SOUTHERN OREGON MINER. Ashland. Oragon Here’« Easy Way to Make Draw Curtain« IT IS easy to make draw curtains with the fixtures you have, plus a pair of large screw-eyes, some wood or brass rings, and about five yards of cord. The screw-eyes are placed just under the hooks for the curtain rods; then run the cord through the screw-eye at the right; then through the rings, knotting it to the left ring at center; then through the rings and the screw­ eye at the left; and back through the rings, knotting it to the right ring at center. Now pass the cord through the rings and the right screw-eye and then make the tassels; raveling the ends of the cord after making the knots. Sew safety pins to the back of the curtains so that they may be fastened quickly to the rings. DEPARTMENT • ’/KATHLEEN NORRIS • THE STORY SO FAB: An erphaa sloes tbs age ot eevea. Charlotte (Cherry) Kawllnsa bar been attending Saint Doro­ thea's school for girts. She knows almost nothing about her early history, hut hss gradually come to realise that the has no family. When she Is twenty Judge Judson Msrshhanks comet to arrange for her to gull the roaveul. He Is her eo- guardlan with Emma Haskell. Cherry remembers Emma as her mother's nurse, and when the judge tells her that Emma has gotten her a secretarial post- torn with the wealthy Mrs. Porteous For- ter th Sah Francisco, where Emma Is now housekeeper. Cherry hopes that Emma will tell her more about herself. She goes Srst to the Marshbanks mansion and dines alone with the judge aa Fran, his young wife, and bls niece. Amy, are dining out. Kelly Coates, an artist, drops lie It Is evident to Cherry that Fran add Kelly are Interested in each other. Cherry falls easily Into her job with Mrs. Porter, who la old and semi invalid. She is jealous when she sees Kelly and Fraa al a party given by Mrs. Porter, and when he stope to talk with ker she says he will never think anything of her be­ cause she Is a Saint Dorothea's gtrl. Emma tells Cherry that her sister Char- ,o,,e was cherry’s mother. Kelly, with Fran ta his old car, picks op Cherry After lunch he beared them to leave the table disorder just as It while she is hiking and takes her to was because he could not wait another moment to show bls paintings— his Sausalito studio. Now continue with the story. CHAPTER VU Cherry and Fran were looking and commenting. Neither one assumed any knowledge of his arL but he ac­ cepted their criticisms gratefully and pointed out details of technique Enclose 15 cents for Book L with no thought that he might be Name leaving his audience comewhat be- hind him. Address Presently Fran drifted to the great north window that had been cut down to the floor, and stood look­ ing dubiously between long home- Technically>Minded spun curtains at the now steadily Our present need for scientific falling rain. Kelly went over to stand knowledge is shown by the tre­ beside her, and after a moment mendous increase in the publica­ Cherry returned to the house thrilled tion and sale of technical books, by the mere nearness of their emo­ says Collier’s. The number of ti­ tion and realizing what this moment tles published has grown from 452 alone might mean to them. For she in 1939 to 791 in 1942, with the re­ had not been blind and deaf to the tail demand about five times larg­ apparently casual phrases and er than before the war. Certain glances that had been sprinkled of these books have reached a through the luncheon talk; she was not unaware that Judge Marshbanks sales volume of 250,000 copies was Othello; she had even heard within the past year. Fran at a moment when she sup­ posed herself out of hearing in the Medical officers have long rec­ kitchen answer some remark of Kel­ ognized tobacco as an aid to mo­ ly’s with a patient: "Because he rale among our armed forces. may find out about it and it'll be Surveys among the men them­ all right if I say she was along!” selves have shown that tobacco is and then, in another second: "No, their favorite gift. If you