"THEY GIVE THEIR LIVES-YOU LEND YOUR MONEY" Buy Mor« Wor Bond» Today ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, VOL. XII May 27 ,1943 Number 18 THIN AND THAT MEMORIAL DAY (By OLD TIMER) I To the Editor: Following Is the roster of Ashland High School service men as EXERCISES HERE Memorial Day Exercises will be School graduates this year will it stands today, complete with the key to the exact star on the service held Monday morning at 10 am. at hav« no trouble finding jobs. flag which represent* each Individual Since rnutfh of the woik of the Ashland Cemetery with the Ashland, Oregon The Seventeenth Annual Com­ ♦ « collei’ting the names has been in the hands of students, and since the Congress appears to I m * afflicted To Ashland Men and Women, too: list Involves So many, we are sure that it is not yet complete, so we Rev. Howard G. Eddy Chaplain mencement exercises of the South­ American Legion Post no. 14, ern Oregon College of Education with an overdose of partisan poll- The war goes on. More than ever ■ re herewith making a plea for more help. presiding. tics. will be held Friday, May 28, 2:30 Pleas«' read the list carefully. If any name has been omitted, It becomes apparent that food Is The program is as follows: p.m. in the college auditorium. 1 1 1 if kny name Is there which does not belong there, if the name is Prelude-Selection by the Civic Professor R. V.' McNeal of the Those no-strike pledges are one very important factor in the spi lled Incorrectly, If any error at ail exists, please call 880 1 ami winning of the war. We are Just Band. more honored In the breach than college facuty will deliver the ad­ now well started in the season of r«[M»rt it. Presentation of Colors-Flag Sa­ dress Music will be supplied by the observance. Regulations governing selection of those to be placed on flag: 1943 We remember the lough lute led by Scout Dick Merriman. the college string quintet and the 111 times which farmers in the valley 1. Active m-rvice In one of the armel forces of the Allied Nations Invocation-The Rev. A. H. Mac college triple trio. The program is T im * many of us are still placing had last year in getting help when 2. Completion of at least one semester's schoolwork at AHS. DtaneU. as follows: t our personal inter«*«* flint ami the they very much needed help 3 Honorable discharge since Pearl Harbor. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address- Pr(x:««Mrional - "Pomp and Cir­ war second. Everything points to the fact 4. Gold stars arc to oc used only for those who have been Dick Merriman; cumstance" , Elgar by the College Uiat help will be even harder to officially reported "Killed in Action 1" or "Killed in Service" or upon | Selection by the Civic Band . 111 String Quintet; The prise for the outNtnndliig gel In 1943. requeirt at the family of the individual. Address-Colonel Geo. C. Pear- “The Star-Spangled Banner", bit of Wishful thinking goes to Out of the various suggestions 5. Faculty members of the Ashland High School are eligible to son, Ch. C.. U. 8. Army, Carnp Key by the Audience; Mussolini. He tells the Italians which were made al Governor L«' represented on the flag. White Oregon; "Annie Laurie" arr. by Zamnec- “We will return to Africa." Snell's called meeting in Malern Placing of Floral Tributes by nik by the College String Quintet Note: The first number represents the row, and the second, the April 5th. it was felt that the star In the row. The first three on the list are gold star numbers, organizations; 1 1 1 consisting of Ann Crandall, Julia worked out by the Uncle Zeke Mays th« answer to "labor Singing - "America" - 1st and