SOUTHERN OREGON MINER. Ashland. Oregon ON THE HOME - FRON RUTH WYETH SPEARS CO MANY readers have written me to ask what could be made from old phonograph cabinets, and it is only recently that we have found a really satisfactory answer. This smart reading stand with deep green leatherette top has good proportions ard is made from an old oak cabinet rubbed down with sandpaper and then waxed. d) . Slilii or writ» pout cur.I for prlcru Ruby M Co. S3S B. W Front. Portland. Orason. FOR SALE III.I'KIIF.IIHIES -l.osreat prices, etur- <1y pluntM. frr« planta given with order Eohler on requ« at Bber- hardt Blaeberry Wnreery. Olympia Wash. I LEGHUHNS AND NEW II AM I'SIII IlK dav-ultl ehlcka, pullet». cockaraia ami ntnrteil i-hlclo* llrecdara uro bloodtruto.l olid multo! to HOI', mult.» Send for circular Madlund Poultry Farm, Brownsville, Ora. Foil SALE DELUXE (JI AKKIl oil. I'lrrulntlint ll.utrrn, nllghtly t. »<• men in evening clothes went away plants), 1 Moisture proof pencil (To than 30 conservation ideas in the new later?” you? Sister-in-law?" laughing, the big street door shut, murk your labels); 60 olaht-lnch Twist etna (To securely tie your BOOK 9, of the series of home-making “Oh, I don’t think I’ll go at all! “I wish Jud's mother were here and Judge Marshbanks and Kelly plants): 1 pkg. mixed Dahlia seed booklets available to readers. Directions I think I'll go home." the visitor ob- to hear you! Family intricacies are Coates came back across the hall (For your «unlm beauty); One lots Dahlia Catalogue < For selection of for making the padded cover for the wicker served. “But, of course, I had to meat and drink to her,” Fran said. and stood chatting for a moment be­ good varlttlrwi Order Today Only chair; and directions for the "Link of see what our deb looked like to­ “She's getting back from Florida fore the arUst said that he must COTTAOI QMOVB DAMLIA GARDENS. 5»M D«lrldys Way, Friendship" rug are also in BOOK 9. Just night. Isn't this the first big affair this week, by the way; you might start on his way to Sausalito, and —Beattie. Wash. send name and address with 10 cents and for her?” come in for a cocktail and meet her. the judge went off to his bridge a copy will come to you by return mail. "She was down here a few min­ She'd be a subject for you! No,” game. But by this Ume the stair­ WANTED Address: utes ago. sure that she was going to she added, reverting to the original way was empty, and Cherry was ANY AMOUNT TASK look awful and that something was topic. "Amy's not my sister-in-law. back in the luxurious, dimly lighted WANTED HAHHIT II IDEM Wn pay his hr-t growing on the tip of her nose," the She’s my—work that out, Jud. guest room, standing perfectly still price« Marry Turk. 838 PonrtS MRS. Rl'TH WYETH SPEARS St.. Mramarton, Wash. older man said in tolerant amuse­ What's Amy to me?” at ona of the big windows, looking Bedford Hips New York ment “She's dining at the Rogerses' “She's my brother's child," he out into the darkness of the unfa­ Drawer 10 in Burlingame, going down with elucidated. “She's my niece, and miliar world, studying the scene of DENTAL PLATES Enclose 10 cents for Book No. 0. Fran, and will come back to the that makes her your niece by mar­ the night city with eyes that saw Name ... party.” riage.” nothing, trying to think with her "Dining?” said Kelly Coates, fling­ “That makes her my niece by mind and soul one whirl of furious Address ing up his wrists to see the time, marriage." Fran repeated, turning emotion. “What time do these budlets dine? the slow battery of her dark eyes Rage and shame and jealousy and D r . H arry S emlir , Dentiti It's eight now.” upon Kelly. a hundred other new and wretched MIDO UPC las 1MOSIBSOX NMTtMt, QW “The dinner is supposed to be at “I'll have to come here and paint feelings possessed her. Shaken and - Q eight — seventeen miles away,” you at the Louse.” Kelly said in an throbbing and blinded, she rested Judge Marshbanks said. “But they odd voice after a moment. her face against the cool glass of "He’s the living image of his have to kill time until midnight, so "Ah, well, if you could do that!” the window and pressed one hand father .” they're not worrying!” "I don’t