Think that over and fig­ ure it out for yourself how much beyond 10 percent of your family income you should put into War Bonds every payday. Ì The World’s News Seen Through T he C hristian S cience M onitor An International Daily News pa per PtMuM by THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY One, Norway Street. Boston, Massachusetts u Truthful—Constructive—Unbiased—Free from Sensational- iatn — Editorial! Are Timely and Instructive, and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Price fl 2.00 Yearly, or fl.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, >2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Iuues 25 Cents. Obtainable at: Christian Science Reading Room Pioneer Avenue Ashland, Oregon And < ! < < < < < < Wrecker Service PHONE 5311 CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) 4 SEND US YOUR LAUNDRY BUNDLE | AND RELAX THESE HOT DAYS. DIAL MAU. THIS COUIKIN TODAY To: Mr. I. F. Andrea ★ ★ ★ ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY f < ■ » 111 Name ....... « Address < < < < < AAA. A. A. l Air Coi-ps Cadet Procurement Chairman California-Oregon Utilities Ashland, Oregon I am interested in the Air Corps program and would like to be interviewed when the examining board visits. < < < < Heavy Towing ☆ ☆ ☆ More and more pilots, bombardiers and navigators are needed by Uncle Sam’s rap­ idly growing air force. Planes are flowing from production lines—air crews must be trained at the same pace. If you are between 17 and 26 years of age perhaps you can qualify for enlistment or induction into the U. S. Army Air Corps. This great opportunity is open to two groups. Seventeen year olds, you may en­ list in the Air Corps Enlisted Reserve for call after your eighteenth birthday. You will be presented with Aviation Cadet Silver Wings to identify you as a member of the Air Corps until such time as you are called for training. Men from 18 to 26, you are urged to apply and if found mentally and physically qualified you Will be authorized to request your selective service board for induction for pre-flight training at one of America’s leading universities. Send in the coupon below if you wish to be examined w'hen the cadet board visits this city. Don’t delay. V *P For Attention Men from 17 to 26! ☆ FOR 1V WANTED! ☆ GREEN SLABS See us now for Automobile Liability Insurance. Mrs. M. T. Bums—on the Plaza. ----------- •------------ THE MINER PRESS FOR Subscribe for The .Miner today. QUALITY PRINTING. Vernon Pottery The annual Colorado picnic will ' J be held August 8 at 1 o'clock at the IJttila Park picnic grounds in Ashland All former residents of Colorarlo are invited. All service-• men and their families are espe­ lunch basekts. Coffee cially invited. Bring well-filled served on the grounds. CAKE ----------------------------- •----------------------------- SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Published every Thursday at 167 East Main St., Ashland, Oregon by Charles and Ruth Olffen. Subscription rates: *2.00 per year Entered as second-class matter la the post office at Ashland, Oregon February 15, 1935 under the act of March 3 1879. •V Wirt M. Wright, Prop. Phone 7771 : 31 Water St,