have a but I did promise. Kelly, and I'm friend or relative in the Army, breaking my promise." Cherry had heard no more, and Navy, Marines, or Coast Guard who smokes a pipe or rolls-his- what she did hear had not surprised own, nothing would be more ap­ her. She had surmised from a preciated than a pound of his fa­ quick, open remark or two made in vorite tobacco. Prince Albert, the the car that Judge Marshbanks had world’s largest-selling smoking to­ asked his wife not to see Kelly, and bacco, in the pound can is rec­ that the two had met by chance ommended by local dealers as an and were risking a discovery that Ideal gift for men in the service.— might have been extremely uncom­ fortable for them both. Adv. • • • And when she found herself alone the kitchen, she began to feel a ST. CHOICE^MILLIONS | in certain shame and discomfort In the {¿art she was playing in their secret. She felt ashamed for them and for I WOPLD S L herself. When the kitchen clock said quar­ ter to four, she went back to the When Deceived The silly when deceived exclaim bam. Fran and Kelly were still loudly; the fool complains, the standing at the window looking out honest man walks away and is si­ at the rain that was mingling now with an early dusk. lent.—La Noue. It was raining steadily again when they went out to the open car. Fran had refused Kelly's suggestion that they telephone for a taxi. She had said. “We're late now! We’ll be home In twenty minutes; let's make a dash for it!” The women were bundled Into snug raincoats with bandannas tied over their heads. They packed them­ selves into the wide seat and raised an umbrella close over them. A quarter of a mile down the hill there was a bad turn and Cherry felt the horrible sensation of wheels skid­ Th« enapnieet Masoning known, and th« world'« moat widely distributed ding, and instantly they were food product! Adash of thia piquant« wedged in a ditch with the engine's aauce glvaa • rare flavor to any food. nose stuck into a dripping bank. TABASCO — tha aeanonln* secret of master chefs for more than 75 yean! When repeated efforts had proved that the car would not move with its load. Cherry and Fran got out and stood still, laughing philosophi­ cally under their umbrella. "Don't hurry. I’m just as good as divorced now,” Fran’s voice with its poignant note of laughter and u*. TABLETS, tears said calmly. SALVE. “This'll only take a minute,” Kel­ NOSE DROPS COUGH DROrt. ly struggled gallantly for fully ten Try "Reb-My-TIsm**—a WemlerM Liniment minutes, his arms wrenching at the steering wheel, his face red. "Damn it!" he muttered under his breath, as the wheels spun around uselessly ILL! $ j in a deepening groove of soft, wet LICE earth. "We'd better go back, I think, and telephone for a taxi,” Fran said. JUST A "Lord, I’m sorry about this,” the DASH IN FIATHIRS.. man said apologetically. "The old OR SPREAD ON ROOSTS bus never let me down before!” Sausalito could supply no taxi but San Francisco obligingly offered to send one. While they waited Cherry tele­ phoned Emma; she had come with TO Hap GAIN friends to Sausalito; they were de­ layed by the storm; they would be home in an hour; please tell Mrs. Porter that she was sorry. Emma answered that the old lady had felt Old METAL, RAGS, ill after luncheon and was in bed, RUBBER Md PAPER ■o that Cherry need not burry. This Aridindigestion TABASCO ä 'COLD 666 k Á SAVE YOUR SCRAP ICTORY RABBITS AND SKINS (ClNOBilS After lunch he begged them to O O .0 .leave the table disorder Just as NOTE—The curtains shown here are 'it was because he could not from BOOK 1 of the series available to readers at 15 cents each. BOOK 1 also wait another moment to show contains directions for making curtains them his paintings. for various rooms; also cutting and mak­ ing directions for bedspreads, dressing —and they went to the big bam table skirts snd slip covers. To get s studio and while Kelly dragged copy send name and address direct to out and dusted canvas after canvas MBS. BLTH WYETH