I "THEY GIVE THIIK LIVES—YOU LIND YOUR MONEY" Buy More War Bondi Toda/ t • ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY. VOL. XII THIN AND THAT (By OLD TIMER) *7* Pf* *1kat 9t! April 22, 1943 Number 13 soldiers of the il'ALENT NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bradley of Friday afternoon for their regular Basin Creek were business callers meeting, Mrs. Metz announced a here Monday afternoon Mr. and Box Social to be held Friday eve­ »is. Biadiey recently moved from In the 1830’s religion was in ning. April 23. The election at |'laieui. on their ranch. officeis was postponed until a la­ the air. The search of the Flat- Hie Talent Grange entertained ter meeting. After the business heads for the white man's Book 111 soldiers at their Grange meeting meeting the 4 H club girls under of Heaven fired the imagination Uncle Zeke says Hitler la likely Thursday evening with a covered the leadership of Mrs. J. W. Mc­ of all religious sects. The Meth­ to remembei us lav yeui v. di-'in dinner. There was a good Coy presented a splendid program odists were the first to send mis­ the big wind or rather the year attendance. and then had charge of the "Moth sionaries to the Indians of the when the big wind ceased blowing Betty Coinbeet went to Vancou- and then bad charge of the "Moth­ Oregon Country. Jason Lee head­ 1 1 1 ; ver. Washington last week and rated in the 4 Leaf Clover, and ed the first missionary party, The nations housewives contri­ visited her parents who aie living each mother was given a Fovor. which left Independence, Mo., on buted 5.906.023 (founds of waste tiierc. Mr. Coinbest is employed in The refreshments were made by April 30, 1834, Joining the Wyeth kitchen fats in January, to lick t.ie shipyards. Bo.ly will remain party for mutual protection. Lee the Club member» lhe Axis Waste kitchen fats arc I here until school is out, The Upper Valley Community preached the first sermon west) of used in the production of glycerin, Mrs. L. Spruell wus admitted to Club and the Home Extension the Rockies at Fort Hall on July a vital war malerial. tile Community Hospital in Med- Unit have united and will hold 27, 1834, to a motley group of 111 Americans, French-Canadians and I ford Sunday evening. She is suf­ their meetings jointly for the du­ This shoe rationing has a silver fering with a badly sprained ankle. Indians. Lee established his first ration. Tneir first meeting was lining for some ji* rent s Look mission on the Willametie River Mr. and Mrs. Lathan McDowell, Wednesday, April 21. A coverea what it will mean for the small near the present Gervais, and an­ who have been living in lhe Bro­ disn luncneon was served at noon. boy who wants to go barefoot other, later on. at Wascopam (The phy place on Ander Creek, moved Mias Ferrell of Medford gave the this summer. into lhe Raines pr<4>erty on Wag­ demonstration on repair and care Dalles). The ships Diana and Sumatra 111 ner Creek. The Brophy place was oi elec ricai appliances. Mrs. Wal­ arrived in 1837, bringing addition­ Japanese orators recently in­ sold last week ler Haan is cnalrman of the Ex­ al recruits, among them Anna formed the Japanese people that Mr. and Mrs. Al Norris have tension Unit and Mrs. R. D. Rey­ Marie Pitman whom Lee married the war is getting serious. In closed their groceiy store for «he nolds, club president: Mrs. R. in an impressive ceremony, soon street parlance they “ain't seen ' duration. E. Bell, vice-president; Mrs. Neva to have a tragic ending. L« a nothin' yet." Vern Decker, who has been a McCoy,, Secretary Mrs. R. L. started east in 1838, bearing a pe- at the Community Hospi- I patient 111 Brantley, Treasurer; Mrs. Arthur> ... ' _ ess for recognition Dankworth, Mrs. F Boe and Mrs. “ Mussolini began his career aa a 1 tai in Ashland, returned *hoine of the Oregon Country. When at despot with a brown shirt - and he Friday and will soon be able to F. E. Engle of Neil Creek are the the Shawnee Mission in the pres­ resume his work al the McKern seems to have lost even that. trustees ot the club. ent Kansas, a courier overtook saw mill in Talent. j The pupils of the Bellview school him telling him of the death of 111 Mrs. Elmer Cook made a bust- enjoyed a skating party last Fri- [ Hitler observing his 54 th birth­ his wife in child-birth. day evening at tne Armory. The day must have wondered what noss triip to Medford Friday. Lee returned in 1840 on the Mr. and Mrs Will l^ainb of near P. T. A. sponsored the party. i_____ Berlin will look like on his 55th. Lausanne with "Hie Great Re- Medford visited his