Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, February 25, 1943, Image 3

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    SOUTHERN OREGON MINER, Aihland, Oragon
(Inusual (’rodici Set
For (’hair or Buffet
Private Paper»
(If a ('.ah Heporlt’r:
He was one of the very flrat mem­
bers of tnc RAF's Eagle Squadron,
the group of Americans who fought
Hitler before the U. 8. decided to
tuke him on . . . The records of
the RAF reveal that he Is credited
with shooting down 48 enemy planes
with "03 probables" . . . After the
squadron decided to permit Yanks
to enlist in the U S. forces, he saw
action in North Africa . .
Now he
la u student at the Officers' Candi­
date School at Miami—"to leurn
how to fight" I . . . But wait . . .
That's not the story , , . His home­
town board haa him posted for druft
They really are the moat delicious
muffins that ever melted a pat of but­
ter! Made with crisp, toasted shreds
of xxLLoao’s XLL-BxxM, they have *
texture and flavor that have mad,
them famous all over America.
18. 20; 40 and 42. Size 14. with short
sleeves, lake* 3% yards 38-lnch material.
Send your order to:
Name .................. ...............................
Address .......................................................
P enetro
Many uam« nay "Aral uaa U
arevnbMian" Ilana ba«* 4
aid fanliianrd mullan «uri.
Grandma , favorite. (i«nrr-
uuajnr -tsf >l<H>IAeaui>f4>'334.
Deluaad i I uii I m » I'rnrUo.
Quick •pplicotten ef
camfartinf R.slnal
gives prampt raltal
from (lory throbbing.
It* ally bo»« taathat
parched »kin.
Hope and Regret
Do not anxiously hope for what
is not yet come; do not vainly
regret what is already past.—Chi­
nese Maxim.
B Complex Vitamins
Intensive Scientific laboratory and clin­
ical studies proved this »tattling fart . ..
(Moved that additional B Complex Vita­
mins are used by the body cells in fever­
ish illness. With those deficient in these
vitamins, the feverish stage of a cold
demands an extra supply. If you're suf­
fering with the fever of a cold, perhapa
your limited diet does not supply enough
vitamins I Don't risk a deficiency. Start
taking GROVE'S B Complex Vitamins
immediately. Unit for unit, you can’t get
finer quality. Potency guaranteed and
they’re distributed by makers of famoua
Bromo Quinine Cold Tablets. And you
Cthe wonderful benefits of these amax-
_ vitaminsat a sensationally low price.
Only 29 f for the regular siae. Only $1 00
for the large size — over a month's sup­
ply. For such ■ small cost, you can’t
afford to risk deficiency. If you reach
the feverish stage of a cold, start taking
OROVE'S B Complex Vitamins I
ET urve TT hows ^I
Many Doctors
Fir Vitamin A ft 0 Dietary Deficiency
WANT TO HELP build stamina
and resistance to colds? Then try
good-tasting Scott’s Emulsion­
containing the natural A and D vi­
tamins. Look for the world-known
p trademark. Ail druggists.
\otei of an
Innocent By »lander:
The Wireless: Quent Reynolds
showed the Germans no mercy on
the Forum argufying, He taw the
suffering that the war criminals
caused, and he wants them paid off
the way they've asked for it. Walter
Mlllis. H-Tr!h editorialist, is for eas­
ing up—claiming we can't build a
new world on hate . . . "Soldiers
of the Press" is a wallopy drama­
tization of UP staffers at the battle­
fields. Its lingo is a joy, crisp and
soldiery, and probably very McCoy.
Henry Gorr«11'« strafing by the Stu-
kas was a hair-raiser . . . Raymond
Gram Swing should repeat his in­
formative and common-sense piece
on what lend-lease means. Too many
empty-heads are still yapping that
they haven't got sugar for their ber­
ries because foreigners are heaping
it on bread—when they have bread.
Their dumbness is too great to be
natural. They seem to be coached
in it . . . Bing Crosby's show is
friskier and funnier since he shaved
it to thirty minutes. The halving
gives him fewer dead weight guest-
are to tote on his back.
The Magazines: There's a lot of
debating going on about how many
of the Germans are guilty of their
country's crimes against the world.
Gerard Swope enlightens a lot of us
in Free World with his piece, "The
Futility of Conquest.” He includes
this eyebrow lifter: "Prussia in
Germany is the center of the dis­
ease of war and has been for over
two hundivd years" . . . Wooll-
cott's last piece «Reader's Digest)
starts: "This article is a step—per­
haps the Anal one . .
The very
last word is "cemetery"! The sort
of story he liked writing . . .
George Washington was nobody's
sissic, but he addressed love poems
to his lovelies, according to Encore,
which reprints one.
George was
torching plenty when he picked lip
his quill, judging from the opening
words: "O ye Gods."
