"THEY GIVE THUR LIVES—YOU LEND .YOUR MONEY" è' Buy Mor» War Bondi Today ASHLAXt, OREGON. THURSDAY, April 29. 1943 VOL. XII TALENT NEWS Number 14 THIS AND THAT BELLVIEW NEWS WHITMAN MAKFQ (By OLD TIMER) by Mat i Mis Elisabeth Smith 8« year» Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yockel and ■■ ill ■ Iflflll IflflRfcV To the Editor: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dankworth ot ug»- of Medford piutaed away Absenteeism, 11 deplorable prac­ Friday night at the Ciiinmunity were picnicing on Graves Creek tice among war workers result­ Hospital in Ashland. She wiu» the Sunday and looking after some ;l I- It was a missionary bridal party ing in a loss of 422,700,000 man niouier <>t Mr». Emma McCurtain, V' mining interests. A merican merchant sailors »Liya during 1942 Is reported pre­ who reeides Mouth of Tulenl. h’un- Mr. and Mrs, Archis Kincaid 'htU added more miles to the wa­ in 1776, turned from valent among members of con­ eral MorviceM were h»*!»! Monday and Mrs. Earl Warren were visit­ gon trail left by Bonneville in 1832. peacetime trade — gress. A war worker Is docked for afternoon, ami interment wax ing at the Senrud home Sunday. lit was in 1836 that Mantua Whit­ formed a FIGHTING navy lost time, while a congressman, mad»' in lhe Mountain View Ceme­ Mrs. Malinda King and daugh­ man and his wife Nardssa made IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR- who is pulil u yearly salary to look tery. ter, Mrs Bess Hall were dinner their wedding journey over the HRLPED WIN THAT WAR after our business continues to the guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs. ¡Old Oregon Trail. With them were Uudiey Estes, who »jxiit draw ¡my when hi* fulls to show ¡last month in Crescent City with Vincent Lanini. Mr and Mrs. Dean Henry and Eliza Spalding, William up for work. Owens of Central Point were after­ H Gray, a Nez Perce Indian, an und m» bi other, Chai dee Estes Irishman named Dulin and a red- noon callers 1 1 1 wife, returned borne Monday eve- Automobile» Hie growing older nlng. Mrs. Mark True and Mrs. Ros­ haired boy named Miles Goodyear. anil more »lecrrjilt and many a coe Owens were business visitors Whitman’s party traveled along j>* rs. . Cliff Green ami two the north bank of the Platte with driver may discover when the 35- dren moved at Medford Monday afternoon. rom Prospect into i Thomas Fitzpatrick’s carts and mile speed limit is taken off after their home her. Mr. Green, who Mr. and Mrs. John Fanner have Spalding’s light wagon. On July 4 received word of th»« war that is over that it was i» employed with the Hkee eis the serious ill- Bv 18^0 THEY WERE ness of their son Earl who has the party crossed the south pass of low speed that kept the old jalopy lagging Com pay, ifinained MADNi.’JG AMERICAN tx-en taken to the Veteran’s Hos- Lhe Rockies. Mrs. Whitman and from falling apart like the old i*i ospcct. WHALERS and CLIPPERS Mrs Spalding were the first white pita) in Portland. hoss ehay. Mis. A Thorsson, who made un MAC>£ US SUPREME Mr. and Mrs Walter Davis and womrtl to view the Oregon Country visit with her son Keim extended 1 1 1 ON THE SEVEN St 3. _____ ______ daughter, Lyda Katherine, enter- from i its eminence. Whitman's John Bull doesn't tolerate Chis­ and family in I’orlland, returned Sunday tained at dinner ____________ w to a Kreat ambition was to take a wa- lers Mu) Gen Kir Percy Ijaurie, home Monday aftem»x»n. group of friends and relatives. through to the Columbia to On a recent trip to Rogue Rive», Provost Maishal of Great Britain, Those enjoying the day at the demonstrate the feasibility of a R F. Parks called on Mr and Mrs, was fined the equivalent of $2.350 Davis house were Sgt. and Mrs. wagon road to the far west. for using a civilian ration lxx»k as Roupe, former r>n Hungate, Mr On August 4, the Whitman party Donald Kar h is confined to the and Mr». V.’uyne Cowtiery and 1 1 1 T oday our merchant sailors left Fort Hall and the cart went Eugene Hospital suffering from a family and Dick Skeeters of Pro ­ Has Rommel decided what to do ARE AGAIN CARRYING THE serious injury. Mr. and Mrs. along. Two Indians acompamed when he runs out of Italians to sped »¡>ent the week end in Talent WAR TO OUR ENEMIES— Karth have their home in Bell­ them. one named Kentuck and the »nd amended a show in Asblan»l throw at the