Hftyicroia a Ú buy fvVjM hwifgu 11 A t H m WAK /i/|WsOWI>» HAM es u VOL. XII Tßffi Pym *1kai JlaÂ. ¿amailütty *7a £ ay--And £ayi Ml ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1943 NUMBER 8 DO YOUR PART FOR THE RED CROSS! THIS AND THAT TALENT NEWS BELLVIEW NEWS (By OLD TIMER) Mr. and Mrs Grady Conner of T<> the Editor: The Upper Valley Community Ashland were business calléis here Club held their regular meeting at 1'i-obably after a few more in­ '1 ui-sday evening the Grange Hall Wed March 10. spections anil reports to govern­ i.i© Talent Extension Unit met Owing to the small crowd the ment otficlals, th© go ahead sig­ in Ute City Hall Wednesday at Now that the Old Oregon Trail election of officers was postponed nal will be given for re-furnishing i ):30. The topic for discussion was Centennial Year has been ushered until the April meeting Mrs F. E and otherwise Improving th© USO • Meat Alternates." A covered dish Engle and Mrs. Styles were hos­ in and the name of Oregon is on building. luncheon was served at noon to a everyone’s lips, the question arises tesses. 111 large group Where did Oregon get its name? Mrs. Chas. Scott was a business Governor Thomas E. Dewey, who Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton and That is a question which historians visi op in Medford last week. made a campaign pledge to "clean baby of Portland spent several Gene Brantley, who was severely have been trying to answer for the cob-webs’* out of stale depart­ days last week visiting relatives burned several days ago by the years, but without success. mental affairs, got out his pruning in Talent. In 1765, Major Robert Rogers explosion of gas, is improving. shears the other day to cut red Mrs. Bernice Anderson anti son Mrs. Claude Kessler left last used the name "Ouragon” in de­ tape having found it so coiled Albert accompanied by Mrs. Her­ Saturday by bua for a two-weeks scribing, the district west of the around a 70-ceiit purchase of 12 man Sommers of Wagner Creek vacation with relatives in Calif- Great Lakes. In 1772, he used it three ounce bottles of mucilage made a trip to Orvile, Calif. Sat­ again, spelling it “Ourigon.” The omia. that it took 29 employees and 18 urday to visit Mrs. Anderson's Wayne Pickens and Derrel Me present spelling was first used In cents jKistagc to get the order mother, Mrs Ella Abbott and oth­ Coy had a narrow escape last Wed- print in 1778 by Jonathan Carver from New York City t > > arrived Friday for a visit w h her I Great river of the West which Nt Patrick is credited with hav-1 Mr. und Mrs. Ray Hamilton and parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. BeU. • Mowed into the Pacific Ocean. He Ing driven the snakes out of Ire­ daughter, who have been living in Harry Faimer left Monday throws no further light on its der- land Would that the good old 1 Nut land, returned to Talrnt to morning for Prospect where he is ivation saint were in tile flesh to render visit with their parents, Mr. and John E. Rees claims that it ori- employed in a saw mill. a inerltorius service at the nation­ Mrs. Sam Hamilton and Mr and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Holman have ginated in the Shoshoni language, al capi al- to "shiMi” out the chis- Mrs. Fred Combs sold their ranch to Mr. and Mrs. was passed on to the Sou lx tribe leis, racketeers, profiteers and sun­ Mrs. Roy Umuh and daughter Ramsey of the Ramsey Jewelry and emerged, through various dry humbugs. and Mis. Don Hun^ie and baby Store who will take possession in Indian, French and Spanish inter­ cf Prospect were calling on friends about a month Mr. and Mrs. Hol­ pretations, into its present spel­ 1 1 '1 VITAMIN'S—To keep American doughboys in the Southwest Pa- Miners are demanding n two dol- un > > Mr and Mrs. David Walker and The name Oregon will be for- Rose and Mary Page. Jim Farley, who is aomewhat of left Monday for Portland to be in the D. A. R award this year This award is based on dependa­ During intermission in the eve­ Mr and Mrs. John Walker and ever shrouded in mystery, but it a prophet says the war will end In ducted into the army. families of Seattle. stands alone, inscrutable, colorful 1943 Mr. and Mrs L Colwell of Sac­ bility, service, leadership, and pa­ ning dancing Sgt. Tom London, a Sgt. and Mrs. John Barger have 821(1 alluring. It breathes of ro- » i > ramento, Calif are visiting Mrs triotism. Th© cun test is sponsored well known radio tenor sang sole® "Ground operations” in Tunisia Onwell's parents. Mr