Doodling«: Dudley Field Malone
who portrays Churchill in a new film
was an outstanding child actor. Re­
cited Shakespeare's "Richard III"
in grammar school . . . Harry
Richman, whose theme song is “I
Love a Parade.” has his slumbers
disturbed each sunup by singing sol­
diers on the march near his Miami
Beach home . . . Skimming back
over the flies you find out that some
of the loudmouths In and out of
congress who yelled for a second
front once got into a lather about
sending troops on foreign soil.
U hen love lake» flight from a window,
il't usually a dining room window.
Little boys who use bad language
playing marbles, grow up and play
Tell a man there are 99,000,000
stars and he will believe you. But
if a sign says "Fresh Paint,” he
has to make a personal investiga­
Beware Coughs
Pattern 423 contains charts and direc­
tions for making srt; materials required;
Illustrations uf stitches Send your order to.
No. ........................
We all rush forward to feed a
hungry brother; but how much
time do we spend on devising a
system under which he won't get
He don't go to our doctor wholly to
jacket and skirt
Endow 13 c«nt» (plus on* cant Io
cover cost of mallín«) tor Pattern
There’» the Need
be cured. K e go to him to be cheered
Church Open One Day in Year
A church built in Havana, Cuba,
No wise man ever questions a
more than a century ago to com­ child in public unless he is sure
memorate the city’s founding is of the answer.
opened only one day a year, usu­
ally in November.
crochet that is different and is
much admired. You can use the
Nome of ua think we’ve solved
set on buffet or drcsner, too.
the riddle about all the wild rumors
» a
S»wl«g Circi« Needleer »ft lirpC.
11? Minn« Hl.
Han Francisco, Calif.
The Lloyds of London, famous
for underwriting policies insuring
the legs of dancers, the vocal
chords of singers, the heft of cir­
cus fat ladies, etc., have also in­
sured the weather. One Hollywood
film production insured itself
against all kinds of weather ex­
cept snow for a “shot" in the
mountains where snow was vital.
Theater managers in England
insure the royal family against
death because this event closes
the theaters during a period of
national mourning.
Uncle fthily
It Never Faile
The story sbout the soldier who
turned up months after the War
Dep’t hud officially declared him
deud brought this .
A Hollywood
lad ran away from home as a kid,
■ nd soon after his father died. The
parent’« estate couldn’t be settled
without loenting the prodigal son.
The family tried every method, but
when the legal waiting period
elapsed and he fulled to «how up. he
win declared legally dead . . . The
"dead man." it appeurs, who had
been abroad, returned to the U S.,
made a career for himself in Holly­
wood and now spends his leisure
weighing the advantages against the
TIE THE first to have this lovely
disadvantage* ... Of course, he
chuir act filet crochet edged cannot vote--but he doesn't puy any
with u pincuppie edging!
It is taxes!
sweeping our armed forces and na­
tion-many of which are credited
to this brosdeasiar . . . Particularly
I the recent rumors, viz: "Did you
; ever say tha war would end in 45
days? Didn't you say our base was
a concentration camp? And didn't
you say Deanna Durbin, Bette Davis
and Judy Garland were killed in a
plane crash flying to entertain
In the Satevcpost for Nov. 21*t,
1942. an article titled "Hitler's Short-
Wave Rumor Factory” reveals that
an American in Berlin named Joe
Scanlon plays American recordings
' and then—"shouting breezily, says:
i 'Hello Folks! This is Station Debunk
■ bringing you the inside dope from
everywhere!' ”... The America-
| nazi prefaces his bulletins with:
"Flash!" and then offers depressing
stories of disasters to American
troops, etc. . . . Says the Sateve-
post: "For the next few minute*
the technique, though not the con­
tent. is reminiscent of Winchell."
Incidentally, the Nazis' secret
weapon was revealed by Hitler long
ago, but few of us remembered that
he once said: "All I need for a war
are planes, tanks and loudspeak-
Vocal Cord«« Heft, Legs
To Weather ‘Covered’
Pattern No. 8341 U in size* 12. 14. 18.
14* New Montgomtry Street
Ban Francisco
Enclose 20 cent* in coins tor each
pattern desired.
Pattern No.
Name ........
First Clothes
V’ES! These are clothes you can
1 make of flannelette for the little
stranger yourself.
We’ve kept
them very simple so that even if
you haven’t sewn much before you
can make these. Bonnet, sacque,
wrapper, sleeper and bunting are
in one size only—but that size, is
big enough for a baby of any age
up to six months.
Address ...
for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis
Cream shortening and corn syrup
thoroughly; add egg and beat well.
Stir in All-Bran and milk, let soak
until most of moisture Is taken up.
81ft flour with salt and baking pow­
der; add to first mixture and stir only
until flour disappears. Fill greased
muffin pans two-thlrds full and baks
In moderately hot oven (400* F.)