Allies? FIGHTING SHOULDER TO view, but are living at Cottage other sporting the rather plebian Saturday night, 7 111 SNOUL DER WITH OUR ARMED FORCES, name of Rottenbelly. At the Island Grove, where he is employed. Donald McCul- : Staff Sargent, From Scotland comes the story Crossing at the Snake, the cart Mr. and Mrs Bob Bell and loch 1» home on a 15 day furlough THEY ARE PEL!VER/NG THE6000S"70 THE BATTLE FRONTS of the miller's wife who takes him daughter, Judy, of Ashland were overturned almost drowning the from Marshfield, California vuut- into the kitchen after he returns WHERE VICTORY WILL BE WON. dinner guests Sunday at the R E mule* lhat drpw 11 T^e be‘ big his parents, Mr. and Mrs. from his work every evening, came a greater problem each day. Bell home. McCulloch on Wagner I Lincoln dusts him off, and proceeds to Mrs George Ricks was hostess Snake Fort (Fort Boise) was I Creek. make biscuits for supper. to the Ladles’ Aid Society of the reached on August 19. There Whit- Rev. Shreve», a foreign evan­ AT THE CHURCHES leave his pre- 111 Bre'hren Church at her home last man man was waj forced forced to to leave 1118 P re‘ gelist, lectured to an audience at Jajmn any» there can be no the City Hall, Sunday evening. Wednesday. About 12 ladies were 010118 <*rt- Though he failed in CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN truce in the Pacific That makes present, and a cover»*d dish lunch- 1118 avowed purpose to take a wa- Iowa and Mountain Streets Collier Leming, who is stationed eon vas enjoyed at noon The &°n trough to the Columbia, it unanimous. in mruthern California tn the ser- Ward E. Pratt, Minister Friday night will bring before afternoon was spent in serving for "'hitman had added another stlr- Ashland and Medford vice is home for a short vput 1 1 1 ring cnapter to the westward the foot lights the amusing and the ”A11 ---- BUY BONDS — different cast of "The Solitaire Topic: 'Love the Master Motive*- lxmiing and other relatives, ton. April 29. 1894, 'the wagon trail from the Green Ri- Man", Ashland high school sanior 11:00 a. m. - Worship Service Mr and Mi». C. E. Cooper, who JUNIOR HIGH TO !ver to Fort Boise on the Snake. RemrnAs*r ths» i »L l of dande­ have Men »ivuig at the Babbs L»Plication Service of newly re­ class play. I Four years would elapse before The plot is furthered by a cast GIVE CONCERT lion greens, flanked by a ham­ Campground, moved into Mis. C. decorated church with special rit­ others carried on. of ten. Waiter Graham, veteran, ual. Sermon Subject: "The Church bone. that mother used to cook ? It Gardner ■ house. ‘ For the first time the Junor Ed. Note- This is one in a series AHS actor, plays the leading male Triumphant. ” Christian Family was a feast fit for the g-al Meet at Grants Pass Ring Zrlt-mls for a few days Orleans, Ixi. for a' week's leave, Night at the Ashland Church . The Southern Oregon Bar Assoc­ ilee Erwin. Johnny McCollum Spring concert. here. lx-onard was former ishtor which he will »¡»end with his par­ iation held its meeting in the cir­ Sunduy, May 9: Dedication Ser­ plays Robert Bascom, a nervous ents, Mr .and Mr». S. A. Nye. Mrs. As the music department ke-'ps cuit court room at Grants Pass of the Miner >hc only REAL vice for all babies Notify the pas­ young fellow, unmistakably a drug editor the Mliu-r has ever had. Nye and two boys that are in tor if you wish your child dedica- addict. Pat Rawe takes the part of growing it is hoped that it vill Saturday afternoon, April 24th. become an annual affair for t us The big fish bit his worm, and he school, remained in N«*w Orleans. ted. Mrs. Henrietta Hopkins, the ex- school to presesit a separate pv- With Kenneth Denman as Sec. Mrs. Lewis Biden sp«*n( the Eas­ chased them in u lx>ut until the chorus girl wife of a pot and per­ gram. There will be no sign of «he A major feature of the meeting J u [ m » got smart. Now lx?onard is ter holiday at her home at Pros­ colator man. Chelton, pilot of the amateur performer for although was a splendid resume by William CATHOLIC CHURCH waiting with other Coast guards­ pect. McAllister, Speaker of the State trans-European airliner on which lhe chorus membera. voice- [ Sixth and C Streets ----- BUY BONDS ------ men for one good crack at tho 1 Rev W. J. Meagher, Pastor. the action of the play takes place, noj iully developed they sing' House