Thursday. April ft, 1943 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER | SOCIETY MET FRIDAY BURKETT—MANZER V arsity V Friday and Saturday Miss LXwvthy Burkett and Lt. Bernard A Manzer were united in marriage by Judge Coleman in Medford last Saturday Mm. Man­ zer is a teacher in the Junior High school here. She is the| i daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Burkett of Pasadena, Calif. Lt. Manzer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Manzer of Middle­ town. New York and was studying at Northwestern University when he joined the armed forces. They will make their home in Ashland for the present. --------- BUY BONDS --------- FLUORESCENT BUOY GLIDES ENEMY PLANES ~The~M-4' tank "was“the*“first ’to cany a device developed by West­ inghouse engineers, which is said to improve the accuracy of gun­ fire by more than 200 per cent. According' to General Campbell, the 75-mm. gun can be fired when the tank is in motion. Enemy i tanks, regardless of size, cannot' do this. AUTOMOBILE FIRE INSURANCE "That you can depend on" HARRY JAMES art kit MAKIS HEALTH A ACCIDENT i . ilt : M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA fi» fnrtU j NO* IO* Cut Flowers, Corsages 3GL CAM ■ iTWMs Sprays, r ROSEMARY’S FLOWER SHOP '4F (Formerly Grubb Florists) Phone: 8761 or 7202 ------BUY BONDS— CANNING CIRCLES URGED TO USE STEAM COOKERS Cooperative use of pressure cookers for canning purposes this year is strongly urged by Dean Ava B. Milam, chairman of the state nutrition committee for de­ fense and head of the school of home economics at Oregon State college. The shortage of pressure canners is acute and only a few j will be available for purchase this year, she says. "Though the first peas are just ' beginning to poke their heiuia ' through the soil, victory gardener« are looking forward to the harvest and the problem of canning, dry­ ing. and freezing the products for future use," said Dean Milam. “I suggest the formation of canning circles, each conMstlng of six or more families cooperating in the use of one cooker. W’omen in the circle can not only take turns using the canners but also help one another to get vegetables ready to can. thus making the task lighter and more pleasant for all.” Such canning circles are by no means an original idea. Dean Mi­ lam explains. as families in many Oregon communities last year shared their pressure cookers with those who could not buy them for themselves. "Anyone who has a pressure Conner to share will help the whole cause of ft 2 north of Dead Indian road com­ prising' 7:00 acres, more or less, only Ponderosa line stamped USOC is to be cut. On the entire sale area logging Ur to be done with horses or caterpillar tractor. The right to waive tech­ nical defects, and to reject any and all bids is reserved. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this 5th day of April, 1943. W. H. Horning, Chief Forester, O. 4 C. Adminis­ tration. LiTHIA E N T E IC T A I N M E N T Phone 7 (Mi I CHVRCH OF THE URETHREN Ward E. Pratt, Minister Aal. land and Medford 10:00 a. m. ■Church School. 11:00 a. m. . Worship Service Mid-Wrek Lenten Servivo in Ashland on Wediu-srlay evenlng, In Medfurd an Thursday al M Rus­ sell hoine. ------BUY BONDS— QUALITY PRINTING. Buy your Memorials now for Decoration Day. NOTICE OF TIMBER SALE (Mrs.) M. T. Burns.-On the Plaza- Sealed bids, marked outside "Bld ASK FOR NEW POLICY AT THE CHURCHES The regular meeting of the NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH Women s Society of Christian Serv­ OONGREG AT1ON Al- ice was held in the church parlor.-« last Friday. During the business 717 Siskiyou Boulevard session plans were completed for Clarence F. MeCall, Minialer the Golden Wedding celebration 9:45 a m. Bible School, Willi April 11. Ilans for decorating Mrs. Glen Prescott, Bupt. the church parlors were discussed 11:00- Worship Service At noon a nice luncheon was —V— served by Mrs. W, A. Stratton FIRST PRESBYTERIAN and committee. CHURCH After the prayer circle the aft­ North Main at Helmut! ernoon piogram ix-gan with the Rev. Howard G. Eddy, Minister devotional service led by Mrs. 9.45- Bible School for all ages Reba P. Kelsey. Mrs. L. R. Coder 11:00- Morning -Worship and gave an interesting review of the Junior Church. fourth, fifth and sixth chapters of 6:30 - Youth Meeting. the study book. "On This Founda­ 7:30- Evening Service tion,” by W. Stanley Rycroft. Wed., 7:30- Midweek meeting FRI. & SAT. fOUW IHE BOOTH ILL BANDITS’’ WITH • THE RANGE BUSTERS” Sun. Mon. Tues FORWARD MARCH far remaste...rhythiL and Owl A hm JONES • J m * FRAZEE Giuu JEAN .Ouus O’CONNOR H h I Sgitslay s All Cd O.chot.a Wednesday & Thursday Mid-week Special Matinee Saturday Continuous Sunday WHEN IN MEDFORD, MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS! MEDFORD’S PRESCRIPTION CENTER A registered pharmacist of long experience fills all prescriptions at this store. Only the finest and purest drugs, chemicals and other materials used. Western Thrift Store 30 North ('entrai Ave SAME GOOD WORKMANSHIP l SAME GOOD SERVICE! Wardrobe Cleaners On the Plaza Phone 3281 HELP THE WAR EFFORT! BEGIN TO FILL YOUR BINS NOW FOR YOUR WINTER SUPPLY Phone 3291—And We Will Care For Your Needs As The Supply Arrives ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY King Coal Distributors