SOUTHERN OREGON MINER, Ashland, Oregon CLASSIFIED department Suit Accessories With Military Air RABBITS AND SKINS POULTRY. Rabbit», II Idea, Pella, Wool. Good white frier rabbit aklne sou In fl 00 a lb. Ship or nak pri­ ce», Bub? * Co.. 938 R. W Prost, PoMlaad, Ore Intuì Ilea »«nabli- Anderson, Boute 1, Bn» 37?, Patterai». California. I MED dual uile louai ne (relier, *25 »20 Ori’», i-icel. tond Priced lo ■Ulivo llllh'kly. Write nr pilline Bar- tol Motor Co., Mood Blvor, Oregon. EXCELLENT 10» aoroa, Willamette valley furiti, 105 arreu under culti- vat Ion. fin« flauom home, Mood burn, lint« hin«’ ehsd. Kiiritic«*, out bulldhiice. <'oinplvlaly 4«|uipp«d with new und modrrti linplrinrnt«; •» aero« fruit mui w alnut a. M town . Near gratia and hltfli Rtiiool. Valley town, 33 mlioa from Portland. < Ity water. I20U |»rr for ftddltloiiid Information nd- dr«NM Mathissn-Demurest Co., 63OO B.B. Foatar Bond, Portland, Oregon. Crisp greens give you plenty of vitamin A, 11 and C. Assemble them In your salads and get plenty of health Insurance—you don’t need points to shop for these. WOOI. CARDED INTO WOOL IIAT. TH, kniolng viirna. blanket» Hund for folder ami nrh — Merrill Wool­ en Mill», Merrill, Wiaeonain. What’s the pep appeal of your meals these days? It should be bet­ ter than ever be­ fore with spring vegetable* dotting the market* col­ orfully in greens, yellow* and red*. Many vitamin and mineral laden fruit* are just coming into season so you home­ maker* should have no trouble get­ ting your quota of two fruits, two vegetable* and a citrus fruit into your family's diets. In winter It I* sometime* extreme­ ly difficult to meet that nutrition requirement because of the scarcity of vegetables and fruit* and their consequent high price*. Now, though price* are higher than last year at this time, they are abundant, and most of u* can afford to spend the extra money required to buy them. The Woman of It Mr Smith Little Johnny Is the picture of his father. Mr. Jones- Yes, and his sister Is Die talkie of her mother. nisii Till-: dirt Mrs. Smith—You can’t believe orythlng you hear. Mrs Jones—No, that's right; you can repeat it. Broken Commandment Diner—I see that tip* are forbid, den here. Waitress—So were apple* In the Garden of Eden. Sweet Thought He—Will you marry me? She—No, but I'll always remem­ ber your good taste. Try Baby Talk Mr Black—What’s the Idea of the Smiths taking French lessons? Mr. Blue — They’ve adopted a French refugee baby and they want to be able to understand him when he begins to talk. No Apology Needed Mr. Jones accused Mr. Smith of stealing his wallet. Then when he found It. he apologized. “Forget it," replied Mr. Smith. “Youthought I was a crook. I thought you were a gentleman. We were both wrong.” In the Cavalry Surge—What'a the matter with your hand? Rookie—I put my hand in a horse’s mouth Io see how many teeth had. Surge So what? Rookie- He closed his mouth see how many fingers I had. HELP WANTED WANTED MEN AND WOMEN Good Pay to Learn Poraltare Trade Basy. Steady. Xaeide Pleae- aat Work—Rapid Advancement- Bo Biperlence Beoeeiary Mattress Dept............. SO-t.lO Woodworking Dept....80 • .30 Upholstering Dept.. .50 - 1.871 Shipping Dipt. .75» .93 8 Boars Overtime Per Week at Timo and Mali mobti ' s uro. co., seth * rooter Portland, Oregon ATTENTION Laundry Help EXPERIENCED and INEXPERIENC­ ED. All depurtmonta. For day shift and Swing shift, ( to 10. Alee Dry Cleaning. Earn while yoe learn. MODEL WASHINGTON LAUNDRY. 1186 Eastlake Ave. WANTED CONSTRUCTION LABORERS Seattle anil other locations. Union Henle Th© Austin Company NAVAL AIR STATION HAND POINT, SEATTLE, WN. WOMEN FOR WORK CLEAN, MODERN IN OF WAXED PLANT M A N U F A C - PAPER, TURKR, M AC H I N 10 HELPERS AND WRAP- NEEDED. NO PERM ___ --------- NECES- EXPERIENCE HARY, CLOSE TO BUSI- NESS DISTRICT. ONM BLOCK FROM TRAN­ SIT TERMINAL. AP­ PI,Y IN PERSON, 1505 SIXTH SOUTH. PACIFIC WAXED PAPER CO. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON DENTAL PLATES D r . H arry S emler , Dentist >USKV>tDC 3»nA MORRISON • PORTI AN 0, ORE I Perhaps, you have a garden this year. You're probably planning to put up most of the produce, but you always have some crops available for Immediate consumption such a* lettuce, tender green shoot* of on­ ions, etc. In some part* of the coun­ try it's a bit early for some of these to make their appearance, but when they do, up and at them! Keeping vegetables well refriger­ ated insures at least a good degree of vitamin preservation. Keep them covered, too! Arrange your crisp raw fruits and vegetables attractively. If you'd like to have some fun, really, then take out the old geometry text, and fol­ low some patterns you find therein —they’re