SOUTHERN OREGON MINER. Ashland, Oregon Uncle)- ■wÄx A Popular Fallacy- Some believe opportunity is a chance to rake in money without earning it. You hare to cultirate good habits. Only the bad ones grow wild. The man who sings his praises is usually a soloist. An Old Proverb— Never shift your tongue into high gear until you are sure your brain is turning over. "The man ii-bo uxintt to marry should make a little money first" says a social worker. Afterwards his wife has Io make a little money last. Success comes from cans. Fail­ ure is packed in can’ts. Weight of Birds Hummingbirds, which weigh about one-twelfth of an ounce, are the lightest birds in the U. S. Heaviest birds are the wild turkey, trumpeter swan and the Canada goose, which weigh from 15 to 31 pounds. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT RAZOR BLADES KENT BLADES PHOTO FINISHING BEAUTIFUL 4x4 PICTURES from 11« A 130 negative«, SKax«u» from all smaller aizes. 3Wc EA. Rolls 8 exp. 30c—13 exp. 45c—18 exp. 60c—3« exp. 81.28. Get price on enlarge, on portrait paper, copies made from old. new pict. OVERNITE SERVICE. PACIFIC PHOTO SERVICE ». O. BOX 64«. SAX FRANCISCO. CALIF. »»MBflilKS k (1) W (¿ÌNOftftIS ©Noattis CHAPTER XII Get Your War Bonds ★ ★ To Help Ax the Axis Female Weakness Kidneys Must Work Well- DOAN SPILLS RABBITS AND SKINS aa, al ■» asieses POULTRY. Rabbits, Hides, 1'elta, Wool, iloo.l white frl. r rabbit eklne •Oo tn 11 Oil n lb. Hhlp nr nak pel- era. Muby * Ou., 038 B. W. Front, Portland, Oregon. W.N.U. RELEAS* THE STORY SO FAR: Charlotte (Cherry) Rawlings. an orphan al Salat Dorothea'« coavent school since she was seven, know. almost nothing of bar early history but has sraduaUy reaUsed that like other girls al the school she has no family. She questions whether she has Ute right. to her father's name. Judge Judson Marshbanka and Emma Haskell, housekeeper for wealthy Mrs. Porleous rorter in San Francisco, are her guardians. When Cherry Is twenty Emma gets her a secretarial Job with Mrs. Porter bnl she goes Brst to the Marshbanks mansion, meeUnc the judge's young wife. Fran, and his rich niece. Amy, daughter of hts brother Fred, now dead. Life at Mrs. Porter's becomes monolonous and Cherry Is thrilled when Kelly Coates, an artist, sends her a box of candy and she Is lealous when he brings Fran to a party at Mrs. Porter's, Emma tells Cherry that her sister Charlotte was Cherry’s mother. Kelly takes Cherry along so Fran can visit his studio and Cherry senses that he Is very much In love with Fran, but soon he tells Cherry de­ spondently that Fran has promised the judge she will not see him any more. Mrs. Porter dies, leaving Cherry »1.500. and she learns from Marshhanks lhat his brother Fred, who was Amy’s father, was also ber lather. Cherry foes to Stanford University and lives with the Pringles. Fran asks her to be Kelly's i friend, saying be likes ber. and lhat she ' has decided to do Che honorable thing and avoid him. Kelly goes to Palo Alto ' and asks Cherry to marry him. although * I Fran will always be the “unattainable woman.'* Her answer Is no; she wants no Fran In the background. Cherry and Rebecca Pringle work tn a vacation camp, then take a motor trip to Canada and on the way back Cherry goee to see Emma. Now continue with the story. •Ive hidden something for twenty years,” Emma said quietly. “You ought to know,” said Emma —‘‘not that you ever can prove it! —that you aren't Charlotte Rawl- ings at all. Cherry. You ought to know that you're Amelia Marsh- banks.” Cherry swallowed with a dry throat, essayed to speak, failed. “You said. Aunt Emma—?” she stammered after a silence and stopped. "You didn’t say that I’m Amy . . ." Breath failed her again. The oth- er woman