■bout 30 minutes. Yield: 8 large muf­
fins, 3 inches in diameter, or 12 small
muffins, 2*« Inches in diameter.
If you suffer from hot flashes, dizzi­
ness. distress of “Irregularities”, are
weak, nervous, irritable, blue at
times—due to the functional
"middle-age” period in a woman’«
life—try Lydia E Pinkham's Vege­
table Compound—the best-known
medicine you can buy today that'«
made especially for women.
Pinkham’« Compound has helped
thousands upon thousands of wom­
en to relieve such annoying symp­
toms. Follow label directions. Pink­
ham’s Compound is worth trying!
• QUALITY counts mor* today
than ever before, particularly in
home baking. That's why more
and more women are turning to
Clabber Girl, the baking powder
that has been the baking day
favorite in millions of homes for
years and years.
Immortal Patriotism
Is Blessed Heritage
Founded 1841
■ 11 F" J gfl
In 10 Years Time U. S. War Bonds
★ ' Give You $4 for Every $3 Invested
Ail Things Not Good
Temperance is abstinence from
things that are not good.
Lost, a cough due to a cold—thanks to the sooth­
ing action of Smith Brothers Cough Drop*.
Smith Bros. Coujh Drops coutaia a special
blend of medicinal ingredients, blended with
prescription care. And they still cost only 54 a
box. Yet, a nickel checks that tickle.
t » ad
me _ thev V e GOT
Try "Rub-My-T1sm"—• Wonderful Liniment
for dropping the bombs
And Your Strength and
Energy Is Below Par
for an easy job
' /I
With men in the Army, Navy,
Marine*, and Coast Guard, the fa­
vorite cigarette is Camel. (Based
on actual sales records io Post
Exchanges and Canteens.)
you BET!
thev ' re plenty
When Your
Back Hurts -
: ;
for bored
for the Army man's favorite
Preserve Our Liberty
Buy U. S. War Bond«
they say:
• ■
fihst lit thi
One thing a soldier is afraid of
is a display of emotion. That’s
why his slang so often sounds de­
rogatory. For example, he refers
to the silver eagles on his colonel's
shoulder straps as “buzzards.”
But when he speaks of his favorite
cigarette, he says: "Camels.”
They’re first with men in the
Army as well as with Sailors, Ma­
rines, and Coast Guardsmen. (Ac­
cording to actual sales records in
service men's stores.) A gift of a
carton of Camels is always well
received. Local tobacco dealers
are featuring Camel cartons to
send to any member of our armed
forces. Hint for the day: Send
“him” a carton of Camels.—Adv.
Plenty of Variety.
V’OU'LL be tempted to make
1 dickies in several colors to
wear with this smart jacket suit.
If you do you will find that the
one suit will seem different every
time you change dickies.
simple, comfortable lines of both
Show me a country where ev­
ery man is a father, and every
father the owner of his own land,
where every house is a home,
where around every fireside at
night is the influence of song and
a mother's face, visions dropped
from the benedictions of God;
show me a land sacred and se­
cure in the valor of such citizen­
ship, ruling themselves by the
grand principles of intelligent and
patriotic equality of all men, and
I will show you a patriotism the
allied armies and navies of a hun­
dred worlds like this would never
A man will die for the home h*
loves, and in death will tell his
boy to take the sword from his
dying hand.—John E. Burton.
% eup milk
1 cup flour
H teaspoon sal*
Z>4 teaspoons
baking powdat
Pattern No 8324 includes 5 piece«, tn
one size only, fur Infanta to six months.
Bonnets, sacque. wrapper, sleeper and
bunting require 5’« yards 38 or 39-lnch
material. 8!b yards ribbon binding.
That Hang On
Creomulsion relieves promptly be­
cause it goes right to the seat of the
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender, in­
flamed bronchial mucous mem­
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
a bottle of Creomulsion with the un­
derstanding you must like the way it
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
Kellogg’s All-Bran Muffins
2 tablespoon*
H cup corn syrup
1 egg
1 cup Kellogg's
from common colds
Tt may be caused by disorder of kid­
ney function that permits poisonous
waste to accumulate. For truly many
people fee! tired, weak and miserable
when the kidneys fail to remove excess
acids and other waste matter from the
You may suffer nagging backache,
rheumatic pains, headaches, dizziness,
Setting up nights, leg pains, swelling,
ometimes frequent ana scanty urina­
tion with smarting and burning is an­
other sign that something is wrong with
the kidneys or bladder.
There snouid be no doubt that prompt
treatment is wiser than neglect. Use
Doas’s Pill». It is better to rely on a
medicine that has won countrywide ap­
proval than on aomething less favorably
known. Doan’» have been tried and test­
ed many years. Are st all drug stores.
Get Doanr» today.