SOUTHERN OREGON MINER. Ashland. Oregon Fold-Up Coffee Table Made W ithout Nails IF THERE is one piece of furni- * ture for which our own period will be famous it is the low coffee table. Our own generation has discovered that low tables are not only convenient but give a greater feeling of space in a room than high ones. Here is a little coffee table that is as modern as tomorrow. You can make it yourself from a three by four foot piece of half inch ply- —it TCi TAKf APART AND STORE pieces j »*XI6CUT OUI HEMORRHOIDS (Pile») Hernia (Rupture). Fissure or Fistula ©NOURIS THE STORY SO FAR: charlotte (Cherry) Rawlings, an orphxn «Ince she was seven years old. has been at Saint Dorothea's school tor girls She knows almost nothing about her early history, but has gradually come to realise (hat like the other girls at the school she has no tamily, and she questions whether she has the right to her father's name. She develops Into a very attractive girl, and has a lair for writing the school's plays and arranging their tableaux. She Is In the costume of an Indian chiefs daughter, having appeared In one ol her own plays, when Judge Judson Marsbbanks. her co-guardlan with Emma llaskell. a trained nurse, appears to arrange tor her to leave the school. She remembers that Emma nursed her mother before her death, and Judge Marshbanks tells her thal Emma has gotten her a secretarial position with the very wealthy Mrs. Porteous Porter of San Francisco, where Emma is now housekeeper. Now continue with the story. wood with straight cuts of the saw. It requires not one scrap of hardware. Just cut the three sec­ tions according to the dimensions given here; place the slot of the narrow piece of the base through the slot in the wide piece; put the top on, and there you are! When not in use the pieces take up no more space than a large serving tray. • • • NOTE: Readers who have sent for cop­ ies of the series of booklets numbered one to eight, prepared by Mrs. Spears, will be pleased to know that BOOK 9 is now ready. This new book contains 31 gay and thrifty things for your home with illustrated directions. Send your order to: MRS. Rl’TH WYETH SPEARS Bedford Hills New York Drawer 19 Enclose 10 cents for Book No. 9. Name............................................ ................. Address Sacred Hirohito The war probably has interrupt­ ed customs even in Japan. But, when Emperor Hirohito traveled « during peacetime, all window shades were drawn for the trip. He was considered too sacred for profane eyes to see; his portrait was likewise never seen publicly. When Time magazine in 1936 printed Hirohito’s picture on the cover page, the Japanese embassy immediately suggested that Time request its readers not to place the magazine upside down or to place objects on the sacred photograph. iCHEST COLD MISERY FIRST— rub throat, chest, and back with Vicks VapoRub at bedtime. THEN— spread a thick layer of VapoRub on the chest ana cover with a warmed cloth. RIGHT AWAY. VapoRub goes to work—loosens phlegm—eases muscular soreness or tightness­ helps clear upper air passages— relieves coughing. Brings wonder­ ful comfort and invites restful sleep. Meal an Hour The tiny mouse-like shrew must have a meal every hour or it dies. The animal, about an inch and a half long, lives on insects and worms. « SNAPPY FACTS ABOUT RUBBER 4 2,300 cities and towna with a total population of 121$ mu bona depend entirely upon automobilen for pas­ senger tranaportabon. A ton of rubber a year 1« the ooHae- tion of the average Brenben wild rubber gatherer. Thia explains why man power la the crux of the South American natural rubber problem. BEGoodrich | HRST IN RUBBER t CHAPTER II W.N U. REHAS* ii | Aol«*.« <»/ an Innocent Hystaniler: The Magic Lanterns: Alfred Hitch­ cock's lutest, "Shadow of u Doubt," is one of die most exciting mclodra- masterpieces . . . Nobody on the stage or screen is a better actress thun little Margaret O'Brien. Most aren't us good. She tears the heart out of your throul in "Journ?y for Margaret," und in a patriotic short, starring J. Cagney, Margaret deliv­ ers The Gettysburg Address better, perhaps, than Lincoln himself The March of Time’s "We Arc the Marines" is the first release from thut group that seemed dull . . . Real murines in action at the front, too. but ttie actors In "Commandos Strike at Dawn" took your breath away with their phony war ... In thut film Lillian Gish's bit-playing didn't hold me, at all . . . 