SOUTHERN OREGON MINER, Ashland, Oregon PATTERNS SEWDNG CDPCLE Washington, D. C. FOOD AND PAY AN-YOII-GO Although food wai supposed to be ttie chlrf topic of discussion at the recent White Houae conference with farm leaders, uctually Poodczur Cheater Devil did hla best to sell the President on pay-as-you-go taxa­ tion. He proposed It at in anti» innution measure to drain off surplus Income and euse the work of Income tax payment on the average citizen. "We have simply got to come to It. Mr. President,” argued the food chief. "It was unfortunate that pay- as-you-go taxes were given a black eye by the Rumi plan. Hut pay-as- you-go taxes should go hand in hand with rationing to prevent overspend­ ing." The President didn’t commit him­ self definitely, but indicated thut he would favor a pay go plun if wind­ falls to t)>e wealthy, as provided for in the Rumi plan, were completely eliminated. Ed O'Neal, president of the Farm Bureau federation, and Ezra T Ben­ son, executive secretary of the Na­ tional Council of Furmer Co-opera­ tives, also took up the cudgeli, O'Neal contending that taxpayers wouldn't be able to meet next year's assessments unless the pay-as-you- go plan or forced saving were adopted. G.O.P. Watching Chances. When the ironing board is fold- cd up und stood away in the closet or corner of the kitchen until need­ ed again, the end that rests on the floor becomes soiled. To prevent this, make a slip cover for the end. > • • • Brooms and other sweeping brushes should be hung up when not in use. For hanging, use ordi­ nary picture wire. It wears in­ definitely and being stiff will catch on hooks more easily than string. • • • A clean, well-kept iron gives ef­ ficient service. With a damp cloth, wipe off any starch marks. If the iron sticks while pressing, rub it over salt sprinkled on a paper. Once a month rub the warm iron with beeswax or paraffin and then rub over a clean cloth or paper Until the excess wax is entirely removed. • • • A small piece of tin br a thin piece of wood is useful when washing the baseboard of a room. It can be slipped along as the woodwork is scrubbed and save many a nasty srnear on the wall- puper. Phone Conversation The Real Problem Voice—Hello, how are you this Hubby—Have you ever wondered morning? what you would do if you had Lady—I’m splendid, thank you. Rockefeller's income? Voice—Then I guess I have the Wife—No, but I have often won­ wrong number. dered what Rockefeller would do if he had mine. Literate Fellow "I must find another tailor. This An antique is something no one one reads too much." would be seen with if there were "Reads too much?" more of them, but which everyone "Yes. Every time he writes to wants when no one has any. me he begins, ’On going through No Moss on It my books!* ” "What’s that stone in Ann’s en­ gagement ring, Joyce?" Quarter Down "A rolling stone, my dear. X It happened at an income tax office in Washington. A colored had it once." resident, with his form all filled Selfish Thought out, approached the "Pay” window "What are you thinking of?" and laid a quarter on the ledge. "Oh, nothing much!” "What’s that for?” asked the "Don’t be so self-conscious." clerk, who had read the total amount of the tax. "Why, that’s for my income tax. They done told me I could pay a quarter at a time.” TABASCO Last Chance "Well, we have exhausted rea- son, logic, common sense, and justice; what more can we do? »» "I guess we’ll simply have to e e e If a little piece is chipped off go to law." walnut furniture, touch up the Was He Surprised! spot with iodine applied with a "Who uai that pretty little thing I piece of cotton, then go over the sou you with lutt night?” Spring Classic. surface with furniture polish. "Will you promite not to tell my DUTTON FRONT classic to • • • wife?” you proud. Note the slimming To keep tacks handy, drill a “Surely, I promue.” set-in belt and panel front skirt. *Well, it uai my wife.' • • • three-eighth inch hole, two or Pattern No 8380 lx in s I zm 12. 14. 16, three inches deep, in the handle The boys in Australia sent us 18. 20; 40 and 42. Size 14 take* 3V, yard* of your tack hammer. Fill this 30 Inch material. this one. A mother kangaroo had with tacks and plug the end with a Due to an unusually larte demand and patiently scratched her stomach current war conditions. slightly more time cork. • • • three times, but when the process la required In milng order« for a few of the moil popular pattern numbers. Small bits of soap in a thin cloth was to be renewed a fourth time, Send your order to: bag are as effective as a large she snatched two baby kangaroos from her pouch, spanked them, cake of soap for use in a bath. • • • SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. and said: "How many times have Its New Monttomvy Street Next time the steps need paint­ I told you not to eat crackers in San Franclaco Calif. ing, try painting every other step; bed!" Enclose 20 cent! In coin» for each pait^rn deaired. let these dry, then paint the oth­ Pattern No. Size. Her Touch ers. It takes a bit longer, *tis Bright Basque. A parton had aeration to reprove d Name ... true, but it’s a lot handier and the VV^HAT a honey this frock is kiddies will love having to take tmall boy for ¡wearing. Add rear ... “If you feel you mutt lay tomething with sleek basque top and 'em “two at a time. juit lay 'Bother!'” he laid. “Your lovely full skirt, and what a pleas­ father doem't ¡wear, doei he?” ure to make right at this very mo­ “Oh no, iir!” ment with Spring in full bloom. "Well, then: if he were working in The bright color contrasts will the garden and luddenly itepped back- make you feel young and gay. Sew wardi on to a rake uhich flew up and and Save. hit him from behind, uhat would he "I've made a poll of taxicab driv­ ers and they are all for it.” said O'Neal. "The great majority of the American people feel the same way. They are against windfalls but they feel they won't have enough money to pay their income tax payment next year. If the administration doesn't take some action on this, the Republicans will steal the ball from you.” "That's right. Mr President.” chimed In Benson. "Tho farmers In my organization are overwhelm­ ingly for a pay-as-you-go tax pro­ gram. I think labor is. too.” "Maybe you're right,” responded the President. "Chester