VOL. XII ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, Hunt and Others Forgotten Men NUMBER 6 OUR DEMOCRACY Fruit Growers Elect Directors I eacners Receive Alumni Bulletin AMERICANS ALL Large Crowd at USO Tea The Southern Oregon College At II k > |xMit(Mined annual meeting has prepared a bulletin to be j of the Fruit Growers' League held INHERITORS OF LIBERTY HERDS fN THE NR mailed to teacher alumni, since, (Mie of the most dramatic of the Saturday afternoon In the Audito­ More than 100 guests were GUARDIANS OF THE INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS OF MAN as President Waiter Redford rx|>«uHtions of the far writ, one rium of the Court House in con­ welcomed by nosieases at the Ash­ states in the foreword, travel re ­ it I most forgotten, wuu th« land ex­ junction with the County Horti­ PROUD DEFENDERS OP A GREAT TRADITION. land USO Patriotic Tea Thursday strictions prevent visiting schools spray pod lion financed by John Jacob cultural Agent's nnnual afternoon, honoring mothers of and teacher meetings this year. Astor and led by Wilson Price i • ling, Lyle Kinney wax elected men in the service Approximately Dr. Redford further states in the Hunt Hunt pushed out Into the H • a director to fill the unexpired fifty photographs W constitute! Is as follows: A À_ « teachers this year will be extreme­ program with a vocal solo, ‘God land. The route led across the pres­ Three year term ly small, which will help to aggra­ Bless America” Mrs. Dunham then ent South Ikikota. Montana, Wy­ Dr George H vate the teacher supply in Oregon introduced Miss Dodds, director of oming and Idaho The Snake River Martin Luther the Ashland USO, who welcomed "We expect to maintain a strong wu reached near the present Ht Wekfon F Bik to the river Raymond Keter strewing the fact tilt such a cen­ ision work throughout the war, In the vicinity of Twin Fulls. Hunt Ralph Wilcox ter can function well only in pro­ and be ready to expand our ser ­ was forced to leave his boats and 1 >vo year lei in. vice immediately upon the return portion to the public cooperation ni I proceed ks another Ray C. Ward courses for people who will return ; cooperation in the work of the lo­ on opposite sides of the Snake Riv­ Ralph L. Cook cal center. to the class room after a number! _ er ax far as the present Home­ Jack Nail of years out of the profession ! * U»e after- stead. where they were forced to One year term. These refresher course, will cover C retrace their steps. W E. Holme« Bachert of Camp White, whose the work in all of the grades, and Itibert K Norris They entered the Burnt River and conferences with the super­ speech dealt with the chaplain's A 8 V. Carjienter canyon and pushed on through to consist of observation of teaching contact with tpe home folks. Fol­ Ward Spatz the Powder River valley New . vising teachers in our training lowing the Chaplain’s address, Pvt. E C. Gardner Year's Day, 1812, was ushered in school Since we have the children t Harry Altman sang a group of pa­ Jack Garrett near the present Union. Oregon, triotic only during the first session of wi'u rv songs, after which Mrs A report ws made of the oper- In the Grand Ronde Valley where the summer school, it will be ne- , . txx |g* > was introduced, who as Hunt and his famished (tarty en­ liona and financil matters of the chairman of the local USO Council cessa ry to give this work during joyed a trust of horse and dog Let ust year In addi­ spoke briefly of the recompense the first session only." meat in a Shixdione Indian village. tion to that reports were made of gained by volunteer workers. The lhe bulletin consists of reports 'I lr Columbia was reached on Jan­ the operations and financing of the rtFT ON THE GROUND- marcmin « forward to teachers and suggestions to aid program closed with the audience uary 21. where the canoes were Jackr in County Agricultural Com- THROWINS INTO THE FIGHT OUR COUNTRY'S VA»T them in their work, made by SOCE singing "America the Beautiful.,, truled for with the Indiana On rnltee, which was the temporary RESOURCES IN FARM LANDS ,OIL,MINES, TIMBER- supervisors of art, music. and Mrs. Cay Huffman played accomp­ February 15. Astoria was reached organization