SOUTHERN OREGON MINER, Ashland, Oregon Uncle PATTERNS SEWDNG CONCILIE YOU cun’t make footprints in th« • ggHilg of time by sitting down. “Pit ion" it what tome people think they hate when they guett correvtiy. A go getter is a person willing Washington, D. C. AID TO KIHS1A to try anything twice. It 1« now permissible to reveal Most of us Huy that money will that several months ago about 300,- not bring happineHS, Then we 000 ton« of shipping were tied up In druw a long breath and begin the Persian Gulf waiting to be un­ loaded. chasing after money again. TTilx represented ■ super attempt Tbe darkest hour is never more to aid Russia, and although some than 60 minutes. ■hip« were tied up for weeks, it was IP hut tome motorUti don't know about not the fault of the War Shipping administration or the army. This driving would till a liotpiltl. Practice makes perfect—If you was an attempt to show good faith to Russia when «he was under ter­ practice what you preach. rific siege, when the battle of Stalin­ grad was In the balance. Whalen Once on Land In some cases ships rode at an­ chor 50 and 80 days In the Gulf of Whales once lived on land, it Persia, waiting to unload, their is estimated thut 100,000,000 years crews Idle. elupsed before they ehungrd from i Basic reason for this delay Is that land animals to murine animulx. port facilities along the Gulf of Per­ Whales und their cousins—por­ sia are backward if not medieval. poises and dolphins—are the only Therfc were no modern docks or species of mammuls that bear and cranes, and to unload locomotives without cranes Is almost Impossible. rear their young in the water. Alsu the railroad running north from Ration Joke 999 Basra to the Caucasus la a mean­ Mr. Jones—I drink a cup of hot dering affair, never completely fln- water every morning. • I shed, originally built to reach the Mr Smith-So do I, but my wife Shah’s hunting lodge rather than calls it coffee. port facilities on the Caspian. Very little had been done by the Hwret Charity British to improve this line, until Teacher—If 1 saw a man beating a American engineers got busy. Even donkey and 1 stopped him, what vir­ before Pearl Harbor, when we first tue would I be displaying? started sending aid to Russia, Amer­ Johnny—Brotherly lovel ican railroad men were rushed to Basra. But it was a tough job. and Nubway Factory was still unfinished last fall and In ■ London suburb, a large fac­ summer. At that time the Nezls tory making electrical equipment were knocking our Murmansk con- for aircraft is only 40 feet wide | voys off Norway Into smithereens. but seven miles long. It occupies So, to keep faith with Russia, ships an unused subway. were piled into the Gulf of Persia. Today the situation, though still difficult. Is greatly improved. In says: fact, hard-hitting Lew Douglas, dy­ namo of the War Shipping adminis­ tration, has pepped up unloading fa­ cilities In India, South Africa and other bad bottlenecks where previ­ ously U. S. ships had to wait three and four weeks to unload. % PAZO ¿PILES Relieves pain and soreness Arid Indigestion HOT HASHES e o e FARMER CHENNAULT WNU—13 When Your Back Hurts- And Your Strength and Energy la Below Par > It may bo eauaed by dlaorder of kid­ ney tunctlnn that permit« polaonous wait« to accumulate. Fur truly many people feel tired, weak and mlaarablo when the kidney« fall to remove »areas aclda and other waalo matter iron the blood. You may auffar nanln« backache, rheumatic pain«, headarhra, dlxaineas. eetllnr up night«, l»4t paina, «welling, nomatime« frequent and acanty urina­ tion with »marling and burning 1» an­ other algn that aomethlng la wrong with the kidney« or bladder. There anould lx no doubt that prompt treatment in wlaer than neglect. UM Doan't Pille. It la better to rely on ■ medicine that haa won countrywide ap- Eroval than on aomathlng lean favorably nown. Doan't have been tried and mat­ ed many years. Are at all drug »Cores. Get Doane today. D oans P ills Freshman Rep. Charles E. Mc- Kcnzie of Louisiana expected to get a first-hand report on the war in the Far East when he shook hands with his most distinguished constituent, Gen. Claire Chennault, leader of American forces in China, who is visiting in the United States. But the “Fighting Tiger” almost floored McKenzie by inquiring: “How's farming down home? I can’t wait to get back to my plantation.” McKenzie replied that he had just returned from Louisiana, that farm­ ers in his district were doing "very well” considering the shortage of labor and machinery. “Did you see my place in Concor­ dia Parish?” asked Chennault anx- iously. “You bet. General,” replied Me- Kenzie, “and I can report that it is one of the most beautiful and best regulated plantations in Louisiana. I’d like to live there myself, on the banks of