1 kept thinking: "Here she is appearing In a propa­ ganda picture, ulthough she attacked war a year ago. by accusing Holly­ She jumped when old Dr. O'Conner touched her arm realiiing that wood of 'forcing* her into a film In she was hungry and went with him through the swaying train to the 1017 to arouse hatred, etc." . . . "China Girl" is only entertainment dining car. when audiences kid it. "Because," the girl offered slowly and doubtfully, “it wasn't that way. I was only seven, but I knew that something was wrong. Nothing was left for me, no pictures of anyone. no letters or names. This school, you know, isn’t like an ordinary and cars, its noise and progress. "The judge said you'd be with us school. We know we aren't like oth­ "Old girls” were twenty, found only a few days. He is going to The Coast-to-('oasiers: The big er girls. Everyone here has some employment under "responsible cus­ play bridge somewhere tonight, and query in Brazil: "Why did your strange history—no letters, no going tody" in the unknown world, and he’s having his dinner at seven. country stop letting us hear Lowell home for holidays, no presents and disappeared; new girls came in, Mrs. Marshbanks and Miss Amy are Thomas now and then?" . . . Please surprises." small and frightened and homesick going out to dinner before a party, send that item to Mr. Nelson Rocke­ “No; this isn't a regular school.” even from the most unfit and and he's to bring them home dear feller's Inter-American Committee, he conceded. “But according to wretched of homes, or rebellious knows when. It's a coming-out par­ Washington, and help cement rela­ tions with South America Joe Emma it was the best thing to do. and angry and full of muttered ty for Miss Patsy Randall.” And you seem to have flourished." threats of escape. "I didn't mind that, my dear,” she Besser's interruptions on Jack Ben­ So Cherry, formally discharged said. "Here we are,*' May added, ny's show are the most amusing he added with a smile. “You've gone along here more as if it were a from the books as "Charlotte Raw­ as the car stopped at the foot of an gags in a long time . . The endless lings.” with due details of her ad­ imposing flight of stone steps. "I'm interruptions on Infopleez ("The best home ..." "With a capital letter!" she put mission and her thirteen years' resi­ going to slip upstairs, and I'll not tunes of all go to Carnegie Hall!") dence at the convent entered upon see you again unless you need me. must have robbed that attraction of in as he paused. Most irritating. He looked at her in his kindly a formidable-looking graph, was not Molly’U show you your room, I'm many listeners. as entirely unprepared for entrance usually with the old lady after din* And so you remedy matters by sim­ way and smiled. "A place where girls are protect­ into the world as her custodians ner, but she's away and I'm going ply dialing to another program . . . to a movie tonight. You ask Molly George Denny's "Town Hall Meeting ed and safe, and well fed . . ." He might have fancied her to be. At leaving. Cherry wore the con­ for anything you want." of the Air" remains a radio must. . . raised questioning eyes. “Well vent uniform of black serge and Cherry and her patent-leather bag The claims here and there that cer­ fed?" he asked. "Not so—oh. yes. all right," she white collar, and a round bat like a were abandoned for just a few mo­ tain radio news commentators "have conceded, not interested, An impa- small black basket turned upside ments in the big entrance hall. She the largest audience in the U. S ” tient jerk of her head took him back down. The hat dated back some had time only for a breath-taking were debunked by the radio page In to the point where he had inter- ten years, but it was a hat. and impression of such spaciousness and the current issue of Time, which that was all that girls from Saint beauty and color as she had never lists the "first ten programs," and rupted himself. Dorothea's expected of headgear. seen before, of soft rugs beneath names only one reporter. "And are taught good prufes- Mother Superior had given her her feet and dimly lighted arches sions.” he finished. the ten dollars with a parting word leading to great dimly lighted rooms The Intelligentsia: "The Sergeant "Dressmaking, bookkeeping, ste­ of instruction. This money was for on all sides, of potted palms and Says,” a first effort by Sgt. James nography. beauty-parlor work,” she any emergency; her tickets and bursts of winter flowers, before Cannon of Fort Dix and PM. is supplied. "But." she added, "those meals on the train would be paid Judge Marshbanks came forward to crowded with first-rate wordage— aren't what they teach girls in other for by the Sisters in whose care take possession of her. and confide which Is hardly news to all of us schools. But that won't keep me she was traveling. her to the care of Molly, a pretty who said he could write long ago . . . from trying terribly hard to make "This wouldn't have been my maid with very black eyes and a "Guadalcanal Diary,” iRundom good. You said something about a choice of a school for you. Cherry," very white skin. House) by Richard Tregaskis of Inf) position? What am I to do?” the nun had said. "I've been con­ By this time the girl was too much News, is the Feb Book-of-the-Month “You are not to do anything until sidering in my own mind whether dazed to believe her senses. She you find just what you want to do,” I ought to say this much to you.” followed Molly upstairs to an in­ —a literary monument to American he said, his graying hair and his she added, "and I've asked for guid­ credibly luxurious big room with an heroism . . . Another first effort is "The Listeners," a novel by Lt. Her­ fifty years making it possible for ance in the matter. But there seems unbelievably complete bathroom him to use a father's kindly tone. to be no harm in telling you that 1 next to it, brushed her hair and bert Whiting < Appleton-Century). "But for the time being it is a sec­ felt—and dear