looked at her somberly. "I’ll tell you what happened." Emma said in her unemotional way. **I was twelve years older than • In NR (Nature's Remedy) Tablets, there are no chemicals, no minerals, no Lottie; my mother died when she phenol derivatives. NR Tablets are dif­ was two. She was pretty the way ferent— act different. Purity Tetetgble— a Amy is, only slighter and smaller, combination of 10 vegetable ingredients with Amy's kind of hair. After my formulated over 50 years ago. Uncoated father died we lived with an aunt or candy coated, their action is de­ pendable. thorough, yet gentle, as mil- and uncle; they weren't always kind lionsof NR'shave proved. Get a lOeCon- to me. but everyone adored Lottie. vincer Box. Larger economy sues, too. When my aunt died I kept houge for my uncle and Lottie was my kx baby. When she was six I took her to her first school, I did her home- work with her. "My father was John Rawlings— he could never do much for us, and when he died and my uncle and aunt NR TO-NIGHT TOMORROW iLRIGHT died—I was nineteen then—Lottie was all I had left. "Well, I married Tom Haskell, and he was a father to her. She was ten. and pretty as a picture. One Sunday we were driving along comfortably, Lottie squeezed in be­ tween me and Tom on the front seat and suddenly a big truck smashed in on us from the left Tom was dead at the wheel; I was broken almost in two. But little Lot­ tie was protected by our bodies. ‘•Three months later I went to the Marshbanks. I tried St. Dorothea’s for Lottie—an old friend of mine was a Sister there—but she couldn't stand it, so I boarded her with a fine Irishwoman who had three chil­ dren. I saw her often, every week nearly. "When she was old enough Lottie went to a nice, simple little boarding school in Belmont. Summers they had a camp, and she was happy and good and prettier and.prettier. Z” Ta reSave distress el MONTHLY "X "Fred Marshbanks, your father, was one of the handsomest men 1 ever saw, but weak. He had mar- ried Amelia Wellington by this time WHICH MAKES YOU CRANKY, NERVOUS! —she was a lovely girl with blue Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­ eyes and light hair, but for a long pound hag helped thousands to re­ time it looked as if they couldn't lieve periodic pain, backache, head­ have a child, and it broke her heart ache with weak, nervous, cranky, blue feelings — due to functional Jud Marshbanks was married too, monthly disturbances. Thia la due but he lived in the East and they to its soothing effect on one of only saw his little boy now and then. WOMAN S MOST IMPORTANT ORGANS. That’s Gregory, of course. Taken regularly—Pinkham's Com­ pound helps build up resistance “I wanted Lottie nearer me then, against such annoying symptoms. and she’d left school, and boarded Follow label directions Worth trying! down in Redwood City. But she was often with me in the Marshbanks bouse. WNU—13 17—42 "When Lottie was eighteen and I was thirty I was sewing in my room one night We were all under a con­ siderable strain in the house, for at last Fred's wife was going to have a baby, and they were terribly anx­ ious for fear something would go For You To Feel Well wrong again. 24 houra every day, 7 daya every "It was eleven o’clock, and I was week, never at opping, the kidneya filter waate matter from the blood. thinking of going to bed when sud­ If more people were aware of how the denly my door opened, and Lottie kidneya muat cona'antly remove aur- plua fluid, exceaa aeida and other waate was there. She gave me a terrible matter that cannot atay in the blood stare. without Injury to health, there would be better undemanding of why the "The minute I saw her I knew we whole ayetem ia upset when kidneya fail were lost somehow, but I didn’t to function properly. Burning, scanty or too frequent urina­ know why. She looked pale and tion aometimea wama that aomething changed and she didn't smile or kiss !