S outhern O regon M iner VOL. XII THIN AND THAI i..y OLD TIMER) ASHLAND, OREGON. THURSDAY, SPRING QUARTER ¡u the Editor: J usi tne inlay hciuaewlfe hud uu< cevued in (M Miing UM can open­ OPENS AT SOCE MARCH 11, 1943 NUMBER 7 The White-Headed Eagle in Charge of Oregon Country uso COUNCIL MET TUESDAY The USO Council met Wednes­ day, March 3, at luncheon in the Y.ie winter quarter at the er into u 01 isnl ».Mt, UJ111OU.¡ce­ Plaza Cafe. Mr«. W1U Dodge, meni >a lli lull- that the biur on H< uimrii tzitgon College of Edu­ chairman of the Council presided. Reports of February work at machine pre uitci'd bread iuu» been cation, o.sn land, cluaed inursday, The Hudson's Bay Fur Company the USO showed there had been a March 11, and the »I’ring quarter lifted. and the Northwestern consolidat­ total attendance, military and civ­ en» tho following Tuesday, 1 1 ♦ ed in 1821, under the name uf the ilian, of 3,7 ¿4 during the month. l-i e.udi'tri Walter Keilford, Kith Wednesday. Marcii 10 was former. Not liking the surround-1 Mrs. Dodge reported that a car d..igthn must be la every teacher-training college Kay, widow of Alexander McKay ; properly supervised. The Council trimmi-d by 1-lti to of an inch in the country, and hence to en­ who was killed on the Tonquin. I voted to make further study of under a WPB oder to save wood " ter ‘he ranks of teacher« may be hour children were born to them:! the matter before taking action. u more patriotic couiw than to Ho, Hum! John, Eliza, Eioiae and David. go into tne uniform of one tit the Dr. Ralph Poston reported that The White-Headed Eagle was a the bids for refurnishing and oth­ ' «», , in which the Thia Isn't auch a bad world after •“Senary servil business man as well as a fur tra­ erwise improving the USO build­ all, now that everybody lum hi» highly specialized training uf a der. He built sawmills and grist­ ing had been approved by the City teacher is not required puinta- at least 48 of them mill«, estabbshéd dairies and car­ Council at a meeting held the pre­ In addition to the required 1 1 1 r¡ed on a large trade along the vious evening, and that the bids | com sea offered ui ‘he coming With the ground properly mjmu I- spring quail er are aume that ai- Pacific coast and in the Hawaiian had then been sent to F.W.A. off­ e.i and Uie seeil well planted, it's lord utLerust and recreation as 1 mag­ ices in Seattle for approval. Dr. islands. The fur magnate _ all over but the apron ling, auys well as some adapted to meet ined mat the Rocky Moun&uns Poston submitted the agreement Uncle Zeke presented an insurmountable barr­ for leasing the Civic Club house immediate war piuolems. The 9 9 9 ier to wagons and the coloniza­ to Attorney William Briggs for three-term cuutae in Shake»] Mire Hiller'« blueprint for victory will be offered as an abridged tion uf the Oregon Country. When legal inspection, after which the M-enia to have faded quite a bit in i course uf one term, dealing with tne historic wagon train of 1843 papers are to be turned over to inc heat uf battle. reached tne Columbia and floated Mr«. W 8. Stennett, president of a «elected number of comedle« ili/wn stream to Fort Vancouver, the Women's Civic Club. and tragedies. the students uf the 1 1 1 me White-Headed Eagle saw the Date tn history: Act to found < lurs having a large voice in ac- Present at the meeting were nand-wnung on the wall. Navy 1794, lectlng thu play« ♦«» be stuihcel Miss Frances E Dodds, director Disregarding profits, McLough-i of the USO, Meadames WiM Dodge The claw» will be taught by Mias 1 1 1 lin supplied tne needy emigrants and Earl Leever, and Meeeers Ollie Depew Mias Munn Ady H<>w is your can arithmetic wiin mod and clothing, thereby William M. Briggs. Clint Bough­ will conduct a course in outdoor working out? preventing much suffering and man. Theo Norby, and Gerald sketching, and lur. Eberhurl wld ------ BUY BONIM4------ many deaths. He retired