Thursday, April 29, 1943 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER VRRSITY Captain H»rwy A. Wixxla of Mr. and Mrs. C. B Andrews of Bl 8 OFFFKTAL AUVINEN I Merced Is visiting in Ashland sev- Fresno, California visited here sev- AGAIXNT VACATION' TRAVEL eral day« lust week. I Repeating hla advice to the eral days traveling public not to do any 'non-essential traveling during the coming months, F. W Ackerman, Vice l*reeklent of 1‘acifle Grey­ hound Idnes, in a statement to thc i pre«» advisee people to stay at home this summer and spend the money they would use for a tiip to buy additional war bond« Acknowledging that tills Is un­ I usual advice coming from a com­ pany whose bualneas is to promote travel, Mr. Acker man pointed out that winning the war is more vital to everybody than taking week-end or vacation trip«. Stating that while many war workers and other« would undoubt­ edly benefit from a short vacation, Mr. Aekerman believes that they should relax at home, or near home, rather than take long trips. They should travel ONLY during "What 18 made in Ashland makes Ashland" the middle of the week, get travel information in advance, and carry as little baggage as possible. Thia cooperation will help relieve the overtaxed transportation facilities ao vital to winning the wra. AUTOMOBILE FUIE I N S U II A N (’ K rtial you cun depend on DO IT NOW ASK FOR V Wed & Thurs MT. ASHLAND Butter & Creamed Cottage Cheese AT YOUR GROCERY OR MARKET M1W ns never Iwfore in necrnnury tu unr ihr oid mnc- tolaery • inake It luvt uniII VK’l'OKY In hoii . Our expert» are ready tu hclp yoti by dolng the we ti ng ihr blacknnilthliig and the rr|*iring neceaaary to iiiivkc the old na good u* new . • NEE <8 TO-IDA VI NOW! Our New (’oinprehensive Personal Liability Policy I ASHLAND CREAMERY Provide» the Bnmdest Personal und Family IJubilHy Protection Available, including Automobile ONE policy, one premium, one low coat. Hee us for detail» MKK -*;v ... T. Oak Street Garage and Machine Shop J. F. EMMETT MINER BUILDING 167 EANT MAIN STREET Phone M3« I NEW SERVICE TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Friday and Saturday Ff NOW.' MICKEY’S^ r Traveler» between here and nouthem California are now provided with nervice on the WEST COAST, \irough train to lxM Angele» via Nacnunenlu anti San Joaquin valley point». Thin nervier provide« a through trip without change of car» front Dunsmuir, one night on the train, morning arrival in Los Angele«. COOKIN’ WITH \\ PETROL! zz DO SOUTHBOUND IT N O W When trouble cunte» to you —and It will, In nome form Bus departing from Ashland at 6:39 a. m. dally, connecta with WEST COAST at Dunsmuir, arriv­ ing 1 am Angelen 9:53 a. ni. nest morning. —are that It In lightened by the benefit» of lukspiate In- nurunce. NORTHBOUND lad WEST COAST leaven IxM Angelen 5:30 p. m. daily. Bun meet» at Dunsmuir, arriving Ashland at 10:12 p. m. next evening. Thin service in in addition to convenient bus-ta-aln schedules between here and Sun Francisco. For J. ite your iiMurnnre infornuilon rail— Billings Agency Southern Pacific 8. un comincici a. Bailey, Arent MEAL ENTATE and MEAL LNNUKANC'E Phone 7501 ■' IF Phone 6731 ♦. 41 Kaal Main I V 71“ Sun. - Mon. - Tues. t H WHEN IN MEDFORD, MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS! HYSTERICAL HISTORY . .. Jack and Ann a fun-house! . at><‘ ■ T .V *■* -MEDFORD’S PRESCRIPTION ( ENTER A registered pharmacist of long experience fills all prescriptions at this store. Only the finest and purest drugs, chemicals and other materials used. - PLEASE DON’T TRAVEL !»>• r Western Thrift Store V unless absolutely necessary BUY WAR f SAME GOOD WORKMANSHIP SAME GOOD SERVICE! Use the money to WÀSHINGTON SUPTHERT 1 30 North (entrai Ave. ONDS Wardrobe Cleaners 5Mnning the war is the most important job confronting us to­ On the Plaza I day-far more important than taking a week-end or vacation trip. Cut Flowers, ★ Corsages ★ Sprays, »Z Transportation is vital to this victory toward which we are now advancing. Because buses are already crowded with mili­ tary traffic, war workers and others whose business is important a to the nation’s welfare, there is little room for vacation or plea­ sure travelers. t ■. » * -, L ROSEMARY’S I That’s why we say "Please don’t travel unless you absolute­ ly have to.” Refrain from unnecessary travel now and buy War Bonds with the money you would spend for your trip. It’s the FLOWER SHOP patriotic thing to do. AT W ICK S STORE Phone: 8761 or 7202 (Formerly Grubb Florhrta) Go to your local bank today •J BUY WAR BONDS SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Published every Thursday at 167 East Main St., Ashland, Oregon by Charles and Ruth Giffen. Subscription rate»: $2.00 per year Entered as «econd-clajm matter in the post office at Ashland, Oregon February 15, 1935 under the act of March 3 1879. » V PACIFIC GREYHOUND LINES f • • ■ ; SERVE AMERICA NOW...SO YOU CAN SEE AMERICA LATER V- i • . r 1 » < ». ■à' i I V-» Phone 3281 J