Thursday, May 13, 1943 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday and Saturday Jeanette MacDonald Robert Young LOCAL GIRL IN UO VIAV Lolita Pierson. Ashland, gradu­ ate in music at the University, sang a solo in the French play given late last week in the Guild theater, Johnson Hall. The play was "Esther”, a three- act play by Jean Racine, and was given with an al) girl cast, as it was done by Racine in the 17 th century . Miss Pierson is a Pt Iaimbda Theta, education honorary, and a Mu Phi Epsilon, music honorary. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pierson. Ashland. MRS. W. T. BRICKEY The Rev. and Mrs. C. F McCall, Montana visited litui week with Funeral services were held Wei- Jr. and two children of Lexington, Rev. and Mr». Clarence F McCall nesday afternoon at the Litwiller Funeral Home for Mrs. AV. T Brickey who passed away May 7. Rev C. F. McCall, pastor of the Neighborhood Church, Congrega­ tional, officiated. Survivors include her husband, Wm. T Brickey and four children, Paul Brickey of Provo, Utah, Mrs. Ruth Russell. Seattle, Mrs. Naomi Burns, Port Angeles, Washington and Ralph Brickey of Portland LITHIA OUR NEW LINE OF LOCKETS WILL MAKE E N T F. Il T A I N M E N T Phone 7561 FK1IIAY ANI> IAY m tejut .-F rua I Fl N E \ —V— The Miner for Quality Printing s ATI .. ,WI«w «nuil * FOR ARTHRITIS, NEURITIS, AND RHEUMATISM - SUFFERERS Recommend CASEY’S COMPOUND RHEUMATISM CURED After 15 years on crutches and cane, suffering front Rheu­ matism. ant now well since taking Casey’s Compound MRS O. C. MOSER. ■418 W. Main St., Silverton. Ore. 5H[ MAKfS EVEN "Two years ago I was bed­ fast with arthritis. After taking seven bottles Casey Compound I was entirely well. I cannot recommend it too highly." MRS. MONA PIERCE,' 2066 N. W Thurman. Street, Portland. Oregon "I was down five months with neuritis and rheumatism and Sept 29. 1941 was given up to die. Found I have had Arthritis for over Casey s Compound a life saver. I cannot praise your compound six years. Used all kinds of treatments and walked with a enough." cane until five weeks ago. (Signed) Rev W. T Ford, Casey's Compound is the only Baptist Minister. treatment that helped me. 3726 S. E. Morrison St A H MATTHTEU, Portland. Ore. 351 N E. 75 Ave. Portland. Ore. airraid FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS Tues. SHflTERS "HOMEY For additional Testimonies .write J. H. Casey Co. P. O. Box 731, Portland, Oregon. DON’TS FOR MORE TIRE MILEAGE DON’T scrape or bump the curb when parking—keep out of car tracks—avoid sharp impacts and deep chuck holes. DON’T drive your car if your wheel alignment is not correct, as this can reduce tire life 25%. Have your wheels checked for alignment every three to five thousand miles. Drive in today for a Check up. w ed & Thurs CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) “WE ARE THE MARINES” i Arthritis Relieved ♦ Plus WITH RAMSEY JEWELRY STORE ELECT NEW OFFICERS Members of Phi Beta Sigma, national teachers honorary frater­ nity, at the -Southern Oregon Cl- j lege of Education, met this week j at luncheon In the Lincoln Train­ ing School cafeteria, and elected the following officers for the oor.i- . ing year: President, Lois Thompson; Sec­ retary, Fannette Hodges; Treasur­ er, Mary Alice W’olford. Members of three professional organizations, Phi Beta Sigma, Future Teachers of America and the association for Childhood Edu­ cation are planning a combined picnic at Lithia Park, Tuesday evening, May 18. BUY BOND! AUTOMOBILE Frank Joseph Zgone, taking the pluce of Dr. Stephen Epler absent from the Southern Oregon College of Education for Navy service, has arrived in Ashand and assumed his duties at the college this week. * Mr. Zgone is a native of Minnesota and a graduate of the University of Minnesota. He has done grad- ■ uate study in the University of Montana. He specialized in chemi­ stry and allied fields, and Is a qualified musician, vocal and in- ■ Strumental. He was a student­ instructor in physiology at thej University of Minnesota. has taught seven yearB in high school, and has done executive work other fields. Mr Zgone was accompanied Ashland by his wife and child. Our New Comprehensive Personal Liability Policy Provides the Broadest Personal and FNtmily Inability Protection Available, including Automobile —ONE policy, one premium, one low cost. See us for details SEE MINER BUILDING 167 EAST MAIN STREET Phone MCI w»H» JINX rALXENIUIO HIT 60BD0N DOUGLASS DIAMI ISOBEL ELSON IOCEI CLAMI When trouble come« to you —luid It will. In Minie form --ore that It I« lightened by the benefit« of adequate lu- «uralico. I .et us ue counselor«. iiiMirancr Billings Agency HEAL ESTATE and KE A I. INSURANCE Phone 67141 41 East Main Matinee Saturday Continuous Sunday ASK FOR MT. ASHLAND AT YOUR GROCERY OR MARKET Cut Flowers Corsages ASHLAND CREAMERY Sprays "What is made in Ashland makes Ashland” ★ ROSEMARY’S WHEH IH MEDFORD, MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS! FLOWER SHOP AT WICK’S STORE Phone: 8761 or 7202 (Formerly Grubb Fiorista) MEDFORD’S PRESCRIPTION CENTER A registered pharmacist of long experience fills all prescriptions at this store. Only the finest and purest drugs, chemioals and other materials used. Western Thrift Store NOW as never before it I m necesMry to use the old inae- hinery - make it ia«t until VICTORY is won. Our ci|»erts are ready to bcl|> you by doing the the blacksmithing and the repairing necessary to make the old as good as new. SEE US TO-DAY! NOW! SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Published every Thursday at 167 East Main St., Ashland, Oregon by Charles and Ruth Giffen. Subscription rates: $2.00 per year Entered as second-class matter in the post office at Ashland, Oregon February 15, 1935 under the act of March 3 1879. NO W Butter & Creamed Cottage Cheese • 71181 you can depend on” ON THE PLAZA IT DO J. F. EMMETT INSURANCE M. T. BURNS SUNDAY -MONDAY -TUESDAY Mid-week Special FIRE HEALTH A ACCIDENT LIFE The Three Mewqulteers New Teacher at SOCE plus SHIP AHOY VALLEY OF HUNTED MEN SELECT YOURS TO-DAY Oak Street Garage and Machine Shop 30 North Central Ave at on" teU 9 y\ea6e Ave^'° SAME GOOD WORKMANSHIP SAME GOOD SERVICE! Wardrobe Cleaners On the Plaza Phone 3281