TALENT NEWS thin ani > that (By OLD TIMER) 'rite O. D. O. Club met Thurs­ To me Editor: day at an al I-day meeting al the Hotnr ao-t'*«ll* d pat king »itlj*» in thia burg ure sadly in nssd of » lx,me if Mrs. Ben Clark. The day was spent quilting a quilt. A cuv-l manicure, •red uum luncheon was served ai 1 f 1 noon. Those attending were Mrs YcMtrnlay w«* the tenth anni­ Lydia Gardner, Kvelyn Bell, Edna versary uisa Coinbest moved Into bottom of the ocean. the apartment in the Steams That lad with t»e whitewash Building, lonverly ths Tryon Mer­ brush shouldn’t mark "stalls’' for cantile Mr. and Mrs. W. M Maxwell autos ctoer up to crosswalks. Buch of the North l'hoemx area were a procedure is a menace to public business cal'ers here Wednesday safety. evening. 111 Mrs. Hany Whitehead returned Major wars of the United to her home Wednesday from the Blates have always begun in Hospital in Ashland. April. The llevoiutlonary War. A number of people <>t Talrnt April ID. 1775; Mexican. April 24, attend«! the funeral of Mrs. 1843; Civil War. April IS. 1861; Maurice McShane, wiki died at hei Npantah-American, April 21, 1898. home in Grants Bass bumlay and World War No. 1, April 8, morning. Mrs. McShane was for­ 1917 merly Goldie Frfxier, who resided near Talent mtsny years. 111 Ed Robison is having a new Hiller probably wishes he had stuck to his old job of jiaper- Irani erected on nix isncli on Wag­ ner Creek near Talent. hanging. Mrs. Raymond Clark and baby 111 Bickering and fault finding are of Ashland »pent Wednesday aft- not conducive to winning the war. crnion w)lL Mr .and Mis. Ben tM&ra. 111 nlr Cwrey or Anderton Creek Roosevelt has a belligerent Con­ hail tne misfortune to have the gress on his hands. end of nix finger bitten otf by a coon he was taking out of a trap. Wonder where Mussolini is hld- The ecialiat in Latin-American af­ ------------------------------------------------------ - fairs, and Dr. Carlos Garcia- OUR DEMOCRACY by Mat LETS DAM THE SPENDING STREAM running wilc TCA n be a raging torment ­ can DESTROY EVEEYTMfNG IN ITS PATH, WHIN YOU BUILD A DAM THE WATER IS MADE HARMLESS AND YOU HAVE STORED POWER FOR FUTURE USE. W ater , BUSY WEEK-END AT ASHLAND USO Sunday evening visiting soldiers at the Ashland USO viewed ex­ hibits of piooeer rei.es on display Ewing Young of Tennessee be­ in the main hall. These exhibit» came the first cattle king of the were loaned by persons of the community descended from pio­ Oregon Country. While on a trap­ ping expedition to California, he neers of the region met Hall J. Kelly, who inoculated Mrs. 0. Winter and Mrs Mabel turn with the Oregon fever. Young Russell Lowther loaned family got busy and organized a party, photographs of early Ashland, a including Joseph Gale and Webley paisley shawl, a cape of black Hauxhurst, who became prominent lace and black beads Miss Lydia in Northwest history. In the sum­ McCall provided a lantern that had mer of 1834, Young's party got been owned by Lindsay Applegale under way with 98 head at horse» and a brass kettle belonging to and mules. Through circums an- Loieta Norton Deck. J. L. Grubb ’.Lal evidence, Young and his men loaned a muzzle loading rifle that were accused of being horse was 75 years old and made in Jack-1 thieves by Joee Figueroa, Spanish sorivllle, Oregon. Clarence Lane Governor o< California, who sent showed a case containing pistols, word to Chat effect to Dr. Mc- knives, Indian ai rowhearkt, bas-1 toughlin by ship. When Young and nls party arrived in the Wil­ m Southern Oregon for a July 4| lamette Valley they found posters celebration in 1863. an original warning the settlers against trad­ flinUsck of 1776. Other exhibitors ing with them. Though the ac­ were Mrs. Alice Fell, Mrs. E. H. cusation was proven false, Young Leonard and Dr. Arthur S. Tay­ was greatly incensed and estab­ lor, lished a distillery to shcialized service gymnasium. Mias Ann Munkres, Groups were present from Idaho, ing to Westinghouse engineers, the spoken against the Nazis. at no obligation to the customers. dramatic coach, has announced Utah. Washington and Oregon, tanks may occupy space where ------ BUY BONDS------- Dr. Garcia-Prada, in his ad­ ------ BUY BONDS------- the following in the cast: and plans were made for the sum­ bombs are usually carried. The Mrs. George McCracken and dresses, pleaded for better cul­ Trllma Warren, Walter Graham, mer institutes for the Intermedi­ extra tanks are drained first, then sons, Pat and Jack, visited ten tural understanding between thia VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Marilee Erwin, I*at Rawe, John ate Camps and for the Older are dropped from the plane to days at the J. R McCracken country and the Latin-American I CONFERENCE TO BE HELD A Vacation Bible School Train­ McCollum, Harlalee Wilson, Bill Youth Fellowship meetings, all to lighten the K»ad. home recently. world to the south. Green and Phil Wolcott. The set­ be held during the summer The institute, like many others big Center will be held in the ting of the play is an airplane months The Little River Institute Methodist Church of Ashland held in various parts of the coun­ flying be: ween France and Eng­ in which the Southern Oregon try, was held under the auspices Apiil 13 and 14. The purpose of I land. The cast represents the Methodist Youth will be interest­ uie school is to give training and of the Nelson Rockefeller commit­ strange assortment of passengers ed is to be held at Fir Point Camp tee for Ihe promotion of better guidance to those who will have gathered aboard and the plane near Glendale July 10 to 17. Dr. BY LEFF relations between the Americas, responsibilities as teachers and crew. Excitement and humor fill Bruce is the chairman of the interest or the campus was keen, officers in Daily Vacation Bible the play's three acts. Board of Commissioners for this and the seadons were all well- Schools in tjiis Southern Oregon Staff members are: Student group, and the Rev. Ed Aschen- territory. Delegatee are expected attended. from the Methodist Churches in manager. Phil Wolcott; business brenner of Grants Pass is the ------ BUY BONDS------ manager, Betty Whittle; stage dean. Mis. F. G. Helms left early Ixikcview, Bly. Klamath Falls, manager, Ken Caton. Other mem­ ------ BI v bonds ------ Chiloquin, Grants Pass, Wllder- this week to visit relatives in bers include Ninon King, Bill SOLDIERS LIKE USO I»s Angeles, California and North vllle. Gold Hill, Medford and Tal­ ent. Teacher technique through Wood, Sue Parkinson. Helen Hol­ Two Camp White soldiers as­ Platte, Nebraska songs, stories, memory work and lingsworth, Keith Haines and Dor­ sumed responsibility for the Satur­ ------ BUY BONDS------- othy Morris and Alta Brown. day evenbig cook-your-own dinner Mm jonnny Fowler of Euyene worship will occupy some of ihe Ticket prices and curtain time last week-end. Pfc. James C. Wall is visiting with her mother, Mrs. time of this gathering. Instruc­ tion will be given as to means will be announced later. of the 80th General Hospital of­ Adell Webb. ------ BUY BONDS------- ficiated as chief cook of the ham­ and methods of setting up and -............. -............ . conducting such schools for chil­ CAROLL CALLED TO ARMY burgers de luxe. Pfc. Wall comes Approximately 200 s t u d e n t s from Graham. N. C. Pfc. Theo­ dren in the local communities The NAM McNAIR Superintendent of the Cascade have been called to active duty by dore V. Sadkowski of Chicago and Companion District, Dr. Silas E. Fairham, the Enlisted Reserve Corps, it was nominated himself chief dishwash­ and the Oregon Conference Direc­ announced this week by Dr. Carl er. He professed to be also a good Arc Invited to Be Guests of the tor of Religious Education, Miss K Kossack, armed forces rep­ cook, though since he was one of SOUTHERN OREGON MINER a family of 13 he had never had Pearl Sherlock, will be among the resentative on the campus to see Included in the list was Frank ¿roe play in the home kitchen | leaders of this gathering. nt the VA UNITY THEATRE F. Carroll, Ashland, a freshman tn Pfc. Sadkowski. who is with the ------ BUY BONDS------- (Friday and Saturday) JEAN FRIDEGER APPOINTED architecture and allied arts. The 5S5th Engineers’ Battalion, later ‘•FOREST RANGERS” students will report for duty on made punch for the dancers’ re­ TO COMMITTEE or freshment. Both men expressed Jean Frideger, Ashland, junior April 8. (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) Marine Pvt. l»t Cla«« M. G. Hoffman, survivor of die U. S. S. ------ BUY BONDS------- great enthusiasm for the Ashland In business administration, has QUINCY, was a loader on one of her big guns until she was sunk during “SPRINGTIME IN THE J. R. McCracken spent the past USO, where, they said, they ‘felt been appointed to a committee an engagement with ihe Japs off Savo Inland in the Solomons, ------ BUY BONDS------ - ROCKIES” Hoffman is typical of the crew. You are helping Huffman and his that will try to find a substitute week in Salem on business. Buy your Memorials now for buddies when you Imy bond* during the Second War Loan Drive. They —V— • for the Oregon Federation, and P’onse call at the Miner Offici give their lives—You lend your i.toney. Born to Mr and Mrs. A. R. Decoration Day. which would use a limited amount for Your Guest Tickets (Mrs.) M. T. Burns.-On the Plaza. Boyer en April I, a »on. of money. - LETS STORE THE POWER. NEW DRIVER’S LICENSE LAWS INTER-AMERICAN RELATIONS MEET HELI) AT U ofO A. H. S. SENIORS PRESENT PLAY AMERICAN HEROES ( ■ r - — ■ - *