see that we're such crim­ against the turbulent pain that was ’That doesn’t really matter as They talked on of places and per­ inals, Jud and I,” said Kelly, her heart. b long as he’s healthy.” sonalities unknown to Cherry, and “you've two perfectly good escorts, Now, for the first tlirx in her life, Make a definite place around Cherry had a chance, over a foamy out there in the hall. I don't dance; the significance of being a Saint- Right on Time the household to keep instruction souffle of chocolate and creamy I drink very little; I hardly know Dorothea's girl swept over her. A The chief of the village Are bri­ booklets that come with appli­ stripes, to study the newcomer. The these people—Why on earth should girl to be laughed at and pitied and gade was making his report to the ances, then when directions are judge was tall and lean; Kelly I go?” despised. It was a place for girls chairman of the village council. needed they can be quickly found. Coates was rather more squarely "To be with me," Fran suggest­ who, innocent enough themselves, "Yes, sir,” he said, proudly, "we • • • built, with big, hard, nervous hands, ed, with an oblique glance at her were nevertheless victims of cir­ A varnished surface which has fair hair combed back from his husband and the hint of an unwill­ cumstances that were not innocent; put out the Are just ten minutes after we got there.” turned white from water or hot square, fine face, keen eyes and ing smile. girls who must stay out of the public "Very praiseworthy," said the dishes may be restored by rub­ mouth that Cherry found a certain eyes summer and winter alike; girls “You'll be dancing or playing chairman. *"Had it got a good start bing it lightly with a piece of flan­ fascination in watching. who had no home to which to go. bridge." on you?" nel dampened with spirits of cam­ To her he seemed old, but not as "I'll be bored. I know that I'd no families to welcome them and "I should say It had.” said the phor or essence of peppermint, old, certainly, as the judge. Thirty, much rather stay at home and read miss them. Are chief. "When we got there only followed after a few minutes by perhaps. She learned from what Coventry Patmore. A knock at her door made her re­ But for one the foundation was standing.” an application of furniture polish, she could not help overhearing that thing.” Fran said confidentially to turn in quick alarm toward the A drop or two of ammonia on a he was an artist, that he lived in the painter, somewhat lowering her room. Molly, the nice-looking little I.asy Honea damp cloth may be used in place some place across the bay called tone as the judge went away to maid, came in and delivered to "I regret to say 1 saw your hus­ of camphor or peppermint. Sausalito. she expertly Cherry a message as answer a telephone call, "1 do it band taken to the police station in a • • • | Two women came downstairs. One for Amy. After being so much replaced towels and turned down —er—conveyance just now.” Cotton placed in the fingertips of was a girl of Cherry’s age. as fresh abroad with Jud's mother, spending the bed: "Ah. Joe’i a one. he is—he never your rubber gloves will keep sharp as a spray of acacia bloom in a winters in Palm Springs and New "The judge sent you up the maga- walks nowhere!” fingernails from cutting through fluffy frock of palest yellow, with York, she's out of everything. We zines. Miss Rawlings, and says he the rubber. ! spidery yellow orchids pinned at her have to give her some sort of party was sorry not to say good night, • • • [ shoulder. An innocent-eyed girl. No Fancy Menu next month. I want to refresh my and will you please have breakfast Waiter—Would you like some To slip a cactus, break off slips with a lovely heart-shaped little face mind as to how it's done. It isn't with him at half past eight. And more applesauce with your pork at the joints. Break off three or framed in soft curls, a delicately my sort of thing at all!" May is to go downtown with you at chop, sir? four, as they do not always root, poised little body and discontented “I know it isn't," he said, his ten, if that wasn't too early for you. Customer—No, just tel] me the And am I to call