Lake St. John.” Note: While Chennault is at war, his Louisiana farm is being man­ aged by his wife and children. • • POLISH Hadn’t Mr. She was peeved and called Mr. Not because he went and kr. But because before She opened the door This same Mr. kr. sr. In Emergency On the witness stand in court the witness was asked to tell about his marital relations. “They’re all right,” he said, “but they always want to live with me.” ! > Jf Í / // v \\ vx . if 1 ' 1V \ <-Z 1 L7 ° • ( Pi Ü . h / c c Vi 8358 2-6 yr*- ko i6 Fetching Dress. VOUNGSTERS will look as pret- 1 ty and graceful as a ballet dancer in this fetching dress. The heart shape of the neckline which is repeated at the waist, is a dar­ ling idea and the profuse use of ric-rac is certain to delight the wearer. e Always Right. ^EVER a worrisome moment • about your looks when you’re wearing this flattering princess WORRIED OVER RAILROADS house frock. Certain Washington official« ac­ • • • quainted with railroad operation are worried about temporary break­ down« of the tran«portation system, and conaequent serious delay« in moving war material« While it 1« admitted that the rail­ Get PAZO Today' At Drugstores* road« are doing a “grand job,” there Is no overlooking the fact that the burden la proving too heavy. Happiness ns Y on Travel Moat «erioua Is the «ituation in Happiness is not a station you westward freight traffic. The coun­ arrive nt, but a manner of travel­ try'« railroad« were built with the ing.—Margaret Lee Runbeek. Idea of moving traffic eastward, with bigger faciltie« ai traffic move« eaat. But today, with a Pacific war to aupply, the westward movement la greater than ever. Breakdown« have occurred on sin­ gle-track western line«, requiring re­ routing in a circuitous manner, with delays of days and weeks in tome cases. A transcontinental freight movement which once was accom­ Fixed Price for Wife plished in five days is now requiring In Liberia, the black republic in ten and fifteen. West Africa, the price of a wife is The remedy seems to be an in­ fixed at $60. crease in the centralized control of traffic. This smells like government operation, from the railroads' point of view, and they shy away from ZYOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROMx» it But officials in ODT who have no railroad connections regard such control as necessary for the war- time job. If you autTar from hot Caahr«. rtuzl- Note: Hie burden for meeting nnia, dutrraa o' "Irrr^ul»rille«", are weak, nerroua. Irritable, blue at these problems falls on the shoulders times—due to the functional of V. V. Boatner, director of the di-, “mlddle-ase'* period in a woman's life- try Lydia K Pinkham's Vege­ vision of rnilroad transport in the table Compound- the beet-known ODT Boutncr has now shifted to a medicine you can buy today that'a “without compensation" basis so he m.uln rapeciolly /or women. Pinkham's Compound has helped can act as consultant for the rail- thounsnds u|x>n thousands of wom­ roads and be paid by them, while en to relieve such annoying symp­ still officially working for the gov- toms Follow label directions. Pink­ ham's Compound is worth trying/ ernment. DEPARTMENT l.ieut.— I)id you shale thit morning? I’ i t Yet. tir l.ieut. — U hat did you uta—your knife? Pit.—No, tir, Pio loti my knife, to I uted my tutor. Mother è CLASSIFIED ; A SK Af F ANOTHER 7 SEWING CIKCIJt PATTERN DEPT. 14S New Montgomery Streel 8*a Franclaro Calif. Enclose 20 cents io coins for each pattern desired. Pattern No. .. Sue... Name . Address When the word went out that soldiers overseas wanted pack­ ages from home—the response was so overwhelming that Uncle Sam reluctantly had to call a halt. To­ day, due to shipping space, there are Post Office restrictions on packages to overseas Army men— but you can still send packages to soldiers in the U. S., and to Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen wherever they are. When you do, remember—one of their favorite gifts is cigarettes, and the favorite brand is CameL Sales records in Post Exchanges | and Canteens show that Camel is first choice with men in all the services. So send him that carton of Camels today.—Adv. e Pattern No. 8358 is in size« 2. 3. 4, 5 and 8 years Size 3 takes 1% yards 35- Inch material, 12 yards ric-rac required tor trimming. Due to an unusually large demand and current war conditions, slightly more Ume is required in filling orders for a tew of the most popular pattern numbers. Send your order to: Pattern No. 8380 is in sizes M. 38. 38. 40. 42. 44. 