organized to cooper­ OUR GREAT PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY IN MUNITIONS, physical education —Misses Mar­ animent for all musical numbers. and the long, uiduisis journey wax ate with the United States Empkiy- OUR INDIVIDUAL EARNINGS AND The tea table was beautifully SOODS, FOOD ion Ady, Louise Woodruff, and j .. i it L-pzrtmcnt in procuring ended. FUNDS IN SAVINGS ACCOUNTS , LIFE INSURANCE decorated in patriotic colors, red Virginia Hale» — -and a list of new On June 29, Robert Stuart and and providing for tranx|xjrtation WAH BONDS — books valuable for teachers and and white candles, and red carna­ a small party set out for St Louis i f the otzhard and plant workers appealing to children, selected by tions with white stock in a blue with dispatches for John Jacob As­ in the harvest emergency of the the librarian, Mias Myrtle Funk­ bowl, arranged by Mrs. W D. tor Stuart followed or (sir rail cd I>axt fail. Jackson; and sterling silver tea houser. A full report wax made of the their original trail ux far ax the services provided by Mrs. Charles ------BUY BONDS------ p tear nt Pix'atella There he turned tolerations and finance.« of the Vo- . Haines Presiding at the tea ser­ Pear Packin/ cationel ’ training east, crossed the Rockies at or TALENT NOTES vice were Mrs Ralph Poston and near th« South Pass and followed schixil, which wax operated the Mr. H. Romanger and family Mrs. Paul Finnell. Cakes frosted the Platte River to the Missouri, post season under the auspice* of| moved from the Fredentoerger res­ with red-white-blue decorations by reartiing St laiuts In the spring of the Vocational Education Division The sixth annual Southern Ore- idence into Mrs. Oatman's prop­ the Lithia Bakery were among the There's a shortage of labor-yes! of the Slate Board of. Education 1813. Hunt's trail from the Bort i gon Regional Conference of Ele­ refreshment» Hand decorated erty on Wagner Avenue Neuf. near pocatella, west and with the assistance of the Fruit mentary School Principals will be but new devices are expediting Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Combest napkins had been made by pupils working conditions, even though Growers' lx>ague and the Rogue there cast Stuart's trail from held March 6 at the Southern Ore­ and son Hugh Jr moved to Port­ of Mrs. Martha Ady of Lincoln blnzea a former resident 11:15 School Legislation by pock of canned fruits and vege­ band together to operate them and invitations, to waste a mom- ferous canines Into synthetic leath­ of Bellview but now lives in Tal- Rex Putnam, State Superintendent tables as comparefl with the a- on a share basis or by some oth- ent on the yesterdays er. ent. of Public Instruction.. mount to be taken by the govern­ er arrangement.” ' —V— — — Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner of I 1:00 Business Meeting, Frank ment for military and lend-lease Remember the old days when a Ashland and Mr r -J *' ' ** — and Mrs. How- Newton. Acting President of De­ use, Wiegand says that "while bureau wax Just some place where and Clark of Tillamook were vis- partment of Elementary School there Is no need for anyone to go 1 mother put your clean shirts? NO!NO! SERG é RNT.. WHEN I SfflO THE RRMT iting friends here Friday. Principals, presiding hungry, the newest "regulation —V— MUST EXPAND, IMERNT RS fl WHOLE ~ Mrs. Fannie Gaxsman of Ash­ 1:30 Geography Content. Dr dealing with the commercial packs Unless local 8 P. switchmen NOT INDIVIDUALLY.' land is visiting for a few days Walter Redford, President South­ of canned food should give us handle freight cars more tenderly with Mr. and Mrs Walter Davis. ern Oregon Colege of Education. something to think about in con ­ they bid faro to knock themselves The carnival sponsored by the 2:15- Free Discussion Period. nection with our food problems.” out of jobs Bellview P. T. A last Friday eve­ Le,ider-R. H Gandee, Oak Grove Professor Wiegand reports that —V— ning was a huge success. A nice School, Jackson County. the estimated total pack of can­ Ashland's scrap pile appears to At 12:15 the elementary school ned vegetables for 1943 will ap­ have been frozen for the duration. sum was added to the Student Bo-