Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, May 27, 1943, Image 2

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    SOUTHERN OREGON MINER, Ashland, Oregon
® ÄfllflWHBflnKS
THK STORY SO FAB: Aa orpkaa.
Ckartotte (Ckerry) Bawliag» kaaws al-
m«»< aotkiac at her early history whoa,
aceedlas to th« wishes ot her gaardlaa«.
Judce Jodsoa Marshhaahs aad Emma
Haskell, she becomes the secretary to
Mrs. Porteo«« Porter, wealthy Saa Fraa-
etscaa iavalM. Busy as she la. Cherry
sees the Judae from lime to time and
meets the members ot his household.
his dictatorial eld mother; Amy Marsh-
baaks, debutante dauzhter ot his dead
brother. Fred; and Fran, his fay young
second nite. Shortly afterward Cherry
learns, through Emma, that her mother
(never married) bad been Emma's sis­
ter. Charlotte; that her lather had been
the judge's brother. Fred— Amy's father
—and that, shortly after Cherry and Amy
were born. Cherry's mother had switched
the two babies! Poor Cherry Rawlings
Is really the rich Amy Marshbanks. The
judge conSrms the amaslng story, but
to protect Amy his mother burns certain
papers that would have proved It to he
true, Meaankite. Cherry had (alien la
love with Kelly Coates, a yoaag artist
(who tor a time had Seen infatuated
with Fran Marshhanks); and Amy is
determined to marry Count .Mario (Go-
go) CiMistanUno. Cherry Is Jealous when
Fran Intimates she had lunch with Kelly
at his Sausalito studio, but he tells her
he hasn't seen Fran th weeks. Old Mrs.
Marshbanks tells Cherry she resents her
presence tn the bouse
Judge Marsh­
banks is shot to death In bls library
and everybody in the bouse is under
suspicion. Kelly Snatty convinces Cher­
ry that he Is over his infatuation tor
Fran and she agrees to marry him. Amy
marries Connt Gogo in Reno. Cherry
discovers there are gunpowder marks on
Fran's negligee. The police find love let­
ters Kelly wrote to Fran.
Now continue with the story.
• ’/K athleen norris •
M ËM 0S»»i lyd^nn
Children Need Good,
Wholesome Food«
At Their Parties
(iilldren'a Party Menu
•Salmon Timbales on Toust
Celery Heurts
Currot Strips
•Orange Juice with Orange
•Peanut Butter Cookies
•Recipes Given
custard cups. Bake in a pan of hot
water in a moderate oven (350 de­
grees) for 15 to 20 minutes. Un­
mold on toast rounds, garnish with
parsley and serve.
Few children would pass up this
delicious cheese 'n bread dish—it’s
delicious and good for them. tool
Cheese Fondue.
(Serves 0)
8 egg«, separated
1 cup grated cheese
1 cup breed crumbs
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon butter
H teaspoon salt
Beat egg yolks until lemon col-
ored. Cook cheese, bread crumbs,
milk, butter and salt over low heat,
stirring constantly. Add beaten egg
yolks. Fold in stiffly beaten whites.
Pour into a well-greased casserole.
Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes
or until inserted knife comes out
An afternoon party menu may con­
sist ot assorted sandwiches.
Deviled Egg and Cheese
3 hard-cooked eggs
1 tablespoon dry mustard
*» teaspoon sail
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
slices buttered whole wheat
8 wafer-thin slices ot Swlss typo
Dill pickles
1 had to tell the ni, Kelly she said breathlessly, apologetically
We offer our oorvlueo In handling
your wool.
Uniter the goveriimeM
program all wools roust be appraised
by II.H. Appraisers.
Hlilp your wool to us anil receive
full U.K. (lovernmniit celling price«
less aetunl marknllng coat fixed by the
government. No lot Is too large or
too small for our Individual atten­
If requested will make cash advance
upon delivery of clip.
your wool lo us uhil revolve prompt
«ppralsol and un country chorgea,
131» W W Johnson «tree!
Portland, Oregon
Highest Prices Paid
Cascara Rark
Green or Dry
Fir Pitch
Oregon Grape Root
Skunk Cabbage Root
"She had them. Kelly. And a day her if she'd picked up the gun ”
and Other Crude
or so ago the police found them."