and Mrs. by the Imughtera of the American accompanied at the piano by Pfc returned to their home in Seattle mance, courage and adventure, an and Russia are in striking con­ George Newbln. Mr. Colwell is in Revolution. Harry Remme. Both men are now after spending ten days with Mrs inspiration to the writer, the poet trast Three girls. Erlene Norberg, stationed at Camp White, the 20th Barger's parent, Mr. and Mrs and the artiat. TTiere is no other the army. Earl Hoadley. i Oregon. • • 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and Phyllis Cuton and Dorothy Morris field hospital. Sgt. William Schur- La Vern Marsh left this week Ed- Note- This is one in a series Spading a Victory Garden is as children who have been living at were chosen by the senior class r schmidt well known at the Ashland for Portland where be will be in- of stories commmorating the Old good as several rounds << g< If Burns the imst winter arrived in from a list of all senior girls. The club, acted as master of ceremon­ ducted into the army. Oregon Trail Centennial ------BUY IIOMM— Talent Sunday evening. Mr. Clark faculty then picked the most out­ ies for the intermission entertain­ Mrs. Knox, who has been ser- ------ BUY BONDS------ NEED ROOMS FOB BOIJMERN la just recovering from pneumonia. standing. ment. iously ill at the home of her USO PROGRAM STUDIED Sunday was also a day of .music. M ms Frances D". Id«, (Mractor «4 From the girls chosen in high George Yorkel of Bellview *an daughter, Mrs E. A' Lee, is re- ’ The Ashland USO Program the Ashland UBO, has urged all ranaacting business In Tulent schools in Oregon, one will be se­ A group of singers including a ported to be improving. Committee met during ihe week who have rooms available for Monday afternoon. lected as Oregon representative to sailor bas.v and an army tenor sang Word was received las- week to study the program now being numbers ranging from "The Sol ­ week-end rent to soldiers, to list ------BUY BONDS------ make the pilgrimage trip to Cin­ diers' Chorus” to "Old Black Joe”, by relatives that Ernest Rogers is offered at the clubhouse and to the rooms al the USO. Report Sixth and C Streets taken by early Saturday after- testimonies of Christian Science Mass Sunday morning a 9 o'clock. ning. Mrs Ann Kroeger and Mrs nounces receipt of a miniature for table tennis, badminton, tennis ' Sunday School after Mass con- Mild re r Schultz assisted wth the golf set donated by Miss Virginia and archery. Instruction will be noon. healing, is held at 8 o'clock. Whittle to the local clubhouse. given on Sundays from 3 to 4 p. m. | ducted by the ladies of the church. serving. Approximately 85 aoldlera came Reading Room open daily from This game will be set up on the Suggestions were made regard­ ------BUY BONDS------ into the USO for the Sunday buf­ 2 to 5 p. m. except Sundays and Rev. W, J. Meagher, Pastor. lawn adjoining the clubhouse. ing programs for week nights, fet supper or for coffee in the Holidays. The public is cordially ITHine Medford 3208. LININGERS SELL Mias Dodds states that the vis- such as square dancing. Bingo —V— evening last week-end. Doughnuts invited to attend these services, ting soldiers will need more golf nights (with prizes offered), quiz FIRST METHODIST CHURCH LOCAL STORE were served, made by the Lithia und to use the Reading Room. Baker, and were approvingly men­ Dulien's, who own a large hard­ balls and putters to insure equip­ programs varied small games for I Corner No. Main and Laurel Sts. —V— tioned by all soldiers partaking FREE METHODIST CHURCH Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister ; ware store in Medfod, purchased ment always available for those small groups, and the possibility the hardware and implement busi­ who would engage in the sport j for short acts during dancing in- hospitality at the USO. 9:45- Sunday Church School. East Main St, at Seventh Anyone who can contribute either termission. ness of M. C. Lininger and Son. 11:00- Morning Worship. ------BUY BONDS------ Charles E. Brown, Pastor balls or putters may leave the Members of the program com- A short while age Earl and Ray ­ Subject — "Women Who Lament ­ A tiny tot tn the nursery at the Sunday School, 9:46 a. m. material at the clubhouse where mittee present were Mrs. Hal Me mond Linnger sold the Independ ­ ed Him ” , one of a series of ser ­ Henry Newton home upon hearing" Morning Worship. 