Silver, Eleanor McColm, Barbara 5-23 Martin H“rrln 3-12 Bob Stearns last stanzas. u permanent peace can be found Chamber at Commerce at Eugene Robert Farlow Terrill, and Lots Redford with Benediction • Rev. Earl C. Dow­ Irving Mlrick, Director; in the 20th chapter of Exodus was the best plan to take care of 3-13 Robert Pederson 5-24 Weldon Stauffer George Best ning; in which ure contained th« Ten the local situation. In this plan 3-14 Meredith Beaver 5-25 Leroy McNeil John Pratt Address - "This Moving World”, 5-26 Marvin Ring Rifle Salute by the Firing Squad R. W. McNeal, Department of Commandments. If w« will live folks register with the Chamber 3-15 Bud Silver Karl Black 5-27 Albert C< Her Taps; up to them there can never be of Commerce to give so many days 3-16 Oacar Silver I ail«' Adams Geography, Southern Oregon Col­ asslMtance when thes«' "bottle-1 Singing • "Star Spangled Ban- lege of Education; another war, he's confident. 3-17 Timer Geo. Ward 5-28 Stan Coleman Lynn Neeley 5-29 Lloyd Wenau.« necks" come. ner”, first stanza only. 3-18 Everett Nance Bill Blackmer “In These Delightful Pleasant 111 5-30 Kenneth Wenaus We cannot impress too strongly There will be no parade. Earl .Winkleman William Jacoby 3-19 Sonic Pacific Coast prnichern upon you the need of action from Groves", “Cossack Lullaby", and ------BUY BONDS------ 3-20 Thelbert Tucker 5-31 Donald Crouch Robert Adams "Children of the Moon”, by the would give Burry Bridges an «•very able bodied person in this 5-32 Don Dickerson 3-21 Genevieve McGee I Sanford Rose immunity bath. They have petl-l community. We must take this ser­ College Triple Trio consisting of 5 33 Chester Squires , Joel J esse l 3-22 Ernest Lytle Mary Alice Wolford, Alyce Han­ Honed Washington not to deport iously and in just the sanu* pronto 5-34 Glen Lucus ! Tom Simpsoir 3-23 Frank Martz sen, Patricia Furry, Ann Candall, him and to grant him full citizen-, 5-35 Manley Leggett action that we would if our neigh­ 3-24 Robert Avery I Howard Parker ship Evidently this Is the silly Lois Redford, Evelyn Wirostek, 5-36 Wilbur Ixirham bor was thrcat 5-40 Graydon Crews the fo<* Jack Putney try's wars have made the supreme Franks. Bayfield, Colorado; La- 6-4 Frank Scott against vacation time. If you knoWj 111 3-40 i Furman Carter I Roas Willard vila Gosson, Klondike, Ore.; Grace sacrifice. 6-5 Bruce DeMera "American soldiers already have of any better way to make a vaca- 3-41 Carl Isenhower I Joe Spayde The program which will be held Elizabeth Lee, Marshfield; Nancy 6-6 Don DeLisle tksi win the war, trot it out Ixit's left an imprint on our country." 3-42 I John Isenhower Flora Miller Firestone, Ashland; Leslye Rae 'at 8:00 p.m. is as follows: 6-7 Earl DeLisle nays Mrs. Herbert Evatt, wife of thing of It as coming from work 3-43 I Louie Werth. Jr. ! Wilbur Sherfy Jensen. Ashland; Virginia Smith 1 Prelude; 6-8 Jainea DeLisle «lays and not just a Sunday lark the Australian Minister for Ex­ 3-44 James McNair I Vernon Rush Holt, Roseburg; Nellie McLain, "Star Spangled Banner" 6-9 Henry Miller ternal Affairs. "Doughnuts and For most of it Will have to come I Lester W. Alwine 3-45 > L^Roy Lindner Flag Salutes-Led by Troop no. Ashland; Mildred R. Schultz, Kla­ 6-10 Bill Baley from work days. waffltw. along with hot dogs, have 3-46 Richard Gardiner > Victor Peiffer math Falls; Maxine Rand, Rose­ 13, Boy Scouts. 6-11 R. »b for somebody else, we are Rowley ----- BUY BONDS— • Carl Henry garet L. Ba mt house, Ashland; The United States Flag Salute 4-3 Chester Fowler 6-15 Beecher Dauford It's America celling, our I Harry Henry School Facilities For . licked. Mildred Ann Bowerman, Hood followed by the singing of “ Ameri 4-4 Robert Doomes 6-16 Charles Fordyje Allies calling: DO IT NOW Reg- Calvin Roas River; Gloria Raniele Cadman, ca" no. 489. 