"Not necessarily. We were all so
Simple parties help make chil­
“So what?”
frantic! But, Kelly." Cherry went dren at ease with their friends, de
Drug Items
"So what?” she echoed dazedly, on impressively, laying a gloved • lol toward laying the foundations
"Can’t they use them, Kelly? Can’t hand on his shoulder, "this is the for their social success. Watch them
they make it seem that perhaps if strange thing. Fran did have that enjoy playing host and hostess as
wbbt * b lammt iiclumts
you loved her . . . ?"
negligee on at first, but when the this little pair is doing.
cbudb osco dialisi
"Why." Kelly said, "what on police and the doctor and all the
How do you rate with your young­
earth do you suppose was in those others got there she didn't. She had
letters, dear? Plans for murdering on only her nightgown, for she was er generation? Are you content
Jud Marshbanks?”
shivering with cold, and one of the when you keep them clean, get them
"You comfort me." Cherry whis­ maids went and got her an overcoat off to school, and give them some
extra tutoring when they need it
pered. her eyes shut. "You don't from the hall closet."
know how you rest me, Kelly."
"Ha!” Kelly said, his brow knit­ in English or math?
Offi«« sad Warekoueo
Yes. that in Itself is a big Job,
He twisted about a little so that ted. "Sure of that?"
"This is the first I’ve heard of
18th Ave- Portland, Ore.
• 18
"I’m absolutely sure. Thy first and you are doing a big Job if you
this,” said the old woman, in ■ he could get an arm around her,
"What was in them?” she asked thing I saw when I opened my door
voice of desperate resignation.
was that the halls were lighted, and order. Notice. I didn't say whole
"I only knew of it myself yester­ faintly.
"Well, I suppose the usual thing. May and Molly and Helene, the oth­ Job, because unless you provide for
day. I’d put them in a place that
seemed absolutely safe. They fer­ That I was—oh lord—perhaps that er maid, were coming down from healthy recreation and play, the
reted them out"
and start in life.
Cherry had finished. She went to for one of the most fascinating wom­ down the stairs saying it was noth­
Future Americans must be a so­
take the chair opposite the older
and wearing that negligee. But cial as well as business success
• When bowels Oto sluggish am! you
half amused and half impatient.
Mrs. Marshbanks at the fire.
foal irritable, headachy. <lo es million«
to be wholesome
"There must have been more than when the doctor and the police got *
"Hello, everyone!” Kelly Coates
do —chew FttKN-A-MINT, the modern
and happy. To
that because she was so fright­ there, she didn't have it on.”
chewing-gum lasallvo. Simply chew
stood in the doorway.
prepare the child
"She could have run upstairs,
FKEN A MINT before you go to bed,
Cherry’s heart gave a great
for this, you must
"I’ll be damned if I know wbat hung it up, and gone down again
taking only In accordance with package
Cut eggs. crosswise and into
spring, began to tremble with fear
— sleep without being dio-
scared her,” he said, in a genuinely without anyone’s noticing?”
provide him with
halves. Mash yolks and blend with
and pain. Oh. she did not want to
turbed. Neat morning gentle, thorough
’Easily—it was a madhouse for
a social and rec-
puzzled tone. “She was beside her­
relief, helping you feel swell again. Try
mustard, salt and Worcestershire
see Kelly this morning, not after
self. ’Kelly,’ she said, ‘it isn’t for a while. And nobody was watching
reational outlet—
FEHN-A-MINT. Tastes good, is handy
sauce, mixing well. Kill the whites,
Fran's story of the letters, not after
my sake but yours! Your career is or checking.”
and that means
and economical A generoue family eupply
Cut eggs into thin •lice* and ar-
the wonderful day he and she had
"She wiped that revolver on the
ruined.' And she wanted me to take
an occasional
range on three slices of bread. Top
had together at Topcote!
her away. ’Take me away and mar­ first thing that came handy, a fold
party to which to
egg slices with cheese and a second
She would have escaped, but there ry me!’ she said over and over of her dressing gown," Kelly formu­
invite younger
piece of bread. Cut in halves and
was no escape. He came in. greet­ again."
