Thurmlay, February 25 1943 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Born to Mr and Mrs Lyle E Miss Carrie Mae Smith moved from 114 Oak Street to the Kaegi Springer on Feb. 19, a eon. —V— Apartments 376 Bast Main Bud Gandee of Las Vegas, Nev. la visiting relatives here. ynRSITV Will your V-mail be readable? Y Dili- "He has a head like door knob.” Gill- "How come?" Dill- "Any girl can turn it." Amazing New Ink Anu ret Perfect Reproduction Friday and Saturday —V— New Parker ACTOMOHI1X • KIKE INSURANCE “MICRO FILM fj BLACK’’ QUINK •"Hiat you can depend on” CONTASHNO aotv-x A dense black ink. Parker's ~ ■'Micro-film Black" Quink is de­ signed especially for writing V-Mail letters. Such letters reproduce clear and sharp. Get "Micro-film Black” Quink. containing se/e-x. It's the safe, sure ink for wnting V-Mail DASHIELL HAMMETT'S Till GLASS C<>aae to inquire the future ' Dr. O B Hull left thia week for j Ft Douglas. Utah He wua aworn has in atore, mui take as a gift I into the army, lust Wednesday at whatever the day brings forth -Horace ('amp White as 1st Lieutenant In j the Dtntal Cbrpa. For Sale: Large bundle nf old Mea. Chas White spent lhe weak papers ili celila end in Portland ' Inquire al the Miner Office HEALTH A ACCIDENT LIFE 1H MklS< ( ( ( LilHi ) ) M. T. BURNS Chipmans A registered pharmacist of long experience fills all prescriptions at this store. Only the finest and purest drugs, chemicals and other materials used. with MARJORK REYNOLDS Saturday Potted Plant«, Cut Flower« Anti Corsage« —Delivery JONES ! JAMI FRAZEE min FLORIST! “Flowers For All Occasions •71 Western Thrift Store Friday 1 MEDFORD’S PRESCRIPTION CENTER THE WEST’S TWO-FISTED FIGHTERI E \ I- E II T A I N M E N T Phone 7301 A JîvêJaiJimed Joy-Ride! ON THE PIABA WHEN IN MEDFORD, MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS! sol IIIERN OREGON MINER I’llldlslml < vet. 'I tur f uy "I «‘-7 East Miiin S .. Ashland, Oregon by Charles mid Huth Oificn Entered tin accond-Claas mallei in tiie post office ut Ashland, Oregon February 13. U’33 under the net of March 3 1N79 Subscription rate«: S'i.iMi pei year MORTON STREET Phone 4IHI 30 North Central Ave. THE CYCLONE KID wi.h Don Red Barry Sun. - Mon. • Tues. ■a See Us In Our Sun. Mon. Tues. New Location!! We are now located in the MINER BUILDING and better equipped to write your LIABILITY, AUTOMOBILE. PLATE GLASS, FIRE and FARM INSURANCE. ! ty. ßtruneü, NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL FIRE ASSOCIATION and NORTHWEST CASUALITY CO. ' « PLIS CRIME DOESN’T PAY FEATl'RETTE I Telephone Number 8561 167 EAST MAIN STREET, ASHLAND, OREG. COMMON DEFENSE ------UJ - J 7-7-7-1 THE RIGHT NUMBER GLORIA JEAN JANI —to relieve you of those troublesome washings during these busy spring months. Our ecomomical service makes it u;i necessary to take the time from your more important duties. —REMEMBER THE NECESSITY OT THAT VICTORY’ GARDEN and let us do the laundry. Wednesday ¿c Thursday Mid-week Special .Matinee Saturday Continuous Sunday • WANT ADS • ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY Wirt M. Wright, Prop. Phone 7771 : 31 Water St. :iMWiiir urn i. i r n.r~- (OSUi FRAZÍI PAIOt For Sale Or Trade For Acreage,- Good Income Property Now Lens­ ed. < oiiHi^to Of luirge Store Buil­ ding With Living Apartment«, Public scales, Garage, And Ser- ■ • ■ M iCtoa ( .in II bi Mata Street Or On Sunduy« At 137 Oak Street In Ashland. The Miner for Quality Printing Next Wed. & Thurs. WHEN IT COMES ! I When trouble cornea to you —and it will, in some form —see that it is lightened by the benefits of adequate in­ surance. I I Let as bp your insurance counselors. ALSO LUPE VELEZ AND ★ LEON ERROLL 4- Buy War Bonds...they are safe! IN MEXICAN SPITFIRE’S ELEPHANT Billings Agency uEAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 Eaat Mala 4- Protect your family with Life Insurance! I > Save regularly in a Savings Account! ¥ NOT CHEAPER'- 11U I bigger . . 'When it’s raining Duck Soup, put some of it away" JUST BETTER! Wardrobe Cleaners On the Plaza * Phone 3281 I I f > t r