Thursday, March 4, 1943 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 SOUTHERN OREGON MINSK Published every Thursday at 167 East Main St.. Ashland. Oregon by Charles and Ruth Giffen. Entered as second-class matter in the post office at Ashland, Oregon February 15. 1935 under the act of March 3 1879 Subscription rate»: 82.00 pe, year ypRSITY Friday and Saturday CLUB MKT AT UNO The Service Men's Wives Club met at the USO on Tuedsay at 12:30 for a covered dish luncheon. Twenty-iwo members were present Three new members attending were Mesdames Fisher, Conley and Kenney. After the luncheon period, the member.« spent the afternoon playing bingo and bad­ minton CHAMBEE OF COMMERCE DIRECTORS TO MEET A Director's meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will meet Friday noon at the Plaza Cafe. Routine buaine«« will be conducted followed by the imititi In t Ion of mix directora: Harry Morrla, Homer Billing*, Henry Meta. Harold Mer­ rill, O N. Wray, arai Lloyd Selby The latter ia a reelected member Secretary Alice I’atteraon will alno preKmt her annual re|x>rt ) Romanie... Adventure! PAINTS««/ WALLPAPERS Thrills’-^ Don’t chance breakdowns and delays on the road let us give your automobile a thorough overhauling now. We ll do a better job of it at a more eco­ nomical price than you’d pay in most places! West’s Best House Paint at no extra cost! You'll agree that, these days, you can’t afford to buy any­ thing but the best. And here it la! The West'» largest-Helling. highest-quality houxe paint—netting for no more than ordinary paints. Be sure you get it! Be sure and have your Paint "STIRRED LN THE CAN" t>> our RED DEVIL PAIXT CONDIT1OX ER” RICHARD ARLEN IN CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY “WILD CAT Dealers for fuller Paints WHEN IN MEDFORD, MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS! Sun. Mon. Tues. grubs florístí “Flowers For All Occasions Ocudetta's moil •xcitiag raaaway shea U Happtifd On« Niflit"! MEDFORD’S PRESCRIPTION CENTER A registered pharmacist of long experience fills all prescriptions at this store. Only the finest and purest drugs, chemicals and other materials used. W- serve Lent?” Tuesday. 7:30 M B Muddell, mixaionury to Japan for 4M yen is will bo the s|n-aker —V— CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Ware* E Prutt, Minister Asi land und Medford Ashland- 10:00 a. m. -Church School Theme-' Biblo Touchings Against Drunk ennes.” 11 00 a m - Worship Service. Worship message- "•* *‘e- pen. table ?" Story mexaage ?’,r children Evening service In Me«iford al 506 Beatty St Mur 5. Friday-Young People's XI,-ht nt the Church Pre-Easter Lenten Services: Wednesday evenings In the local Church; Thursday even lugs In Medford homes. —V— CATHOLIC CHURCH Sixth mid C Streets Muxs Sunday morning a 9 o'clock. Sunday School after Mima con­ ducted by tlic ladies of the church Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor. Phone Medford 3208 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Corner No Main and 1-aurel Sts Dr. George W Brute, Minister 9:45- Sunday Church 8chl. 1100- Morning Worship Subject-"What of the Night?” 6:15- Methodist Youth meetings, 7:3O-Unh>n Services witt^ the Presbyterian [>eople at the Metho­ Church with Dr. Bruce preaching Thurs - 7:30 Bible Study —V— NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH CONGREGATIONAL 717 Siskiyou Boulevard Clarence F. McCall, Minister 9.45 a.m Bible School, with Mrs. Glen Prescott. Supt. 11:00- Worship Service The Lenten Season begins Mar. 10 Attund next Sunday and »«ure a copy of Tiie Fellowship of Pray­ er and really prepare for the com­ ing of Easter this year FlItST PRESBYTERIAN K CHURCH .X'orni Main Mitin nt Helmnn I Rev. Howard G. Eddy, Minister 9:43- Bible School for all xgrx ¡1 00- Morning Worship und Junior Church 7:30- Evening Service Wed.. 7:30- Midweek meeting TRINITY EPiBCOPAI . CHURCH j Rev. A. N. MacDonnell, Vicar March 7 Quinquageaima Sunday 8 a. in. -Holy Oniimiiiilon v 30- Church School 1 l;00-Holy Communion and Ser­ mon, A eh Wednesday, March 10 Services 6:30 a. in. and 12 15 FIRST CHURCH OF CHK ; t SCIENTIST Pioneer Ave, South Sunday morning service 11 11 o'clock. Subject- "Man” Sun lay School al 9:45 a.m Wedin * lay evening meeting, which incudes testimonies of Christian Sc.< nee healing, ia held at 8 o'clock. Reading Rm open dally from 2 to 5 p. m except Sundays and Holidays. The public ia corilldly invited to attend these nem :ea. and to use the Re-iding Root i —V— FREE METHODIST CHUI < 11 East Main St. at Sever»! i Charles E Brown, Past, r Sunday School, 9:45 a. m Morning Worship, 11 00 a 11. Young People's and J i dor Missionary Society nt 6:30 p m. Evangelistic Service, 7:30 p m Mid-week prayer meeting, at at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. Song and Hymn practice. ,’’r1- day at 7:30 p m. Come and worship with u ; In the beauty of Holiness ----- BUY BOXDN—- Mr and Mrs Walter Her) k>n of Klamath Falls spent the week eni little. OF PORTLAND ■EMIEI FEIEIAL DEPOSIT IISUIAICE SEE CORPOIATIOtt J F. EMMETT MIXER BUIl DIXG 167 EAST MAIN RTPFET V