lated it slowly. “And then it oc­ friends so the child is _
at _______
ease in
garnish with watercress and dill
ing Fran and old Mrs. Marshbanks
"And what did you say?” Cherry curred to her that the stain would
Unsuited Mind
and Gregory, catching Cherry’s asked, paling.
be a hard thing to get rid of. She
There’s a certain excitement at
A citrus fruit drink Is refreshing,
A mind, once formed, is never
hand as he stood beside her, but
“I said that I loved you.”
couldn't count on anything she had children’s parties which easily up­
fine for keeping up young spirits suited after, one yet in growth will
with no other look or greeting, and
sets their tummies, and the best
Her eyes filled again. Cherry to clean it with . .
busy at play dur­ ever grateful be.—Goethe.
spoke at once of Amy’s elopement. could not speak.
“She grabbed that gun instinctive­ way to handle them Is to have nour­
ing party time.
He hoped it had not too much dis­
"Then she said that I didn’t know ly and cleaned it before she real­ ishing, wholesome food, rather than
Keep all the fla­
tressed her grandmother.
what might happen,” the man pur­ ized that if those smudges were dis­ "partifled" dishes which will upset
vor in the orange
"I don't know any good of him!” sued. still in the tone of one com­ covered matters would be worse them even more. You’ll find co­
raahm with MeSMMMA,
Juice plus valua-
Mrs. Marshbanks said of Count Go- pletely bewildered, “and I asked than ever,” Kelly continued. "So operation from other mothers If you
go, visibly touched by Kelly’s solici­ her what on earth she was afraid of. she took the boldest course and as let them know you will do every­ ble vitamin C by squeezing It only raaaiiw ner HsatPowder. Holier«
Just before serving. To have chilled
diapar rash. beat rash.
tude in spite of her stiff manner.
I She said, ’You don't know, you don't it turned out the safest one. We're thing to make her children at ease. Juice, chill whole oranges in refrig­
"At al! events. Amy is a deter­ know how they sound! You’ve not not far from Fisherman’s Wharf,
Let your decoration be a bit fussy
mined young lady and knows her seen them for months.’ It was the Cherry: how about an oyster stew?” and party-ish, of course, but keep erator before extracting Juice.
Ever Great
own mind. She may mold him into darnedest thing I ever knew.' But
“Oh. Kelly. I’nf starving!” She to the sensible on the food. Have
For he that once in good, la ever
just the husband she wants,” Kelly as for the police and the press ex- laughed her old Joyous laugh as he table favors, of course, tor this
great.—Ben Johnson.
said comfortingly. And then to ploiting them and landing me in caught her arm tightly in his, 'and carries out the theme and the chil­
Fran: “You telephoned that you jail, why. it’s just silly."
they went along together at a walk dren adore It. It stimulates con­
wanted to see me about some­
"And you really don’t think there’s that was almost a run.
versation and keeps things going
The restaurant was as plain as smoothly.
anything dangerous tn those let­
“Could we talk for a few minutes, ters?" Cherry asked on a long sigh. coarse linen and cheap chairs could
Fresh salmon steaks may be used
Kelly?” Fran asked, rising. “Some­
“I know there isn’t. What gets make it, but the fragrance of the In making the flaked salmon called
thing has happened,” Cherry heard me is that she thinks there is."
boiling crab kettles outside scented for in this recipe. Serve it on small
her say as they went away together,
toast rounds and the children will
Lydia R Pinkham's Vegetable Com­
“It’s clearing. £herry. Get on your the place appetizingly.
"and I don’t know how serious it coat and rubbers and tie something
’•Honestly, Kelly, is there one adore It:
pound has helped thousand» to re­
lief« periodic pain, barkacho, I lead-
may be.”
•Salmon Timbales.
over your head.
We'll go for a chance in the world Fran did it?"
ache with weak, nervous, cranky,
Cherry's own heart sick with ap­ walk."
the girl presently said.