bro.her Tom Mrs Nye, who has been absent entorvmenV: and tiiere were’ then 1'1 1 i Iamb and Mr .and Mrs. Roy Estes from school for several weeks due more missionaries than there were President Rooscvel's visit to ' Sunday afternoon to lllneM, was able tp resume her converts. With Lee was his new Mexico wax a grand exemplifica­ Mr. and Mis. Ben Webster are work last week. wife, the former Lucy Thomson. tion of Lhe good neighbor policy. the parents of a seven pound boy D. W. McCoy is slightly im­ He lost her too in child-birth in 1 1 1 born at the community hospital proved. He has been confined to 1842. Lee was deposed in 1844 Wonder if Benito sent Adolph a ■ in Ashland Thursday. April 15. nis home for several weeks with and died in Canada the following birthday greeting Mr. and Mrs. Aqdy Carrol of an attack of rheumatism. year. Though his missionary ef­ -------BUY BONDS------ near Trail and their sun Shirle, Mrs R. D. Reynolds returned forts among the Indians were not who Is in the service tn Alaska, home last week from Dunsmuir succesful, his colonization work now on a ten-day furlough, were I where she helped care for her brought better results. The Ore­ Talent callers Friday afternoon. ' little grandson who was ill with gon Institute, founded at Chem- Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Woods. Area Rent Director Ixroker re- pneumonia. eketa (Salem) in 1842, grew into ccntly branded as "completely, who have been living in a trailer Mrs. Floyd Parks of Central the Willamette University of to- false" rumors that recent rulings house on the Dennis property, Point and her mother, Mr». Haynes ; ¿ay. Lee'» desire to return to the i of an Indiana court had in any |moved on Anderson Creek, Thus- who is spending several weeks Oregon Country was gratified CATHOLIC CHURCH way invalidated the rent regula­ day. The Methodist Church had as its' with Mrs. Parks spent last Thur»- when his remains were returned Sixth and C Streets Mr. and Mrs. George Phetfer tions and warned property owners Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor special guests of honor 48 soldiers day with Mr .and Mrs. Walter to Salem in 1906 and interred in and tenants that rent control will and son Jack were dinner guests from Camp White last Sunday eve- Davis. the Mission Cemetery, where also I*hone Medford 3208. continue to be enforced through­ at the Wadworth's home on Wag­ Chas, and Sam Rector were rests the remains of his former Mass Sunday morning a; 9 o’clock, nlng Their Chaplain. Roy H. Boldt. out the Medford Defense Rental ner Creek. Sunday. Sunday School after Mass coo- was In charge of She men. Miss fishing at Lake Elizabeth Sunday. wives and several member» of the area. Mr. and Mrs. T. Murray aau A. L. Peachey, who hes been Mission party. The Cross had ducted by the ladies of the church. Laura Billings presided during the "Publicity given thia court's family of Sclligman. Mo. moved worship hour at which time a employed as janitor al the Lincoln been firmly planted in the Oregon — V— opinion about the constitutionality into the Croeby property on Main —*— — and J---------- mere — soldiers ’-**—-------- would FIRST METHODIST CHURCH quartet of soldiers gave six very School on the Green Springs Country of rent control," said Mr. Looker. Street. Corner No. Main and Laurel Sts. ' lovely religious numbers; and Miss mountain the past year, has been come In later years to uphold IL "has created in the minds of some ------ BUY BONDS------ Lois Thompson gave an impressive hired for the janitor work at the Dr. George W. Druse, Minister Ed. Note- This is one in a series people an impreaaion that all OP A discussion of the subject, "Will ai Lincoln Training school in Ashland of stories comnunorating the Old 9:45- Sunday Church School. lUles on rent are off. Nothing' Man Forget God?” 'for the coming year. 11:00- Morning Worship. Oregon Trail CentennlaL could be far:ther from the truth. Following the worship hour the Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hays and Sermon Subject: "Faith Looks ------ BUY BONDS------- The regulations are still in effect WAACS, WAVES, or SPARS on Beyond the Dawn." I Methodist Youth Groups provided daughter Elwoodina made a busi­ and will continue to be enforced. far-flung stations, or husky tars 6:15- Methodist Youth meetings refreshments for the soldiers in ness trip to Grants Pass, Sunday. Property owners who imagine they on battle wagons and communi-1 7:30- Evening Service ------ BUY BONDS— the dining room of the church. can now boost rents without per­ cations officers on bombers may The combined choirs of Ashland i During this hour there was visiting r For the third consecutive year mission of this Office are advised soon be typing fighting orders on | will present the great Easter Can­ j and community singing of the {the Methodist Church is offering that they may be held in violation. typewriters now in use in offices tata. "The Holy City“. by Gaul. 1 great choruses of the Christian to the public a Good Friday serv- Now, as always, they are liable of Oregon state departments. Faith This quartet will appear A leaflet recently issued oy the ' ice of worship and Holy Com­ Thurs. 