of Representatives, of a yellow men. Orchestra From Camp Phone Medford 3208. is characterized by Bill Green. foUr part muJric M older and more* I number of new measures passed ----- BUY BONDS------ i by the last legislature. Some of the Mass Sunday morning a, 9 o'clock, Harlalee Wilson portrays a sar- mature singers do. I’ETFRSONS AT CONFERENCE White at USO Dance upon by Mr. Sunday School after Mass cora­ castic individual from Scotland j The present Junior High School _ high lights treated __ Rev. and Mrs B. F. Peterson McAllister were tax exemptions a suave, weil- Guests of the "Hard Times" ducted by the ladies of me church dressed Yard. Kenyon, man of 40. is played by ^J^'thi ^ar^m iOT navaI «"^men. left Sunday evening after the ¡»arty at Ashland USO, April 21, —V— union church program at the danced to an outstanding orchestra FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Kei:h Haines Two landing officers changes in the proceedure for the orchestra M»*Uuxlist Church for Kelso, Wash­ from Camp White, the 82nd Gen­ Corner No. Main and Laurel Sts are represented by Phil Wolcott filing of income tax returns, the , The Junior High concert has ington where they are attending eral Hospital orchestra composed Dr. George W. Bruee, Minister and Mark Balfour. financial responsibility act relating I been timed to coincide with Music the Annua) Conference »»f the Naz­ of Pfc. John Phillips .piano; Pfc. 9:45- Sunday Church School. Tickets shauld be reserved in Week which extends from May 2 to matters growing out of auto­ arene Church. Immediately after Anthony Lanni, guitar; I*fc. John mobile accidents, the elective com­ 11 ;00- Morning Worship. advance at Elhart's. The time is to 9. I munity property law, the limited the conference they will return Giuffre, violin and saxophone; Chaplain 1st Lt. Louis C. John­ 8:00 p. m., and the place is the ------ BUY BONDS — here to move their household Corp. Alfred Vigneau, . accordian; son. 362nd. Infantry. Camp White, Junior high gym. partnership act, the judge retire­ I SO OBSERVES EASTER gotxls to Klamath Fulls. ment act, the act creating a post Sgt. Clarence Luke, boss viol. will bring the sermon. Easter was observed at the Ash­ war readjustment and development ------BUY BONDS------ 6:15- Methodist Youth meetings. "Everlasting Punishment.” Sunday Both ballroom and square dan­ ( RISPIE BROWN WAFFLES cing were enjoyed, Mr. L. H. Pan- The evening service will be a School at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday land USO by a special musical committee for Oregon,new meas­ program conducted by Mary Gean ures relating to employer-employee AT ASHLAND USO ' key in charge of the square dances union service at the Presbyterian' evening meeting, which includes Mrs. Mae IJndncr announces the IA convoy of 50 men came from Church with the Rev. Howard G. testimonies of Christian Science Hendricks, president of the junior relations and changes in the work­ hostess group. Marilyn Young was men’s compensation law relating Retx'kah Lodge of Ashland will Camp White, and other service Eddy giving the sermon. healing, is held at 8 o'clock. ' vocal soloist, accompanied by Do­ to compensation for occupational sponsor a waffle super at the [ men In Ashland and civilians added Thurs. 7:30- Bible Study and Reading Room open daily from lores Erwin Francis Aiken played Ashland USO, Friday, April 30, at the attendance to about 125. ! Fellowship hour. 2 to 5 p. m. except Sundays and two violin numbers accompanied diseases. During the progrès of Mr Mc­ 8:30. This is the first at a weekly Those planning ami directing I —V— Holidays. The public is cordially i by Carolyn Rose. Pvt. Ed Doherty Allister’s discourse considerable NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH series of waffle supers scheduled the dance were junior hostesses, invited to attend these services, of the First M<*dlcal Regiment, discussion was had by the mem­ CONGREGATIONAL Friday evenings by th»* Rebekah Elma Simmons, Ellen Brown. Kay and to use the Reading Room. Camp White, sang Easter music bers of the various measuresand 717 Siskiyou Boulevard Lodge, for service men at the USO Jandreau, Jo Peachy, Virginia —V— and led in group singing. A large the effects of the changes. After Clarence F. MeCall. Minister In charge of this Friday supper Sith, and »^airman Velma Simp­ FREE METHODIST CHURCH i crowd of civilians and sol»iiers the meeting the members enjoyed are four members of the Lodge: J son. The committee served coffee1 9:4ft a. m.