46 and 48 Size 36 takes, with short aleeves, 4‘, yards 35 inch material 3 yards ric-rac. Shuffled Up Mrs. Green — Dinah, did change the table napkins? Dinah—Yes'm, I shuffled and dealt ’em out so’s no one would get the same one they had for the last meal. Greater Jupiter Jupiter's diameter is 11 times that of the earth. TABASCO The anarmieat acaaoning known, and the world's most widely distributed food product! A dash of this piquant saucs gives a rare flavor to any food. TABASCO — th« seasoning secret of master chefs for mars than 75 years! SPECIAL TO ALL GROWERS WHO HAVE NOT SOLD THEIR WOOL w» offer our services In handling tinder the governmx/tt your wool ____ program all wool» must ba appraised by U.S. Appralaara. recatvo Ship your wool to us and ----- -------- — full UH. rnmant calling ortoas I ms actual markatlng coat fixed by tha govarnment No lot la too larga or too Btrmli for our individual atten­ tion If requested will make oaah advanoe of 75% upon delivery of clip. HMx your wool to ua and receive prompt appraisal and save country charge«. »Oin*MD HIDH AITS WOOZ. COMrZFT 1313 3T.W. Johnson Htxsst Portland, Oregon DENTAL PLATES D r . H arry S ímlír , Dudiit AtlSKY BLDG • ink H0M:S0«l »OR’I Something to Cry A bent! A an tie—What's the matter. Tom­ my? Tom—Ma's gone and drowned all the kittens. Auntie—Oh, that’s too bad. Tom—Teh, she promised me I could do it. Know Your Batter! Harry—If the back end of a Billy goat was in Minnesota and the front end was In Iowa, in what state would you milk it? Jerry—No state. A Billy goat doesn’t milk! Rest in Peace Johnny—Mom, what will become of all those flowers on the altar? Mother—They will be given to those who are sick at the close of the services. MEAT PATTIES WITH All-BRAN MAKE. MEAT GO FURTHER Are you looking for ways to "stretch the meat supply"? Then try thia won­ derful recipe for All-Bran Meat Pat­ ties! They are made with famouo kdj -OCC' s all - bxax — which adds a de­ licious crunchy texture to the dish with all the valuable vitamins, milk­ er a Is. proteins and carbohydrates or­ dinarily found in ALL-MAX. Kellogg’s All-Bran Meat Patties A General Quiz 1 tableapoon chopped parMcy J 1 cup milk M cup cataup 1 cup Kellogg'« Ali-Braa 1 pound ground beef law 2 teaspoons salt teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons minced onion The Questions 1. Are American soldiers bigger than they were in World War I? 2. Were any Presidents of the United States baldheaded? 3. What speed does the swing of a pugilist attain? 4. What is a “Blue Ox”? 5. What possession of the United States borders on two oceans? 6. If your ring is stamped 18K, how much gold does it contain? 7. What is a shibboleth? 8. Which is the world's largest cathedral? Beat egg slightly, add salt, pepper, onion, parsley, milk, catsup ana All-Bran. Let soak until most of mois­ ture is taken up. Add beef and mix thoroughly. Shape Into 12 patties. Bake in hot oven'(450°?.) about 30 minutes or broil about 20 minutes. Yield: 8 servings (12 2% inch patties). Money for Clay Earning money isn't enough. It only buys some of the clay with which we mould our lives.—Fay Ba inter. The Antwtrt 1. Yes. They average two Inches taller and are 14 pounds heavier. 2. The only baldheaded Presi­ dent of the United States was John Quincy Adams. 3. A device that times a pugil­ ist's swing shows that the fastest punch of most heavyweight boxers attains a speed of 40 miles an hour. 4. Our fliers call the Norden bombsight, the secret device that allows them to do uncanny preci­ sion bombing, the “Blue Ox.” 5. Alaska (on the Pacific and Arctic oceans). 6. An 18K ring contains 75 per cent of gold. 7. A pct phrase or watchword. 8. St. Peter’s in Rome. Delicious Rice Krispies are ready instantly. Hear them snap! crack­ le! pop! in milk. Lots of crispness—lots of pro­ tein there! They're restored to whole grain food values in thiamin (Vitamin Bi), niacin, and iron. KMnU “iztgp a RE LI EVE the stinging itch—allay • irritation, and thus quicken healing Begin to use soothing Resinol today. RESINOL ‘Moo’ and ’Squeal* In army slang “moo” is milk and squeal” is pork. DONT LET SLOW YOU UP IN THE TANK FORCES they say CAMELS ALWAYS •IRON HORSES TRAVEL WITH for tanks •GEAR HAPPY ME- THEY VE GOT WHAT IT THIN SKINS TAKES IN TASTI ANO MILDNESS. I VE for unarmored trucks SMOKED EM for shifting gears too often • When bowel« are sluggish and yow feel irritable, headachy, do aa millions do — chew FEEN-A-MINT, the modern chawing-gum laxative. Simply chew FEEN-A-MINT before you go to beEARS • MERRY-GO-ROUND C The carpet in the state depart­ ment reception room, where Secre­ tary Hull holds press conferences, is bordered with swastikas. C. William B. Lewis, chief of OWI's radio bureau, resented “Time's" calling him “smooth, dapper,” and one of the “soap salesmen” in OWI. He called “Time’s” Washington bu­ reau threatening to write letters of protest to important people. “Write one to us,” said Felix Belair Jr., head of the bureau, “if lt'a good, we’ll print it.” 0»f Oof Into Action For Full Victory I