THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1943 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 FRANK K. NELSON OF ASHLAND NOW FIRST I.IKl’T. IN THE AIR CORPS Frank K. Nel*«», formerly of Ashland, Oregon, now stationed at Hanuner Field, Fresno, Calif., has recently been promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant, Nel*«» was a former «Indent of the Ashland High School and the University of Nevada Prior to his entry into the service. Lieutenant Nelson was engaged in const ruc­ tion work and was member of the American Society of Civil Engi­ neers. After successfully passing ex­ aminations for Officers' Candidate School, Nel*«i was sent to Fort Belvior, Va.. where he was award­ ed the commission of Second Lieu­ tenant. Lieutenant Nelson is 38 years of age ,*.»d is unmarried ----- BUY BONDS------ Nliss DODDS ATTENDS STAFF CONFERENCE A USO area staff conference was held in Medford last week­ end. Miss Frances Dodds of the Ashland USO met with the con­ ference Frtda.v at a luncheon in the Jack*«» Ho:el. Officials and interested pet sons present num­ bered some 35. including the chairman of the Medford USO Council, school officials, ministers of the city and the mayor. Chief speaker was Mr. Tom Rymer of New York, senior secretary of the army-navy department of the YMCA. ------BUY BONDS------ Miss Betty Jo Burns spent the week end in Dunsmuir. AUTOMOBILE * HARRY MITCHELL AT THE CHURCHES Funeral *’rvicea were held at the Lltwiller Funeral Home for TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Harry Mitchell, Tuesday after­ Rev. A. N. MacDonnell, Vicar noon. Death occurred Sunday March 28 Third Sunday In Lent. morning. He was born in Warren 8 00 am. - Holy Communion. County. Iowa. He was a resident 9:30- Church School of Axilland for ten years. Survi­ 11:00 • Service and Sermon, vors include his wife and two aona, 10:15 and 3:00 > Confirmation Clarence and Harry, Jr. Classes ------ BUY BONDS------- 7:30 p. tu. • Servlet« and Address Pvt Win. Peterson, ««» of Mix Ollie Peterson, arrived Monday FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST morning from Camp Roberts to SCIENTIST spend a month at home recuper­ Pioneer Ave., South ating from a recent illness. Sumtay morning service at 11 ------ Bl V BONDS------- o’clock Subject; "Reality". Sunday School al 9:45 am Wednesday EXAMINER TO BE HERE evening meeting, which includes A Traveling Examiner of Opera­ tors and Chauffers is scheduled testimonies of Christian Science to arrive in Ashland. Monday Mar. healing, ia held al 8 o'clock. Reading Room open daily from 29th and will be on duty at the 2 tu 5 p. in. except Sunday* ami City Hall between the houra of 9:00 a. m to 5:00 p. m.. according Holiday*. The public ia cordially to a recent announcement released invited to attend theae services, from the Secretary of State’» and to use the Reading Room. office. FREE METHODIST CHURCH East Main St. ut Seventh Charles E, Brown, Pastor Sunday School. 9:45 a. tn. Morning Worship. 11:00 a. in. Young People's and Junior Missionary Society at 6:30 p. m. To Decorate a Room! Evangelistic Service. 7:30 p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting, at at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. Song and Hymn practice. Fri­ day at 7:30 p. m. Come and worship with us Ill the beauty of Holiness ALL YOU NEED —V— FIRE INSURANCE • That you can depend on” HEALTH A ACCIDENT LIFE M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA Ml«* . MIXES WITH WATtB • APPUiSfASItY • MIES IN ONE HOUR • WASHABLE . NO OFFFNSIVf FAINT ODOR PASTE FORM QUART . COVERS WALLFAFER, WALL- BOARD, FAINTED SURFACES. BRICK. CEMENT WITH ONE COAT THIS Sun. Mon. Tues. NEW POLICY Protects You Against DAMAGE SUITS Because of car o|>eration, accident at home, office, on streets, hotels, etc. Costs little. SEE J. F. EMMETT MINER Bl ILD1.NO 167 EAST MAIN STREET tw Kern-Tone ROLLER-KOATER You don’t need a b you use Keen - Tone, the Miracle Wall Finish right over your walls quickly, easily, amoothfy— with this remark­ able new painting tool, the Ketn- Geo. Washington Slept Here /I IN ext W ed. & Thurs. SEE US TO-DAY! NOW! CHURCH OF CHRIST Second and B St. Earl F Downing. Minister 9:45- Bible School NEIGHBORHOOD t'JIURCH CONGREGATIONAL 11:00 a. m. - Morning Service. Subject:’'From the Manger to 717 Sigklyou Boulevard the Throne." < third in scries) Clarence F McCall, Minister 6:45- Christian Endeavor and 9:45 a m.' Bible 8choo), with Second Front. Mr*. Glen Prescott. Supt. 7:45- Evening Service. 