SOUTHERN OREGON MINER, Ashland, Oregon \ Jolly Sailor Boy Is Motif for Tea Towels À ' ' ll1 311 i- SEWING CIRCLE HOUSEHOLD M %M OS• •• ...... .. ....... / Kish Fulfills Protein Needs of the System If you want your artificial flow­ ers to stay the way you arrange them, half, All the vase with fine sand. Press the stems into this and they will remain in place. • • • Coins are hard on a man’s change pocket. Should a hole oc­ cur, an emergency repair may ba made by sticking a piece of adhe­ sive tape on both sides of the hole. • • • If your iron is soiled on the bot­ tom, sprinkle a bit of salt on • newspaper and rub the iron over it. • • • In watering hanging plants, slip an oiled silk cover over the bot­ tom of the pot. The water cannot then drip through onto the floor. lyJtunn . ....... 9. This Week’s Menu •Baked Whitefish. Creole Parsleyed Potatoes Broccoli Watercress and Endive Salad Oatmeal Bread Butter Broiled Grapefruit Beverage •Recipe Given Halibut Nteaks. r|'AKE an example from our * sailor boys und do your house­ hold tusks cheerily. These towels will help you brighten your kitch­ en. You'll wunt to make some for your friends. e e e Pattern 285 contains a transfer pattern of aeven mollfa averaging 1 by I Inches; Illustrations of stitches; materials re­ quired Send your order to: Sowing Circle NeedlerraN Dept. 117 Miass st. San Fraaetsee, Calif. Inclose IS cents (plus one cent to cover cool of mailing) tor l*atlern No.............................. Name........ Address........... .................. ...................... ... W iring / Ä rbsi HOL Largest Natural Gas Reservoir The largest known reservoir of natural gas in the world is the great Panhandle gas field, under­ lying nearly all of five counties in Texas. QUINTUPLETS CHEST COLDS relieve coughing of At the first signs which may warn of a cold—tho Dionne Quintuplets' cheats, throats and backs are rubbed with Muaterole a product made e«|>ccially to promptly relieve coughs due to colds, make breathing easier and break up local congestion in the upi>er bronchial tract. Muaterolo gives such wonderful re­ sults because it's MORE than just an ordinary "salve". It's what so many Doctors and N urses call a modern cos nlcr- irrttanf. Since Mustcrole is used on tho Quints -you may lie sure It's just about the BEST cold-relief made! IN 3 STRENGTHS: Children's Mild Muaterole (or children and people with lender akin. Regular for ordinary cases and Extra Strength for stubborn cases. I# —Buy War Savings Bonds— WARNING/ Your Baby Needs These Vital Elements —because they help develop proper growth, strong bones and sound teeth! Scott’s Emulsion is rich in natural A and D Vita­ mins*—and so good-tasting. Also, 4 times easier to digest than plain cod liver oil! Buy today! > Recommended by Many Doctors I M Fish Is Fluvorful One very direct and effective way of meeting the meat shortage is by .j. , serving fish in Its ~^z”>. ¿5 z many delectable < w*y*- Few forni- ~ lies have been initiated into the many ways of preparation for fish. few know how succulent are their steaks when baked, or how tart and crisp are fillets when fried. Bones have been removed from many types of fish so this need con­ cern the cook little. If they have not already been removed, this can be done easily since they are usu­ ally together. French Fried Fish Fillets. Desired number and kind of fish fiHels 1 egg, well beaten with 1 table­ spoon water Crumbs, corn meal, flour or po­ tato meal Hall and pepper Salad oil for frying Wash fillets in cold water, drain on absorbent paper. Sprinkle with salt and pepper; dip first in dry coating—(crumbs or other if pre- ferred), then in egg mixture and again In dry coating. Place In deep salad oil—(375 to 385 degrees)—or hot enough to brown a 1-inch cube of bread in 40 to 50 seconds. Fish is good when baked—espe­ cially with tomatoes and green pep- yer; •Baked Whitefish, Creole. (Serves 3 to <1 famous 'i Fish fillets served with juicy lemon wedges and generous garnishes of radish roses and parsley make an attractive main dish. SCOTT'S EMULSION Creai Year Round Tonic 2'i pounds whitefish, cleaned and boned Rail and pepper 3 tablespoons butter 1 small onion, chopped Is cup green pepper, chopped 1 tablespoon flour 1*« cups tomato soup H teaspoon salt H teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Have center cut slices of halibut steak cut one inch thick, salt and pepper them and