Thursday, May 6, 1043 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER THE ROGERS VISITING HERE Mr Ernest Rogers, Chief Car ­ Mr. penter's penter ’s Mate and Mrs. Rogers. Rogers, stationed at U S 8 Naval Training Station. Farragut, Idaho, are en­ joying a visit in Ashland, while ¡staying at their home in Bellview. Mrs Rogers is in Civil Service in the personnel ofice at the hospital there, and Mr. Mr Rogers is at the training station station. Wed & Thurs i DO IT NOW A MISS OOHEEN JOINS WAACK Ashland will be minus the teaching services of Miss Edna Goiieen next year. It was revealed when she completed her enroll­ ment in the women's army at Portland's WAAC recruiting head­ quarters. A grauiiate of the University of Washington. Mias Goheen has been a teacher at Aahland for the past 20 years. She is a member of the Rebekah Lodge and various teach er'a organizations. She expressed a wish to be assigned to adminis- trative duty in the army. Her mother. Mrs Alice Goiieen, lives at Los Angeles PETERSONS LEAVE TODAY Sunday, Mother'. IMy In the in­ terim between hl. leuvllig mid the coming of the new pastor, Rev. L. D. Smith of Twin Kalla, Idaho, the Rev. Ix'Wis Hall of Medford I. suplying the pulpit Rev. «nd Mr« Bertrand F Peterson and children are leaving today for Klamath Falla where Rev. Petorson will preach in hie new pulpit for the flrat time on . LITHIA E N T E R T A I N M E N T Phoim 7501 WE DEMAND NO POINTS BUT- THIS AD POINTS THE WAY TO A CHEERFUL WASHDAY! Sun. Mon. Tues. ALMO FRAMCISKA FRAMCISKA GA*W GAAtv AKIM TAMIROFF RARAM«UN1 PARAM«VNV PI«ÎU«« PKÎUM« plus NOW as never before It Is necessary to use the old mac­ hinery - make It last until I FLOWERS VICTORY la won. When you send us your laundry bundle, you escape the washday hazards— overwork, exposure and injury. You also gain a day of freedom for pleasanter activities. Phone us about our Inexpensive laundry services...... send us your bundle and experience the satisfac­ tion of the ideal washday. FOR Our experts are ready to help you by doing the the blacksmithing und the repairing necesaary to muke the old as good us new. MOTHER’S DAY r ★ SEE US TO-DAY! NOW! ROSEMARY’S FLOWER SHOP AT W ICK'S STORE Phone: 87«1 or 7202 (Formerly Grubb Fiorivi») Oak Street Garage and Machine Shop “THE YAHKS ARE COMING ANOTHER GOOD FEATURE ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY Wirt M. Wright Prop. : 31 Water St. Phone 7771 Next Wed. & Thur«. Mid-week Special Matinee Saturday Continuous Sunday Corp. Iscnhowcr Speaks Corp Paul Isenhower. ut hom» thia week on furlough from Camp Hatton. spoke Monday morning. Muy 3 before a»«embled student» and faculty at the Southern Ore­ gon College of Education, concern­ ing his work in the urmy | m >.1 band, for which he expressed great enthusiasm Corp Isenhowcr. a unlive of Ashland, Is a former student vf SOCK THERE ARE DO Friday and Saturday IT ASK FOR NOW MT. ASHLAND In the new ZANDRA LURES TARZAN! OREGON MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY ACT When trouble cornea to you —and It will. In some form see that It 1» lightened by the benefit, of adequate in­ surance. You can’t afford to have your Operator’s License suspended and your car laid up! Let ua De counselors. PROTECT YOURSELF NOW THAT 10VAILE, LAUGHAÍLÍ letteci amity Phone X.Wf MINER BUILDING Insurance ASHLAND CREAMERY Billings Agency J 167 E. .Main St. Ashland" WHEN IN MEDFORD, MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS! REAL ESTATE asd REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 «1 Essi Main J. F. EMMETT AT THEIR HOWLARIHT! AT YOUR GROCERY OR MARKET What is made in Ashland makes Secure an Automobile Policy in Northwest Casualty Company at new low rates. It complies fully with the new Oregon Financial Responsibility Law. plus your Butter & Creamed Cottage Cheese THE MINER PRESS FOR QUALITY PR I N T I N O. I MEDFORD’S PRESC R1PT1OS CENTER A registered pharmacist of long experience fills all prescriptions at this store. Only the finest and purest drugs, chemicals and other materials used. HENRÏALDRICH Southern Pacific Schedules Western Thrift Store Sun. - Mon. - Tues. from Ashland 30 North (’entrai Ave. Editor * Shown below—for your ready reference—are Southern Pacific schedules now in effect between here and California and Portland. ROMANCE! SAME GOOD WORKMANSHIP SAME GOOD SERVICE! TO CALIFORNIA 6:29 am (via bus) 6:29 am (via bus) 7:34 pm Lv. Ashland (via bus) 10:00 am 11:05 pm Ar. Dunsmuir.................. 10:00 am Lv. Dunsmuir (WstCMit) 10:15 am i Oreeoaiais * 12:20 pm ( Klamath > 12:05 am* 10:20 pm 10:50 am Ar. San Francisco............... ......... Ar. Los Angeles .... 9:55 am t i Ï Weit Coait is through train to Los Angele*—no change of can from Dunsmuir. Carries coache», tourist and Standard Pullman». « bi M s OI ì IN On the Plaza FROM CALIFORNIA A» ggy , TECHNICOLOR Wardrobe Cleaners • Klamath carriel it andar d Pullman for Southern Oregon paiiengert, ready for oc­ cupancy al Dummuir al 9:00 p.m. WEST COAST . Weit Coait is through train from Lo» Angele»— no change of car» to Dunsmuir. Passengers from San Francisco change trains at Sacramento. KLAMATH OREGONIAN* Lv. Lot Angeles .... 5:30 pm Lv. San Francisco . . . . 7:30 amt 6:30 pm Ar. Dunsmuir............... 6:30 pm 4:15 am* Lv. Dunsmuir (via bus) 6:45 pm (via bus) 7:30am 10:55 am Ar. Ashland • • • • • • 10:12 pm Phone 3281 8:00 pm 7:45 am (via bus) 8:00 am 11:27 am • Carriel ilandard Pullman for Southern Oregon panengeri let out at Dummuir for occupancy until 0:00 a.m. I PORTLAND The ROCUE RIVER hat standard Pullmans (sections and drawing rooms) coaches and lunch car. NORTHBOUND Lv. Ashland Ar. Portland SOUTHBOUND ......................... 6:30 pm ..................... 7:55 am Lv. Portland......................... 7:15 pm Ar. Ashland.............................9:25 am FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL GET YOUR WINTER SUPPLY WHILE YOU CAN SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Published every Thursday at 167 East Main St., Ashland, Oregon by Charles and Ruth Giffen. Subscription rates: $2.00 per year Entered as second-class matter in1 the post office at Ashland, Oregon February IS, 1935 under the act of March 3 1879. The Friendly Southern Pacific S. J. BAILEY, AGENT ata ? ASHLAND, OREGON Two Cars-NOW-in Stock PHONE 7501 ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY King Coal Distributors