from the Wenner. We »leap, but the loom of life be available for golf instruction Hudson s Bay Company in 1846 Mr. Btrpheit Epler will conduct ------ BUY BONDS------ never stops, and the |mttern wtuch WOMEN'S SOCIETY MEETS and took up residence at Oregon BELLVIEW NEWS SOCE Student Wins was weaving when the sun went a course in Contemporary Prob­ The Women's Society of Chris ­ City. His last days were not happy The Extension Unit met at the lems, and will again offer the down la weaving when it come« up ones. He was condemned by the Grange Hall in an all day session Muthematic« Refresher course de­ tian Service met in an all-day ses­ Contest in Writing in the morning A former student of SOCE,' British for his kindness to the Wednesday, February 24. Hostess­ I signed uspociaJly fur those about sion Uuw Friday at the Methodist -Henry Ward Beecher Grace Thrasher of Kerby, won American«, and was censured by es were Mrs Vai Inlow and Mrs. Church. Mrs. George Mason con ­ to enter military service or for ------BUY BONDH— I tmehers needing to refresh in this ducted the business session in the tmrd place in the Annual Ted Oi- the Americans who called him a James Metcalf. Mrs. E. Dunn and TALENT NOTES subject. Mias Jeanette Smith will morning. AKer tne noon luncheon Son 1 uetry Contest, sponsored by j Britisher,though he had taken out Mrs J. F. Engle presented the Mr«. Uzzy Wiaewarru’r wh<> repeal the course in Nursery Mrs. H R. Lytle led devotions. 'Ihe • me American Quill Club, it wan citizenship papers. On September lesson on Recreation and Hobbies. sptsnt i he winter in Phoenix has School Education, planned to meet Mite Box opening which brought tn ■ announced this week. The poem, 3,1807, the White-Headed Eagle The next meeting will be held on returned to her home in Talent. the need for nursery school teaaii- over $50 00 folioweil Mrs. Engle I Wtucii deals with an aspect of eco- settled to earth and was laid to March 17. The County Agent, Mr. Condy Harvey Thompoon and daught­ ers in war industry zones Other assisted uy Mesdamea Byers. Pick­ . nomlc life in the Northwest, was rest beside the falls he k>ved «o er, Loi« of Fern Valley, were call­ courses contributing to train ens and Keeney gave the lesson on lirsl published n the Oregon Edu- well Doubtless he went to his and Mi«B Ferrell met with a group ing on frienda here Sunday after- worker« will be in the secretarial the first three chapters of the stu­ < cation Journal, it will be published grave before his time because of of people at the home of Mr. and Mrs Walter Hash to help them noon science department: Accounting, dy book-"On this Foundation" by again in "The Parchment", month­ tne base ingratitude of men. Ed. Note- This is one in a series plan their Victory Gardens. Mrs Juiiii Lilly of Medford was typing, stenography and business Stanley Rycroft. The meeting ly publication of the American I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosen­ Eng Mail. a Talent caller Saturday. closed with a solo-'Tn Christ There Oolle^e Quill Club. This Club, com- of stones commmorating the Old baum, who have been living at the Spring vacation extends from The canqioign fur wur funds is Is no East or West'’ given by Mrs. i pusea of college faculty members Oregon Trail Centennial. and college students interested in1 Dead Indian Ranch , have moved ------BUY BONDS— under way al Talent with Mrs Friday, March 12, through Mon­ McKay original composition, has chapters to the home of Mr and Mrs. Hash. Jay Terrill und Mrs. J. C. Ottin­ day, the 15lh. Registration day in colleges and universities in the MEDFORD TO HAVE| Mrs Minnie Wooden has been ger as chairmen. Tho*- .iaent a few Morning Worsmp, 11:00 a. m. 9:45- Sunday Church School. ¡lays at Pro«pect lost week visit Lawrence College of Bronxville, woman s rnny recruiter. She re­ I Camp White at the Grange Hall 11:00- Morning Worship. Young People's and Junior cn March 11th. Dancing and other ing her son Wayne and family. Missionary Society at 6:30 p. m. Dr. Silas E. Fairham. District N Y., Coker College of South Car­ lieves private first class Frank L entertainment is being planned. olina, Mercer University of Geor ­ Mrs. Fred Wood« of Susanville, Butler who has been ordered to Evangelistic Service. 