11:00 a m. it will serve a need that will grow Nair. Mrs. I. F. Andres, Mrs. T. J. the siren practice Wednesday noon Young People's and Junior mons on the theme, "Those Who ent Truck Line to Wm. Kerr with the coming of spring days. j Norby, Mrs Will Dodge. Miss i Were there when They Crucified; The Lininger firm will devote all li.vjied, "The wissels are bowen to Missionary Society at 6:30 p. ni. ------BUY BONDS------ Dorothy Burkett (Junior hostess its time to the sand and gravel my Lord. ” flten the Japs away.” Evangelistic Service. 7:30 p. m. Miss Jean Frideger. who attends representative), Dr C. C. Dunham, business being under contract to 6:15- Methodist Youth meetings. —V— Mid-week prayer meeting, at the state highway depar mentfor the University of Oregon is visit­ and Miss Frances Dodds, director Fellowship hour. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Itay Bar- ut 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. a large order of crushed rock to ing in Ashland during vacation, i of the Ashland USO. 7 :30 — Evening Service. ker on March 9, a daughter Song and Hymn practice, Fri­ be used in Eastern and Central Chaplain Roy H. Boldt of the —V— day at 7:30 p. m Bom to Mr. and Mrs Harold | Come and worship with iis in First Medical Regiment of Camp Oregon this year. ». ------BUY BONDS------ White, with 40 of his men will give Willis on March 11 a daughter. the beauty of Holiness. NEW TEXTBOOK OX SPEECH a program of music, dgan, accord-1 —V— —V— ian solos, quartet. Chaplain Boldt WHITTEN BY MEN AT OSC Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Richard CHURCH OF CHRIST will give the message on the A new textbook on public speak­ Crease on March 12, a daughter Second and B St. Ject, “Desperate Characters '' ing written by Dr. Earl W. Wells —V— Earl F. Downing, Minister Thurs. 7:30- Bible Study and and Paul X. Knoll, members of the Mrs. A. O. McGee has the flu. 9:45- Bible School —V— speech department at Oregon State —V— 11:00 a. m. - Morning Service. NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH College is published by the Ronald ------BUY BONDS—— 6:45- Christian Endeavor and NEVER BEFORE HAS THE CONGREGATIONAL Press company of New York en­ Buy your Memorials now for Second Front. AMERICAN RED CROSS CON­ titled “The Extempore Speech.” Decoration Day. 717 Siskiyou Boulevard 7:45- Evening Service. FRONTED SUCH STRENUOUS The book is aimed at assisting (Mrs.) M. T. Burns-on the Plaza. Clarence F. McCall, Minister —V— ! students or others In acquiring CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN CONDITIONS. 9:45 a m. Bible School, with ■X r proficiency in this type of public Ward E. Pratt, Minister Mrs. Glen Prescott, Supt. GERALD GUNTER .speech most frequently used in Ast land and Medford 11:00- Worship Service and Companion NEVER BEFORE HAS YOUR college and afterward. The book 10:00 a. m. -Church School. — V — Are Invited to Be Guests of the was recently reviewed in the Theme- “ Our Lord's Intcrces- LOYAL SUPPORT BEEN MORE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Quarterly Journal of Speech, where sory Prayer." CHURCH to see GREATLY NEEDED | it was highly praised as "a good 11:00 a. in. • Worship Service at the VARSITY THEATRE North Main at Helman usable text very well suited for a Worship Message- •God, Suf- Rev. Howard G. Eddy, Minister (Friday and Saturday) beginning course in public speak­ M. LET US HELP THE LOCAL fering with Man." “GREAT GILDEHNLEEVE” 9:45- Bible School for all ages ing." Story message for children CHAPTER EXCEED ITS GOAL. and 11:00- Morning Worship and ------BUY BONDS------ Evening service in Medford at Junior Church. “MRS. WIGGS OF THE You will want to hear Chaplain the M Russell home on 803 Ri- CABBAGE PATCH” 7:30- Evening Service Ro.v H. Boldt and his chorus of verside. Theme- “The Lord'a Sup- Wed., 7:30- Midweek meeting. or soldiers at the Methodist Church at per.” (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) —V— Pre-Easter Lenten Services: TRINITY EPI8COPAL CHURCH 7:30 next Sunday evening. The mu­ “BAMBI” “Home of Better Jewelry” Wednesday evenings in the local Rev. A. N. MacDonnell, Vicar sic will consist of organ, chorus, Sweden burg Building Ashland, Oregon solos duets, accordion, and the Please call at the Miner Offici Church; Thursday evenings In 0:30- Church School Chaplain will speak on the sub ­ Medford at M. Russell home. for Your Guest Tickets 11:00 Sermpn ject ” Desjierate Characters.” A - / - ---------------- ■>- - --------------------------------- I THE OREGON ’S upport the A merican red CROSS RAMSEY JEWELRY STORE 4