SPEABS Bedtord HiUs New York Drawer IS CLASSIFIED THE POULTRY. Kabblla, 11 Idea, I'elta, Wool, timid white frier rubbit nkloe Son lb Hlilii or writ» poet card for nrlcva. Btibv * Co.. »Jh B. W. Front, Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE The Problem "Breathe deeply. Germa killed by deep breathing." "But how are you going to teach the germs to do it?" That's the Question •’Shall wc live with your par­ ents’" "Cun we live without them?" White lies aren't so good now­ adays. The really artistic ones are in technicolor. Reason Aplenty "There's ho need for you to shout," said the dentist, "I haven't touched your tooth yet. • » "No," said the patient, "but you're standing on my corn. I» Count It That ') ou had no butinait Io kilt me." 'It wain'l bunnett, it uwi ■ ptaaiure.' IILHKIH.'ItHIEH Imwi-Si prloee. »tur- YOUR PART IN T1IK WAR EFFORT? fore the honk of a taxi was heard "They’ve both been sick, you We Wil,I. IM» OPIIB. outside. Fran insisted that Kelly know. Mrs. Porter and — and WE NEED should not come with them; they Emma." She flushed brightly on the CHOKER SETTERS AND said hurried good nights and were last word; it seemed disloyal still RIGGING MEN off. to call her no more than that If uneaporlem-ed and are willing to But evidently he saw nothing "Cherry,” Fran said then, calling work wo will will train you and pay «ulna waar>. Call or writ« her by her name for the flrst time, amiss. He told her that ahe looked very nice in that thing of Amy's, Villamettc Valley Lumber Co. "will you do me a great favor?” "Won't you consider becoming niack Rock. Or., or AT 1201 Portland. "Of course," Cherry said with a and that Rousseau was taking Fran Ufe partner of mine?" slightly quickened beat at her heart and him to the dinner and would "How much capital can you pot WANTED then come back and wait for Cher­ and a puzzled look. in?" WANTED John I ‘- t Mmlel I. or If ry- “I want you to come home with Ailla Chamber Model II or C. Cle- "Oh, I can walk! Only two blocks me. It's perfectly obvious.” Fran trao Model II G. or K Hint« con­ His Turn Next dition and price. Mtighse Bro«., explained, "that we've been caught and it's stopped raining." she pro­ dt the end of lAe third round the Mlaaoula. Montana. in the rain together. I want my tested. But he would not hear of heat yu'eight botar daggered lo hit cor­ husband to know that you were with it. Rousseau was to call for them nar in a datad and ballared condition. 1 Draft Dodger Given Two after their dinner party at half past me.” Hit manager approached tha fighter ten; he would be on service any. Cherry was strangely stirred. Year Term in Arkansas and laid ncaallr: "Hare, Hutch, Tie way. Fran, the remote and proud, had TEXARKANA, ARK-After hid­ got a great idea! Neil limo '• 'ite you, "Well, be good. Come and aee made her the recipient of her confi­ ing out for six months In the Oua­ us again. Cherry," the judge said, 'it ‘im back!" dence, or at least part of it She chita National Forest preserve in and when he was gone the girls fell said that she would gladly go home "He'll never make a soldier," Southwest Arkansas, James Louis to eager talk again. with Fran before going on to her There was a light in Emma’s exclslmed the sergesnt of the Sharp, 33, charged with draft eva­ own destination. room when she quietly climbed tha knock-kneed recruit. "When his sion, must serve two years In a Fran did not pursue the subject stairs. Cherry went in. sat down legs above his knees stand at at­ federal penitentiary. further, and at six o'clock they en- Sharp surrendered to federal au- near the bed and poured out the tention, below they stand at eaae." tered the front door of the Marsh- thorlties last November 2 after hid- story of the day. banks bouse, Molly and Martin. ing out in the woods, He said ho Emma listened in the convales­ He’s ‘It* maid and butler, came forward Im­ cent's mood of weary content until lived on wild game and occasionally George — Did anyone In your mediately, and Fran asked anxious­ Cherry came to the request from made a dash into a nearby town for family ever make a brilliant mar- ly if Judge Marshbanks was at Fran that Cherry on the return trip meager food supplies, but finally de­ riage? home. No, not yet? Cherry felt the come flrst tn the Marshbanks house. ! cided to "give up." Harry—Only my wife. relief in her voice. Where was Rous­ "Why on earth didn’t she drop i seau? you here if you were dripping wet?" Couldn’t Hold It Seaman Home on Leave "Right here. Madame." The "Well, we weren't quite dripping. chauffeur appeared and Fran drew We’d sort of dried out over at Mr. | Hearing a crash on the plat- Finds He 1» Missing form, the stationmaster dashed him aside for a moment’s talk. Coatea* place, But she was wor- KINGSTON, N. Y.-The telegram out of his room. He was just in "Rousseau says Jud had to go ried for fear Judge Marshbanks time to see the tail of the train srrived while he was borne on fur­ to San Jose to court this afternoon," would be mad at her." lough, and bls father, to whom it she then said as she and Cherry "For going to have lunch with vanish from sight, while a very dishevelled young mon lay flat on was addressed, asked him to open IL went upstairs, "and he's coming Mr. Coates?" Seaman Anthony J. Grieco, 20, of back late with Mr. Trotter. So that's "They've got an awful crush on his face, surrounded by upset milk cans and the contents of his suit­ the U. S. navy, complied—and read all right! You poor child, you’re each other. Aunt Emma.” that he was reported "missing in shivering. I have to go out to din­ The title slipped out. Cherry's face case. "Was he trying to catch the action." ner. but why don't you stay and turning red as she heard her voice Grieco participated in the African have some with Amy? The poor aaying IL and Emma's slow flush train?" the official asked a small campaign on a transport which sub­ mouse is in bed with a cold!” burning in her thin cheeks in an­ boy. "He did catch it,” replied the sequently was sunk. The ship's rec­ “Yes, do; yes, do!" called Amy swer. ords were lost. He thinks this prob­ from her room, and her first ges­ "I can't help IL I think of you lad, "but it got away again I" ably accounts for the mistaken re­ ture of friendliness so warmed Cher­ as 'Aunt Emm»' now,” Cherry said, port ry’s heart that she could go to the laughing, but a little frightened. room door and look in upon its pink­ "You can call me anything you ness and warmth and coziness as like," Emma conceded briefly. “So Quebec Merchant Faces she explained: "I'm all wet and Mrs. Marshbanks thinks she's in horrid!" love with this painter?" ahe aaked. Perils of the Frontier "Take a bath in my room, here; "He's certainly in love with her.” SWEETSBURG. QUE -Al) Frank I'm dying of loneliness; all my Cherry answered. sniffle or sign of nasal irritation, put a Archambault did was move some friends are afraid." Amy said ea­ "I've never met Judge Marsh­ few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol up each fountain pens from one side of his gerly. "You've Just been taking banks’ second wife," Emma said, nostril. Its quick action store to the other, but now he must care of flu. so you're in no danger. reflectively, "but I’ve seen her. and aids nature's defenses mews < K answer to a charge of smuggling. Stay and have supper and talk. I'll she looks like one of the women against colds. Follow It seems that one half the store is directions in folder. VArTRO*HOL who live for that sort of thing. lend you a hostess dress.” in Vermont and the other half in "I’d love IL” Cherry said gladly. They're always the ones with good Quebec and when Archambault She was about to enter when an husbands too." moved the pens the Royal Canadian Constant Effort "He didn't seem very sngry. He unexpected and unfamiliar voice be­ Every good you desire must bo mounted police said he violated cus­ hind her made her turn and find her­ came into Amy's room, and he was toms regulations. self facing Fran and also facing a awfully