you? ” and stick them in fine sand. Keep blue eyes. keen gaze fixed on her. truth about it. them wet and in a warm place ! The other woman was dark too, Cherry, confused, agreed to ev­ "You don't really know me at all.” erything with a bashful thank you and they will root in about three but of an entirely different type. her fine, nervous ivory fingers were weeks. These will make nice gifts , Cherry’s first impression was that busy with the delicate lace of her and a good night, and when the maid Old But Good and True she was ugly. She was tall and thin, was gone took herself seriously in for your flower-loving friends. Betty—Mother, what is puppy handkerchief. "You've seen me— with a long face, deep-set dark eyes, hand, brushed her hair vigorously, love? three times, is it?" silky straight black hair that enjoyed a luxurious bath with ev­ Dad (behind paper)—The begin­ “ Dante saw Beatrice once, ” he cut in a deep bang. Her skin ery accessory in the way of salts ning of a dog's life! clear and pale, her lips star­ said. and powders and scents that the “It's so pleasant,” said the wom­ tling in contrast, for her mouth— bathroom afforded, got herself com­ Well Preserved an, “ to talk to a man who doesn't wide, soft and full—was colored the fortable in bed and turned maga­ "Why do women live longer think Dante's a hospital and who flame red of a poppy. zine pages for an absorbed hour. men?” pronounces Beatrice properly.” But when the lights were out she “Skunks,” she said simply. "Well, they say paint is a “I shall hope as our friendship fell to thinking again, and the hu­ Her voice, hoarse and deep, servative, don't they? ripens into real affection," Kelly miliation and pain of her arrival at thrilled suddenly in the silence. said with a little inclination of his the Marshbanks mansion slowly Both men were on their feet as Interlude head, "to please you in more im- came back, detail upon detail. she came languidly to the table. "Of “It Is rude for a man to portant ways.” Fran, Cherry's thoughts ran on, course you both know you’re pole- • sleep while his wife is talking.” "Our friendship is going to ripen? had seemed ugly at first, but when cats!” she said. "But, good heavens, a man has How nice!" her you watched the expressions of The girl, after having said, to sleep some time!” “Don’t be too sure it will be nice. face for a moment, and heard her “Sam’s here, he won’t come in,” had vanished back in the direction It may be—distinctly unpleasant!” voice she did not seem ugly any Diplomatic more. Much more than Amy she of the hall again. Judson Marsh­ he warned her lightly. She (coyly)—How old do you think She looked at him through half­ seemed the sort of person an artist banks introduced Cherry to his wife, I am? who acknowledged the little ceremo­ closed lids at this, in a silence so would like to paint. He (gallantly)—Whatever ft is, And he was an artist, of course— ny with an absent glance in Cher­ long that Cherry, fussing with you don't look it. cheese and coffee, could feel her that man with the tremendous laugh ry’s direction. and the tremendous voice, so sure “You let me do all the dirty work,” own heart beating quickly. OVER AND OVER "You interest me,” Fran present­ of himself, as he folded his big arms said Fran Marshbanks, in a lazi­ and entered into conversation with ly annoyed tone. And again her ly said quietly. "I can’t think at the moment of the judge, so more than sure of ■ voice shocked Cherry with its very beauty; it was a rich, low voice anything I'd rather do,” he an­ himself when he lowered his tones, Service to Others that seemed always about to be swered in the same deliberate, half- and when a half-smile twitched at There is only one way to be hap­ his mouth, and when he exchanged broken with laughter or tears or serious fashion. py, and that is to make someone The judge returned before either careless smiling words with Fran. both, a shattering, trembling voice else so.