-Bible School, with East Main Sfc>. at Seventh heard the program. Later, the a lucheon at the Redwoods hotel Mesdamcs Myrtk* Mayberry, Mary and doughnuts during the evening Mrs. Glen Prescott, Supt. Charles E. Brown, Pastor USO hostesses served potato salad dining room and interesting remi- 11:00- Worship Service. Calahan, Dorothy Dickey, and ------BUY BONDS------ I Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. and hotcross buns. niscences were related by some —V— Alta Nichols LATSO.N-CHIPMAN Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. ------ BUY BONDS ------ of the pioneer lawyers. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Young People’s and Junior USO SPONSORS DANCE Miss Carma Latson, »laughter liny your Memorials now for The next meeting of the associ­ CHURCH Missionary Society at 6:30 p. m | of Mr. and Mrs. Caroll Latson of A May Day dance will be held ation will be held at the circuit Defloration Day. North Main at Helman Evangelistic Service, 7:30 p. m. at the Ashland USO clubhouse the (Mrs.) M. T. Biirns.-OnthePlii7.il. Sacramento, California and Harry Rev. Howard G. Eddy. Minister court room in Medford on the |- Song ami Hymn practice, Fri­ evening of Saturday. May 1. An Chipman, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. afternoon of June 26th. 9:4ft- Bible School for all ages, day at 7:30 p. m. J. Chipman of Ashland were united ------ BUY BONDS------ 11:00- Morning Worship and : Come and worship with us in orchestra and refreshments are, in marriage at the First Methodist Junior Church. promised. Either formal or infor­ ENTERTAIN FOR PETERSONS I .EON A III) HALL ; the beauty of Holiness. Church in Sacramento on April 18. mal apparel will be the order of The members of the Ministerial 6:30-Youth Meeting. mid Companion —V- Following lhe ceremony, a re­ the evening. Association and their wives gath­ 7:30- Evening Service CHURCH OF CHRIST Are Invited to Be Guests of the ception was held in the church ----- BUY BONDS— ered at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Wed., 7:30- Midweek meeting. SOUTHERN OREGON MINER parlors for relatives and friends. Second and B St. G. S. Butler has returned from Earl F. Downing last Saturday — V — to see The bride was graduated from TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Earl F. Downing, Minister Cathedral City, California where evening for a seven o’clock dessert at lhe VARSITY THEATRE the University of California and at Rev A. N. MacDonnell, Vicar 9:46- Bible Sch»x»l with Mrs. I he spent the winter. luncheon honoring Rev. and Mrs. the time of her marriage was h«»a»l —V— (Friday and Saturday) B. F. Peterson. The evening was 9:30- Church School , John Schoenwald, Superintendent. technician at the Blood Bank of 11:00 a. m. - Morning Service. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herndon spent in visiting. At the close of “YANK AT ETON” 11:00 - Service and Sermon. 6:4ft- Christian Endeavor and moved their household goods from the evening the group Joined Sutter Hospital. Mr. Chipman, who 7:30 p. m. - Servic# and Address. or grew to manhood here, is proprie- Second Front. Ashland to Klamath Falls last hands in a prayer circle. (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) I 7:46- Evening Service. , tor of Chipman's News Stand. wsek. Rev. and Mrs . Peterson are FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST “GEORGE WASHINGTON ------BUY BONDS------ Mid-week Service: Wed. 7:45. —V— leaving soon for their new church SCIENTIST SLEPT HERE” Editor A. A. Harder of The Pioneer Ave., South ------BUY BONDS—— Miss Wi’ma Froman was home in Klamath Falls. The town of Buy your M<-morials now for from the University to spend the Ashland as well as the Nazarene Sunday morning service at 11 Please call at the Miner Offici Weed Log , Weed, California was a caller at the Miner office Wed- o'clock. The subject will be on Decoration Day. Easter vacation with her parents, congregation will misa their able for Your Guest Tickets l neaday. (Mrs.) M. T. Burns.-On the Plaza. Mr .and Mrs. Carl Froman. i religious leadership. L -y OUR DEMOCRACY MEN orTHE MERCHANT MARINE, i AHS SENIORS TO PRESENT PLAY A NEW TRAIL