nice. Amy’d had flu, and bought by daily effort. magnificently impressive older since we'd had it here, there didn't woman, a woman of perhaps seven­ seem to be much danger of my ty, who was staring at her with a bringing it back, and ao I had sup­ per with her. We had it on trays, surprised and unfriendly eye. Give Your Car Away Fran had been welcoming this and it was lots of fun!" “I thought you didn't like Amy," stranger, commenting upon her ar­ rival a few days earlier than che Emma said, quietly watchful. "I didn’t." Cherry had a swift had been expected from Florida, ex­ plaining her own plight Now alte moment of surprise that Emma introduced Cherry: "Miss Rawlings. knew it. "She was extremely snob­ Gran. Cherry, this is Mrs. Marsh­ bish when we had the dance here for Dorothy,” ahe said; "but she banks, the judge's mother." "Miss who?" demanded the old was lovely tonight. Oh, and Aunt At last!... a down-to-earth WE BUY EQUITIES lady sharply, following Fran after a Emma I Her grandmother la back; Victory Garden Plan. Checked she got back today. She wouldn’t perfunctory nod to Cherry. and re-checked by Ferry'a ex­ Cherry heard Fran murmuring In come into Amy's room because of perts. Distributed to half the flu. but she brought her all sorts answer; the words were indistinct a million home gardeners. of things—you're sick again!" but her tone was conciliatory and Chart in 4 colors tells exactly "No; just a little faint. I don't apologetic. Suddenly the other wom­ what, when, how to plant. believe I'll ever get my strength an’s voice sounded clearly just be­ Oct Ferry's Plan FREE from back again," Emma whispered. PORTLAND, OREGON fore Fran’s bedroom door closed: your local Ferry's Seed dealer. In the morning, old Mrs. Porter "Of course I know who she is; had a serious setback and was dan­ I knew the minute I saw her! And gerously ill. I won’t have Amy know her; I won't A few strange days—a week went have her in this house!” by; doctors came and went; law­ Mak« your deal now Cherry stood still for a moment, yers came and went. Judge Marsh­ R«colvn r«-ndy caah now. idly reflecting upon the bad temper banks had a long talk with Emma. Drlv« your own cur until you ieavs. No delay«. of this proud, handsome old lady. The telephone and the doorbell, both Prenant thia a<1. At the morfient it did not occur to muffled, were constantly in action. If wn buy your lined car It'a wortn her to attempt to give these words All the world wanted to know how .n additional $5.00. significance, still less to connect old Dovcy Porter was faring. them in any way with her insignifi­ Just two weeks from the rainy 1227 W BITRNNIDR > rn MM cant self. But they remained indel- day when Cherry and Fran had 1720 W RURNNIDE Al jlul ibly imprinted upon her memory, come home truants from Topcote, PORTLAND, OREGON Soreness and SUffnesa SUffnaaa and the day came when they found the old lady quietly passed away. You need to rub on a powerfully their rightful place in her story. soothing "COUNTra-IRRITANT” Ilka The judge and Amy and Fran » Muster ole to quickly relieve neuritis, Judge Marshbanks came into the came to the funeral in the cathe­ rheumatic aches and pains. Better room while Amy and Cherry were dral with hundreds of other black­ p» Ofc AHD ALL BltANCMCt •? than an old-faahioned mustard planter talking and seemed pleased to find clad folks. Cherry and Emma with 5 DENTISTRY on to helpbreakuppainful local congestion! them so cozy and friendly. He was the entire domestic staff were mod­ CREDIT TERMS tired after a long day In the San estly placed at the aide of the Jose court, and regretted frankly church. P r . H arry S emler , Dt+ditl that he could not have supper with : (TO BE CONTINUED) ^ailSMf BIDG ■ to X MORRISON PORTI AND, ORI ■ HELPS PREVENT COLDS'~r!± DON'T See Us Before You Sell Immediate Cash! NO DELAY Logan Oldsmobile Co. 1005 SE Grand EA 4164 FERRY’S SEEDS Best Cash Price For Your Used Car MUSCULAR À. B. Smith Chev. Co. RHEUMATIC PAIN DENTAL PLATES WJS terq JF