Thursday, February 18, 1913 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 At the Churches CATHOLIC CHURCH Sixth ami C Streets Mass Sunday morning a 9 o’clock, Sunday School after Mass con­ ducted by the ladibs of the church Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor. l*hone Medford 3208. Friday and Saturday FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Corner No. Main and laiurel Sts Dr. George W Bruce, Minister 9 45- Sunday Church School. 11:00- Morning Worship. Dr. Walter Redford will give the sermon on the subject. “Methodist Men in World Reconstruction." WITH 6:15- Methodist Youth meetings. 7:30- Union service at Presby- terian Church. THE STORY OF A WOMAN —V— NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH AVIATOR CONGREG ATI ON AL PLUS 717 Siskiyou Boulevard Clarence F. McCall, Minister 9:45 a m. Bible School, with Mrs. Glen Preacott, Supt. 11:00 a. m. Worship service with sermon by Chaplain Kenneth Murphy of Camp White 2:00 p. m. February 24, Plymouth Guild at the home of Mrs. Me- Call. 399 Beach Street. WITH —V— FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH North Main at Helman Rev. Howard G. Eddy, Minister 9:45- Bible School for all ages 11:00- Morning Worship and ¡Junior Church 7:30- Evening Service Wed.. 7:30- Midweek meeting. —V— TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. A. N. MacDonnell, Vicar Feb. 21- Septuagésima Sunday WITH 8 a. m. -Holy Communion 9:30- Church School 11:00- Morning Prayer and and sertnon. —V— FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Ave., South Pioneer Sunday morning service at II o'clock. Subject- "Mind." Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday evening meeting, which includes testimonies of Christian Science healing, is held at 8 o’clock. Reading Room open daily from 2 to 5 p. m. except Sundays and Holidays. The public is cordially WITH invited to attend these services, and to use the Reading Room. —V— AND FREE METHODIST CHURCH East Main St. at Seventh Charles E. Brown, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship. 11:00 a. m. Young People's and Junior and Missionary Society at 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service, 7:30 p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting, at at 7.30 p. m. W’ednesday. PLUS Song and Hymn practice, Fri­ day at 7:30 p. m. Come and worship with us in the beauty of Holiness. —V— CHURCH OF CHRIST Second and B St. Earl F. Downing, Minister 9:45- Bible School 11:00 a. m. - Morning Service. Topic- "The First Christian Martyr." 6:45- Christian Endeavor and Second Front. 7:45- Evening Service. Sermon- "The Blood Atonement" I Evangelistic Services every night, except Monday, at 7:45 with Evangelist J. Earl Ladd preaching When trouble comes to you and Kenneth Knox as song leader. —and it will, in some form —V— —see that it is lightened by CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN the benefits of adequate in­ Ashland and Medford Ward E. Pratt, Minister surance. Ashland* I .et us be your insurance 10:00 a. m. -Church School. counselors. Theme- “What the Good Shep­ herd Does for Us.” 11:00 a. m. - Worship Service. Topic- ‘ A Dependable Christ". Story message for children. Medford- 7:30- Bring your Bible and stu­ dy Gal. 1:1-17 at the home of Ray Pence, 501 Beatty St.’ in Medford. Choir practice after. --- BUY BONDS--- Look upon each day as the whole of life, not merely a sec­ REAL E8TAÌK and tion; and enjoy and Improve the REAL INSURANCE present without wishing through Phone 8781 41 East Main haste to rush on to another.— y Ruskin. I WINGS AND THE WOMAN > Mrs Floyd l*tirka of Central BELLVIEW NEWS INiint returned home Bunday. t Continued From Ihige I) Miss Lyiiu Catherine Davis en­ Mr. ami Mrs. Ed Grimm Mr. and Mrs Tom Shelley who tertained a group of young friends have been living on the Donald Sunday evening with a valentine Korth place left for unknown party. The guest list included Miss Pearl Henry, Alice Clary, Alta parts Monday morning. Brown. Weston la- Blanc, Gilbert Mr and Mrs Mark True Russell. Robert lllll, Bobby Miller business visitors in Medford and Harry Henry day. Mrs. Fannie Gassman spent Mrs. C. M Haynes who several day« last week nt been visiting recently with \\ alter Davis home daughter and son in law. Mr • WANT ADS • SOI 1 II! UN OKI »«UN MINI II publlshed « very Taur i ay t 10 Enst .Multi 8 , Ashland. i Niir.i,, Enterrd aa ««•coiui-claMH matter hi Giiod Incoine l’iopert,» Nuw i.c vii. < oii*l*l* Ot Largì' Sturi limi tli<> post office al Ashland. Oregon dlug Witti l.hing Npurtiiieiit*. i <’ ji n.v lo. 11*35 umili thè uct of Marcii 3 1871» Public Scalea, tiuiage* Vini Sri «ice Stillimi. Unii \t lil \. Mani N u I hm rlptliui ratea: FLOU pn yrar Street Or Oli Situila.»* Ai 137 Un1, Street In Aahiiuid. , w wen » ■............ .. , Ten Cetus each will oe p.a.i i- one copy of the Smithim Un Miner dated: February 27. I'1 and one copy of Augu»t 27. 191 .' Inquire at the Miner Office Boy or girl to work in printing Plant after school uml Saturday . Applicant must be steady, willing to work and learn Inquire at the Miner Off: - —V— Wanted to Rent Sr.iall, furnish­ ed house near business district Inquire at the Miner Office —V— For Sale: l*-- n U I KlGGLR 'A1.1.1 ■ULW anti A dente black ink. Parker a "Micro-hlm Black" Qumk it d< lignei!especially lor wilting V Mad letters. Such letters reproduce clear and «harp. Get "Micro film Black" Qu ink. containing tolti. Il» the tale, aure ink for writing V-Mail. Ill m W lit For Victory...Buy United States War Bonds Charley McCarthy V niiy Mack Brown “MICRO-FILM fi BUCK” QUINK •nd the task is War. Under the busy fingers of the mg distance operators flow messages that move .oops, locate and assemble supplies...that help to gild ships, guns tanks and planes. To handle the gigantic volume of long distance «Ils, we could use more equipment if we could get V But that would draw upon critical war materials lat are needed at the fighting fronts. So we earnestly ask you to co-operate by making. O war-busy centers, only long di-dance calls that are bsolutely necessary. Thank you for your help and your understanding. Preston Crawford MOLLY EDGAR BERGEN lask force New j <> MEDFORD’S 1’RESCRII’TiO.X CENTER A registered pharmacist of long experience fills all prescriptions at this store. Only the finest and purest drugs, chemicals and other materials used. Western Thrift Store 30 North Central Ave G. R. Carter, County Clerk -5 ( I Have It Done NOW! Now I n the season to attend to your car*’ ailment*. Noon pruning, and planting, uml plowing will be upon you, you’ll need the old car THEN. There are two kinilx of mec hanical nervlce- the gue** type, and the efficient wkill of the experienced trained workman. We have the latter kind of mechanical nervine ready and at your disponal—the kind of service that net* thing* right, and doe* them with a minimum waate of time, effort and of your money. Wardrobe Cleaners Í Potted Plants, Cut Flowers And Corsages Delivery “Flowers For All Occasions” AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) 271 MORTON STREET ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 4