7:30- Bible Study and • to treble damage suits, heavy fines, again in an evening service in Oregon Blate System of Higher munion. The pastor will be in the Clearance for the enlistment of Fellowship hour. and imprisonment, or both.” «his church in the very near future. 1 Education is entitled "Secretarial pulpit during the entire three- — V — Oregon typewriters in the war ef­ In noting that an appeal from fort wee given yesterday by Gov- i NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH This Church feels that It 13 for­ Science Curriculum at Southern ‘ hour period from 12:15 to 3:15 the Indiana decision has been filed CONGREGATIONAL tunate to have fhe privilege of Oregon College of Education." p. m. During this time the church ernor Earl Snell when he endorsed in the United States Supreme 717 Siskiyou Boulevard .meeting with the men in worship. President Walter Redford, com­ organ will be played by Mrs. Cora the WPB program for the pur­ Court, Director Looker said: "The Clarence F. MeCall, Minister and that the men are a real in- menting on the leaflet, stated that ' Bruce and Mra Dena Powell, of­ chase of machines that can be power of Congress to control rents 9:45- Bible School with Easter spiation to the audience. Many the college now offers four differ­ spared by the departments. fering In soft music those great in wartime has already been fully Following a conference recently Recitations by the children. Mrs. very fine personal friendships are ent courses: old hymns of the Passion of Jesus acknowledged by several courts in Prescott, Superintendent. growing out of these times of I 1. A three-year teacher-training with Roscoe W. Sagar, district The altar will be lighted with spe­ which suits have been brought, 11:00- Easter Worship Service, friendly fellowship. ' course in elementary and junior typewriter procurement specialist cial candles shining upon a beau­ and in one of these cases a three- reception of new members and 1 high school. redistribution division of the War tiful cross in the background. judge court in Wichita, Kansas, Fact and Faith." Baptismal Ser­ 2. A four-year program leading Production Board, Governor Snell Communion. People are Invited to come at has broadly upheld the constitu­ vice and special Easter program 2:00- Wednesday, April 28. Ply- to the B. S. degree in elementary said, any time during the three-hour tionality of rent control.’ in the Junior Church. home of Mrs. mouth Guild in the education. "Since it la essential to the war period, to sit in silent meditation The statement further empha­ 6:45- Christian Endeavor and 3. A two-year junior college . effort that the armed forces be Sadie Stratton 578 Iowa St. and prayer, to take Holy Com­ sized the enforcement record of Second Front. — V — course, preparing students to en ­ adequately equipped with typewri­ munion at the altar; and if they (JPA in the field of rent. Of the Midweek Service. Wednesday at FIRST PRESBYTERIAN- ter any standard college or uni- ters, and Oregon has been called ¡8:00 p. m. on subject: "How to desire it to discuss with the pas­ hundreds of treble damage actions CHURCH versity as a junior. upon to secure from Individuals, tor, Dr. G. W. Bruce, any life brought by tenants in various Understand Prophecy.” North Main at Helman 4. A two-year secretarial sci- corporations and public institu­ problems, or to make request for parts of the country against land­ — V — . Rev. Howard G. Eddy, Minister ence course. tions 2500 of these machines, per­ special prayers. This service is lords who have collected excessive 9.45- Bible School for ail ages. CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Regarding the secretarial ad* mission has been given state de­ planned for a memorial of the rents, decisions have been rendered Ward E. Pratt, Minister lt:00- Morning Worship and ence course, newest addition to ' price Jesus paid that He might partments to cooperate to the best in favor of the tenant in the vast Ast. land and Medford Junior Church. the curriculum. Preaident Redford of ther ability. bring to the world the plan of majority of cases and a great 10:00 a. m. -Church School. 