■ wrong. You may Buffer nagging back­ ache, beadachea, dizzinesa, rheumatic me. She just crossed the room and palna, getting up at nighta, «welling. knelt down at my knee, and said, Why not try Doan’s Pills’! You will be using a medicine recommended tbe 'Sis, I’m in trouble.’ country over. Doan's stimulate the func­ “I asked her what kind of trou­ tion of the kidneys and help them to flush out poisonous waste from the ble, and she cried, and gradually it blood. They contain nothing harmful. came to me—that I knew. Gat Doan’s today. Use with confidence. At all drug stores. "I kept patting her hands, and swallowing, and looking away, and by and by I heard myself telling her, ‘All right, darling, I'll take care Doesn’t it^ seem more sensible? • ■/ KATHLEEN NORRIS • of Smart CLASSIFIED But Simple Curtains depart ment FOR SALE -UAltllol.lNI.IIM'' WILL END YOUR W orries In bailla nitnli>i>t poultry miti* only on* «|>|>livntIon n<«'na- • 1U V radi ye*l llaaulla Miiuriinlmd. 00 per Kall«»n. Nt»rcl«l prlcrr« In |.»iK«r t|ii«nilth'M tforlhweat Wood Fr«a«rvi»< Ou., 310 W. Madio Cen­ tral. Bpokan«, Waih. Foil HALE RI'jtllHTKRKD I'KRCII- ERON HTALI.I o N, alt »eure eld. weight SVOO. Well broke to wotk. Ailtlrrss May Poirier, Wapato, Wash. Phons Slot I. Î.4 Ai'IIKH FLIK HAI.E NFAH COR. \ \i i.1.Oregon. Ideal < hinken Innd lle.-iHonnbl»’ Auderuon, Route 1, Sos 377, Patterson. Oalliurula. UHED dual ualf logging trailer, 4 II x2<> tiri-a, excel cond. I'rlcrd to move quickly. Write or pilono Bar- tul Motor Ou* Mood Mirer, Oregon. EXCELLENT 1"» acron, Wlllurnottn valley farm. 105 acres under culti- ration, fine «-room home, gooit barn, machine abed. garage, oulbulhUnga. Completely equipped with new and modern Itnpli menls; 7 ucr. s frillt and walnuts. 8 rows. Near «rade and high school. Valley town, I miles «II» nt Mathlsea-Deuiorest Co.. 0300 from Portland; olty water, izo» per acre, for additional Information ad- ■ B. Foster Road, Portland, Oregon. "I've hidden something for twenty years,” Emma said quietly— of you. We'll get out of this gome- cribs and bowls—and all 1 get Is >0 A.. 7 tul. N.K. Washougal, Forest how.* When she stopped sobbing and disgrace!* Hilf Rr. 30 A. hay, pan. orchard. Usatilo house, barn, electrU'lly, was leaning against me, resting her " 'Don’t,* Fred said. *oh, don't let ajilen water Driving dial Van. hair against my cheek, I asked her my mother know about this!* Ame­ shipyards ft. timber. Good Mdt, no rocks, _ , My „quii y lia looked at him. and her face was who it was, if I knew the man. 82400, cash, bnl 1140'1, enay terme. ‘ like chalk 'Fred, It Isn't true?* she •'Then she told me. O. D. Teaold, Mt. 1, Bug 840, Waoh- ougal, Wa. “It was as if a gun had gone otl," said. •Yes,* he said very quietly, Emma went on. "My throat was 'it's true.* WOOL - CARDED INTO Wool, HAT- 7413 "That was al) I heard. I got Lot- TH, knitting yarns, blanket, Hond thick and my head hurt. But I had for folder nnrl<-< •• Merrill Wool­ to keep holding tight to her. telling tie upstairs: 1 was afraid it had V EEP your home attractive en Milla, Merrill, Wisconsin. killed her. She was crying wildly through Spring and Summer her it was all right, that we'd get but. after a while she sobbed only with airy, cool-looking curtains. through—we'd get through somehow. now and then, and I was creeping Use inexpensive materials like PRIMROSE SEED Had she told anyone? No, nobody— Arnaxln« ('ala’-MQa «train I’olrnnthu*, back to bed again when the old theatrical gauze, fish-net, other nobody. She carried