(Serves 8)
blu« feelings — due to functional
prehension. she went through the
”1 don’t think so. I'd swear she
4 eggs, slightly beaten
monthly disturbances. This Is duo
“If I can keep my feet on the
gloomy big halls up to her own room
to Its soothing effect on one of
2 cups milk
ground!" she said, adding in a long­ didn't have the nerve. But It strikes
a few minutes later. It seemed to
1 cup bread crumbs
ing tone. "Oh. Kelly, it’ll be so good me—it’s seemed to me all along—
Taken regularly—Pinkham's Com­
Cherry that life would never be to get out of this house some day that her position is that ot someone
•i teaspoon salt
pound helps build up resistance
right and happy again. She was try­ and into the free, open air and to who knows something, or thinks she
t tablespoons chopped pimento
against such annoying symptoms.
ing to master her tears when May forget everything that’s gone on does; she's protecting someone. But
1 pound salmon, flaked
came in with the message that Mr. here!"
who? Amy? The old lady? I don’t
1 teaspoon paprika
Coates would like to see her a mo­
5 tablespoons shortening
"Don’t you think sometimes ot the know . . . Here are our oysters.”
Wholesome drink with a party
“It's Just one o'clock,” Cherry
1 teaspoon onion Juice
fact that if things had gone just a
air is this cool glass of orange Juice
Kelly looked at her a moment, little differently you might be a said, “and I think I’ll telephone
8 toast rounds
topped prettily with orange sherbet,
then squared her gently about with rich woman. Marchioness?" he home that I'm not coming.”
decorated sprigs of mint and whole
his big hands and asked her why asked, as they walked along the wet
When she came back she sank
Add butter and bread crumbs to raspberries. Orange float will keep
she bad been crying.
sidewalks, leaning against the wind. into her chair, gripping the table, hot milk, then stir until all soaked. you cool and full of pep, for vitamin
"I’ve felt—so horrible!” Cherry
"No; I never thought of it, really.
Add slightly beat­
helps mitigate effects of beat.
faltered, fresh tears welling in her I wouldn't want it I'll feel so rich
“Cherry, what is it? What’s the en eggs, flaked
eyes. She could not face him.
•Orange Sherbet.
( i
as your wife, Kelly,” Cherry said,
“What about Marchioness? Nerves? "that it would just be a bother to ing at her hands.
1’4 cups sugar
fresh salmon 8 to
Is all this beginning to get you?” me. Just to be over there, alone
“It was Mullins.” she whispered.
1 cup water
10 minutes, then
"Oh, Kelly, I’m so wretched about with you," she continued, gestur­ “They want us to come straight
2 egg whites stiffly beaten
flake), pimento,
those letters! I knew—of course I ing towards the far hills, "there's home. She said—she said she and
When our preeont aynthotle
2 cups orange Juice
salt, paprika and
program boo matorlaliaod. a
knew,” Cherrjr faltered, "that you no money in the world that could Jud had quarreled—over you. Fran
3 tablespoons lemon Juice
B.F.Goodrich official prodlcta
onion Juice. Pour
were fond of Fran; I knew that tempt me to give up a minute of it!" has confessed!”
the resultant rubber curpluo
Into buttered tim­
Boil sugar and water together for
wilt caueo one of the most
iust as soon as I met her, or you!
When they went out onto the wharf
“It’s going to be a great adven­
minutes. Beat egg whites slowly
ooriouo poet-war marketing
bale or greased
But it hurts me so—it hurts me so— ture." Kelly said.
looking for a taxi. Cherry held Kel­
problem«. What to do with the
and add to fruit Juices. Mix all in­
stock« of synthetic and
when I was so happy thinking that
"It’s going to be heaven! I can’t
gredients and pour into freezing
natural rubber will tost tha
"Fran’s confessed, eh?" he said
you and I would be together—to believe it yet.”
Inganulty of manufacturer«
tray of mechanical refrigerator.
Lynn Hays:
have this happen now! To have the
and aaloo executives.
They paced along together, fac­ more than once. “I wonder what
Freeze stiff, then beat thoroughly.
police get them and the newspa­ ing the wind.
that means? Why does she drag me
A substitute for rubber adhe­
Return to freezing compartment and
sive tape is being sought. Thou­
pers; it spoils everything!”
Sandwich Ideas: Cream cheese
“Oh, I’d forgotten, what with Amy in? She knows darned well that
freeze until stiff.
sands of pounds of thia tape are
"Why does it spoil everything?” and everything,” Cherry said sud­ whatever she's up to I'm not in it."
or cottage cheese with olives and
being used to protect plastic
he asked gravely, still holding her denly. “Yesterday when I was in
airplane glues in transit to air­
lightly with both hands behind her Fran’s room, and she was showing
"Yes. but that’s not enough.”
piano factories.
