H^ICTORY "UY ffl' WAR /J .¿bVp'AMi A 4 VOL. Xll ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1943 INSURANCE OFFICE MOVES UP TOWN Mr J F. Emmett, who lx eli vr.ting insurance in Aahliuid for the past four years, has moved his office to 107 East Main Street Into and with the Southern Oregon Miner. This move place* Mr Emmett In t • hak»" m about "sprukleaa" thia week We were Unable to get help and the Hi, i School monthly goes to pre»» The undertone» heard In the l»u-k «hop are definilely NOT for publication V v ♦ The local allow houae» are of­ fering for thl» week the Iwnt line of entertainment that ha» come thiH way for a long linn* ’«funny how a little spring time can effect Ijee and Harry. err The rush raahioner» are rush Inn­ ing our nuihions again Wellspring 1« here tuid we can Moon eat bud», tender leave«. and herb», for ita our honest opinion that WiiMhington will not move quick enougiN to ra­ tion spring 111 The r ubber shortage seems to have little effect on the "bouncing” check artists. 1 * 1 IJving costs should be much lens starting next week --So should less I in I her, b* required for belt« - ---- BUY BONDS------ THIS AND THAT (By OLD TIMER) T<> the Editor: Everything come* from the »oil. Thought», word», idea», concept», life itself grow from the aotl. BELLVIEW NOTES The Beilvit w School will giv«* a Carnival. Friday evening, Feb 26 Mimi Hernee Rector, who 1» em­ ployed at Portland, »pent several days with her parents, M and Mr» Willi» Rector. Mi and Mr» J E Mosley and < hildren who have been living on me Evan» Ranch for th# pust sev- Men like Thoma» Jefferaon cral months have moved into Ash dreamed of America fiar from land. England, a» a bound leas Utopiu of Mr. and Mr» D F Korth and farina, tak ng a thousand genera- taxi» to fill Th«*n came the blight two sons Irom Cottage Grove «{»ent of Indu»try and slums have been the week end* with Mr». Korth'» parent» Mr and Mm W O Mar­ substituted for farm«. tin. While here they rented their —V— Gaorge Washington, it 1« said. home to Mr. and Mr« Hays and tircame bom«*slck at the smell of dau^iiter of Ashland I tale Williams l<*ft last w«*ek to fr«-»h pl<«w«-d earth. He knew every enter U. S. service. animal and <*very farm implement Mr and Mr«. Arthur Hamaker on his estates and examined them carefully at every visit, cared for and Mr» Archie Kincaid spent his blue gras» atai and »hade tree» Sunday afternoon with Mr. and and thought it the part of a gen- Mr» Henry Htenrud and Mr« Sor­ Irman to sit up all night and care enson Mr and Mrs Hamaker are spending several days at the Kin for a Mck horse-or dog! caid home —V— This was r«**J America, when i Gifford te-e left Wednesday for houmr» were homes and where al! ’ Portland to take the examination M v « h 1. one for all and all for one for Induction into the Army iuh I wiisn (teath came they wen- Mrs Paul McKennis and »on buried in their own l<»nely peace­ Vernon of Portland spent several ful churchyards to await Gabriel's days with friends and relatives in last call Ashland and Bellview Friday eve­ —V— ning they were dinner guests at It'» quite popular to blame Hit­ th«- Claude Moore home and Sat­ ler, Hirohito and Munollni for th«* urday they were dinner gueste of high cost of living. Mrs. Clarice Anderson and Dale Vernon ia soon to be inducted into —V— And in the meantime a few the Army. "pineapple«" dropped <»n Tokyo Mr and Mrs Chester Farmer might »peed up matters in the have «old their home on Tolman ! Creek and bought the Ayrra home I*aclftc war zone [on the Klamath Falls-Ashland Uncle Zeke say» he's in favor of highway and will take possession a little friendly competition among nt an early «late. the United Nation» to see which Bernie Helm, after stxHng a one's army gets to Berlin first. spi-cialist in Portland for a broken ------ BUY BONDS— shoulder, is rocoverlng satisfact­ orily at horn«- LOCAL MEN IN U of <> BAND CONCERT Mr and Mrs Jim Tucker of Frank King and Charles Fort­ Emigrant Creek and Mr . Jack miller, both of Airhand, will par- Vaughn of Prospect spent Satur­ ticipate in the find University day evening with Mi and Mrs of Oregon band concert of the Wiley Jonéa. 1943 season, The concert will take ------BUY BONDS------ place on February 21, at 3 p. m. MOTOR VEHICLE PUKCHANEN in the music auditorium. DEC REAMED LANT YEAR King, a senior in sociology at Motor vehicle registration in th«> University, and Fortmlller sophomore in business administr­ Oregon totaled 424,777 vehicles al ation, will play In the baritone and the end of 1942, a decrease of 2 56 cornet sections respectively, John per cent from the 1941 total of Stehn, direotor of band and assist­ 433,970 vehicles, according to an ant professor of music, announced iinnoucement from the oflce of Robert 8. Farrell, Jr., secretary recently. of state. ------BUY BONDS------ Private passenger vehicles total­ For Sale Or Trade Fi>r Acrcage,- ed 341,367, compared to 353,213 Good Income Projierty Now I x - iim - in 1941. Registration fees for the year c2JO,000,000 for the at the present time. do it when one will, and therefore family They were enroute to current school year. The Treasury'» slogan, "A half- Sacramento. t . $. 7rl»ivx| one seldom does it at *11, War Slump Sales Over Half Billion Dollars, Album Drive Opens