—Sydney Smith. To have a man like that, at least that yet clearly indicated its own­ spoke again, for although there was er’s boredom and indifference and time for more words, Cherry noted know that one was alive! To have that they did not say them but sat him obliged—forced to admire pride. I "Jud, you are running out on this looking steadily at each other for a for something, for anything! To party,” his wife accused him. full half minute before Fran dropped him by his name and have "Well, my dear, a debutante par­ her eyes. Amy came in from the smile when one unexpectedly When exeeon ntomarh arid cauxpR painful, aufforat­ ty—” he pleaded. hall too, followed by two young countered him . . . ing gas, sour stomach and heartbum, doctors usually presrribe the fastent-arting meiiHnes known for It was of Kelly Coates that “I know. But you owe it to Amy.” men in formal evening attire and symptomatic relief—medicines like those in Bril-ana Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ana brings comfort in a Mother—What? A 20-page letter But she did not care very much, there was a little stir of departure. was thinking as she dropped off at jiffy or double your mnrwy back on return of bottle to on. ZSe at aU druggists. from that soldier friend of yours at either way. "As for Mr. Coates," When they all left the room Cher­ last into exhausted sleep. • • • camp. What did he say? she went on, carelessly reproachful; ry followed, not knowing what else The re-encounter with her old Daughter—He says he loves me. "he is apparently entirely without to do, and slowly mounted the stairs soul; he ought to be cultivating rich, between the palms, praying in her friend Emma and the introduction homely girls who want their por­ heart that no one would notice her to her new home and to her new Not Ho Much traits painted, and here is an occa­ or speak to her. Completely con­ employer proved much less of a "Hear Morse over there bragging Tha snappleat seasoning known, and sion when he could meet, not one of cealed and sitting down on the stairs strain than Cherry had feared they the world's most widely distributed about his wife?” food product! A lash of thia piquante Her brief visit at Judge them, but all of them I Not even until they should be gone, she heard would. "What's he saying?” sauce gives a rare flavor to any food. Marshbanks’ house had somewhat dressed!” Fran’s voice just below her. "He's telling Clark that all he is TABASCO — the seasoning secret of master chefs for mere than 75 years! “My dress clothes are circa Presi­ , “You’ll have to ask Jud that,” the prepared her for elegance and lux­ he owes to her.” dent Harrison, Mrs. Marshbanks,” woman said. ury. “Humphl Do you call that brag­ I the painter said. "If I painted any- "Who is she?” said the judge's ging?” (TO HE CONTINUED' IF NOSE DRIES, CLOGS, tonight Put B >«» «» Va-tro-nol up each nostril. It (I) shrinks swollen mem­ branes, (2) soothes irritation, (3) re- lieves transient con brings greater brent ing comfort. Follow _ directions in folder. VA'TBO-Mi Birds Net Broken Bones Naturalists have reported cases of actual bone-setting by birds in which the feathered doctors used small straws or twigs with a dressing of down in the same way that a pyhsician would set a bro­ ken leg in splints. Since 30 years ago, its- pazo .,:. PILES Relieves pain ind soreness For retlaí fram íhe tetlur« •f «Impla Filas. FAZO «InlmcRl ha« brea famoiM for more Ihan Ihirly yrar« Har«*a »hri Fir«l. FAZO olnlmenl loaihr« Inflamrd are««, relieve« pain and liehlag Nrrond, FAZO ainlmenl labrkai«« hardaned. drird part«— hrlpa prwvenl erarte ing and Mf'flMt Tbird. FAZO olnlmrnl lend« la redare «wellirig and ehrrh bleeding. Faurth, it's eaay la naa FAZO «lal* meRl'a pavfaraled Fila |*ipa matee« ap. plleallan «imple, ihorAugh Tsar deetae can l«R j«a abaal FAZO alnlmeal. Get PAZO Now1 At Your Oruttists’ Texas—and Foor States The treaty by which Texas en­ tered the Union contains provi­ sions for creating out of its terri­ tory four other states "in addi­ tion to said State of Texas"—if the Texans so desire. MUSCULAR RHEUMATIC PAIN Seraaass aod Stiffness You need to rub on a powerfully soothing "COUNTtn-iantTAHT" like Muaterola to quickly relieve neuritis, rheumatic achee and pains. Hettar than an old-fashioned muatard plaster to help break up painful local nmcestk at! SNAPPY FACTS ABOUT RUBBER O Indigestion I k « mi ez patee TABASCO first in rubber AK I