Peanut butter, honey and crum­
"Kelly,” she said, when they had
shoulders. “Look at me. Cherry. me the overnight case that the po­
1’4 cups flour
bled fresh yeast, on whole wheat
Seventy-three per eeat ef the
140,000 worker« af S4 war
This doesn’t spoil anything, Do you lice had broken open when they got signaled a cruising taxi and were on
*4 teaspoon salt
or enriched white bread.
plants In 10 state« go te and
H cup honey
mean that you don’t want to come your letters, she went into the bath­ their way, "promise me something.”
Peanut butter and chow chow
from work by private automo­
bile«. Nearly three-quarters
“Anything," he said.
3 tablespoons com syrup
to Sausalito now?”
on enriched white bread.
room to take a shower and while she
of the cars used by these
“Promise me that no matter what
’4 cup peanut butter
She smiled up at him through was there the wind blew in through
Cream cheese and orange mar­
workers have tlraa more than
worn out, many ef
her closet—and I went in to close
unfit for re-capping.
Apple butter
"Oh. Kelly, but it makes ft all so the window—and one of her dress­ gled things get, you and I are—for­
Mashed liverwurst, chili sauce,
horrid!" she said, even though hope ing gowns blew against my hand, ever and eternally—bound to each | mayonnaise on whole wheat or
Sift all dry ingredeints together.
was dawning in her voice.
rye bread.
and Kelly—she’d wiped a pistol bar­ other!”
Cream shortening, add to peanut
"Why, my darling, my darling,”
"Cherry, you Just said that you rel on it! No mistake. Grease and
Minced corned beef or sliced
butter, honey and corn syrup. Add
knew I’d cared—or that at one time gunpowder, and it was all puckered he said, "my life is your life now.
tongue with horseradish on rye
flour and roll dough into size you
Here we are!” he finished abruptly,
some months ago, I thought I was up - - -”
prefer tor finished cookies. Chill
crazy about Fran. I never asked
"What are you talking about?” as the cab drew up at the imposing
Roquefort cheese, celery and
for 15 minutes. Cut into thin slices
her to come to Sausalito and run the man demanded, interrupting. Marshbanks doorway, "Now we’ll
mayonnaise on white bread or on
and top half of them with apple but­
me; I never thought of her doing "Fran had wiped the barrel of a try to see what all this is about."
celery as a garnish for salad.
ter. Cover with a second slice of
There were four officers there
any such thing."
revolver on one of her dresset?”
Watercress on thinly sliced
dough and seal as for a tart. Bake
"Didn’t she tell you about the let­
"One of those negligees she wears. now, instead of the usual one or
white bread, rolled and kept in
in a slow oven (325 degrees) for
And that was what she had on when two; Fran was there, too, silent,
refrigerator In damp cloth for 15
25 minutes.
"Ot course she did.”
sha ran downstairs that night—when very pale, tragic-looking, with her
to 20 minutes.
Art you having difficult"» planning
"You—you comfort me by just we'd all heard the judge shouting white skin and raven-black hair.
Finely chopped figs or raisins
“1 had to tell them, Kelly,"
meal.» with point»? Stretching your
s-s-saying anything!” Cherry said, and we all ran to our doors. The
with nutmeats, mayonnaise and
meat»? Lynn Chamber» can give you
■he said breathlessly, apologeti­
laughing with wet lashes. She seat­ minute I saw ft I remembered it,
lemon Juice, on white or brown
help if you write her, tncloting a
ed herself in a big fireside chair, although I’d forgotten it until then.”
»tamped, »elf-addreited envelope ¡or
“I’m corry. I thought for a while I
"Forgotten what?”
■nd Kelly came to sit on the broad
Hard-cooked eggs, celery and
your reply, in rare of her al Wettern
"That that negligee was what /he that we could hide it. But I had
arm, holding tight to her hand.
mayonnaise on whole wheat
Newspaper Union, 210 South Dei-
to tell."
“Let’s have it What about the had on."
plaint.« Street, Chicago, lllinoit.
"But someone would have seen
Released by Western Newepaper Union.
Western Trading
Company, Inc.
Female Weakness
I h mi
in rubber