Thursday, May 27, 1943 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER DR. TEMPLE PASSES AWAY , at Talent. Dr. Temple was called l'r. ’ IU1 , ‘! . Mrs. G. W Bruce had to the luinil beyond last Tuesday, as their house guests over the and Mia. Temple came for the wet,k end Mrs ThomM K Tvinp|e funeral service al Medford on and her brother, William Young Monday morning They have many Mia. Temple Is Uie widow of Dr friendy here. Thomas K. Temple who at one ----- BUY BONDS------ See us now for Automobile time wum pastor of the Methodiat Church in Medford, and following Liability insurance. his retirement supplied the church Mrs. M. T. Burns—on the Plum. i ford Phe Reverenti R. W Cole- MRS. GLKNN AUTENDM .ii.i over ..... ti... COI IL AT MEDI'« »lil> group. presul.'il the rtiuMia uncus- r 1 Mrs. OJenn, Ashland I man. red ring chairman of the USO director. met thè Rogne slon concerned with matters cf Volley COord'nai'ng Council May recreativ'i. of in’eieit t > noldiera I SO ,it the Outn'st. m Mcd- and civilians. LITHIA ENTERTAINMENT Phone 7Mil FRIDAY AND MAT! RDAY Friday and Saturday - »V TAKE A^ BfajRNEY ] inno tear Land oi magnificent SUSPENSE V / aad SINISTER ROMANCE' ORSON WELLES. PLANNING ISN’T NEW HE way a lot of people are talking these day», you’d think planning is something new. But anybody who’» ever run a farm or a factory know» that if you don’t plan, you can’t get the most out of what you have to work with. To plan properly, the farmer ha» to know about crop», »oils, seasons, tools, and stock; and the man operating a factory has to know about machine», markets, science, and engineering. Yet for all this specialized knowledge which each of these activities requires, the managers of both farm and factory have much in common in their planning. They have the same problems — to mention a few—of em­ ployment and taxes, of costs and a fair profit, of setting aside reserves for a “rainy day." And they have the same objective in their planning ■—to do everything they can for their country today, and, tomorrow, to make a fair living through greater service to their fellow Americans. Central Electric Com­ pany, Schenectady, N. Y. and yin’ll love it— when i Guy MB8EE - Gloria Sun. - Mon. - Tues. 7 'T A NEW TYPE OF zn ENTERTAINMENT... that’s out of this world! A 1 \ ’ HEJtBfRT MARSHALL C. AUBREY SMITH RAY MltLAND CLAUDE RAINS IAN HUNTER WENDY BARRIE - ERIC - - - - - BLORE ----- ROLAND YOUNG nrriMAi n riontui REGINALD GARDINER ARTHUR TREACHER EDMUND GWENN DAME MAY WHITTY ANNA NEAGLE CHARLES LAUGHTON MONTAGU LOVE PATRIC KNOWLES BRIAN AHERNE KENT SMITH VICTOR McLAGLEN Two Fisted Justice Drive in today for a Check up. The Range Busters I T SCATTERGOOD SWINGSIT... DON’T stop too fast—try to anticipate stops and roll up to them—every time the driver or passengers are thrown for­ ward, when slowing dow-n or stopping, tire life is shortened. DON T run on a "flat”—even for a short distance—it may ruin the tire, tube, or both. In case of a puncture or blowout, apply brakes gently AND------------------- DON’T WAIT— SUNDAY CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE AVEinuERS! I« th. Us4 II»«, h«. ««4 th« lb«v ■»•■•I % AITOMOBIIJC FIRE INSURANCE •niat you can depend on" HEALTH A ACCIDENT UFF, ON THE PLAZA ELECTRIC Mrs. Henry Newton spent the week end in Klamath Falls visit­ ing with her sister. Mrs. Walter Herndon. ------BUY BONDS---- - See us now for Automobile Liability Insurance. Mrs. M. T. Bums—on the Plaza. DO IT NOW When trou Mr rotor« to you —and it will, in some form —aee that it is lightened by the benefit a of adequate in­ surance. 1x4 us nr your Insurance counsHura. JUST RECEIVED SEP: US FOR YOUR INSURANCE. To Meet the Requirement of The New Safety Responsibility Act MONDAY -TUESDAY mm ni i LjtA a 11 WTii bJ.iiJi AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) M. T. BURNS GENERAL with 1000 Pairs DuBarry Billings Agency Full Fashioned Hosiery MEAL ESTATE and HEAL INSURANCE Phone nil <1 East Main All New Summer Shades See Them Today! » JldlJSiinin Lillian GISH SIR CEDRIC HARDWICKE Mid-week Special Matinee Saturday Continuous Sunday $1.00 * $1.19 - $1.29 Don’t forget that we have a complete line of ------------- SLACKS and SHORTS----------- for this summer A NEW SHIPMENT EVERY WEEK! J. F. EMMETT MINER BUILDING 167 EAST MAIN STREET Phone 8561 We Have a Complete Line of Summer Millinery Cut Flowers RUTH WARRICK CENE LOCKHART REGINALD OWEN Corsages $1.49-$1.95-$2.49-$3.95 Ï Sprays ★ Wed & Thurs. BACHELORS ROSEMARY’S tfWAKfl FLOWER SHOP AT WICK’S STOKE Phone: 8761 or 7202 (Formerly Grubb Fioriate) ................................................ FOR ARTHRITIS, NEURITIS, AND RHEUMATISM - SUFFERERS Recommend CASEY’S RHEUMATISM CURED An M-O-M PiOur. I i I WALLACE BEERY t in I “BARNACLE Ì k s c h SEE I S TO-DAY! NOW! n a* tc B- la ec ar ai le NOW as never before It is necessary to use the old mac- hlnery - make It last until VICTORY is won. Our experts are rewlv to help you by doing the welding the blacksmithing and the repairing necessary to make the old as good as new. SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Published every Thursday at 167 East Main St., Ashland, Oregon by Charles and Ruth Giffen. Subscription rates: $2.00 per year Entered as second-class matter in the post office at Ashland, Oregon February 15, 1935 under the act of March 3 187». COMPOUND. Arthritis Relieved "Two years ago I was bed­ fast with arthritis. After taking seven bottles Casey Compound I wax entirely well. I cannot recommend it too highly.” MRS. MONA PIERCE, 2066 N. W. Thurman, Street, Portland, Oregon “I was down five months with neuritis and rheumatism and Sept. 29. 1941 was given up to die. Found I have had Arthritis for over Casey’s Compound a life saver. I cannot praise your compound six years. Used all kinds of treatments and walked with a enough.” cane until five weeks ago. (Signed) Rev. W. T. Ford, Casey's Compound is the only Baptist Minister, treatment that helped me. 3726 S. E. Morrison St. A. H MATTHIEU, 351 N.E.75 Ave. Portland, Ore. Portland, Ore. After 15 years on crutches and cane, suffering from Rheu­ matism, am now well since taking Casey’s Compound. MRS. O. C. MOSER, 418 W. Main St., Silverton, Ore. FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS Oak Street Garage and Machine Shop For additional Testimonies .write J. H. Casey Co. P. O. Box 731, Portland, Oregon. a. WHEN IN MEDFORD, MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS! MEDFORD'S PRESCRIPTION CENTER A registered pharmacist of long experience fills all prescriptions at this store. Only the finest and purest drugs, chemicals and other materials used. Western Thrift Store 30 North Central Ave. SAME GOOD WORKMANSHIP SAME GOOD SERVICE! Wardrobe Cleaners On the Plaza Phone 3281