dredge lightly with flour. Fry to a light brown in but­ ter. Remove to a platter and cover with sliced sauteed mushrooms, us­ ing about a pound for 2 steaks. Over this pour the following sauce: Stew 1 No. 2 can of tomatoes with 1 cup of chopped celery, H chopped green pepper and 1 large chopped onion. When vege­ tables are tender, run all through a coarse sieve. Into this melt V« pound of grated cheese, 1 tablespoon of butter, and salt and pepper to taste Heat fish thoroughly in oven and just before serving sprinkle with cheese and run under flame to brown. There's distinction in salmon when it’s combined with discreet season­ ing-lemon juice and tomato: Baked Salmon Slices. Salmon cut In Individual servings 2 tablespoons oil 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon salt Dash pepper 1 onion 1 tomato Baton strips Brush slices of fish on both sides with the oil. Place In a baking dish, sprinkle with the lemon juice, salt and pepper. Then lay a thin slice of onion on each piece. Cover onion with a Mi-inch slice of tomato and top with a strip of bacon cut in two. Place in moderate oven (350 degrees) for 45 minutes. C?o ter, liquid from salmon, and well- I rolks. Season with salt and cook un- til thickened, stir­ ring constantly. Remove from heat and stir in cheese. Cool for 10 to 15 minutes. Beat egg whites stiff and fold into mixture. Pour into greased baking dish. Place dish in pan of warm water and bake in a moder­ ate (350-degree) oven for 1 hour or until a knife when inserted comes out clean. Note: Chopped shrimp, flaked tuna or minced clams or oysters may be used in place of the salmon. Place fish In greased baking dish, skin side down. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and brush with one ta­ blespoon of the melted butter. Bake in a moderately hot oven (400 de­ grees) for 15 minutes. Melt 2 ta­ blespoons of butter in saucepan and add chopped onion and green pep­ per. Simmer five minutes. Add flour and blend thoroughly. Then add tomato soup, salt and Worces­ tershire sauce. Cook until mixture thickens, then pour it over the par­ tially baked whitefish. Return to oven for 20 minutes more or until fish flakes easily. Halibut is another good, substan­ tial dish Mild in flavor, it needs a tart sauce to pick up its delicate flavors: Lynn Says: Sauces for Fish: They're a must with fish because they make it most delicious dish. You'll like browned butter with lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce. Or, just cream the butter and season with lemon juice. Horseradish Is popular with fish. Take H cup drained, pre­ pared horseradish, season with salt and pepper and one table­ spoon vinegar, then fold In H cup of whipped cream. Tartar is not just another name for sauce, it's an affinity wth fish fillets. Make it by adding 1 tea­ spoon minced onion, 2 teaspoons chopped, sweet pickle, 1 teaspoon chopped green olives, and 1 ta­ blespoon vinegar to % cup may­ onnaise. Make a cup of medium-thick white sauce and add to this H cup grated cheese and let the cheese melt. Or, 2 chopped, hard- tailed eggs added to white sauce, make a golden crown for baked or fried fish. —^1—J—tniucto sc lie. get Penetro—modern medication in a mutton auet base. 254, double supply 3M. Influence No star ever rose or set without influence somewhere.—Meredith. Your Favorite pAN'T you just picture how pretty that little darling will look in this baby set? The romper and dress are the favored type with mamas of the younger set— adorable but not fussy looking and so easy to launder. As for the slip and panties, they’re easy on baby and mother, too! • • • Pattern No. 8333 Is In sizes 1. 2. 3. and 4 years. Size 3 dress and rompers to­ gether take 2'e yards 3S-lnch material, slip and panties 1% yards. Spanish Colonies Revolt Caused Monroe Doctrine In the days of President Mon­ roe there was considerable appre­ hension that European interests might so interfere with South American states as to menace the security of the U. S. So Monroe declared that, in the American continents, any attempt to exploit Salmon Fondue. any territory for European coloni­ (Serves 6) zation would be held an unfriendly • slices bread act. 1 cup milk I tablespoons butter Spain was the country directly concerned, because of the South 1 cup flaked, cooked salmon 3 eggs, separated American Spanish colonies that 1 revolted. It was feared that | H teaspoon salt Spain might transfer her claims Is cup grated American cheese Trim crusts from bread and cut to a "Stronger Power.” So the Monroe Doctrine has into Ik-inch cubes. Heat milk in double boiler, add come to mean that Europe must bread cubes, but- never interfere in the Americas. J Buttons in Front DRIGHTEN the domestic scene in this festive new frock! The cut of it makes it fit superbly, soft­ ly through the top, close through the midriff — then the tie-belt cinches the waistline. Make it in a cheerful cotton, with a dash of ric rac around the sleeves and open neck. • • • Pattern No 8320 to In sites 12. 