SOUTHERN OREGON MINER, Ashland, Oregon CLASSIFIED Showing the Panel Type of Slip Cover EVERY price range today * there ure handaorne flowered materials for alip covert. The patterns are designed so that a motif may be « entered in each part of a chair to make a panel. This is not difficult to do if you cut straight pieces first according to the widest and longest measure­ Trinket« for Africans DEPARTMENT I N ment of the part to be covered, plus one Inch at all seams and four inches for a seat tuck-in. Pin and trim to fit, as shown. Scams that are to be sewn without welting are pinned and basted from the wrong side. Unpin seams where welting is to be used. Baste the welting to the right side of the seam edge, then baste the scam. A right-toe cording foot is best for welted scums as it allows the bulky material to be on the left where it will rest on the machine leaf. • • • NOTE Iteaders who have lent for copies of the series of tmokleta numbered one Io eight, prepared by Mrs Spears, wlU be pleased to know that BOOK » la now ready. This new book contains 33 gay and thrifty things for your home with Illustrated directions. To get a copy send IS cents to: MRS. Rt'TH WYETIt SPEARS Bedard Kills New York Drawer IS Enclose U cents for Book No. S. Name................ ...................................... Addreaa .......................................... . NERVOUS? No Pep or Vitality? INDIGESTION? Feel All In? Rundown? All this—and even serious illness- mar be due to B Complex Vitamin defccieacy. Play safel Take GBOVFS B Complex Vitamins sod get sll the 1OO peen ds e* rubber and 1.01 pounds ar* used foe nosh roll ef edhoshre plostor mede ter the Army's medlsel serpe. We’re heard a lot about lire .witch- lag lately, but the practica would become more common 11 every drie­ st rasllaad that equalising wear on all Urea caa Increase tread mileage as much as 80%. WM sansarretten ht mind keen year rubber geode 1st ■ seel dork piece, pretorebly ewey trees Street beet, ee eng stere to sow- Hebt, aS end create. To make lha bullet-sealing gasoline tanka of a Firing Fortress requires 1640 pounds of rubber. U. 8. which Is being developed tar Ita rubber taetont. I k i Full baking effectiveness, now, 1« •very ounce of Clobber Girl Baking Powder... Na waste of baking pow­ der, no waste of baking ingredients when you specify the new, im- proved moisture-proof Clabber Giri container... In all sizes «3 your qtocot s« Dentist ALISKY BLOC - 3»0 A MORRTSON PORTl AND ORE VEGETABLE SUCCESSES CLABBER GIRL ? A General Quiz D r . H arry S ímlír , "“FERRY’S Sawlag circle Needlee raft Dept. 117 Mlaaa St. Baa Francisca, Calif. TXS BIBO - GO COMPACT HELP WANTED Every sixth soldier among th« American troop« that went to Africa carried a bag of trinkets for distribution to the natives as gifts or payments for small favors, reports Collier's. The idea behind these bags, which contained ciga­ rettes, candies, beads, scissors, perfumes, sugar, tea and coffee, was to show that our men wer« not looters but generous friends. 1. What is the chemical symbol for silver? 2. Who defeated Horace Gree­ ley when he ran for President on the Liberal Republican and Demo­ cratic tickets? • 3. What is the approximate weight of a gallon of water? 4. A person with hyperopia is said to be what? 5. The science of matter and motion is called what? 8. What is the approximate width of the Strait of Gibraltar at its narrowest point? 7. Starting at the equator, how long does it take the sun to rotate on its axis? 8. What army award for gallant­ ry was originated by George Washington, and is being given to U. S. soldiers in this war? 9. When did famous men first appear on our coins? 10. Approximately how many pounds of food does the average American soldier eat daily? SMB®?’ * «« Antwtrt 1. Stiver's chemical symbol is ag. Grant. Eight pounds. Far-sighted. Physics. Eight and one-half miles. 7. Twenty-five days. The Order of the Purple Heart. 9. In 1909. When George Wash­ ington refused the honor, he estab­ lished a precedent that lasted un­ til Theodore Roosevelt finally per­ suaded the government to place Lincoln’s head on the penny. 10. Five and one-half pounds. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. «. ★ IN THE RANGERS * you SAID IT, RANGER—CAMELS HAVE GOT WHAT they say: IT TAKES "CAT CRAWL* for an advance hugging the grot “BUSHMASTERS for Ranger« trained in the Caribbean area for tropic jungle-fighting “MINSTREL SHOW* for an attack at night with facet blacked up "CAMEL* for the Army man*« favorite ITS CAMELS C amel WITH ME—I LIKE THAT EXTRA MILDNESS AND FULL FLAVOR COSTLIER TOBACCOS