-------------- SOUTHERN OREGON MINER 9 00 a ,'s» ... *• Fr'day and Saturday '* *• «*«• P- m “u Ne,-reU1.y ; « ------------------------UYER (f -re a^ed I «»Mt* y0UR FAVOWI® chusch T Ï t............................. ~ ■ i ai in -j-Zrr?-—— RASTER SUNDAY '» »¿»TH AF r ' cj I and be T h . live ; ha - OFFICIAL; 4”’ hentic , “ but r ¿ORE BOND' RAMS' ,w ¿V JEWELRY ' SH*'dentMj Rome of Better Jew ¿TORE Iry” Ashland, Oregwi j eur of the Sunday afternoon. Approximately •fie carried a 15 service men turned out for in­ Mli-Uiue hlg-> .il ton milea 73 struction. The «por apparently •ervic. *1 r than the previous will prove as popular this year as tim« a of 1929 PasMen^**i last year. Archery tournament» JO reached a new all-1 ,n cuiils for those interest .gh. being 64 per cent*' ml in thia popular »port er than the former peak year Miss France* E. Dodd», ilirectm .920, of the USO, reported a large week­ Phene and other Interesting end attendance, with activtiiea in oita are contained in a booklet. the latik and in the clubhouse "Facts about the Southern Pacific Saturday night’» dance wus var Comjiany” which is just off the led by fortune telling by M in Edw press. Duffey a mvmlx-i of the Service During 1942 the company oper­ Mens Wives Club, and living in ated 6150 special tiiuiia fur all Ashland Mra Huffy took the branches of the armed forces, in place of MI m IJIIian Nicholaen. addldon to a substantial number who has been entertaining on Sat of military cars handled in regu­ unlay evening during he past lar trains. The company's dining several months. cars served meals at the rate ot Wednesday, April 21 the visit­ more than 12,000,000 a year. ing military will be entertained ut More than 9000 former employee a "hard-time" party, so called be­ were in military service at the end cause of difficulty of preparing of 1942. Tl>e company labored un­ and decorating, dur to the club­ der a manpower shortage durli^a house being in the hands of car­ the entire year and on February penters Girls will weui cotUui 1, 1943 was short approximately and gingham A convoy will come 10,000 men. from the M3rd General Hospital at New locomotives and other rol­ Camp White, and the 62nd Gener­ ling stock were added during 1942 al Hoaplttal band is ex|>ectrd. Th«- and improvements were made to junior hoatesa commit tee planning the phyMcal plant to bring total the dance consists of Velma Simp­ expenditures of this nature to son, Virginia Smith. Jo Peachy, more than $100.000,000 in the and Kay Jandreau. past three years. I ‘ i M ------ BUY BONDS------ WALTER I.N MARINE COKPS NEW SE SOUTHERN Twenty-year-old Robert Milton Walter entered the marine corp« this week at Portland. After a seven-day-furlough he will report to San Diego for "boo:" training His parents are Mr. and Mr* Milton Waiter, Box 302. Ashland. The local leatherneck recruit was recently employed as a logger. /ICE TO e^LIFORNIA and southern California service on the WEST . to Los Angele« via Run» volley ¡xiint«. a »rough trip without ainudr, one night on the Xos Angele«. travelers be,w<*" wlth u- now provili*** Ut,AST, N rough tram S^ .^nento and Sa» 11, s service provide« tliailge of ears fromJX usili, morning arrixal in ------ BUY BONDS------ Bom to Mr. and Mrs. M E Temple on April 18. a daughter Our New Comprehensive Personal Liability Policy SOLTI (BUI N D Bu* departing from A* Aland at 6:29 a. m. daily, JANT at Dunsmuir, arrlv- connecta a mg Los Angeles 9-55 u. rn. next morning. CHAMP 0« Mlron«"V Provide« the Broadest 1’ernonal and Family Liability Protection Available, including Automobile —ONE policy, one premium, one low cost. See us for details SEE NORTHBOUND CHUMP « MWowy' Thursday, April 22, 19*13 Paci«,. M ■r ear in v uS Archery ('lass at I SO iwa. u,,. > fliat . C. C. Dunham started arch­ 942 | ery Dr. practice at the Ashland U8O Far „ kt COAST leaves lorn Angeles 5:30 p. m. daily. . at Dun*n““r- arriving Ashland ut 10:12 Bus meeis •»* — p m. next evening.................. _........ addition to convenient bun-train ^edules tietween here and San Francisco. J. F. EMMETT MI NEK BUILDING 167 EAST MAIN STREET Phone 6.561 I) O I T E N T K II TAIN M E N T «‘hone 75111 FRI. & SAT. Jinx FAIKFNBURG UMIt IltOOHJ KAT HAKIM * P ittie Joe Gieltrânâc Sun. Mon. Tues. TtRFSA WRIGHT WALL ACE FORD JOSEPH COTTON HE HR Y TRAVER} insurance Billings Agency Wednesday & Thursday Mid-week Special HEAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE 41 East Main J Matinee Saturday Continuous Sunday Fee Information call— WHEN IN MEDFORD, MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS! Southern Pacific F Phone "501 S. J. Bailey, Agent MEDFORD’S PRESCRIPTION CENTER Sun. Mon. Tues. NOW a. never before It I» nece«M*ry to ime the old mac­ hinery • make It lost until HARtM-BOUND,! Where there’« Hop«— Th ere’ » Croitey and Dottie! VICTORY la won. A registered pharmacist of long experience fills all prescriptions at tills store. Only the finest and purest drugs, chemioals uud other materials used. Our experta are ready to help you by doing the weld.ng the blackamlthlng and the repairing necessary to make the old as gixwl a« new. MT. ASHLAND Western Thrift Store t Butter & Creamed Cottage Cheese 30 North Central Ave. BEE I S TO-DAY I NOW! vBKfjJvMU',J AT YOUR GROCERY OR MARKET Oak Street Garage and Machine Shop ASHLAND CREAMER» “What ÍM made in Ashland makes Ashland" a ■" SAME GOOD WORKMANSHIP SAME GOOD SERVICE'! tiffin* AUTOMOBILE WE DEMAND NO POINTS BUT- THIS AD POINTS THE WAY TO A CHEERFUL WASHDAY! FIKE INSURANCE “'Hiat you can depend on” ¡Wardrobe Cleaners Phone 3281 On the Plaza M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA Next Wed. & Thurs. in When you send us your laundry bundle, you escape the washday hazards— overwork, exposure and injury. SERGEANT YORK You also gain a day of freedom for pleasanter activities. GARY COOPER 9 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Published every Thursday at 167 East Main St., Ashland, Oregon by Charles and Ruth Giffen. Subscription rates: »2.00 per year Entered as second-class matter in the post office at Ashland, Oregon, February 15. 1935 under the actj of March 3 187». EASTER DYES 5c and 10c FILLED BASKETS 25c to $1.00 ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY Phone 7771 : 31 Water St. EASTER COOKIES with your name EASTER CARDS 4 for 5c, 2 for 5c, 5c, 10c, 15c Phone us about our inexpensive laundry services ..... send us your bundle and experience the satisfac­ tion of the ideal washday. Wirt M. Wright, Prop. AM > tW f i CKY LEG/ Every Moment is Exciting Pulse Poinding Mystery! N 0 W W hen trouble coinè« to 5011 —and It will, In «nine form —sre that it la lightened by the benefit, of adequate In- aunuice. Let ua ’tie your niuiMH-lors. LITHIA METZ STORE