14. 18. 18. 20; 40. 42 Size 14. short sleeves. 3% yards 33-lnch material. 1*. yards ric rac. Send your order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. Its New Montgomery Street Saa Fraaeiseo Calif. Pattern No.......................... Size......... Name ............................... Address ...................................................... -——.—. - - T fK. (v- (v. (v. (V. fv. fv. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft» ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. rv. ft. ft- ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft-* ASK ME Ò I ANOTHER O- 0>- O- O- O“ <*• C*- condensed into water by contact The Question* with the colder air. 5. Nile. 1. What is a fanion? 2. What is the plural of index? 6. Iron. 3. In the western hemisphere 7. Maine. what country ranks next to the 8. A 28-pound, short range radio United States in population? transmitting and receiving set 4. Is steam visible? packed on the back of one man. 5. What is the second longest river in the world? 6. What is in the clay from which bricks are made to make Trotsky Was Not Prince them red? 7. What is the only state in the United States bounded by one Leon Trotsky was not a Russian state? prince who changed his name, as 8. In the army what is a has been reported time and again. "walkie-talkie”? He was a Russian Jew who came from the middle-class. He had a The Answers university education, and he changed his real name—Bronstein —to Trotsky because it was as 1. A small banner. L. D. Trotsky that he fled to Eng­ 2. Indices. land with a forged passport at 3. Brazil. 4. No. What we see is steam the beginning of this century. u An early touch of spring goes into the menu with a fresh green salad: Toss-Up Salad. (Serves 6) H head lettnee 1 enp diced celery 2 fresh tomatoes 2 hard-cooked eggs 1 clove garlic W bunch radishes H bunch watercress 1 cup raw spinach leaves « Shred lettuce, dice celery, cut to­ matoes and slice radishes. Cut eggs into slices. Rub salad bowl with garlic and add vegetables. Serve with Erench dressing. Cake Making? Bread Making? Cookie Baking? Budget Fixing? Housekeep­ ing? You name the problem and ex­ plain it. Miss Lynn Chambers will be glad to give you expert advice if you write to her, enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope for your reply, at Western News pa per Union, 210 South Desplaines Street, Chicago, III. Rsleassd by Western Newspaper Union. u CANDY COAHD aahaLA^^MmJ. NR TO NIGHT TOMORROW ALRIGHT Hope on Waking Hope is the dream of the wak­ ing Man.—Pliny, the Elder. TABASCO The snappiest seasoning known, and the world's moot widely distributed food product I A dash of this piquante sauce gives a rare flavor to any food. TABASCO — the seasoning secret of master chefs for more than 75 years! ? A quiz with answers offering ? : information on various subjects ? f'-- • In NR (Nature's Remedy) Tablets, there are no chemicals, no minerail, no phenol derivative«. NR Tablets are dif­ ferent— act different. Purely setetable— a combination of 10 vegetable ingredients formulated over 50 years ago. Cncoated or candy coated, their action is de­ pendable. thorough, yet gentle, as mil­ lions of NR’shave proved. Get a 10« Con- vuicer Box. Larger economy sizes, too. Enclose 20 cents in coins tor each pattern desired. IN THE NAVY they A platter of fish with broccoli and corn fulfills a good portion of dally dietary requirements. HOUSEHOLD HINTSSS VITAMINS i D Yes.GROVFS AB D Vita­ mins are priced amazingly low... less than IHc a day when purchased in large sise. Unit for unit you can’t get Sner quality ms mi ns. Quality and potency mins A and D plus your druggist today! say: BEAN RAG for meal pennant DITTY BOX keep personal possessions TOP SIDE" for the highest foil deck "CAMEL' foe the Navy mao's favorite cigarette