fine Inspiration for attrac­ tive appearing vegetable and fruit dishes. Callage Cheese-Vegetable Salad. (Serves 0 to 8) 2 cups cottage cheese 1 garlic clove (optional) 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons chopped chives er green onloa 2 tablespoons chopped plmlento % cup chopped celery Paprika 2 rocumbrn 1 medium »lied onion 2 large tomatoes 2 carrots French dressing Salad greens Rub mixing bowl with clove of garlic. cottage cheese, salt, and paprika. Fold in chopped chives, plmlento, celery. Turn into a bow! that has been rinsed with cold water. Chill In refrigerator. Un­ mold on center of large salad plate, surround with wa­ tercress. thin cucumber slices, on­ ion rings, carrot flowers, tomato wedges. Serve with french dress­ ing. > . • • • a • • • • a • • • a • * » a • a » a »• Remember vitamin* and mineral* work hftnd in hand to give your A salad bowl that's popping body health and full of health with its tomato slices to keep it in good (vitamin C) lettuce (vitamins A and workable order. Cl bananas (A. B, C), green pep­ Most vegetables pers (A and very much C). have many of both minerals and Here's a vegetable that makes a vitamin*. It is in­ main dish when combined with mac­ teresting to know aroni: that greens (let- Green Pepper Stuffed With tuce, parsley, watercress. turnip Macaroni. greens, etc.) are rich not only In e (Serves 6) iron that make* for good, rich blood, green peppers but also in vitamin A which pro­ 1 cup cooked, elbow macaroni motes good health of skin, eyes, and H pound grated American cheese keeps you buoyant and full of en­ 1 cup soft bread crumbs ergy. The green* get a nice big M teaspoon Worcestershire sauce star for being rich in Vitamin C, K teaspoon salt necessary for health of teeth and Cut a slice from top of green pep­ bones, and for quick healing of per, scoop out. and cook in boiling wound*. salted water for 5 minutes. Drain. Don’t be surprised when the Mix remaining ingredients, saving greens come in for ■ nice share of tk of cheese for top. Fill peppers honor* for vitamin B, also. That's with mixture, stand upright in pan the vitamin necessary for normal and sprinkle remaining cheese over nutrition. top. Bake in a moderate oven 25 Easiest way to keep most of the minutes. vitamin* intact is to serve the vege­ Jaded appetites will respond table* raw—as you would in a sal­ quickly if you serve this delectable ad. The same goes for fruits. Don't cool pudding: let either of them *oak in water or •Orangeade Refrigerator Pudding. stand uncovered in the refrigerator (Serves 9) —the vitamins seem to evaporate 1 tablespoon gelatin quickly, especially in the case of 54 cup cold water vitamin C, so easily lost by cooking 154 cups orange Juice or leaving exposed to air. H cup sugar H teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons lemon Juice Lynn Says: 2 egg whites Fresh a* a Day in May: So will K cup sugar be your foods if you keep them 4 cups oven popped rice cereal properly refrigerated. Desserts Mi cup melted butter to cool you of? and keep your ap­ % cup sugar petite* unjaded, if they're to be Soften gelatin in cold water. Heat frozen, belong right in the freez­ orange juice, sugar and salt to boil­ er. Meats and fish are safest ing point. Add softened gelatin and kept right under the freezer in a stir until dissolved. Add lemon Juice meat-keeper if you have one. and cool. When mixture begins to Milk, cream and beverages are thicken, fold in stiffly beaten egg stood along side the freezer unit. whites to which sugar has been Custards, puddings, butter and added. staples fill the middle section Crush cereal crumbs fine and mix nicely, are easy to get at. with melted butter and sugar. Dis­ Leftovers, foods prepared tribute evenly in bottom of a square ahead, salads, some fruits and pan and press down flrmly. Pour in berries are well refrigerated orange mixture. Chill in refrigera­ whon kept on one of the lower tor. Cut in squares when firm, and shelves. The humidor or crisper serve with whole orange slices and means just that for it keeps those whipped cream, if desired. fresh fruits and vegetables crisp Lynn Chambers welcomes you to and well refrigerated. tubmil your household queries to her The storage bin at the bottom problem clinic. Send your letters to of the refrigerator is usually non­ her at Western Neus paper Union, 210 refrigerated, and gives splendid South Desplaines Street, Chicago, Illi­ storage to cereals, crackers and nois. Don’t forget to enclose a stamped, extra beverages. self-addressed envelope for your reply. a • » « a • a a • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • 545 II ERE S a jaunty salute to Versatile Sait WERSATILB costume with ’ jacket, a