11:00- Worship Service Kenneth Johnston. Field Repre­ 2:00 p. m.. March 3!. Plymouth sentative for Northwest »l>fr FubtuM by THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PVBLIMll.NG MM ItTY > One, Norway Street. Boaton. Maraarhuvltr > ia Truthful—Conalructivw—Unbtaaed—Frs* froui Senaaoonai- iam — Editorial* Are Timely and Inatructive, and Ita Daily Feature*, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newepaper for the Home. Price f 12.00 Yearly, or f 1.00 a Month Saturday Iaaue, including Magazine Section, ¿2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Iaauee 25 Cent*. Obtainable at; and WHEN IT COMES! E X T E II T A I N M E N T Pilone 7 All I rm. A SAT. THE MUMMY«! with LON CHANEY DICK ELYSE KNOX 4* CHARLES STARRETT Sun Mon. Tues. •a» Alilphi MÍMJOU . Xnttf CU6AT Wednesday A Thursday Mid-week Special Matinee Saturday Continuous Sunday Sol niEKN OREGON MINER Published every Thursday al 167 East Main St.. Ashland, Oregon by Charles ami Ruth Giffen. Subscription rule»: S’J.OO pei jear Entered as second-class matter In the post office at Ashland, Oregon February 15. 1X135 umlgj the act of March 3 1879. > ■ ■ MEDFORD'S PRESCRIPTION CENTER A registered pharmacist of long experience fills all prescriptions at this store. Only th« finest and purest drugs, chemicals and other materials used. Western Thrift Store 30 North Central Ave. f w W W W W Oak Street Garage and Machine Shop membrance by the Lord when He 1s come into His Kfylgd ni 6:15- Methodist Youth meeting» Evening service ut 7:30 at the Presbyterian Church with the Ran’ Howard G. Eddy preaching Thurs '30- Bible Study and Fellowship hour LIUTI A WHEN IN MEDFORD, MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS! DO IT NOW NOW as never before it is necessary to use the old mac­ hinery - make it last until VICTORY is won. Onr experts are rcxdy to help you by doing the we.d.n¿ the blacksmithing and the repairing necessary to make the old as good as new. STUNTS WITH PAPER HUMS MAKE HOMES MORE LIVABLE Armed with a paint brush an<| a few rolls of those new *‘lf-s Ick­ ing fiaper trims. Ingehlou* house wive* can work all inaiuicr of decorating miracles uml do It at amasingly low-cost, according to local paint exports. And with war­ time shortages of skilled help, it'« good new* that housewives them- selves can carry the torch again* dowdy homes Among the home-rejuvenating stunts suggest rat by George Chew of tile A Uhland Lumber Company, where these new trim* are on dis­ play, are dressing up an old chest with enamel ami trim strips. Be­ ing groups of window* togrther with a trim border, inkling a deco­ rative tgirder at WHll-eml-celling juncture in plain painted nwtms and pepping up old lamp-ainules, mirror*, and even waste-baskets Applying the strips called Kern Tone Trim* I* simplicity itself They are alri'ady guincd, and a minute's soaking in warm water makes them renaly for use You just sick 'em on, smooth 'em anal they're on to stay Keep them clean with soap ami water the color* are waterfast ----- BUY IIONDN------ The Miner for Quality Printing, < 'I 7-7-74 < ■ < < < < THE RIGHT NUMBER ■ ★ SAME GOOD WORKMANSHIP SAME GOOD SERVICE! An ancient Scottish custor.i was to throw a bundle of laundry over the newlyweds’ 1 ome to in­ sure domestic happiness. But what if it fell in the mud! What home, newlywed or otherwise, finds happiness in a bundle of soiled laundry? Just give is a phone call and let our launder­ ing service transform it into a package of satisfaction for you. Billings Agency Wardrobe Cleaners ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY When trouble comes to you, —and it will, in some form —see that it is lightened by the benefits of adequate In­ surance. Let us be your insurance counselors. REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main ► Christian Science Reading Room Pioneer Avenue Ashland, Oregon ► On the Plaza Phone 3281 Wirt M. Wright. Prop. Phone 7771 : 31 Water St.