4-5 Charles DelSman 6-17 Roy W Clary Handicapped (,'hildren IKTEK IN A IJBERAL AMOUNT ! Clifford Ross Mr. Smith of Langlois. Oregon; Geraldine Fran- Invocation-Rev. 4-6 Chas Delsman, Jrg.jg Dick Berninghau- State Law now provid«*« the, OF DAYS AND WHEN WE have Dale Roas I cis, Medford; Marie Elizabeth the Nazarene Church. 4 7 LeRoy Ayres sen let's REMEMBER finances and faclinic» for the cdu- Irvin Rosa Singspiration-Led by Paul Byers Gibson, Hood River; Roland Wes­ -8 Jack Forsythe 6-19 Grant Selby cation »f hand Icapp. gram for them GOODS when the "draft board" Bert Davis the Beautiful'*, "Oregon My O-e- P. Jewett, Central Point, Oregon; 11 Gaylord Cox 6-22 Don Gettling and wishes to securs compute calls us into action. Obviously we Dean Leslie Jones, Klamath Falls; gon." 12 Ed Blackwell Nathan Gale 6-23 Tom Gettling information concernin.; all chil- cannot take time to go out and Addrese-*'One Hundred Years Richard Anson Leigh, Ashland; 13 J. W Haines Ia'wis Rosa 6-24 Bill Wimer drei* between the ugea of ■ ix and see folks individually, hence this | Jack Albert Merritt, Ashland; Ago"-Dr. Arthur Taylor, SOCE Sidney Weybrighl 14 Valorous Roas 6-25 Car] Crossman twenty-six years who would quail-, letter. Call at the Chamber of Margery Newton, Ashland; Emmy Hymn - 497 - "God of Our Fa Il ­ 15 Glen Weybrighl Gilbert Russell 6-26 George Bibby fy and who are unable to partici­ Commerce for more Information, Lou Smith, Ashland; James ers' ’ 16 Bill Huffman Earl Nutter 6-27 Rob?.-t Hall pate in the regula" school program. but DO IT NOW !! Scripture - Dr. Geo. W. Bruce Barrington Smith, Ashland; Dolo­ 17 Harold Baughman g.28 Kenneth Hobson Kenneth Brown Yours for Victory, Handle ipp^i chi dren. to qualify Prayer - Rev. Howard G. Eddy. res Leron Trout, Malin, Oregon; 18 James Baughman 6-29 Phil Ritter Clyde Young ASHLAND CHAMBER may com? under one of the follow-, Vocal Solo - Miss Florence P. Bruce Wall, Ashland; Donald R. 19 Archie Heilmeyer 6-30 Joe. Wurzer Bill Allen OF COMMERCE Ing claastfi.-Unuis: crippled, par­ Wlndbigler, Eureka, California. Allen. 20 Wayne Scholar John McLain 6-31 Lyal Massey ------BUY BONDS------ tially ■'lghtei, hard-of-hearing, Recessional, by College String Sermon - "This Is the Victory’’, 21 Earl Yaryan Kenneth Bell 6-32 Herbert Daxls speech defective, low v’tality, snd BELLVIEW NEWS Quintet. Rev. Earl C. Downing. 22 Joseph Rapp Donn Hufman 6-33 Richard Foster maladjusted. ------BUY BONDS------ - 490 "God Bless 23 Mel Brantley Harry Hoxie 6-34 WiUia.n Westfai. I Closing The Bellview School closed — Hymn — Parents and frienda of those 1 Our Native Land." 24 William Hoxie Charles Smith 6-35 E. Clements AT THE CHURCHES who may qualify are asked to | Thursday, May 27th. The gradua­ Benediction - Rev. Gordon c. 25 Arthur Gilbert Charles Rice 6-36 Ed war! Cate . CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN leave comple’e information at '.he tion exercises were held in the Griffin Gordon Claycomb 26 Clyde Garrett 6-37 Robert Becktel Iowa and Mountain Streets Central Jc*»'»i Office in th« First morning for the 8th graders. At Postlude • Selected . 27 Jack Thompson 6-38 Leonard Gosnell Clarence Woods Ward E Pratt, Minister National Bank Building, or they noon the P.T.A. sponsored a picnic I ------ BUY BONDS— 28 Kenneth Thomp-6-39 Cecil Bounds Harvey Woods may phone 8101 for 'urther Infor­ dinner, and the afternoon was giv­ Ashland and Medford Marcus Woods son 6-40 Howard Frame en over to games. TALENT NEWS mation . 