Mother Bertrand felt, washed her face in a condition ot Critics predict a public for it . . . retarial position with the same old thirteen years ago—that you should complete bewilderment, and de­ Reporter Robert Casey's "Torpedo lady—a very rich old woman named have been one of the Victor street scended again, still under Molly's Junction” (we just caught up with Mrs. Porter—Mrs. Porteous Porter, girls. Our school here is for cases escort, to the dining room where it it) Is a Bobbs-Merrill corker. for whom Emma works. Answering that are underprivileged—for girls appeared that she and her host were the telephone, and correspondence, who are definitely unfortunate, per­ to be the only persons at dinner, The Magazines: The cunning and and reading—that sort of thing.” moxie of the Hitler haters inside the haps through no fault of their own. He was halfway through his meal; “Oh, that?” the girl said with ■ However, the servant—your moth­ hers was served to her fresh and Reich are reported in •Spy at Jon H. brightening face. "That I think i er's servant, who brought you here hot. But she was unable to eat The Work" tn The Atlantic. —was very definite that it had been quality of the Italian lace that was Jansen and Stefan Weyl thrill you could do!" with the adroit hoodwinkings. The "I'm sure you could. And you her wish to put you with us. Mrs spread on the polished wood, the would be paid seventy-five dollars a Haskell — Emma — you remember beauty of china and crystal, the soft stunt becomes all the more admir­ her? you will see her now—had light of candles were such as Cher­ able when you know they operated month.” "Seventy-five dollars a month! Oh, known a fine woman who became ry had never seen in her life be­ with hardly any money . . . This Week introduces the guy who did one of Saint Dorothea's Sisters, and she is kind!” fore, nor ever dreamed could exist, most to make a monkey out of Goeb­ "When—when would I go?” she through her she knew exactly the and the numbing sense of being only bels (excepting Nature, who made character of our work." asked. in a dream made it impossible for him look like one). He is. according "I remember Emma,” Cherry had "This is—let's see, the third,” he her to taste or swallow anything. to Curt Reiss, the Soviet propagan­ said. "Suppose you come down on stammered, almost faint with this Even the food was beyond what had dists' Lozovsky. His hooting on the Monday? Monday's a good day to final excitement. There had not been her most fantastic imaginings. Berlin newscastings choked lies in start. You take a train at half past been any especial stigma attached "Don't you like that?” the judge Nazi gullets, and his pamphleteering to her narfie then; she might have five in the afternoon, and at seven asked, looking over his paper. has caused Hitler to double his car­ the next night someone will meet been one of the Victor street girls! "It’s wonderful. She made a val­ pet devourings . . Theatre Arts Sister Fabian and Sister Gervase you at the Oakland Mole.” Monthly cites Katharine Cornell's were both indisposed on the train. iant attack upon it. "Sunday wouldn't do?" she asked. "Know what it is?” tribute to Thornton Wilder. His They did not want any supper; they "Why not?” "No. sir. Chicken. I guess ” translation of "Lucrece,” in which had the three berths made up im­ "I was thinking, when you said mediately, and Cherry left them to “That's partridge. If you don't she flopped, is described by Miss C. Oakland, that two Sisters are going the little room, found a window like it Martin will get you an ome­ as "my favorite failure" . . . Rollin down to the Oakland house on Sun­ seat in the empty length of the car lette." Kirby's cartoon page in Look should day; we're having a jubilee for and sat, fascinated, watching the "Oh. no, please! It's delicious.” be pasted in every shop window in them Sunday afternoon; they would landscape flying by. To her own disgust and surprise, the U. S.—to remind gripers to jump take me.” her voice thickened. But he did not from the tallest skyscraper. Kirby's She jumped when old Dr. “That would be an excellent ar­ seem to notice it, and when he re­ is the best push-in-the-face yet. O'Conner touched her arm, real­ rangement. You come first to my turned to his paper she made her­ ized that she was hungry, went' house, you understand, and we can self finish her dinner, and felt her with him through the swaying The Front Pages: Alexander go over and see Emma when you've nerves more steady. train to the dining car. Woollcott's typewriter used to bite some clothes and have had time to —and was so rapt over its light A sudden sense that she did not people, but it never showed as many look about a little. I must see Moth­ and warmth and the bewilder- belong in this scene, that it had fangs as the one that delivered the er Superior before I go and make ing obligation of ordering something nothing to do with her, that she obit on him for the H.