7:30 p. in. Suj>erintendent will preach on the The committee is asking all Gran­ Oülfoniia visited her parents, Mr. Mid-week prayer meeting, at subject-''They say,'Where Is Thy gia, and the Southern Oregon Col­ duty at the district recruiting gers to attend and bring two pies. and Mrs. Reginald Woods last at 7:30 p. in. Wednesday. headquarters in Portland. Auxil­ Gud?'" Immediately following the lege of Education at Ashland. week end. Miss Thrasher wrote the poem iary Keeney will be the first wo­ The Ways and Means Committee Song and Hyinn practice, Fri­ service he will conduct the Fourth as a student in Advanced Compo­ man recruiter here to be wearing announced another dance for Mar. Mrs. Clarence Miller and daugh­ day at 7:30 p. m. Quarterly Conference. 12. Mrs Carl Henry presented a ter were buatnem caller« in Ash­ Come und wursliip with us ill 6:15- Methodist Youth meetings. sition in the Southern Oregon Col­ the WAAC uniform. She arrived short program. The next meeting land Monday morning lege. She received her degree last in Medford Monday morning. Mar. the beauty of Holiness. Fellowship hour. Cliff Garvin, who has been con­ year. She was formerly graduated 8. accompanied by Warrant Offi­ will be held Mar. 16 with Mr. and —V— 7:3O-Evangelistic Service. Mrs. Victor York, Mr. and Mrs.W. fined at his home with flu is able CHURCH OF CHRIST Thurs 1:30- Bible Study and from the Tule Lake High School, cer L B. Ottawey from the Port­ O. Martin. Dott Williams, Jake to lx- out again at iiis work. California Her home is at present land, headquarters, who will es ­ Second and B St. —V— in Jackson County. Oregon. Mr. and Mr«. Charles Skeeter«' tablish her in the Medford re- Royston and Roy Magness on the Earl F. Downing, Minister NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH ----- BUY BONDS ------ of Prospect and most of his crew i cruiting office She has been in the hospitality committee 9:45- Bible School CONGREGATIONAL Mrs. Dott Williams received JOHN L. FORSYTHE IN TEXAS ■pent Saturday and Sunday in this Klamath Falls area for a tempo­ 11:00 a m. • Morning Service. 717 Siskiyou DUUll'YUlU Boulevard word last week that her son Dale end of the valley. Saturday was rary visit in the interests of the Six Oregon men are among the Sermon Subject- "From the has been sent to a training camp taken for a holiday in order that Manger to the Throne-The Thirty! Clarence F. 1 McCall, Minister class of Aviation Cadets and Stu­ WAAC recruiting program. 9:45 a.m. Bible School, with dent Officers who have begun their the men get their income taxes Years of Private Idfe." In announcing Auxiliary Kee­ some where in Alabama. Mrs. Glen Prescott, Supt, Miss Aileen Inlow. who is taken care of. final course of training as aerial ney's appointment. Colonel Fulmer 6:45- Christiun Endeavor ami 11:00- Worship Service teaching in the Cottage Grove Mr. and Mrs. Speed Lewis and said that because of the increased navigator« at the Army Air Force« Second Front. —V— famfly of Roadburg stopped in Navigation School at San Marco«, ' interest being shown in the worn- schools spent the week end with 7:45- Evening Service. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Talent Friday evening from Kia-1 Sermon Subject-"A Question i en's auxiliary corps by the women ' her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Vai In- Texas. CHURCH math Falls where they had been That God. Man, or the Devil Can't Cadets who successfully com­ of this vicinity, Medford has been low. North Main at Helman Mrs. J. E. Gowland of Klamath viol ting rdativea They were en­ Answer." plete their training here will re- «elected as one of two Oregon cit­ Rev. Howard G. Eddy, Minister ceive commissions and the silver ies to receive the full time serv­ Falls spent Tuesday with Mr and route to their home. —V— 9:45- Bible School for all ages wings of the Army Air Forces ices of a WAAC auxiliary. Mrs. Henry Stenrud and Mrs. Sor- Sgt. Earl Yaryan, who has been CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 11:00- Morning Worship and Student Officers, already commis­ in the army for the past year and Auxiliary Keeney enrolled in the enson. Ward E. Pratt, Minister Junior Church. Mr. Geo. Nichols was transact- Gladys Calkins were married last women ’s army on December 12th sioned, will win their navigator ’ s Ast land and Medford ing busines several days last week 7:30- Evening Service week Mr Yarynn's parent»- live wings. From AAFNS the gradu­ and reported to the Oregon dis­ 10:00 a. m. •Church School. »xith of Talent, and Mrs Yaryan1 Thcme-"Following Christ's Ex­ Wed., 7:30- Midweek meeting. ates will join the pilot and bom­ trict on March first directly from in Klamath Falls. - - ------BUY BONDS- —V— is a resident of - -- Medford bardier teams that man America’s Fort Des Moines, Iowa, where she ample. M A. Ring is improving after TRINITY’ EPISCOPAL CHURCH bombers. received her basic training. 11:00 a. m. - Worship Service. Rev. . r a siege with pneumonia. A. N. MacDonnell, Vicar The new recruiter will be on Forty-two' states and the Dis­ ERIC WEIIEX Worship message- "Is War Pun­ 9:30- Church School trict of Columbia are represented duty at the recruiting office in mid Companion ishment for Sin?" 11:00 Sermon in the class, with New York, the Medford post office building in Arc Invited to Be Guests of the Story message for i' hi 1 dren. —V— Pennsylvania and California lead­ each week dav between the hours SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Evening service in Medford at of 8 a m and 5 p. m. to see the M Russell home on 803 Ri- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST ing in that order. ------BUY BONDS------ SCIENTIST Among the Oregon men is Sec­ at the VARSITY THEATRE verside. Thcme-"The meaning of HAROLD G. B(M)THBY Pioneer Ave., South ond Lieut. John L. Forsythe. 22. (Friday and Saturday) Christian Liberty." Sunday morning service at 11 j a student officer, the son of Mr. Funeral services were held Mon­ PRIORITIES ON PARADE Pre-Eastcr Lenten Services: and Wednesday evenings in the local o'clock. Subject: "Substance” Sun. and Mrs. Benjamin C Forsythe, day in San Francisco for Harold THE AVENGERS Church; Thursday evenings in School at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday 430 Terrace Street. Ashland. He G. Booth by who passed away Feb. evening meeting, which Includes is a former student of Southern 25 in San Francisco. He is survived or Medford at M. Russell home. by his wife and two young sons, (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) There will be a baptismal service testimonies of Christian Science Oregon College of Education. ----- BUY BONDS------ Glenn Futter and Marcus LeRoy THE MAJOR AND THE on Palm Sunday. Communion ser­ healing, is held at 8 o'clock. Bob Stearns has been trans­ besides several brothers and a sis- Reading Room open daily from MINOR vice on Good Friday. Easter pro­ 2 to 5 p. m. except Sundays and ferred from Livermore, California ter. gram »nd Worship service on Eas­ • ----- BUY BONDS------ Brian Donlevy in NIGHTMARE Please call at the Miner Office ter Sunday. Invite and bring some Holidays. The public Is cordially to Corpus Christi, Texas where he invited to attend these services, will finish his training and receive Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. UTHIA THEATRE for Your Guest Tickets one. These are your service«. and to use the Reading Room, | hi« commission. N., _ I I Mekemaon on March 3, a «on. Sunday, Monday, Tueaday im