that secret for hand polllnat« d to m ilni in hitch Madame called me. Amelia was sheers. Even unbleached muslin qunllty, vivid and color«, five months. largrat floret«, tall Htern«— having hysterics and for a few min­ will do for those shown. They’re "To think. Cherry of the Welcome utes it seemed as if we couldn't 200 for tl 00 Order» tak<-n for ««ediruni, July and that they .were getting ready for the bring her around. From screaming so easy to make, too. AuruM d«llv«rv. (Add 10c fur • • • Marshbanks baby, and of the way with laughter she went into real mall ord.) SOr do«. Pattern 7413 contains all Information the world would treat my Lottie’s screaming, and in a few minutes 1 MRS. R. P. McHENRY unwanted little scrap, seemed to told Fred to call the hospital and for making curtains and drapes tn varied HJJ M. V. Ratals 11 Portland. Ora. stylea. work like some terrible intoxicating tell her doctor we were taking her Due to an unusually large demand and poison in me. I put her to bed; there—that the baby was coming. current war conditions. slightly more time HELP WANTED she'd stayed at the house often But we didn't have time to move la required In lilting otders for a few of the most popular pattern numbers. enough; there was no comment by her. and when the poor tiny baby Send your order la: J anyone; and if Fred Marshbanks came into the world it didn't look as WANTED ever had thought of her, he had if it could last an hour. MEN AND WOMEN Sswlns Circle Needleeraft tie pt. I probably put it all out of his mind. "The doctor was there then and Ill Minna St. San Francisco, Calif. i as a moment's foolish mistake had brought a nurse; they had the Good Far to Learn Furniture months before. ambulance at the door and they said Enclose 13 cents (plus one cent tn Trade Easy, Steady, Inalde Pleaa- cover cost of mailing) tor Pattern ant Work—Rapid AdranoemenV— "Lottie went off to sleep, and the Amelia was sinking—it was only a Ro Rs parlance Necessary No.............................. next morning she was her quiet lit­ matter of minutes unless they could Mattress Drpt .50-1 10 tle self. I began to think if I could get her to the hospital tor a trans­ Name. Woodworking Do|>t_40 . .58 possibly keep Lottie safe up there, fusion. Fred had rushed on ahead Address.............. ,,,......... .. fpholstrrlnK Drpt . .50-1171 on the third floor of a big house. to have his blood tested, and Mad­ Rlilpping Dept....... .._78 - .88 Where else would she be so hidden ame went with the doctor and Ame­ ■ Moura Overtime Far Weak nt and so safe? I said to the Filipino lia. *I'm afraid the baby won't live,* Time and Mall servant Bonifacio that my sister the doctor said to me. for you CAN'T were as blue as an iceberg and : MOITK I »tra. CO.. Mth h Foster would be with me a good deal. It Portland, Orason that can do more for you than St. hwph was none of his business; he didn't about as cold " Aspirin. Why fuiy motet World's largest “I was!” Cherry exclaimed in a care. Lottie could come and go in seller at 10c. Demand St. Jowcph Aspirin. whisper. the quiet hours of the day, and in "Yes, it was you. I did what I the evenings. "I don't remember that we talked could with hot waler and an eye­ of it much. Weeks went by. Lottie dropper. fixed the crib, tearing open the packages of blankets and new expected her baby in January. beautiful monogrammed sheets, laid "January!” Cherry interrupted “But we were both bom in Novem­ you in them with a hot-water bottle at your feet and ran upstairs tn tell ber. Amy and I!” “Yes. but one of you came two Lottie and get my night wrapper. Grinders, Holpers, Chippers. ” ’Mrs. Fred’s had her poor Utile months too early." Emma went on Molders, Coremakers, with the