THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1943 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday and Saturday THt '9IC HMN' * of America's ROARING RAIDERS! ASSOCIATED MEN STUDENTS HOLD DINNER MEET The Associated Men Btudenta of the Southern Oregon College met at the home of Dr. Stephen Eplet Tuesday evening for a din ner. Hairy Stallard, former pre* ident of the group, has been called to serve in the Army, and the new president, Don WindUgler, di­ rected the meeting. aasUted by Bud Silver and Dick Ueiiimgh.ui- sen. The dinner was a jody affair despite two unpleasant conditions approaching near. Fiiat, the boys surmised it might be the last din­ ner gathering (or Lie dotation, on account of food t allotting Second, Dr Epler, their h >al, is soon to leave SOCE to take tip new du­ ties in the United State* Navy. Some 25 men students and 1 ac­ uity members were present at tne dinner. ------BI Y BONDS KIKMI.K SOCK STUDENTS CALLED TO ACTIN E DUTY David Williams ol Phoenix, for­ mer SOCE student, visited the Southern Oregon College Friday, qn the eve of departure for San Francisco, from where he will go to Shepherd Fit Id. Another former student. Doug­ las Eden of Medford, has also bean cytUed recently Both boys were in the Army Reserve, and the cur:tnt year were waiting call to service whi'.e students in the Univeisity of Otegon. At SOCE they were students of the junior college department ----- BUY BONDS------ The Miner for Quality Printing The fuel oil and geillne aho it ag­ es should go far to determine whe­ ther Americans will be healthier as a result of walking more and living Ut homes that are not over­ heated. ALL YOU NEED To Decorate a Room! Ml* • MIXES WITH WATEf • AEHJES EASILY • D*CS IN ONE HOU* • WASHAHI • no offensive oooa PASTE FORM 98$ QUART PAINT • COVERS WALLPAPER, WALL- BOARD, PAINTED SURFACES, BRICK, CEMENT WITH ONE COAT ITS ALL AUTOMOBILE TRUE! FIRE ™ Item-Tone INSURANCE Georg* Ziemer’s best •"Hiat you can depend on” ROLLER-KOATER You don't need a brush whea you use Kem-Tooe. Just roll the Miracle Wall Finish right over your wall* quickly, easily, •maothfy — with thia remark­ able new painting tool, the Kem- Tone Roller-Koater. It'* AA. the bruthle** way to XUC paint I W monster race! HEALTH 4 ACCIDENT LUT M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA A HOLT Sesita GRANVILLE THIS NEW POLICY Protect# You A gain M Kern-Tone TRIMS DAMAGE SUITS Becan m - of car <>|w ration. accident at home, office, on streets, hotel«, etc. Coat« little. STARTING NEXT WED I Smart, new, ready-to- uk wall border trima in a wide variety of design*. Washable! MLMPBb 15$ SEE J. F. EMMETT .MINER BUILDING 167 EAST MAIN STREET Ashland Lumber Company I AT THE CHURCHES BUTTON, BUTTON WHO HAS THE BUTTON? SEE US TO-DAY! LIHTIA E N T E II T A I N M E N T Phono 7 Ml I ERL & SAT HOTTEST SPOT OF THE OIL DECADE! BENNETT NHK KNOWLES MfSOUITffRS VífofiYcYá Sun. Mon. Tues, COSTELLO WEDS. & THURS. IL ONLY ANGELS HAVE WINGS” with CARY GRANT ami JEAN ARTHUR Wednesday & Thursday Mid-week Special Matinee Saturday Continuous Sunday WHEN IN MEDFORD, MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS! 8ERV1CB BUTTON BAGS with 53 button«—*11 the re­ quired buttons for those in the Army ................... 50c ZIMMER .MONEY BELTS and TOILET KOLIX, each .............. ..... ..... . ................... ..... 31.00 Send One Each of These to the Boys in the Service. Next to * Letter From Home They Want These Moat. •BIGGEST LITTLE STOKE IN ASHLAND” NOW as never before it Is necessary to use the old mac­ hinery - make it last until VICTORY is won. Our experts are ready to help you by doing the welli ng the blacksmithing and the repairing necessary to make the old as good as new. SPECIAL (MH KME FOR JO( RNAIJS.M STUDENTS FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Oregon high school graduate' CHURCH and other qualified pc rat cut. par­ ticularly women, will have an - North Main at Helman Rev. Howard G Eddy. Minister poit unity to complete tour year* 9:43- Bible School for all agc* •of JournaMadc training anti I m * at ¡1 00- Morning Wot ship and work aj>eta with , in three years under an etnei - Junior Church. gency speed-up prognun to be in- 6:30 ■ Youth Meeting. itiaied by the school of journal- 7:30- Evening Service lam her*. A special two-year Wed , 7:30- Midweek meeting course ulao will lie uvidltdrie to —V— TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH perauna intsrvstsd in journaiiani Rev A. N. MacDonnell, Vicar who have an acceptable education background. 9:30- Church School Tile program, announced by 11:00 • Service and Sermon Brie W. Allen, dean of the aohool 10:13 and 3:00 - Confirmation of journal lam. i* an effort to meat Class,*. I he acute ahor ago of available 7:30 p. in. • Service and Address newafmper personnel in the atute. Demand* for qualified reporter», FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST editor*, photographer* have «X- SUIENTIST ceeded the supply for the juist two Pioneer Ave., South years, he said. Sunuay inurniiig service al 11 "New»|>up«int are ewntial to Ute o'clock. Subject ¡"Unreality.” Sun war program and we an* stopping School al 9:45 Wednesday up the training to help meet th«« evening meeting, which include.