SOUTHERN OREGON MINER, Ashland, Oregon CLASSIFIED PATTERNS DEPARTMENT RABBITS AND SKINS SEWONG CORCLE POULTRY, Rabbits, llhles. Pelts. Wool, uoo<1 white friar rabbit aktns 80o to II. VO u lb. Hhlp or auk prl* ora, Kuby B Oo., 930 B. W. Trost Fortiasd, Oregoa. FOR SALE ROOK OF THE PIGEON UI.OTH ItoUND 2MU pug«», 14» photon Predimi, up to (Into Information - br». Ulli »juulibl»» pig 'Icona. 13 poni ­ puld Hui l»rui'lTi»i uauiircd Prof ' mi Chu». Mother, 4448 Wuudman, Vu» Muy», Calli. KGG UANDI.ERH. Stendy work In »»»etitlal InduMtry. 40 hour week plu» overtime. Hut urde y und Hun «luya off. Iti-glnner» will L<> pu Id while learning ruosT sound »UTT»M aud SOO VO.. Molgat» and Utah St»., Scatti», Washington. HEAl.Tilr IltlHII TKltRIKIt PUP- 1'1 EH by prize winning grunduvn of Clover Pat< li lied 1'urtLnlar. Write Mr». M. Wlcklund, SOU S. 13th Av»., Yakima, Waeh. BOOK 1IARGAINH. IJo up. Fl catalog. «(tuo titles Used copi Popular author». Myatarloa, wea- torn», novel», non fiction Dop«. WM, American Library, College Point, M. T. WANTED CONSTRUCTION LABORERS NoatUa and other locatlona, Union Henio NA VAI. AIR NTATION BAND POINT, BRATTLE, WN. WANTED WK NEED TOUIl NEW GOOSE AND PUCK feather, to fill orders for Army Hleepltig llags and Pillow» tor I in lo Ham. Jlliih. Ht market celling price» paid. Whit« or grey goo»« feathers, |1 25 |wr pound? whit» or ■ ray duck feather», 11.0« per pound. Feather» must Im all now and corn tain orlglnlal down content. We mall you our check aume day as feather» are received by ua. writ» for »hipping Inatrix Ilona and fur- tli»r Information American r-ather Product», 3281-87 Shield» Avanu», OMongo, nilaola. HELP WANTED WANTED- 140 MTItAWllKItltY PICK- EltS, by May 27 to June 1. Cabins, also floored tenia. Canip stoves, community kitchen, elec, washing machine; some bed springs, straw for mattresses, and wood furnished. Price 3*o per hallock, for cannery berries with (c bonus for Utoas stay­ ing all season, llus tranap. to and from Portland dally. Write Alta Carstens, Banks. Oregon. MEN WANTED Do You Want to Help THE WAR EFFORT? By Doing Essential Work Experience Unnecessary UNION SCALE Seattle, Wash Essential War Industry With a Record of Continuous Operation for the Past 40 Years offer » PERMANENT POSITIONS to Men and Women Experience Unnecessary PORTLAND WOOLEN MILLS »41» NORTH IIALTIMORK AVKNUB Near St. Johns bridge. UN. 0415 Bread Ka(lun Mother—Now, Billy, you know it'» watteful to put both butter and jam on your bread. Billy—No, mother. I figure it'» aavlng. I use the same piece of bread for both! WELL KEPT HEMORRHOIDS (Piles) ; \ A General Quiz and INKXI'ERtKNC- EI j . All di-partmint». For day shift and Swing alilft, « tu 10. Also Dry Cleaning Earn whllo you learn. MODEL WASHINGTON LAUNDRY, II»!, Eaatlak. Av». Can’t Beat ’Em An American soldier in England was giving some illustrations of tho size of his country. "You can board a train in the State of Texas at dawn," he said impressively, "and 24 hours later you’ll still be in Texas." "Yes,” said one of his English listeners, with feeling, "we've got trains like that here, too. 99 There, Too Woman—My husband is so care­ less of his appearance. It seems that he just can’t keep buttons on his clothes. Neighbor — Are you sure it’s carelessness? Perhaps they are— uh—well, sewed on improperly. Woman—Maybe you’re right. He is terribly careless with his sew­ ing. "HARGAINH, Furnia, »tuuk runili»», Dulrl"». timber, eohuiige». W heeler, Canby, Oregon. ATTENTION Laundry Help NO ASPIRIN ran do more for you, so why per morel Workl’slargestaeflcr itlOf. 36 UbMafOA 100 for only 35^. Get St. Joseph Aspirin. ir /K. SÄ r-j-. FREEI"Th«Bread Ba»k«r—4O-p«o»,full-color book with over 60 recipe». Write Standard Brand» Inc., Grand Central Annex, Bax 477, New York, N. Y. —Advertisement.