SOUTHERN OREGON MINER, Ashland, Oregon ' NO ASPIRIN FASTER Uncle fök'dt. S>ajJ than genuine, pure St. Joseph Aaptrin. World’» largest »eller at 104 None safer, none eurer. Demand St. Joaepb Aspirin. PATTERNS SIEWONG COPULE A MAN needs two kinds of ** bi iiins One to say witty, bril­ liant things and another kind to keep him from saying them in the wrong place. It s handy to have someone hold the skein of yarn on outstretched arms while you wind it into a ball. But if no one is present to per­ form this service for you, simply slip the skein over the lamp shade, loosen the top screw, and wind away. The shade will turn as you wind. If the time doesn’t suit you, suit yourself to it. A» a man thinks, no he is, there­ fore some people never are. eve Children are more spt to like helping with the family work it they are also permitted to help with the planning of the work. A woman Is always perfectly sure she is right until It comes to backing up her opinion with money. o Il it only the very rich ukn ar» em­ phatic uluiiit the futility of ruhet. rr nJ 1 /■' I 1 ii»' M i ’*4 j 1 X "J >M «•. I'C Once the foretighlrd furmrr planted hit watermelon» in the renter of the cornfield. hut with all ihote air planet oi er head where now !' Nome men are known by their deeds—others by their mortgage». 7 *. a ’ ft ' • fl Hooked Eisli Fish suffer little if any pain when they ure hooked, for there are very few nerves about the jaw which could cause the sensation of pain. Some trout have been known to be hooked two or three times in the same day—by anglers using the same type of bait. CLASSIFIED ■' o » 7 8207C JI yrs. DEPARTMENT BULBS lit IS, liFautify your home with varUt- tlwai. Write for frr» catalog contain in* Urge U«t AMITY UABDKN4. Amity. Or*. PHOTO FINISHING UEAUTIPt't. «■« PICTURE» from II» b ISO neaallvea. *l««4 ASK ME ANOTHER ■ J X. a . n- rw. o- a- <*• <*• o- <*- <*- a-