story. "I was going to baby.' I said to Lottie. ‘It's a valvu­ Etc. lar case. I think. It can't live the Fred, and if necessary bring in his nffcht through. I'm going down to Overtime pay one and one-half brother, for the judge had moved out ovar 40 hre. here then, and have them acknowl­ sit by it and wait until the old Mad­ And hc'a right! No nerd to pay big edge his child. But it all came out ame comes back.' Eaaentlal war Induatry. money when (»ROVE’S A Bl and D •'Then I went downstairs and be ­ Vitimina coat only 23« for over two differently. Inside work -modern plant gan a long vigil. Once Mrs Marsh­ wreka' aupply. The larger sire ia even "When I came upstairs one wet more economical — only 11.00 for banks telephoned Fred's wife was November afternoon I found her in over 10 weeka* aupply. Each capaula OREGON STEEL very low How was the baby? I suppliea your daily protective rcquirr- bed. Her trouble had come upon had to say something cheerful; I menta of eaaennal Vitamina A and I) her two months too soon. I slipped FOUNDRY CO. plua famoua Bi. Unit for unit you said she looked much better It was down and telephoned old Doctor can't get finer quality. about five o'clock when Fred came ■518 M. W. uth Ave, Potency—quality guaran­ Povlitski. He had been a friend of in. I'd been within hearing of the teed! Today atari taking Portland, Oregon mine and I knew he would keep our GROVE'S Vitamina! child ail the time, but I'd gone into secret the dressing room to drink a cup of “The old Madame was out, Fred coffee and twice I'd been out to ORDERLIES wasn't borne, and Fred’s wife was telephone in Mrs. Marshbanks* ICS Month and t'n with Room, Board dozing in her room. The doctor and Laundry room. MULTNOMAH COUNTY FARM came in quietly the side way — I “He looked deathly; they’d taken Troutdale. Ora. Tai. Oreaham 6330 looked out for that—but fifteen min­ a pint of blood from him. saving utes before he arrived Lottie's lit­ 10 MACHINISTS WANTED Amelia's life, he said, He came in tle girl, very tiny, but healthy Er rentlnl Induatry, 41 hr. up, plus to fling himself down for some sleep. overt Im«' work enough, was born. There was noth­ PORTLAND IRON WOBXB But first he took a look at the baby. ing for him to do; he went away, 14th and N. W. Northrup ” ‘Why. Emma, she’s small but and left her to me. And then I had she'll make the grade. She looks WANTED: — Woman 23 to 35 Inka some thinking to do again, tor there charge mutherleaa home Portland. like a different baby I’ he said. I Car., Kirin 1 and 4 yra. 135 month, isn't any hiding a new baby long.” went over and looked down expect­ (live experience and privileges ax- «LOW YOU UP "Four nights later,” Emma con­ ing to see you, breathing your very iwctrd. Photo appreciated. W-l c-o W’eatern Newspaper Union, Port­ • Whan liowala are xlucsi.h and yon tinued, "we heard a good deal of last, maybe—but instead I recog­ land, Oregon. faal Irritabla, headachy, do ax million« laughing and calling downstairs so nized Lottie’s child.” do —chew FEEN-A-MINT, the modern lii.o per iiuur — minimum for I made some errand to go down to chewins-sum laxative. Simply chaw Emma's breath had been coming QUALIFIED AUTOMOBILE BODY Mrs. Fred's room, and then came shallow and fast as she reached the FEEN-A-MINT before you go to bed, AND FENDER MEN. PLENTY OF taking only in accordanca with package OVERTIME AT 12 25 PEIt HOUR, up and reported to Lottie. Mrs. last phrases. Now she was perfect­ HATUllDAYS OFF. WE WANT EX­ direction. — alaep without being die- Fred’s father had arrived, and had PERIENCED MEN. TELEPHONE— ly still, and the room was still. turbed. Next morning gentle, thorough brought he baby everything—his WIIU WRITE CENTRAL OLDS­ relief, helping you