-Trib. The the arrangements for you.” from a menu for the first time in never should have entered it, had piece lifted eyebrows all over town, And then they were walking back her life, that tea and biscuits and almost wrecked her self-control for so unsparing was it. Probably would toward the convent's main building, honey were all she could murmur a moment. With the blinding force have got plaudits from the victim— through wide, orderly, dimly lighted when her companion poised his pen­ of a revelation she knew that her who hated drooling pollyanna fakery rumpled childish dress was absurd, . . . The day after Benito's empire corridors. cil over the order blank. Both little nuns were tucked up in that the dowdy hat she had left up­ died in Tripoli, the Italian rags start­ "I must tell you about my fam- ily. Cherry,” the man said, "My bed when she cautiously entered the stairs, the bulging shabby patent­ ed giving him sass. One Milan ga­ mother lives with us—Mrs. Clay drawing room. Cherry had the leather bag, the ugly school shoes zette spat in his eye. That's how it Judson Marshbanks; she sounds a lounge, and slept the sleep of youth and cotton gloves and stockings had goes with losers. Old Baldy couldn't little formidable and she is a little and fatigue within its narrow boun­ no place in this house, and were get a worse punishment than hoots formidable! Then there's my pretty daries. Breakfast was another ad­ like nothing that had ever been here from the crowds who once "vive'd" wife—I lost my first wife,” he in­ venture—such smoking coffee, such before. She knew, inexperienced as his balcony hamming . . . Mostly terrupted himself to explain, "and buttered toast!—and the long day she was—she had read it in her you agree with Walter Duranty, but Fran is almost young enough to be that dragged for almost everyone host's first look—that her shabbi­ not when, in a mag piece, he calls my daughter. I’ve a son Greg—he’s else on board was too short for her. ness and homeliness had shocked himself a second rate reporter. They But at a quarter past seven o’clock him. He had seen her only once don’t come any firster . . . Walter twenty-four, off at college in the East, and also with us is my broth­ —for the train was late—when they before, flushed with triumph after Kerr filed some paragraphs to the er’s daughter, Amy. Amy’s mother descended somewhat grimy and jad­ the school play, made up into her Reid family's paper as "a Moscow died when she was a little girl; her ed at the Oakland Mole, sheer ner­ handsomest self as a brown-skinned gossip column.” If he wants a title father was killed in an accident a vous excitement and expectation had Indian girl gay In feathers and for it, how about “Sovietcetra"? few years after that, and my moth- exhausted her. She was pale, too fringes The knowledge that came to her er has had her since—making her much absorbed in her own emotions Quotation Marks-inansliip: Rupert bow in society now and quite grown to notice the effect of her chauffeur. in thi s flash of shame and pain Hughes: Her face was her chape­ dining-room chair in the He was quickly identified by the made big up. rone . . . Faith Baldwin: She i^as wearied Sisters, and Cherry in her which she sat a seat of torture to torn between love and booty . . . her. turn identified the nice middle-aged She was going awsy from the only Anon: When you talk, you only say But she did her best to conquer world she knew; the air was full maid who had accompanied him. something you know. When you lis­ May, the housemaid, who had the feeling, and was quite calm ten, you learn what someone else of farewells and heartaches, and strange excited happiness of antici­ been sent to meet her, was really, when a young man came in, un­ knows . . . F. O. Repploer: She sat Cherry discovered, a Mrs. Mott who announced, and drew a chair to ( up like an exclamation point . pation. It had once been a sufficiently had two almost grown boys. But Judge Marshbank’s side. W L. McElvaney: The whispered The judge, after a casual friendly stark and comfortless regime. But she was "May” to the whole house­ goodby of one to never jee again times were changed now. Mother hold, she said goodhumoredly, and greeting, glanced over at her and . . . John Kennedy: A military ex­ Superior was noted for the moderni­ Miss Cherry had better call her so. said, "Mr. Coates, Cherry," and pert is one who tells you what is go­ “This is Miss Rawlings, "I’m not going to live at the then, ty of her views. Her girls, she said, ing to happen tomorrow—and then Kelly.” must presently face the world as it Marshbanks’,” Cherry told her ♦•11« vou why it didn’t. was—with all its hurry of planes "I'm going to take a position.” (TO III. CONTINUUM Svch dimo.lsie lefpelF ksallk elkeleeey • «<«*•« power. Fot 30 we suouesalullr Irealed Ihoe- ..»la ul Be opte lol IMW all - w..,la N . I. ■ . f . < el • , ... Uoo. No eeelieeweal "• loss ol limo howl work C all ¡or • ■•«■lesilo» of ••>■oiiia.u««nds ir alrflKMlaat or nuallf'il allra-a-lI from your di uf THR HIMQ-OO OOMFAHY ■pokane, Washington Rkating on thin Ice usually gets you into hot water. Whistle. It Caller—I wish to see the man­ ager; I am Mr. Charles Crcsham of Chichester. Office boy (who stutters budly) — Mr. Ch-ch ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch— haven't you a curd, sir? It sounds as though 1 was pluying t-truinst Get Into Action For Full Victory! Quintuplets Use Musterole For Chest Colds! 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