good-looking casual suit ready for everything . . . without jacket, first rate for ev­ ery active sport. *■ * spring in suit accessories with a military air! Both the becoming visor hat and the over-the-shoul- der purse are of inexpensive cot­ ton, done quickly in single crochet and popcorn stitches. Trim the hat with a gay ribbon. e » » Pattern 343 contain» directions for hat and purse; illustration of stitches; ma­ terial* required. Due to an unusually large demand and current war condition*, ilightly more time 1* required In filling orders for a few of the most popular pattern numbera. Send your order to: Bevine Circi» Needlecraft Dept. 82 Elfhta A*». New York Enclose 18 cento «plus one cent to cover cost ot mailing) tur Pattern No........................ Name.......................... . .................. . Address ............................................. Perhaps It's Rest to Tell Other Side of Story First Homemaker* are fortunately be­ coming more and more conscious of the Importance of fruit* and vege­ table* In the diet, and the more so they become, the more healthy will become each generation of Ameri­ can*. Even those of you who have been deficient in these food* during the growing years will get much benefit from Including these food* in your diet. A heavy meal call* for the light, crisp, "just right" feeling which fruit* and vegetable* supply. a a••• • »©•••• “Yes,” said the lawyer to the grocer, who had come to consult him "undoubtedly you’ve got the best case that I’ve ever heard.” "Thanks,” said his client, quick­ ly grabbing his hat and making for the door. “Here, what’s the rush,” asked the astonished lawyer. “Where are you going?” “I’m going to settle this case out of court and that right away!” the other informed him. “But I told you it’s the best case I ever heard.” “Maybe so,” said his client, “but not for me. I’ve told you the other fellow’s story;” 1762 I LIV Perfect Date Dress TpHRILLING as graduation itself ■* will be, just imagine how much more exciting this dress in white will make it seem. Down to the tiniest details, it is one of the love­ liest creations ever designed. Per­ fect, too, as a date dress for spring. The charming bodice, slim midriff and dirndl skirt are de­ lightfully young and so smart. • • • Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1782-B la de­ signed for sizes 11. 13. 13. 17 and 19. Cor­ responding bust measurements 29. 31. 33. 33 and 38. Size 13 (31) requires 4*« yards 39-inch material. Energetic Birds Birds are among the most ener­ getic of all creatures. The chim­ ney swift sets a fast pace of physi­ cal exertion—he is on the wing 19 hours out of every 24! Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1775-B. de­ signed for sizes 10. 12. 14, 10. 18 and 20. Corresponding bust measurements 28. 30, 32. 34. 30 and 38. Size 12 (30) ensemble requires 4'« yards 39-Inch material. Due to an unusually large demand and current war conditions, slightly more time is required in filling orders tor a tew of the most popular pattern numbers. Send your order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT, 510 South Wells St. Chicago. Room 1938 Enclose 20 cent* in coins for each pattern desired. Pattern No. Size Name ..... Address .., TABASCO The snappiest seasoning known, and the world's most widely distributed food product! A dash of this piquant sauce gives a rare flavor to any food. TABASCO — the seasoning secret of master chefs for more than 73 years! Gas on Stomach painful, auf focBfr doctors uMMÜy idm known far boMin Hdli-M* O comfort retara of badie « Releuaed by Western Newspaper Union. DON'T LET CONSTIPATION SLOW YOU UP • When bowel, are sluggish and you feel irritable, headachy, do as miiNoas do — chaw FEEN-A-MINT, the modern chewing-gum laxative. Simply chow FEEN-A-MINT before you go to bed, taking only in accordance with package directions — sleep without being dis­ turbed. Nest morning gentle, thorough relief, helping you feel swell again. Try FEEN-A-MINT. Tastes good, is handy and economical. A generous family supply FEEN-A-MINT "Î& Huge Arctic Wolf The arctic wolf weighs five times as much as the Texas wolf. Quick application of comforting Resinol gives prompt relief from Rory throbbing. Its oily base soothes parched skin. RESINOL Density of Saturn The density of the planet Saturn Is only seven-tenths that of water. DON’T Let Our Fighting Boys Down; ★ ★ Subscribe NOW for U. S. War Bonds CLABBER GIRL in Atew economy wtr-timt Mittf * • naw guarantee against watte of baking powder, against waste of baking ingredient* . . . Full baking effectiveness in a vary ounce is new assured by the new, Improved, MawwjA meltture-preef Clabber Girl ’ container ... In ell size* at year grocer's.