6:30-Youth Meeting. stated: "The Oregon State Board "The state, as will Individuals, is many cases are still pending. 11:00 a, m. - Worship Service. of Higher Education recently au­ salvation. It is one of the most Wed., 7:30- Midweek meeting. Thousands of evictions attempted to be paid for these machines at Communion Service on Good thorized this institution to offer impressive services of the year, TV­ ;and affords a piano of quiet wor- in violation of the regulations have a fixed price in accordance with TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Friday at the Ashland Church at a two-year terminal course In sec­ been prevented with the coopera­ .he age of the machines. Their Rev. A. N. MacDonnell, Vicar 7:45. Easter breakfast for all retarial science, with all the usual ship and meditation just before release, therefore, Is not a gift. No Easter. All are welcome to come tion of State end local courts. young people following Sunrise 9:30- Church School standard equipment such as type­ doubt it wifi be Inconvenient, In at any time during the three-hour ------ hlJY bond *------ Service Easier Sunday morning 11:00 - Service and Sermon. writers, calculators, bookkeeping period, and to sit in quietness as Bom to Mr .and Mrs. Robert many instances, to phrt with thia 7:30 p. m, - Service and Address. at the home of the pastor and wife. machines, multigraph, mimeo ­ long as they may desire. TV- —V— P. Lerwich on April 15, a daughter. equipment.” the Qovprnor added, graph and ediphone. While we "but Inconvenience Is of small con­ first CHURCH OF CHRIST ------ BUY BONDS— FREE METHODIST CHURCH Born to Mr and Mrs. George strongly urge that the two-year sequence compared With what Buy your Memorials now for East Majn Sb. at Seventh SCIENTIST pyenftn^ on Ap0| liq, a son. curriculum be taken in order to Decoration Day. might uappen if battle orders had Pioneer Ave., South Charles E. Brown, Pastor insure adequate training, the col­ (Mrs.) M. T. Burns.-On the Plaza. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Sunday morning service at 11 Buy your Memorials now for to be written by hand just because lege offers a one-year schedule for some one would not sell a machine Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. o'clock. The subject will be on Decoration Day. those entering college with two he could spare.” ------ BUY BONDS— "Probation After Death.” Sunday ) M. T. Aupis. -On the P)aza. All department heads w«Te 81V School nt 9:45 a.m. Wednesday RECEIVE WINGS YESTERDAY years of high school credit in typ­ Headquarters A.rw\y Air Forces ing and shorthand. At present the vised |(i a let|o>' from th* execu > evening meeting, which includes tive office to make a survey of the testimonies of Christian Science Gulf Const Training Center. Ran­ demand tor our graduates ex­ ceeds the supply. During the cur­ and Companion dal ph Field. Texas, April 81 machines they now have and con­ healing, is held at 8 o'clock. l'hg* rvxtvnr nr>/4 Y fury iiimv frhsx Annw rent period there ar« many open­ sider adjustments of typing re­ Reading Room on^ ^uiy from r The power and the Army Are Invited to Be Guests of the quirements so that a smaller num­ 2 to n P Nunbered among the new pilots ment.” to sell may contact a typewriter Earl F. Downing, Minister I bADDY” ------ BUT BONDS------- were Lieut. John O. Hiompson of 9:45- Bible School with Mrs. dealer, who is a licensed typewri- dr Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Headrick ter purchasing agent authorized John Schoenwald, Superintendent. 464 Mountain Ave., Ashland who "SHADOW OF A DOUBT” appear­ ' (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) by the U. S. Treasury Department,' Easter program presented by the trained at Eagle Pass Field. Eagle Baughman of Klamath Falls on ing at the Lithia Theatre, April "ROAD TO MOROCCO” I’aas. Texas and Lieut. John W. April 15. a son. or the Redistribution Division of children. 25, 28, and 27 featuring Teresa* t*l«n.sb edit a\ the Miner Offlc« I Born to Mr. and Mrs. James F. Morning Service. Childers of Talent, who trained at 11:00 a. m. the War Production Board at 815 Wright and Joseph Cotton. for Your Guest Tlokets ) Young on April 18, a daughter. Sermon Subject; 'The Easter Altus Field, Altus, Oklahoma. ■ - - - - - ■* Bedell Building, Portland. To the Editor: used to cuiry his poc- k • book with a yard of twine w i ap|x- >