THURSDAY. MARCH 1H. 1943 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 WHEN IN MEDFORD, MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS! LET US CHECK YOUR WHEEL ALIGNMENT -c MEDFORD’S PRESCRIPTION ( ENTER * Scuffing, pitting anil gouging are due to improper »heel alignment. Ordinary wear—sagging springs, worn bushings, bearings, pixots—throw »heels out of line, drag the tire« sideways along the road, scuff and I urn the tread, and cut mileage in half. Friday and Saturday INTO A CAREER! THE MAN WHO RAN A LAUGH p THE - N J rs , UllBERSLiEVI FRI. Ät SAT. A registered pharmacist of long experience fills all prescriptions at this store. Only the finest and purest drugs, chemicals and other materials used. % I 'i À A. • / We »III inspect your steering with accurate guagv« that show exactly what 1s wrong, and tell you what corrections are ueceeaary. Some inexpensive adjust ment may be ail you need. DONT ruin your lires because of neglect. The same corrections that stop abtiMive tire »ear, al»« give Touch Control Steering. * LIHTIA I » Western Thrift Store á 30 North Central Ave. *NJ DHIVE IS TODAY------- NAOMI COMPTON HAWKINS CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE Kune: al services were held last Friday in the Litwiller Funeral | Chapel for Mrs. Naomi Hawkins AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION The Rev. James Edgar officiated. (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) She is survived by her two daugh­ ters, Mrs Mary Vcalai of Ashland and Mrs. Bertha DeHart of Red­ Born to Mr. and Mrs. Homer ding and one son Harvey of Aah- SUMMER QUARTER land Culbertson on March 13, a son. PLANNED AT OSC OREGON STATE COLLEGE A “streamlined” summer quarter for regular students in addition to the usual summer aesaiiut has been authorized for this institu- tion as well as for others in the “SHE IS A GOOD NEIGHBOR stats system of higher education, This »’ll! permit students in many fields to accelerate lheir college training. I AUTOMOBILE KIKE INSURANCE •'That you can depend on" Funeral services were held yes­ terday at the J P. Dodge and Sou i Funeral Chapel for Mrs. Murv Pearson Melqulst who punsed away in la* Angele* last Thursday The ! Rev. latree of the Baptist Church officiated. She is survived by two sons. Albert L. of Cheyenne and Charles E. of Pendleton and a ( daughter. Mrs HU. Sproul of Ix>s Angeles. ------ BUY BONDS------- Mr and Mrs Walter Herndon of Klamath Falla were in Ashland several days this week HEALTH A ACCIDENT LIFE M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA "She uses the telephone only if she THIS needs to and she is thoughtful of NEW POLICY the rest of us!" Protects You Against umilili Niiiimii nciiicim Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Bruce had as their week end guest Dr. Silas E Falrham. Superintendent of the Cascade District of the Methodist Church. Following last Sunday morning service Dr. Fairhani con­ ducted the Quarterly Conference. At thia meeting the churcth extend­ ed a unanimous request that Dr Bruce be appointed to serve this church for the fourth year begin­ ning at the next rearma of the An­ nual Conference this coming June ------ BUY BOND«------ MRS. El.lNOIl OVER WOLFE Funeral services were held Tues day Ht Trinity Episcopal Church in charge of the Rev A ii Mac Donnell fur Mrs. Elinor Dyer Wo’fe. tH>. who passed awav Sit- unlay afternoon. Survivors include her daughter. Mrs. Karl .Nimina o Ashland, a son. Lynn E Wolfe of Mt Claire. New Jersey, a gland- . aon, Lynn E Wolfe Jr., Army Air i Corp and granddaughter , Mrs Margaret R om of Riverside, Calif ------ Ill» BONDS------ •■•Ix' I ALSO FROM TEXAS TO BATAAN BUSTERS ABBOTT 10U COSTOLO la MARY PEARSON MELQ11 ST 4 The most powerful, gripping, romantic story ever brought to the screen by Walt Disney! I SUPERINTENDENT V Di ITS DAMAGE SUITS In these days when telephone Because of car operation. accident al borne, office, on streets, hotels, etc. Costs little. lines are carrying thousands of SEE new lines are not to be had, team­ J. F. EMMETT work by telephone users on party Wednesday & Thursday Mid-week Special Matinee Saturday Continuous Sunday war calls, and the materials for . MINER BUILDING lfl^AST MAIN STREET lines counts a lot. Reasonable use,prompt answer- ing, thoughtfulness of others, are helpful to all. ** Seed Money Telephone neighbors appreci­ There's Only on« thing more foolish than killing the goose that ate such teamwork. Uys th« golden eggs. That’s living up the money that has been put away to buy the seed for next year's crops. Although GE turbines and lamps and refrigerators don’t grow from any seed you can buy at a seed store, yet any manu­ facturer-no matter what he makes-has a seed problem just the same. Fos next year's models, and improved designs, and new products-all these cost money. Money for research, and engineering, and new tools, and advertising to tell the public where a product can be obtained, and how much it will cost. Next Wed. & Thurs TNI PACIFIC TEUPNNNI AND TEUCRA?! CDMPANY f * Heather ANGEL Doris MERRICK J and with Ixet um be your coiinselorw. inaurane« /im I 77/ f i / ¿J i I Billings Agency HEAL ESTATE and BEAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main But we mustn't neglect the seed money for the future. We’re looking forward to the continuance of the industrial system that will allow us to open up and cultivate other new and prom­ ising fields. So, tomorrow, look for important developments in television, fluorescent lighting, plastics, electronics. These will be familiar words in the post war world. G eni ral E lectric C ompany , S chenectady , n . Y. I GENERAL L 45 or 51 Plate BatterieH Exchange Price ...........$6.75 Extra Special Buys at th!» Time include Paint» and Wallpaper. ■ Z/LO ■fflO Right now the crops we're growing are all of the “Victory Garden" kind-weapons that are serving with our armed forces on land and sea and in the air. 2 Cup Coffee Maker 27c 2 Gold Fish with Bowl and a complete Acquarlum..... 29c 100% Pure Pennsyl vania Motor Oil- gallon............. 77c When trouble cornea to you —and it will, in some form —see that it is lightened by the benefits of adequate in­ surance. Coming-Coming! From the seed of research and engineering, planted in year« past by General Electric, have come some pretty amazing crops. Incandescent lamps five times as efficient as Edison's, vacuum tubes that made radiobroadcasting possible, refriger­ ator« for the home and electric machines for industry to make important jobs easier. The following are but a few of the many special money saving items we offer throughout this sale:» WHEN IT COMES! ROBERT TAYLOR WESTERN 27th Birthday Sale BEGINS TODAY SEE OUR 6 PAGE CIRCULAR FOR BIG BARGAINS r BILLY THE KID And the only place this money can come from is out of past earnings, or borrowing on the promise of earnings in the future. In other words-from seed money. JAMES G. MACKIE x Authorized Dealer- ___ -1 ........... ■ 4 ELECTRIC ' ill SAME GOOD WORKMANSHIP SAME GOOD SERVICE! I I Webern Auto Supply Co. I Wardrobe Cleaners Phone 3281