« acute shortage of qualified jour­ testimonies of Christian Science nalist* available to Oregtai tiews- healing, I* held at N o'clock. I «spent and aaaoctationa. TYus Reading Room open daily from should be a worthwhile oppor­ 2 to 5 p. ni except Sundays and tunity for every high school grad­ Holidays. The public ia cordially uate. jiarticularly women, wtu> has invited to attend these service*, ever considered journalism as a and to use the Reading Room. career," Doan Allen said —V— The shortened program will lake FREE METHODIST CHURCH advantage of summer M*aaiona and East Mam SX al Seventh more intensive class wink. Charles E Brown, Pastor ------BUY BONDS— Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. MOTHER'S DAY AT U, OF O. i Morning Worship, 11:00 a. in. Young l*eople's and Junior I May day will be Mother's day at the University off Oregon this Missionary Society at 6:30 p. m Evangelistic Service. 7:30 p. ni. year The »election has just been made Mid-week prayer meeting, by the mother's executive board at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. Song and Hymn practice. Fi ri- bl charge uf the annuul spring occasaMi. Plans will be formu­ day at 7:30 p. ni. Come and worstnp with ua tn ! lated by s'.udanC and faculty com­ mittee* . the beauty of Hohnes* Central .-vent* will include a —V— meeting of the executive bouid in CHURCH OF CHRIST Gerluigcr Hall al 10 a. m.; an­ Second and B St nual busmen* meeting. Guild The­ Earl F. Downing. Minister ater, 1:30 p tn.; tea. Gerlinger 9:45- Bible School 1 Hall, S p. ni The old and now 11:00 a. m - Morning Service. executive b>«rda will hold their 6:45- Chriattan Endeavor and breakfast meeUng Sunday morn­ Second Front. ing. Other features are aoon to 7:43- Evening Service be added by the committee* Mbi-week Service: Wed. 7:45. ----- BUY BONDS------ —V— THE M I N E R P K E S S FOR CHUP.C1 OF THE BRETHREN Q U A I. IT Y P It INTI N G Ware E. Pratt. Minister Asl land and Medford ducted by the ladle* of the church 10:00 a. m. -Church School. Meagher. Paatoi I Rev. W. J Theme 'Peter and John Become Phone Medford 3208. Disciples off Jesus" —V— .11:00 a. m - Woratiip Service, Fnt8T METHODIST CHURCH Message title: "A Nameless Corner No. Main and Laurel St* I Dr. George W. Bruac, Minister He*».” Evening Service tn Milford at 9:45- Sunday Church School. 7:30 at M Ruaaell home on 803 11:00- Mornmg Worship. Riverside. Theme: "The Ix>rd* 6:15- Methodist Youth meeting* Supper " 7:30- Evening Service Mid-Week l^enten Service in Thur*. 7*30- Bible Study and Ashland on Wednesday evening; in Fellowship hour. Medford on Thursday at M Rus­ —V— sell home. NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH —V— CONGREGATIONAL CATHOUC CHURCH 717 Slaklyou Boulevard Sixth and C Street* Clarence F. McCall, Minister Maas Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. 9:43 am Bible School, wiUi Sunday School after Maa* con- I Mr*. Glen Prescott. Supt. 11:00- Worship Service MEDFORD’S PRESCRIPTION CENTER A registered pharmacist of long ex|w*rience fills ail prescriptions at this store. Only the finest and purest drugs, chemicals and other materials used. NOW! A •V e 'é e e e 11 > > Oak Street Garage and Machine Shop € OSC ENTERr AIN EKN PLEASE SOLDIERS A group of Oregon State men and women who spent their vaca­ tion entertaining at soldier centers in Oregon, Washington and Brit­ ish Columbia made such a hit that they were held an extra day in Canadian camps at the urgent re­ quest of military officials. The "troup" traveled in a college bus accompanied by two faculty mem­ ber». ------ BUY BONDS— Get the pattern of your life from God, then go about your work and be yourself. —Phillips Brooks WHEN IT COMES! e e v e 'e e e e e *e ■ v'ea The World’i News Seen Through T he C hristian S cience M onitor • a ■ 'I < I < ' Western Thrift Store 30 North Central Ave An International Daily Neu/ifta/xr ty THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING 8OC1F.TY One Norway Street, Bo.ton. M««*rhu»U< i* Truthful—Constructive—Unbiased—Fra« from Sensational­ ism — Editorial* Ar« Timely and Instructive, and It* Daily Feature*, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Price *12 00 Yearly, or * I 00 a Month Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, *2 60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 It.ue. 25 Cent*. < I ' I < < WHY NOT LET EXPERTS Obtainable at: When trouble cornea to you —and it will, in some form —see that It Is lightened by the benefits of adrapiate in­ surance. Let tia be your Insurance connMelors. SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Published every Thursday at 167 East Main St., Ashland, Oregon by Charles and Ruth Giffen. Subacription rates: >2,00 per year Entered as second-class matter in the post office at Ashland, Oregon February 15. 1935 under the act of March 3 1879. Billings Agency HEAL ESTATE and KE AL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main N, Christian Science Reading Room Pioneer Avenue Ashland, Oregon RIGHT? SAME GOOD WORKMANSHIP SAME GOOD SERVICE! Wardrobe Cleaners On the Plaza Don t chance breakdowns and delays on the road—let us give your automobile a thorough overhauling now. We’ll do a better job of it at a more eco­ nomical price than you’d pay in most places! CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION (Hlsklvou Roiilevanl and Indiana Utreeti