feel awell again. Try "She’d changed them — changed MOBILE CO, 1018 OLIVE WAY, pram and chair and crib, his silver FEEN-A-MINT. Taatea good, ia handy us!” Cherry said in a whisper. rsoxB - senbca oaao, brattle , and economical. A ganaroua family aupply bowl and plate, and they’d been WANMINQTOW. “Lottie. She'd slipped downstairs opening them up and making a while 1 was out of the room, put her Corn Shucker ‘Bombed’ great fuss. own baby into the crib, carried you "Well, old Mr. Wellington went upstairs. I don’t know,” Emma said, From Way Down Under away, and the Madame went to her "whether—if I'd had time to think, CHICKASHA, OKLA —Hoot Tuck­ room, and things settled down. As if I'd had my wits about me—I er thought the day of aerial bombing soon as she could be moved I was mightn't have told him, then and had struck Oklahoma. going to get Lottie to a boarding­ there. But I was like a person He was shucking corn and mind­ house I knew of. So I was breathing struck senseless. What it meant to ing his own business on a farm near easier. me, what it -meant to Lottie, what Tabler, when there was a terrific NO$S^LD»bl»S "I settled Lottie and the baby off it would give Lottie's baby if the blast nearby, a big hole was torn in COUGH OBO p S. for the night, and went to my room. other baby died, and if Lottie the ground, and flames spurted 20 Try "Rvb-My-TIsm" — ■ Wonderfal Liniment This was maybe eleven o'clock. I mightn’t be in danger of—oh, I don’t feet high. was undressed, and just getting into know what, prison maybe—If they Tucker’s team ran away. He ad- bed when I heard the baby cry and found out. Anything! mitted he felt like doing the same went into Lottie's room. “They moved their baby to the thing, but he had to investigate, “Her bed was tumbled and she hospital that first day. Well, that's found a high-pressure natural gas was gone. I ran to the stairhead all. You know all the rest You line had burst. and saw lights in the hallway below didn’t die. Every hour seemed the and Lottie crossing it Then I heard last but it wasn’t Days went by, Lottie's voice in Mrs. Fred's room, and Lottie and I took you to the HEMORRHOIDS (Piles) and then Fred shouting. I don’t country. I’d told Fred, after that Hernia (Rupture), Fissure or Fistula know how I got down there. Mrs. night, that of, course I’d go; he Buch disorder« Impair your Fred had stumbled back toward her needn't be afraid he'd ever see us health - «llinlenoy—earning power. For 30 yeara we have bed and was staring at Lottie. There again. But later he sent for me, aucceaaiully treated thou« was a terrible silence when I got and when I confessed that my sis­ Banda of people for these alb meats. No hospital opera-* there, and then Amelia said in a ter had had a child—his child—he lion. No confinement. No whisper,’ ‘You lie!’ loaa of time from work. Call than made the provision that you for examination or send for ” *1 don't lie,' Lottie said. She know of. You grew strong and big, IREK descriptive Booklet. was so weak she was leaning much stronger than Amy, and I Open fyen/ng«g Mon., Wed , M., 7 to 8:30 against a chair and her voice was tried ..." The speaker’s voice hoarse and weak too. ’Ask him I’ thickened; there was a pause. Phy sial on amt Bargaon she said. "And it's not fair, it’s “That's all,” she said, and there Get Into Action . I. Cor. I. Burnside and Grand Are. not fair that your child will have was another silence. elephoao IA«t 3B1B, Portland, Oregon everything—wealth and position and (TO BE CONTINUED) For Full Victory! A BUY ASPIRIN FOUNDRY HELP WHY SHOULD I GET ANY OTHER AB D GOOD PAY VITAMINS BUT GROVE S GROVE’S CONSTIPATION FEEN-A-MINT “ioi COLD Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC f <