10:00 a. m. -Church School. 29 Lee O ’ Harra Richard Ourthell 6-41 John Harr Mrs. Mark True attended a pic­ The Baccalaureate service was ------ BUY BONPS— 11:00- Worship Service 30 Robert Corthell 6-42 DeVon Wray Dale O’Harra nic dinner at the home of Mrs. held at the Methodist Church Sun­ Message title “'Back to Earth." ASKED TO LIMIT CALLS, Belle Jackson. Saturday evening. Clarence Pitch- SI Carl Fehige 6-43 Ray Hawk day morning with Reverend Astle- In Medford - Medford High 32 Dutch Scheiderei-6-44 Alden Powell Jr. ford in charge. There was a large ford The Pacific Telephone and Tele-1 The occasion was in honor of Mrs. School Baccalaureate Service. ter Dorrance Ruger graph Company is now starting to, Virgil Jackson and small son of 6-45 Daniel G. Moon crowd attending the service. —V— 4 33 I’aul Aikens Louis Norberg ask the cooperation of long dis-1 Portland, 6-46 Ralph Bishop Graduation Exercises will be FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 4- 34 Rodney Merriman Alvene Monroe tance telephone users to limit | Mrs Earl Hamilton returned 6- 47 Carl Brower ¡held Thursday evening May 27 at Edward Zboralaki 4 35 Joseph Sander their conversations over heavily 1 last week from a visit in Portland 7- 1 Wayne Peterson 18:00 o'clock with 20 students Corner No. Main and Laurel Sts. 36 Victor Sander Jimmy Heer loaded lines to five minutes, ac | and Seattle. While in Portland she 7-2 William P">rson graduating: Josephine Fenton, Dr. George W. Bruee, Minister 37 Fred Buehling Leslie Heer <<>r Robert Jones 11 Henry Ltndsey Hubert Bentley The Grange will entertain sol­ ALUMNI ASSOCIATION HOLDS o’clock. Subject ¡"Ancient and Mod­ President's photograph but why 12 Glenn Kella 7-27 George Engle Jack Bentley BANQUET FRIDAY EVENING the business cards if not for art diers from Camp White June 9th. em Necromancy Alias Mesmerism 7-28 Arthur Kent Joseph King 13 Harry Smith The Alumni Association of the and Hypnotism Denounced. Sunday or to help promote business for This will be the last entertainment 14 Jim Beatty 7-29 Robert Cadzow for soldiers until after the harvest. Earl Warren Ashland High School will hold its School at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday him. ------BUY BONDS— Thurlow Wauch- 15 Rodger Desharer 7-30 Marvin Mess j,' annual banquet and dance. Friday evening meeting, which includes ------BUY BONDS— ope 16 DaMor Clifton 7-31 Geo’ge High Mark Hamaker of Ashland was Taking office immediately an May 28 at the Elks Temple. After testimonies of Christian Science 7 Robert Yeo 7-32 Marshall Miller chairman of the campus war board transacting busineas in Talent 3-6 Dale Williams a oovered dish dinner, the seniors healing. Is held at 8 o'clock. 13-7 Jack Williams 8 Buster Bushnell 7-33 O. M Balgaard at the University of Oregon is Monday morning. nf n»4S will be welcomed into the Reading Room open daily from 7-34 Ivan Randler, —V— 3-8 George F. Smith 9 Ardis Warden Jean Frideger, Ashland freshman , organization. A good program has 2 to 8 p. m. except Sundays and 20 Charles ’,Van«n 7-35 R L Burdic in liberal arts. She was appointed Frank Mannes returned home 3-9 Albert Boackman been arranged by Roland Parks. Holidays. The public is cordlaHy 7-36 Bob Burdic 21 Dean Wsiren lata last week by the sxecutlve Monday evening from the Odd 3-10 George Peachey toastmaster. All alumni and their invited to attend these services, An Appeal From The C. of C. SCHOOL COMPILES SERVICE LIST Graduation at SOCE May 28 Patriotic Rally And Service OQundl. , Fellow« convention at Portland. 3-11 Llewellyn Peachy 5 22 Don Warrou 7-3? Jo« BuiMio .partners ar« invited. i •ad to use the Reading Room.